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Young and Restless, June 1977, through December 1977


Young and Restless-- Jan, Feb, March, April, and May 1977

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

June 1977

Jill Foster brooded over her situation. David Mallory had proposed and was waiting for an answer. She didn’t love him, but he was fond of her son and little Phillip needed a father. Jill seemed to be infatuated with her boss, Derek Thurston, who liked her as he liked all women. Jill finally accepted David's proposal after an argument with her mother. Liz said there was just not enough money and they would have to put Phillip in a day care center so that she could return to Mrs. Chancellor's as housekeeper. Jill only agreed to marriage to satisfy her mother. Jill tried to draw Derek out by comparing her son to the son he never saw due to divorce. She was disturbed when she found Derek had promised her job to another girl. He said it was only so that she wouldn’t feel that she had to stay.

Liz Foster felt that she should return to work as she had regained the use of her hand after a minor stroke. She felt guilty accepting the money Mrs. Chancellor had sent every week. When she paid a visit to the estate, she found the house and Mrs. Chancellor a mess. Kay felt very alone since she had let Joann Curtynski be her own person. She stormed out after telling Mrs. Chancellor that she would not work for a woman who didn’t care about herself. If she should decide to act human again, she could call Liz. Derek had called Mrs. Chancellor to see if she would like her hair done, on the chance that she would like to put up some money for the new salon he would like to open. Kay called Derek and asked him to come to the house. He gave her a lecture on letting herself go. After a new hairstyle, some makeup and an attractive outfit, the old Kay appeared. He told her to start living again and make something of her life. She made an appointment for the following week. Unable to bear the loneliness, Kay demanded that Derek come twenty-four hours early. Kay took a shower to ruin her hairdo and Derek guessed her motive. He suggested she ask someone to dinner and when she said there was no one, he said she could call him. Kay took him up on it and reminiscing led her to tears.

Joann Curtynski was beginning to regain some self-confidence after taking off fifty-five pounds in a year. Her ex-husband asked her out and made two proposals. Johnny had been offered a job when he received his doctorate and would like her to help him decide, as his wife, what to do. Brock Reynolds assumed that Joann would accept since she had always remained in love with Johnny. She said it was not as simple as that because she wanted to experience all those things she had missed in the past. She was enjoying her education and would like to do something with it. She promised to give Johnny an answer after graduation. He attributed his educational success to her and wanted her to share in his future. Joann explained that she loved him, but he had done it on his own and she needed to find herself.

Liz Foster kept hearing strange mechanical sounds. When she told Jill that it sounded like a pump, Jill phoned Snapper. By the time he got to the house, her memory had returned. He explained that it was the stress of the situation that caused the stroke that wiped out her memory. Liz hated herself for accusing Snapper of pulling the plug on his father's respirator, when she herself had done it. Snapper explained that Bill had begged for her to end his suffering and let him die with a small amount of dignity. She wanted to set things straight with the hospital so Snapper could go back on staff there. He said that opening the investigation again wouldn’t help anything. His new clinic was really what he had been looking for all along. He felt he was really helping people. She called the stroke God's revenge and the worst punishment was being quiet after she knew what she had done to Snapper.

Snapper considered his volunteer nurse, Cynthia Harris, a real asset to his clinic. He didn’t realize that Cynthia had ulterior motives. He thought he worked her too hard. but she found plenty of time to fantasize about Snapper and herself. Lance visited Snapper at the clinic and commented that Cynthia seemed to be undressing Snapper with her eyes. Snapper denied that Cynthia was anything but a dedicated nurse.

Ron Becker took his catatonic wife, Nancy, back to his shabby apartment. Chris Foster was distraught when she learned that Ron had Nancy because the hospital could not hold her since he had admitted her. Ron used the threat of the loss of her daughter to keep Nancy from turning to Chris. Ron found the pills he was to give her regularly and thought that the two pills three times a day that they had been giving her hadn't done any good, so he gave her four tablets. When she spoke, Ron rushed to phone his lawyer only to return and find Nancy catatonic again. Ron gave Nancy four more pills and she pulled out of it again. He noticed the caution on the bottle and called the hospital to ask nurse Simpson what could happen if Nancy took too many pills. She said probably nothing if it were just once, but cautioned him against letting it happen. She could seem better for a while, but then could develop involuntary movements of the arms, legs and tongue. She could become easily agitated. Ron told himself that since she didn’t seem to be experiencing any side effects, the pills had to be the answer.

Chris told Snapper about her visit with the Beckers and he cautioned her about seeing Ron alone. Snapper took Brock along when he went to see how Ron was treating Nancy. They felt encouraged when he seemed to be taking physical care of her and even agreed to think about putting her back in the hospital for her own good. Ron felt he had fooled them, at least for a while.

Ron continued overdosing Nancy and timing her spells of alertness and catatonia. Mr. Johnson called, wanting to question Nancy. He was surprised that Nancy had done so well, but he still wouldn’t set a court date. He had told Ron before that Nancy had to be well enough to go to court and care for Karen, but he had to also have a job and provide a decent home.

Despair was beginning to set in when Ron received a letter from his mother. She apologized for taking so long to answer his letter, but it took a while for her to get the money together. She was glad he turned to her for help and had enclosed a check for nine-hundred dollars with more to follow when she was able.

Brock Reynolds showed Chris that he passed the Bar Exam and was then a lawyer, but had no intention of practicing law. His father wanted him to be a lawyer and he was at Stanford when his father died. He took off for Europe, but when he came home and regained his footing, he felt it was unfinished business. He took night classes to finish without telling anyone.

Brock was very concerned about Jody Conway, the runaway he took in as a busboy recently. He and Chris tried to persuade Jodi to call home so that her family would know she was safe. The address she gave on the tax form was incorrect, but he located her correct address. Jodi finally called home, but told her mother that she was not returning; she couldn’t. Brock and Chris speculated on why she had run away and Jodi finally confessed that she was pregnant and had tried to ignore it, but unfortunately, it wouldn’t go away. Chris took her to see Snapper so that she could learn to care for herself and the baby.

After Brock talked Stuart Brooks into running a series of articles in his paper on teenage pregnancy, he visited the Conways to tell them that Jodi was well and he would look after her.

Brad Eliot’s cold had kept him at arms length from Leslie because he didn’t want her to catch anything during her pregnancy. The day came when she had to tell him the truth. She explained that she wasn't in Bermuda, but in the hospital and lost their baby. Brad couldn’t understand why she waited so long to tell him. She said he was ready to take her out for the first time since his blindness and she couldn't spoil that moment. Lorie cautioned Brad not to give Leslie the third degree because she was hurting inside. When Brad bumped Lorie with his briefcase, he realized that he had hit Leslie with her suitcase as she left for Bermuda.

Vanessa Prentiss decided that she had to get Lorie alone overnight so that Lorie could "have an accident." She insisted that Lance was needed at some business negotiations and that he could probably settle it in one day. Lance agreed to go and suggested that Lorie come along, but Vanessa asked her to stay. She would appreciate the company while she sorted through some things in her mind. Lorie couldn’t understand why Vanessa locked herself in her room as soon as Lance left, if she wanted company. Fed up, Lorie left and Vanessa waited with her gun for Lorie to return.

Lorie, Jennifer and Stuart were together for the first time since all three knew that Lorie's parentage was in the open. Lorie urged her mother to take the trip Stuart wanted to plan. She said she loved them both very much.

Lance’s plane had some trouble and Lance told his pilot, Skip, that he just didn’t want to take the chances he did when he was single. The meeting could wait because he had a reason to live a long time.

Vanessa took off her veil, turned off the lights and waited for Lorie. When she heard the door unlock, open and close, Vanessa fired her gun. She went to her bedroom and planned what she would say when Lance came home. She became hysterical when Lorie knocked on her terrace door because the front door was bolted. Lorie thought it was because of her face. Lorie saw the gun and asked what she was doing with it. The phone rang and Skip informed Lorie that Lance came home. Lorie found Lance by the door, bleeding. Snapper was summoned and told them that Lance, then unconscious, would recover. Lorie realized that she was the target and intended to tell Lance because she could never know when it might happen again. Vanessa couldn’t bear for Lance to lose his love for her. She begged Laurie to take the blame because Lance would forgive her anything. In return she would leave and never interfere again. Lorie said she couldn't, but when Lance awoke and asked what happened, she said she mistook him for a prowler.

Brock said he didn’t think anything could be accomplished by telling young Tom Bennett that he was the father of Jody's baby. He told Jody that he saw her mother, but did not mention her whereabouts or her problem.

Liz had finally taken things into her own hands and found a day care center for Phillip. She would return to work early July. She hoped this would bring Jill to her senses so that she would set a date for her wedding to David and forget Derek. 

JULY 1977

(The Young And The Restless)

Lorie Brooks Prentiss believed she had her mother-in-law Vanessa cornered. Only she and Vanessa knew that Vanessa's accidental shooting of her son Lance was intended to be for Lorie. Unable to live without her son's love, Vanessa begged Lorie to take the blame and promised to leave, never interfering in their lives again. She instructed Vanessa to tell Lance she had been considering this move since he and Lorie married. Lorie's luck ran out, however, Lance adamantly refused to let his mother go. He accused Lorie of wanting to get rid of Vanessa. He credited Laurie as the person who held the key, it would be her encouragement that would convince Vanessa to stay. He believed she had to remain, his peace of mind would not rest if he let her go. - Vanessa had had facial scars for many years as the result of a fire. She lived her life behind a veil dependent upon Lance's devotion to her. His marriage to Lorie had been a resented intrusion on her monopoly of Lance. - The trio then faced each other with Lance demanding his mother not go, and Lorie was forced to agree. Vanessa acquiesced. Alone with Lorie later, she relayed that Laurie was in an impossible position and wondered if perhaps she could have been sincere. But Lorie had a plan, this time Lance would have no basis for his arguments. Vanessa had to be reborn. Lorie would give her back her life; she would teach her to be social, beginning with an introduction to Lorie's family. She would give her back her self-confidence by hiring the best plastic surgeon in the world. Lorie is preparing Vanessa for an independent life without Lance. She had given Lance a gift that meant more to him than anything — his mother's first outing. In a conversation with Jennifer Brooks, Jennifer taught Vanessa that it was not what was on your face that mattered, it was what was in your heart. Vanessa gave Lance her approval to take Lorie to Paris, his gift to her for what she had done for his mother. Lorie was ecstatic, and mused it was strange how circumstances could turn into blessings in disguise. 

In Paris reveling in the wining, dining and serenades, Lorie pondered how being married to Lance was like living a fantasy. She asked if he regretted her past life in Paris when she galavanted with college friends. Lance replied that the sum total of her past was what made her the woman she was today, he wouldn't change that. 

When Lorie’s former boyfriend dropped by the table, excited that she was back in Paris and in his life again, Lance sat quietly, watching Lorie's attempts to fend him off. They both laughed later, even with Lance's admission to a twinge of jealousy. Lorie reassured him he was her lover, husband and best friend. 

Chris Foster was shocked to receive a petition serving her to appear at a court hearing ordered by Ron and Nancy Becker. Her husband Dr. Snapper Foster found it unbelievable that Nancy could be recovered from her catatonic state. They approached Brock Reynolds for legal advice. He discussed Nancy's remarkable recovery with Ron's lawyer, Fred Johnson. Fred was so confident about Nancy's condition, he took Brock to Ron's new apartment - financed by Ron's mother - to prove his client's well-being. Forewarned, Ron forced Nancy to swallow more pills, hoping they would take effect before the attorneys arrived. - Ron wanted custody of his daughter Karen, then under Chris and Snapper's guardianship. He discovered that overdosing Nancy could make her lucid temporarily. This enabled him to fool authorities and gained him the right to demand his daughter's custody. He was a known rapist and this fact was what caused Nancy's catatonia. - After a slight delay, Nancy emerged from the bathroom. She recognized Brock and conversed intelligently. Brock was amazed yet still skeptical. He subpoenaed Nancy's health records, noting she was released against her doctor's recommendations. A phone call to Snapper from Jill Foster was the needed missing piece to the puzzle. She alerted Snapper that Ron called her to fix Nancy's hair and Nancy was still catatonic. While Ron was reveling in pre-victory confidence, Snapper and Brock had their suspicions confirmed by Dr. Hanley's nurse. Ron was overdosing Nancy and because of that, he was in need of more pills. Snapper mentioned possible side effects which Ron had not noticed were beginning to occur. Nancy was experiencing abrupt body spasms. 

At the hearing, Brock broke down Ron's confidence by stalling for an hour recess until Snapper could be present. He asked Chris to keep her eye on Nancy, hoping the medication would wear off and Ron's deception would fall apart before the eyes of the judge. And so it did —Ron's attempt to pump Nancy with more pills during the recess failed. Brock knocked the pills out of Ron's hand and they were crushed under Chris' and Brock's feet. Nancy couldn’t respond, she was catatonic, talking sporadically. The judge charged Ron with criminal misconduct. He also presented the Fosters with the care and custody of Karen for an indefinite period. Chris ran over and held Nancy tightly in her arms.

Sixteen, single and pregnant, Jody Conway was desperate. She talked to the baby's father Tom Bennett in hopes he would give her a solution. She pleaded for his help but with her pregnancy too advanced for an abortion, he had no answers. With perfect timing, a stranger in the restaurant where Jody worked overheard her plea for help. He offered to give her that help himself. He gave her a lawyer's business card, a lawyer who would ensure her baby had a good home with all her medical expenses paid as well. Jody considered contacting him but had to face Chris Foster's discouragement. Chris intimated these were con men who sold babies in the black market and it was illegal. In the meantime, Tom had contacted Jody's mother and convinced her Jody needs her. Mrs. Conway appeared at the restaurant and was shocked by Jody's obvious pregnancy. Her first thought was what people would say. She was so ashamed of Jody. Jody tearfully asked her mother to return home in silence. Despite Brock's urgings to help her daughter, relating Jody was not a problem child but a sensitive girl, the victim of today's society, Mrs. Conway offered Jody money instead of compassion or forgiveness. 

When Jody’s father heard what his daughter had done, he was furious. He wouldn’t allow Jody to come home and he wouldn’t allow Tom to get away with "what he did to his daughter." He angrily ordered his wife to fetch Tom, then, just short of physically assaulting Tom, he demanded Tom marry Jody. Jody knew Tom's offer for marriage was only fulfilling her parents' commands; she let Tom off the hook by bitterly refusing to marry him. 

Leslie Eliot confided to her father the reason why she and Brad are separated. She compassionately understood that Brad needed the freedom to clear his head over the loss of their baby. She wanted no one to intercede in Brad's decision, She would prove her great love for him by giving him this solitude. Leslie turned to her music for therapy. Brad realized she needed her music and gave himself no credit as to how much his appreciation of it meant to her. Maestro Fausch was compulsively urging Leslie to plunge into her music — let the genius artist emerge. She began, but her playing was mechanical. The Maestro then ignited her anger to the point where Leslie sat down and played Chopin with her heart and soul. Leslie visited Brad and informed him she had returned to her music, planning concert tours again, but as always, it was Brad for whom she played. Brad sadly mused to himself that Leslie was emerging again, without him. 

The Maestro saw the damage Brad was doing to Leslie as an artist as well as a human being and begged him to return to her before she built a wall around herself, losing all human feelings and emotions. Leslie cried helplessly to the Maestro, asking if Brad loved her, why wasn't he with her where he belonged? If he didn’t love her, why wouldn’t he tell her and get it over once and for all? The Maestro's reply, “why ask ME?”, sent Leslie to Brad for her answers. She asserted to Brad their problem was their overprotection of each other. He wanted to be her psychiatrist, not her husband. She wouldn’t let him ruin her life, she was going on tour and would live for Leslie and her music. She wouldn’t be at home waiting for him, it and when he decided to return. Brad offered no rebuttal. Brad pondered to himself he was a good psychiatrist because his psychology worked on Leslie, she was involved in her music once again. 

Kay Chancellor had her hairdresser Derek Thurston style her hair in her home. She resisted his compliments, preferring to dwell on her matronly age. All he had to say did not go unheard, however, when he returned to find Kay decked in riding gear, fulfilling his suggestion. Derek mentioned plastic surgery, then Kay analyzed her face closely. She wanted so desperately to have ten years of youth back. He was impressed by her maturity and stimulating conversation, a far cry from the shallow sex goddesses he dated, and often. 

Jill Foster was in love with Derek, her boss, and had been honest to her mother Liz Foster about him. She couldn’t accept David Mallory's marriage proposal just to please her mother because he would be a good husband and father to her son, Phillip. - Phillip was the son of the late Phillip Chancellor, conceived when he was married to Kay. 

Kay continued to daydream about Derek, reliving his comments that she could be as hard as nails or as soft as silk. She doubted his sincerity, but said to herself, did it matter? Liz had noticed the change in Kay since Liz returned to work for her, and Kay confirmed Liz's guess, it was because of Kay's interest in a younger man. Just then Jill phoned to notify her mother Liz, she would be home late. Liz suspected Jill was going out with Derek, which was not music to Kay's ears. Derek and Jill were in the country discussing how unfair Jill would be to herself if she married David, not loving him. The conversation ceased and the love-making began for Jill and Derek. Jill knew there was truth in Derek's comments, that the chemistry and magic they just shared she would live without if she married David. That night she returned her engagement ring to David explaining she thought she'd grow to love him but knew then she never would. David sensed something happened that night to change her mind. 

Derek had returned to Kay and bluntly informed her he knew he had changed her life, and she knew it. Kay admitted she was suspicious but it was not without reason. Derek discerned that Kay was a beautiful lady who wouldn’t let him kill the dragon - self-doubts. She was still defensive until she was alone and admitted to herself she was in love with Derek Thurston. Disillusioned by Jill's suspected involvement with Derek, Kay was giving up on him. Not knowing it was Derek they were discussing, Kay was given a pep talk by Liz, rebuilding her self-confidence. Both Kay and Jill simultaneously acknowledged to themselves Derek was worth fighting for. 

Jennifer Brooks drew up her will, knowing "the inevitable may happen soon.” Brock commended her courage and acceptance as a beautiful thing to see. She believed she could accept her fate because she had lived life to the fullest and had no reasons to fear death.

August 1977

(The Young and The Restless)

Jennifer Brooks had faced the fact that she was dying and although she was resentful at first, she had decided to make each day count. She wrote a love letter to Stuart to be opened after her death. When both Leslie and Lorie took time out of their busy schedules to visit her, she could see in their faces that they knew she was ill. Jennifer told Stuart she wanted to talk to them alone. He said he kept silent because she seemed to draw so much peace of mind from the fact that no one knew. When Jennifer confronted the girls, they each expressed guilt that they hadn't spent enough time with her and only came to her with all their problems. Jennifer asked them to carry on their own lives as usual because her greatest hope was that they would be productive and active women. She also wanted to talk about the fact that she hoped their father would remarry and she wanted them to accept his wife. From this day on, she didn’t want them to discuss her illness or death. They objected to her request, but gave in when they saw this would give her peace of mind.

Joann Curtynski was at the Allegro when she saw Candice, a young overweight girl, in obvious emotional pain, who was consoling herself with food. Joann told Candice that she reminded her of herself. Candice found it difficult to believe this slim woman could have been overweight. Joann said she could only lose weight when she made the decision to really try. Candice explained that when she felt bad, her mother always made her a favorite dish. Joann explained that her mother was killing her with kindness and she had to make it clear to her that if she really loved her, she would help her diet. Joann gave Candice her name and phone number in case she needed help coping with the diet or her mother.

When the Prentisses returned from Paris, Lorie made an appointment with the best plastic surgeon for her mother-in-law, Vanessa. She was reluctant, but Lorie held over her the fact that Lance didn’t know his mother shot him, mistaking him for Lorie. Vanessa was sullen when they returned so Lorie explained to Lance that the specialist could help her, but it would require several surgeries and perhaps five years in all. Lance told Vanessa that she was still a young woman and to be beautiful would mean there would be men in her life again. He asked if five years wouldn't be worth the rest of her life. Vanessa imagined herself after surgery, dancing with Lance and decided to go ahead with the surgery.

Jill Foster told her brother Snapper that she couldn't let her mother push her into a loveless marriage just to give her son a father, She couldn't bear the thought of living that way for years.

Kay Chancellor remarked to Derek Thurston about the wrinkles around her eyes and he suggested that she consider plastic surgery. It didn’t take long for the swelling to go down. If she looked younger, she would begin to think younger. While celebrating her decision, he said her dream was to turn back the clock. She asked about his dream and he explained his idea of a beauty salon that beautiful women would look forward to visiting. He admitted that this was why he first came, but he became interested in her because she was such a complex woman. She looked at his sketch and said he might have a good idea. Kay decided to take Liz Foster's advice and give Derek what her young beautiful rival couldn't.

Derek came back after seeing Mrs. Chancellor and told Jill that everything indicaated that she would finance the salon. Derek was taking Jill to dinner to celebrate, so Liz called Mrs. Chancellor and explained why she couldn’t work that evening. Kay became furious with herself when she realized she couldn’t do without Derek. She tracked him to the restaurant and asked him to see her immediately. Jill said she understood and he had to go for the sake of the salon. Derek returned to the Fosters' later.

Kay learned of this from Liz and picked a fight with Derek. He had made an appointment with a surgeon for Kay, but since she felt she was being used, he retrieved his sketch.

As Liz was telling Derek that he was responsible for confusing Jill and that she knew he had no honorable intentions, Jill came down the stairs. Derek offered Jill a place to stay if she was serious about leaving home. Unable to handle this, Liz called Snapper who warned Derek not to take advantage of Jill.

Brad Eliot continued to live in his office at the clinic, refusing to return to his wife Leslie. He would not inflict his blindness on her when he was sure that she would immerse herself into her music then and show the world what a brilliant pianist she was. He told Lorie that he would only return to Leslie if she couldn’t make a go of it in music. As always, Brad phoned backstage and had them leave the phone off the hook so that he could listen to her concert in San Diego. She fulfilled her promise to play her best concert. Brad was sure that she had gotten over the loss of their baby because she could never have played so well if she had remembered that this was the day it was to be born. After the concert the Maestro noticed that Leslie was sad and she remarked that it was something that didn’t matter then. Brad called his lawyer to have him process the papers. Leslie returned home and was served divorce papers.

Brad was in his office when he lost his balance and was stricken with a terrible headache. At first he wouldn’t admit his pain to Cynthia, his nurse, but she could see the pain in his eyes. He told her this might be the first sign of hope he had had in months. He explained that he was going to Chicago to Dr. Lionel, but he didn’t want her to tell anyone where he was gone. He dictated a note to Snapper. Leslie came to the clinic to confront Brad about the divorce and was shown the note by Snapper. She called Lance, asking him to meet her at the Allegro. When he arrived, he found Leslie celebrating with champagne. She was furious that Brad had decided he knew what was best for her. She would go ahead with the divorce. Lance took her home and waited until she awoke with a hangover. She was upset that Brad left town without telling her good-bye or about the divorce.

When Lance returned many hours later to his wife who thought they were going to spend the evening together, Lorie was sullen. Leslie asked him not to mention the divorce because she didn’t want Lorie to discourage her. Lance couldn’t explain, but finally Lorie decided he probably had had a good reason.

Brad’s suspicions that he had a brain tumor proved to be true. It was so small that it didn't show up in the tests before and the new pain he was experiencing was because it was growing again. Dr. Lionel wanted to map its growth, but Brad insisted that surgery be done immediately even though there was the risk he could lose his life. Cynthia was concerned and took a couple of days off to go to Chicago. She tried replacing Leslie in Brad's life.

Leslie wondered about the wording of Brad's note. The fact that he said he might not be “able” to return confused her. She planned on talking to Cynthia who typed the note.

Brad asked Cynthia to explain to Leslie that he did this for her if he didn’t survive the surgery. In Genoa City, Cynthia did nothing to relieve Leslie's confusion but suggested she forget Brad.

Sixteen year old Jody Conway called her father who insisted she had to marry Tom Bennett because HIS daughter wouldn’t have an illegitimate baby. She told Brock that she had decided to keep her baby and he warned her of the pitfalls of raising a child alone. Jody became disturbed when she read the statistics that show teenagers had a greater risk of malformed babies and complication during childbirth. Chris Foster told her that she had the advantage of good medical care, but agreed to find her a female doctor with whom she would feel more comfortable.

Mrs. Conway was going after Jody, but her father was against it. She pleaded that a lot of this was her fault for being too embarrassed to answer her questions. He relented and went to Genoa City, but once there he didn’t want to see her. She became more determined than ever when he told her she could come home after she gave the baby up.

Jody had started into labor when Tom called before leaving for college. He arrived at the hospital, but Jody didn’t want to see him. She expressed her fears for her life and that of her baby. Her evident terror frightened Tom. He called the school to tell them he wouldn’t be arriving that day. He confessed to Jody that he felt guilty and wanted to stay. There was nowhere else he could be at the moment. Tom called the Conways to say Jody was in labor and needed them. Everyone figured he had done this to rid himself of the responsibility. Mr. Conway comforted Jody and told her not to think of Tom anymore, because he was on his way to college. He was surprised to see Tom waiting and ordered him out. Tom stood his ground and said he was going to ask Jody to marry him.

Ruth Conway ignored her husband's wrath and sent Kim, her youngest daughter, in to see Jody who warned her of the dangers of giving in. After Jody accepted Tom's proposal, Brock helped Tom get the license, but the ceremony was interrupted when Jody went into the last stages of labor. Dr. Leonard ignored Mr. Conway's pleas that the ceremony continued. During the delivery, both Tom and Jody thought about all the problems of a teenaged marriage. After her daughter was born, Jody refused to look at her.

Jody told Tom that for the baby's sake as well as their own, she had decided to put the baby up for adoption. She said they owed their daughter the best chance in life they could give her.

September 1977

(Young and Restless)

Knowing that she had done the right thing didn't mean that Jody Conway, a six-teen year old unwed mother, didn’t hurt after deciding to give her baby daughter up for adoption. She told her parents of her decision and they asked her to come home. Jody said she couldn’t unless there was some kind of an understanding. After they all got their feelings into the open and shared the blame, Jody decided to return with them.

Candice, the young overweight girl whom Joann Curtynski met at the Allegro was having trouble convincing her mother that she really wanted to lose weight. Because Joann was thin, Candice's mother was offended when Joann told her that if she really loved Candice, she would help her rather than feeding her in times of distress and depression. Joann assured her that she did understand and showed her the picture of herself that was taken before her weight loss of over fifty pounds. Candice said she really wanted to lose the weight before she returned to school.

Kay Chancellor called Derek Thurston, asking him to come to the house again to set her hair. Derek reminded her that he suggested that she find another stylist since she was convinced that he was only interested in her money. He agreed to come if he could find the time.

Jill Foster told her mother, Liz, that she had spent the night thinking things over and had come to the conclusion that she couldn’t stay at home because of her mother's attitude towards Derek. She would be moving in with Derek and taking her son. Liz, the Chancellor housekeeper, told Kay that she was concerned for her grandson's future and followed her suggestion to see Mr. Thurston herself. Liz suggested that Derek didn’t really understand Jill. She was in love with him and hoped never to move out after moving in. If he wasn’t ready for that kind of a committment, he'd better put a stop to it. Liz returned to tell Mrs. Chancellor that Derek Thurston promised he would take care of it. Derek found Jill packing and told her that he couldn’t allow her to move in, not because he was against it, but for her own sake. It would only cause more stress on the relationship with her mother. He handed her an envelope of money, telling her to take a vacation so that she could get away to think things over.

When Kay heard how Derek solved the problem she called, asking him to the house. She explained that she had thought it all over and wanted to be a part of his dream to open a beauty salon that would do everything to make women feel beautiful as well as look it. She suggested that an existing building might be better and asked him to put things in motion. Derek returned with ideas, but was sure that Kay would not approve because the mansion he found had a selling price of well over $100,000 and would require another $100,000 to remodel. Kay was pleased and told him to go ahead

Kay was surprised to find Joann Curtynski at her door after the harsh things she said to set her free after Brock, Kay's son, suggested that the love she had for Joann was keeping Joann from a normal relationship with men. Kay told her that she kept her promise not to drink when Joann commented on how well she looked. Joann showed Kay the diploma that she felt she helped her earn. They agreed they were friends.

Ron Becker saw Chris Foster out shopping with his daughter, Karen, and took the opportunity to tell Karen that he hadn't forgotten her. - Ron's confession to his wife Nancy that he had raped Chris' sister drove Nancy into catatonia. Ron had tried every means to get his daughter back, but the court had made Chris and Snapper her guardians. - Ron had a visitor that he had trouble placing. He realized that she was his mother – Marion - when she explained that she had been looking for him and hoped that the personal problems they had in the past hadn't hurt him. Ron threw her out, blaming her for everything. - Ron hated women because he felt that his mother loved other men more than she loved him as a child. 

When Lorie Prentiss heard about her sister Leslie's divorce from Brad Eliot, she understood why Lance spent time with Leslie without explaining to her, but she told him that Leslie was very vulnerable and he had to be careful of her feelings. Lance saw that Lorie was right and asked Brock if he could help Leslie through this rough time. Leslie told her father, Stuart Brooks, that the only conclusion she could come to was that she was not attractive to men. Brad had decided that she had to be a concert pianist and not a wife without asking her what she wanted. She was determined to find out if she had any appeal at all to men. Brock suggested that she was not the kind of girl to bar-hop and pick up strange men.

Lorie returned from shopping to find that her mother-in-law invited Leslie to the house and then slept through the visit, leaving Lance to entertain. Lorie gave Vanessa a dress she thought would please her and said she knew Vanessa was trying to undermine her marriage while she was buying her a gift.

Jennifer Brooks had insisted that life go on since all her family knew that death might be eminent for her. Brock had given them a philosophy by which to live. "God grant me the serenity to accept that which I cannot change, the courage to change that which I am able and the wisdom to know the difference." Lorie asked her father to let her give a big party for the family and friends to celebrate her parents' thirtieth wedding an-niversary. He disapproved until Lorie said this was not a reminder of how little time there was, but a celebration of the life they had had together. Jennifer was pleased and looked forward to the party.

That evening, Stuart gave Jennifer her anniversary gift before the party rather than after. It was a diamond heart pendant to symbolize the heart he gave her long ago — his own. Lance and Lorie gave them a trip to Paris as a gift. Stuart had wanted to take Jennifer away, but she wouldn't leave the girls with their problems. The party was such a success that Jennifer told Stuart that this had been the most wonderful night of her life. Jennifer slipped away in Stuart's arms that night, clutching her pendant.

Stuart called Lorie who located all her sisters and asked them to meet at their parents'. He explained that their mother felt no pain and was happy as she passed peacefully away. Peggy felt she should have been home for her mother rather than visiting a friend, but Stuart said it was sudden. Lorie blamed herself for giving the party which was probably too much. Stuart told her how much that party meant to Jennifer. Brock came by to tell them that Jennifer had him draw up instructions for her burial and wanted only her family with her. He also had a letter for Stuart. She wrote him this love letter in case she didn't have the opportunity to tell him in person how much their life together had meant to her and this is why she wanted him to remarry.

Snapper visited his mother after he learned of Jennifer's death. He felt he hadn't seen enough of her recently.

After the funeral, Peggy told her sisters that she would not be going away to school. She was the only one left to care for their father because Chris and Lorie had husbands and Leslie had a career. Stuart insisted that Peggy finish packing and catch her plane to school as planned.

Chris was worried about her father after Snapper told her to keep an eye on him because grieving husbands could become ill as they didn't remember to eat. She called to insist that she was coming over to fix his dinner and found that Liz was there. Liz asked him for an extra key so that she could do the laundry and cleaning to repay him for earlier kindnesses.

Leslie told the Maestro that she refused to give her concert. He talked with Lance who asked Brock to help. She saw that her mother would expect her to continue and realized that Jennifer would live on through her daughter's music. On the flight to Chicago with Brock and the Maestro, Leslie talked to Cynthia Harris who said she was going to visit a friend. She told Leslie she was glad to see Leslie making a life of her own and wished Leslie a successful concert.

Brad Eliot survived his surgery and when he became conscious several days later, Dr. Lionel told him the tumor was benign, but they wouldn’t know if the optic nerves had been damaged until the swelling went down. Dr. Lionel did offer hope. Cynthia told Brad that she had to return when she heard that the operation was successful. Brad was glad for the company. He asked if she knew how Leslie was or when her next concert was. Cynthia said she had heard nothing.

Chis was worried that Karen might be coming down with something even though she begged to go to school. Ron picked her up at recess and took her to the bus station for their promised trip.

Informed that Karen was missing, Chris called the police who told her they could do nothing since she suspected Karen was taken by her father. At the bus station Ron was urged by concerned strangers to take Karen to a doctor as she was obviously running a fever. They escorted him to a local doctor's office and the door was opened by Dr. Snapper Foster.

Jill realized that the new man in Kay's life was Derek and that Kay had sent Derek a picture of Philip Chancellor, the father of Jill's son, to the child to unnerve her. When confronted, Kay told Jill that she had more than beauty to offer Derek and if she mentioned their discussion to him, she would withdraw her financial support, blaming Jill.

October 1977

(Young and Restless)

Lance Prentiss was not overjoyed by his wife and mother's desire to find his long-lost brother Lucas. In fact, he assumed Lucas was dead. Lorie thought Vanessa was feeling kinder towards her, but found Vanessa had opened the letter from her publisher urging Lorie to promote her book. Lorie told her she had no desire to hurt her sister Leslie by letting her learn the book was a novel about their lives.

The local newspaper carried the story of the terrible fire in Hong Kong where a sailor called Luke was seriously injured trying to save people. Vanessa broke the news that she had reconsidered the decision to have plastic surgery to remove the scars suffered in a fire years ago. Lance told her that she was making a mistake. She said she would only have surgery if Lucas returned to ease his guilt.

Lorie remembered that Luke – the sailor in the newspaper - had a tatoo on his arm when she studied the photo of the sailor. She thought he resembled an old picture of Lucas. She asked her father, the newspaper publisher, to obtain the original photo so that it could be studied closely. She didn’t want to say anything to Lance and Vanessa until she was sure. When Vanessa overheard Lorie tell her father she had to see the man, Vanessa thought she was being unfaithful to Lance.

Since his wife’s death, Stuart Brooks had thrown himself into his work at the newspaper. Lance told Stuart that he couldn’t go on this way and wanted to take him off for a men only weekend of tennis in Florida. He tried to beg off, but Lance insisted. Stuart was beginning to relax when they were invited to play doubles with two women who had been stranded by working husbands. Stuart pleaded exhaustion, but after remembering that Jennifer wanted him to go on with his life, he agreed to a game.

Stuart was thankful for the time Liz Foster spent doing odd chores and fixing meals. He hated to be alone in the house. He was also enjoying doing things for her. He was so surprised when his first attempt at plumbing was a success that he suggested he try his hand at painting her kitchen.

Lorie told her sisters that it was time their father started seeing someone. No one could take their mother's place, but he could enjoy being with someone he already knew. She suggested that they make it possible for him to see Fran Whitiker during the holidays. Chris said their mother asked that they not object if he became involved with someone, but she never said to play matchmaker. Leslie thought Lorie was right. Chris broached the subject to her father and was told he couldn’t bear being with someone so like Jennifer.

Leslie Brooks Eliot was using her maiden name professionally and had removed her wedding ring. She still felt that Brad had been very unfair by leaving her with no explanation and filing for divorce after she had told him before that he shouldn't make her decisions for her. She had been very glad of Brock Reynolds' attentions while she was recovering from the death of her mother and the feeling that she was unattractive to men.

Brad Eliot was still in Chicago following surgery for the removal of a brain tumor which was pressing on his optic nerves causing blindness. Doctor Lionel had given him hope, but had refused to remove the bandages until all the swelling had gone down. Because there was a chance that he might not survive the surgery, he had not told Leslie where he was or why. He hoped that his sight would be restored and he could return to Leslie. Nurse Cynthia Harris was the only person who knew where Brad was and hoped that her constant attention would endear her to him. She was glad to see Leslie was dating Brock.

Leslie’s divorce was almost final when Brock returned her wedding ring. He told her that he knew she had had many emotional upsets recently and didn’t want to take advantage of her, but he did love her. She felt he returned the ring to test her.

Ron Becker had planned for many weeks to take his daughter Karen from her school. He promised that Chris Foster, whom Karen then calls "mommy," was going to meet them. As they waited in the bus station Karen became ill. A concerned couple told Ron they knew a doctor in the neighborhood and offered to take them there. When Snapper Foster opened the door, an amazed Ron took off. Snapper learned from the couple what happened. Fortunately Karen only had a bad case of flu. Chris was relieved to have Karen back, but was furious that the police could not help while she was missing because Ron was her father. Brock said they could serve Ron with a subpoena for contempt of court because the Fosters had custody of Karen. He explained that it could take years to settle this and Ron could take Karen at any time.

Ron had his mother call the Fosters, pretending to be a teacher, to find out how Karen was. This was the first time Marian Reeves learned she had a granddaughter. Ron told her that his wife was in a mental institution and the Fosters had custody of his daughter. She decided to see the Fosters and ask them to let Ron have his daughter. Chris assumed Mrs. Reeves was a social worker when she said she had come to see her about Karen on Ron's behalf. She said that there was no way she would let Karen go back to Ron after what he had done. She told her that Ron raped her sister but was after her instead. Marian turned white and when Chris found out who she was, she agreed to explain everything that had happened since Chris met the Beckers. Mrs. Reeves felt responsible since she stood by while Ron's stepfather beat him because she was afraid he would leave her. She went back to Ron and apologized. He had hated her for years and wanted to continue hating her, but ended up crying in her arms. Marian tried to get through to Nancy Becker at the institution, but Nancy remained catatonic.

Receiving his subpoena, Ron called his lawyer. Mr. Johnson saw that Ron was in contempt of court for taking Karen and told him that he didn’t think Ron had a chance of getting Karen back then. Marian returned to find Ron on the floor next to an empty medicine bottle. Knowing only Doctor Foster, Marian called him to save her son. Snapper rushed to the address and only discovered who his patient was when he knelt on the floor beside the unconscious man. Snapper told Mrs. Reeves to call the hospital because he refused to help that piece of trash. She finally reached him when she asked him to do it for Karen's sake. Swearing, Snapper used those things available to help Ron the best he could. When he went home, Karen was awake and asking for her father. Snapper explained to Chris that it was this that made him help Ron, but Chris couldn’t feel the same.

Ron finally woke and his mother explained that it was her ignorance that made her act the way she did, and she professed her love for him. She and Ron prayed together.

Jill Foster had returned from her vacation with a photo she took of Derek's son in Los Angeles. Derek Thurston showed his pleasure and Jill told her mother she thought he was falling in love with her. Kay Chancellor stepped up her campaign to tie Derek Thurston to her through his dream. She asked Derek to come by every day to keep her up to date on the restoring of the mansion they were turning into an elegant beauty saloon. She was paying extra to have the men work overtime to get it done.

Jill had confronted Mrs. Chancellor, but couldn’t tell Derek because Kay had threatened to withdraw her financial support, blaming Jill. Circumstances arose so that Jill told her mother that Mrs. Chancellor's new man was Derek. Liz stormed over to accuse Mrs. Chancellor of using her to get information about Jill and Derek's relationship.

Derek told Kay that Jill was responsible for putting him in touch with her and he knew that they held the past against each other, but would like them to forgive and forget since Jill would be a big part of the new salon. Kay agreed to try, but told herself that Jill would never work in the salon. She felt that all the doubts she had about Derek were gone if he was willing to talk openly about Jill.

Derek felt things would be better if they could all talk things out. He invited both women to dinner and asked Jill to meet him there. Both women were startled, but made the best of it. Jill told her mother about the evening and said Derek had done this for her. He was trying to soften Mrs. Chancellor to make things easier when the salon opened. Jill was still hoping that Derek would speak of marriage.

Chris Foster had been having nightmares about Ron Becker breaking into the apartment to take Karen again. Snapper became furious at what Ron had done to his wife's mental condition and vowed to take care of the problem. Snapper told Ron that he wanted him out of town that day and would see that he left because Chris was a nervous wreck. Ron explained that it wasn’t necessary because he had made a decision on his own to ask the Fosters to adopt Karen for her own good. They had taken care of her and his own love for Karen was twisted.

Lorie told Lance that she had to make a trip alone to settle something and would explain it later. Lance was understanding and offered the company jet. Vanessa could only wonder what Laurie was up to and asked her private investigator how to make a book into a bestseller.

Kay Chancellor offered to set Joann Curtynski up with a weight-reduction salon where the beauty salon could send customers since Joanne's own weight loss could be an inspiration. Kay had promised Liz Foster that she would never mention her love to Derek Thurston, but when she told him of her offer to Joann, Derek asked why she was willing to invest so much money. He asked her directly if she was in love with him.

November 1977

(Young and Restless)

Stuart Brooks was very grateful for all the time and comfort Liz Foster had given him since Jennifer's death. When he wanted to buy her a gift, Chris suggested he get her a coat. Liz loved the coat, but felt it was too good to wear. Chris told Snapper that she thought there was a deep friendship developing between his mother and her father. Snapper visited his mother and suggested he drop off the dinner Liz had prepared for Stuart, but she insisted on taking it over herself. Snapper told her to start wearing the coat because it would keep her warm. 

Stuart asked Chris if Liz really liked the coat because he hadn't seen her wear it. Chris mentioned that Liz' birthday was coming up. Stuart arrived home to find that Liz had tripped and sprained her ankle. He insisted she share dinner and then asked her to let him take over out for dinner on her birthday.

Chris Foster was close to hysteria thinking that Ron Becker could kidnap his daughter at any time. Snapper went to Becker's apartment to order him out of town and learned that Ron was planning on going to Alaska with his mother. He had thought it over and decided that his love for Karen was selfish. He felt that Karen would be better off if the Fosters would legally adopt her. Ron went back to their apartment to explain to Karen that he loved her, but that Snapper and Chris would be her mommy and daddy. Karen took to the arrangement eagerly. Several days later Snapper told Chris that he had been contacted to help fight cholera in Ethiopia by the Health Department. He didn’t want to leave Chris if she was still upset, but Chris felt better and understood how Snapper felt about this assignment. He would be gone for several weeks. 

Ron told his mother to go home to Alaska and he would follow after he visited his wife at the mental institution. Ron told a catatonic Nancy that he was wrong to say such horrible things to her and would be going away and so would never bother her again. He said she was a good wife and mother. 

Nancy’s nurse noticed a difference in her and reported this to Dr. Hamlin. The doctor asked Ron to see Nancy again. Nancy wanted to know if it was true that she was a good wife and mother. She asked him to stay in town another day. When he visited her again she had washed her hair and told him that she was being discharged. Ron talked about going to Alaska to start a new life where people didn’t know the terrible things he had done. She had no plans yet. They decided to start over in Alaska. Dr. Hamlin questioned Nancy because it was her love for Ron that caused her mental problems. She explained that Ron had changed and they were starting over. She never wanted to go back to the life they lived before and didn’t want to leave Genoa City before seeing her daughter.

Dr. Lionel asked Cynthia Harris to tell Leslie Brooks Eliot that Brad was in Chicago recovering from removal of a brain tumor. Cynthia had been using Brad's silence to draw him close to her, hoping to edge Leslie out of his life. She arrived in Genoa City the night Leslie was leaving for a concert tour in South America. Leslie told her that the divorce would be final while she was on tour. Cynthia didn’t tell her about Brad, but returned to Chicago where she told Brad that Leslie had gotten a divorce and she would have broken his confidence if the divorce hadn't become final. She told him that it was too late because Leslie seemed to be involved with Brock Reynolds. Brad said he would return to Genoa City and fight for his wife. 

Brock wanted to go to South America with Leslie, but she knew she would be very vulnerable following her divorce and having someone with her whom she cared for could lead to more emotional problems. Lance Prentiss questioned Brock about his interest in Leslie, suggesting he was trying to catch her on the rebound. Brock said that Lance seemed to be more concerned than acceptable for a married man. He had asked Leslie to marry him and was willing to wait as long as necessary. 

Stuart found Brad in Leslie's apartment and explained that she had decided to stay on a few days in Rio. Brad told him that his eyesight returned and he had come home to explain to Leslie why he went to Chicago. Stuart had Leslie's final divorce decree which he was delivering. In the confusion Brad had forgotten that he had started divorce proceedings until it was too late. Stuart suggested that it might not be a good idea for Brad to wait since she might not be returning alone. 

Leslie considered staying on in Rio until she realized how attracted she was to Brock. He saw her to her apartment and as he was leaving, Leslie told him that she might be falling in love with him. It was something she felt inside. After hearing Brad's explanation Leslie said she had forgiven him, but couldn’t forget and needed time to think. 

A man who had saved many people in a hotel fire in Hong Kong attracted Lorie Brooks Prentiss' attention. She confessed to her father that she thought this man was Lucas Prentiss, Lance's missing brother. Lucas left 12 years ago and Lance had never forgiven him. There was a fire which he felt Lucas was guilty of setting which burned their mother's face, disfiguring her. Lance and Vanessa spent many years trying to trace him, but Lance had then decided that he was probably dead, and if not, should return on his own. Recently Lorie blackmailed Vanessa into seeing a plastic surgeon who said he could help her after Lorie learned that she never had the heart condition she claimed kept her from having surgery. Vanessa had said she wouldn’t have the surgery unless it would be to relieve Lucas' guilt. Lorie felt that Vanessa used her disfigurement and isolation to hold Lance to her. 

Lance lent Lorie his private jet even though he had no idea where she was going on her personal business. Vanessa was sure that it was to meet another man. Vanessa set her own plan into effect. She had Mr. Campbell, her private detective, find out how to make a book a best seller. He said that books had to be ordered in small quantities all over the country and it would help if a well known critic could give it a good review. She planned to expose Lorie as the author of her book about Leslie through publicity. 

Lorie’s plans were foiled when the man registered as John Doe had the arm bandaged that would prove he was Lucas. Lance had told her about the tatoo bearing his name. He realized she was not a nurse and she confessed who she was and why she was there. John Doe finally got tripped up and had to admit that he was Lucas. She explained that he was the only one who could get Vanessa to have surgery. She said she was leaving in Lance's private jet and he was to be at the airport. Skip, the pilot, told Lorie that Lance would be furious when he found out what she had done and besides, he doubted that Lucas would show up. They waited as long as possible and finally Lucas appeared just as they prepared to take off. He told Lorie that he didn’t sleep well because he could always hear screams of pain. He showed his jealousy of Lance and all he had; his good looks, money and wife. 

Lucas’ homecoming was tempestuous for all concerned. Vanessa challenged Lucas. She would agree to the surgery and free him from his guilt on the condition that he stay until she could remove her veil. It was Lorie’s taunt that kept him there when he said he was a little too late, "You're not too late, just too little." Vanessa had finally realized Lorie was not a scheming little tramp – but it was late. She couldn’t stop her vengeful plan.

Leslie was very confused. She had seen Brad, learned of his returned vision, heard his words of apology, listened to his renewing of his love but she didn’t know how she felt for her ex-husband. She spoke to Brock of her torment and he offered these words to soothe her anguish: “Leslie, I want you to do whatever makes you happy. I will not pressure you in any way.”

Jill Foster tried to open Derek Thurston’s eyes concerning Kay – but all it served was to make Derek very angry with her. He would not believe Jill’s words that Kay was trying to buy him; that she was using her great wealth to sink her claws into him – claws, which once sunk, were not easily dug out. Rather heartedly, Derek told Jill that Kay was not made from that type of scheming cloth. She was doing what she was doing because she cared, because his dream was her dream also. He asked Jill to try and make amends with Kay, but all he could see so far was that Kay was the only one who was trying.

Derek’s feelings did not go unobserved by Kay. Kay told Jill she – Kay – might have the edge. There was a very good possibility Jill would not win Derek. Jill was not as smart as she thought she was.

December 1977

(Young and Restless)

Nancy Becker had been released from the mental hospital as cured and planned on starting a new life with Ron in Alaska. Ron had to tell her that he gave the Fosters permission to adopt their daughter because Nancy was catatonic and he felt it was best for Karen. Nancy visited Chris Foster and asked to see Karen. She was hurt when Karen didn’t remember her and called Chris "mommy." Finding Snapper out of town, Nancy asked Stuart Brooks to talk to his daughter. He couldn’t discuss it with her when he found Chris and Karen preparing for Snapper's return from fighting a cholera epidemic. Chris was really looking forward to the holidays since Ron had given them permission to adopt Karen. Stuart told Snapper of Nancy's visit and he went to see Ron, feeling that he had put Nancy up to this. After he talked to Ron and Nancy he told Stuart that he was really torn because Nancy seemed to be stable and Ron had turned his life around, but he wanted to keep all this from Chris at least for the holidays.

Stuart Brooks and Maestro Fausch had both taken an interest in Liz Foster's musical education. Stuart sent her a record player and the Maestro showed up with a strudel just like his mother used to make. When Stuart stopped by, he was surprised to find that Liz knew the Maestro. She explained that they met at the Brooks' house. Liz was uncomfortable with the obvious competition between the two men. Derek and Jill suggested that she give herself a more youthful look by dyeing her hair. They gave her a wig to acquaint herself with the new image, but she felt ridiculous.

Kay Chancellor had a tailor fit Derek with a new wardrobe in keeping with the image of the new salon. Jill made the mistake of voicing the opinion that Kay was trying to buy him. This infuriated Derek. She also refused to see Kay when she called. Derek said Mrs. Chancellor was trying and Jill was so bitter she was making no effort. Jill tried, but when a girl answered Derek's phone early one morning, she lashed out. Derek explained that he was a man and her morals made her hate herself after the one time they were together. Mrs. Chancellor asked Derek to show her the progress at the new salon. When he returned, he found Jill in a very different mood. She was bright, cheerful and assured him that she knew Mrs. Chancellor would like the salon.

Kay’s lawyer told her that Derek was married and had a son he hadn't seen for years. He suggested she get everything in writing because she had spent a lot of money setting up this salon. She said she would later. He saw she was hoping for a permanent relationship. Kay asked Derek about his son and learned that Derek was fond of children. She made an appointment with her doctor and asked if he thought she could still have children. He said it was possible, but not advisable.

Derek was becoming very attached to Jill's son, Phillip, and Liz, Jill's Mother, was beginning to see Derek as a possible father for her grandson. He agreed to spend Christmas with the Fosters.

The jeweler delivered a present to Kay Chancellor from Derek with the admonition not to open it until Christmas. Unable to resist the temptation Kay found her dream had come true. The box contained a diamond ring. She asked Derek to come by and ordered her present to him to be delivered after he arrived. Derek called and explained that the jeweler mixed up the packages. When the correct package arrived it was a cameo locket with "For My Beautiful Lady" inscribed in French. She remained depressed until Derek arrived and explained that the other package wasn't something he had decided to buy yet. Kay showed him the beautiful car she had bought him for Christmas to keep up his image.

Mrs. Chancellor decided to take an active part in making her dream come true. She asked her lawyer what had to take place before marriage. He promised to ask the court clerk to come to the house to fill out the papers for the license, but he was very doubtful. She told Derek she had a friend who needed blood donated and asked him to help. The clerk would come to the house but Mr. Mitchell didn't believe Kay could pull this off without Thurston knowing.

After learning that the operation on his brain tumor had successfully restored his sight, Brad Eliot returned to Genoa City to win back his wife Leslie. The only one glad to see him and who thought he should win Leslie back was the Maestro. He helped arrange a string quartet to play as he did on their honeymoon. Leslie felt she had been tricked. Brock Reynolds loved Leslie and refused to step aside just because her ex-husband had returned. He felt it was unfair of Brad to reject Leslie and exclude her from his problem even though he thought he was protecting her.

Brad told Brock that Lorie thought they were pressuring Leslie and this could be too much for her. They each asked the other to back off, but when their discussion ended they agreed to think about it.

Leslie was practicing piano when Brad showed up with a bouquet of roses and a new dress. He was only there a short time when Brock showed up. Brad had "made" plans for dinner and Brock "asked" her to have dinner. She turned them both down and suggested they have dinner together while she practiced. They chastised each other for moving so quickly when they were to think over giving Leslie some space. They thouht that Lorie might have been wrong because Leslie seemed to be enjoying all the attention. She felt like a very attractive special woman. They would back off only if Leslie requested it.

Lucas Prentiss didn’t think he could last out the five years it might take to complete his mother's plastic surgery. She had agreed to have the surgery only if he stayed to see her through and relieve the guilt he felt over the fire which caused her facial disfigurement. Lorie's taunt was what kept him in Genoa City. Vanessa's first operation was a success.

Vanessa tried to call off her campaign to make Lorie's book a best seller to expose her to Lance. She saw then that Lorie really was a loving girl and only wanted happiness for those she loved. Mr. Campbell told her that the books had been bought and it was impossible to stop it.

Lucas had moved into the boathouse. One evening when they were alone, Lucas could resist the temptation no longer and kissed Lorie. She reminded him that she loved his brother and warned him to back off. Lucas said he wanted to be friends because he planned on stepping in if anything happened to Lance. Lance warned Lucas to keep his distance because he could see Lorie was the kind of woman Lucas wanted.

Lorie’s publisher asked Vanessa to give Lorie a message that the public had taken a sudden interest in her book and they would like to know how she felt about this. When Lorie didn't return his call, he phoned again and reached Lucas who realized that Vanessa didn't relay the message. Vanessa pleaded with him not to tell Lorie because it could hurt people. Without explaining the subject of the book she told him that Lance might not be able to forgive Lorie. Lucas said the guilt on her face showed that she could be hurt also. Vanessa admitted that she thought Lorie had gone off to meet her man when she was retrieving Lucas and tried to expose Lorie through her book. She had considered going to Lance or Lorie, but Lucas suggested that she keep her own council and let it all blow over.

Long-absent Greg Foster called from New York and considered returning home. He returned at Christmas after months away. Jill admitted to Greg she had fallen in love with Derek while Kay Chancellor learned she was still able to conceive.

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