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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dobie and Fish


August/Sept 1978

Rick, Brian, and Scotty scoured New York for Laura’s whereabouts.  Scotty learned about a theft and prostitution ring led by a man named Fish and suspected Laura might be there under the name Amy.  Scotty tried to infiltrate the gang.  Alan and Monica warned Tracy not to undermine their marriage by bringing up Grace.  Katy joined Mark in Mexico.  Heather completely took over caring for P.J. while Diana was hospitalized.  Heather told Susan that Pritch divorced Susan because he had evidence of her infidelity with his best friend.  Gary cried on Susan’s shoulder about taking a back seat to Gina’s career success.  Scotty and Rick retrieved Laura from Fish and his gang, and returned her to Port Charles, where Lesley insisted she’ll protect Laura, even if it means remaining in jail.  Despite Peter’s objections, Diana insisted on undergoing a dangerous operation to regain her sight.  Jeff agreed to see Cal Jamison after the operation.  Tracy took a shine to Howard.  Bobbie argued with Scotty for his over-protectiveness of Laura.  Dr. Todd Levine was brought in on Diana’s case.  Diana survived Todd’s surgery but is still critical.  Rick, Lee, and Howard secretly presented evidence of Laura’s involvement with David’s murder to the judge. Lesley admitted to the district attorney that she committed perjury to save Laura who confessed to Rick.  Tracy and Susan showed an interest in Gary while Gina was away on medical business.  Cal told Jeff that Stephen Lars didn’t die, and Heather allowed Jeff to think that Mrs. Hadley might have sold the baby to a black market ring because Heather never saw the death certificate.  Monica jumped on Tracy for moving in on Gary while Gina was away.  Assistant Dist. Atty. Mitch Williams was intrigued by Susan and vice versa.  Lesley was released and Laura was booked for David’s murder.  Diana went bonkers while awaiting the removal of her bandages.  Bobbie recognized Cal from her past. 

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