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All My Children, From May 1978 through September 1978


Review April 1978 (Various shows, plus AMC)

MAY 1978

All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Dr. David Thornton slipped a fatal dose of Digitoxin into his wife Edna's drink after insisting that they have an early dinner before Edna reported to work that evening. His small daughter, Dottie, had been put to bed early but sneaked out to sample the wine. Edna was ill in the bathroom as the phone rang and as David went to get her, Dottie scooted back to her room without an opportunity to taste the drink, hurriedly putting Edna’s glass back at David’s place setting. After Edna left, David doubled over in pain but managed to call Christina Karras. When Chris arrived, David told her that the ambulance she had called would be too late, as he knew how strong the dosage was. He confessed to Chris, saying he was getting what he deserved for trying to play God. Chris was distraught when a homicide detective questioned her, insisting that the poisoning was not a suicide attempt, but an accident. When Edna arrived home she accused Chris of killing David because she couldn’t have him.

When the facts of Chris’ former relationship with David emerged, and some of the background of her past episodes of somnambulism were brought out, she was arrested for murder. Jeff returned to town and hearing that the theft of Digitalis from the hospital drug supplies went back over a month, he reasoned that David had been administering it to Edna, accounting for the episodes of arythmic heartbeats she had been experiencing, which he pretended were due to a chronic but not serious dysfunction. On the day of David’s funeral services Jeff obtained a portable EGK machine and convinced Edna to submit to a test as a precaution as she was facing the strain of the day. Back at the hospital he showed Dr. Frank Grant the normal pattern in contrast to the one he had administered to Edna when she came to him during the period when she was having attacks. He phoned a Dr. Russell at San Francisco General after learning from Edna that she had a series of checkups with him when she and David were living there.

Kelly Cole walked out on her manager/ lover and flew to Pine Valley with the airline ticket Myrtle Fargate had given her. Linc was floored by the resemblance to his dead wife, Kitty, but when Kelly learned that Myrtle was not her mother and had no idea of the whereabouts of her natural father, she reacted bitterly saying that she had been conned again and prepared to walk out. Linc stopped her by showing her a picture of Kitty. After prevailing upon Kelly to stay a few more days in Pine Valley, they learned Kelly was told she had been born there and her birthdate was the same as Kitty’s. Myrtle and Kitty visited Kate Martin and learned that Kate once heard from Kitty’s grandmother, who raised her, that Lucy Carpenter had given birth to twins. While waiting tor access to the town birth records, Kelly, Myrtle, and Linc dined at the Château and Claudette Montgomery reluctantly and half-heartedly asked Kelly to perform. After noting Kelly’s reception by the patrons of the Chateau, Claudette offered Kelly an engagement which she quickly accepted. On the afternoon of the day when Linc and Kelly found proof of Kelly's identity, a birth certificate showing that she was Constance Carpenter, born four minutes after Kitty; Myrtle answered the door to find Eddie Dorrance, Kelly’s manager, on her doorstep.

Brooke English’s plan to tell Devon Sheppard about Brooke and Dan’s relationship misfired as Devon was rushed to the train for an out-of-town stay by her mother. By the time Devon returned, Phoebe Tyler had surprised Brooke and Dan in bed in the poolhouse at the Tyler estate. Phoebe’s outraged report to Kate Martin of the episode and Dan’s letter from the dean of the School ot Architecture, warning that Dan was about to flunk out, prompted him to call off, once and for all, his affair with Brooke. Brooke managed to keep from being sent home at the minute when she saw Phoebe out of her wheelchair, getting herself a drink, as Benny was loading up Brooke’s suitcases. Phoebe submitted but when Brooke told Dan that she would not be sent away, he insisted that nothing was changed; that he had a responsibility to his career and himself first.

Erica Kane consented to a weekend trip with Tom Cudahy at a country inn, but insisted on separate rooms. However she called the Inn later to change the reservations to a single room with a double bed so that she could appear to be overwhelmed by the circumstances and her attraction to him, against her better judgment.

Eddie Dorrance took over Kelly’s life by insisting to Claudette that Kelly would not go on, in spite of advance publicity, if she didn’t get an additional $150 for the week, and talking Kelly into cancelling a dinner with Myrtle and Linc. He moved her things out of Linc’s place. Eventually Dorrance learned from Claudette that Linc made up the difference himself but he did not tell Kelly. Linc convinced Myrtle that it would be a mistake to attend Kelly's opening as she seemed to be making if clear that her choice was Dorrance.

While visiting with Christina at the jail, Nancy Grant Blair experienced sharp pains and went immediately to Pine Valley Hospitai. As Dr. Clader was not available it was Frank Grant who admitted her. Nancy had a partially ruptured membrane and was threatened with a miscarriage or a premature birth. Caroline Grant was upset when she heard that Frank’s attention was once again taken up with Nancy, particularly since her own efforts to get pregnant had not so far been successful. She remarked that Nancy wouldn't be the only woman who had lost a baby and she might be a lot better off if she did. Frank told Caroline that remark was the most heartless thing he had ever heard, and when Caroline protested that she was just being realistic, he countered that her attitude was not even human for someone who called herself a nurse. Frank walked out leaving Caroline to speculate that if the baby died, she – Caroline - would be the only one to bear Frank’s child. Nancy eventually learned that the rupture was small and would cure itself and she had a good chance of going to term, with a lot of bed rest.

Brooke English learned from Phoebe that Nick dumped Erica and threatened to tell Tom Cudahy he was being manipulated, forcing Erica to tell Tom herself to defuse the situation. Erica also told Tom, in a maidenly “confession,” that she set up the change of reservations, saying that she had come to trust Tom's feelings for her and wanted no deception between them. Tom received Brooke’s news when she gave it as a jealous personal attack on Erica but dressed Erica down for withholding the fact that Brooke had called a number of times to speak to him.

Phil and Tara just made up another quarrel after Phil adamantly refused to consider a dinner invitation from Donna when he learned that Tara had called Chuck to accept without consulting him. Little Philip – Charlie – spent the evening at the Tyler apartment where Donna overheared his wish that he, Tara and Chuck could be together as a family. Chuck admonished Donna not to take the wishful thinking of a little boy to heart, concealing his own fantasies of reuniting with Tara. As Phil and Sgt. Jacoby came into the Brent home lugging an antique barber pole from Nick’s office as a gift for the boy’s room, Chuck was there. Tara explained that little Philip was running a fever and she couldn't call Dr. Karras. The boy had a slight case of tonsilitis and was not cheered much by the present until Mel Jacoby mentioned it was a symbol of barber-surgeons of bygone days and “Charlie” took pride in the connection with Chuck’s profession.

Brooke, stymied in her pursuit of Tom Cudahy for a time, turned back to Dan Kennicott, following him to the library where he was studying. Devon had just finished a sweater she made as a gift for Dan and looked for him among the bookstacks, stopping short as she saw Dan and Brooke in a passionate embrace.

JUNE 1978

July 1978


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  #1 in the Ratings


One Life To Live, General Hospital, and Edge of Night (September 1978)

September 1978

One Life to Live

By Nancy Reichhardt

When Ed goes into cardiac arrest, Jack saves his life by using an external pacemaker. Carla fears the four minutes Ed was without oxygen may have caused brain damage. Brad asks Dr. Pamela Shepherd to be his therapist. Tina thinks Viki must have known her boyfriend in California was dating her best friend but was hiding those facts from her. Marco plans to get even with Viki through Tina, seeks Tina out at the pizza parlor. Pat fends off Talbot Huddelston's advances, then tells Roger she will quit the show if Huddleston ever comes near her. Viki warns Richard to keep away from the story about Marco's massage parlor unless he has proof, — otherwise he's asking for trouble as well as a libel suit for the Banner. Paul is delighted by the way Dorian refurnished his apartment. Paul is put off by seeing an understanding Dorian change into a "dragon lady." Richard and Becky Lee refuse Dorian's offer to have their wedding at her home, which upsets Dorian because she had made the offer only at the request of Richard's mother Gwen who had hoped Dorian might do something to stop the nuptials. Marco tells Tina that Viki once suffered from multiple personality disorder and asks her not to let Joe and Viki know he is seeing her. Jenny is upset because the church tribunal put a hold on her annulment from Brad. Rejected by Jenny, Brad considers robbing a bank. Karen, upset by seeing Larry and Cathy together, takes an overdose of pills. Will and Pam are engaged. Richard squirms when his mother Gwen arrives in Llanview. Gwen pretends to adore Becky Lee but is working to make sure they never get married. Finding a semiconscious Karen in a hotel room, Larry saves her life. After Paul accuses her of being selfish and manipulative, Dorian decides to drop out of the competition for chief of hospital staff. Pat and Paul become friends. Adam Brewster, head of a multi-billion-dollar corporation, is interested in both Pat and Edwina. Ed is made police captain. Samantha wants to move out of Will's and into Tony's, but when Tony rejects her, she runs out into the rain and gets in a car accident. Brad and Jenny are brought closer together by Samantha's accident. Larry, about to be named chief of hospital staff, wonders if his future position will be too much for Karen. Edwina is surprised when Adam Brewster asks to meet her. Melinda scares Karen with her stories of a lonely doctor's wife. Ed fears he cannot hold Carla's interest the way a more sophisticated person like Jack Scott can.

By Jon-Michael Reed

Larry went to Phoenix on business and ran into Cathy.  Karen followed and assumed they’d set it up as a love meeting.  Marco decided to use Tina as a way to seek revenge on Viki.  Carla was grateful when Jack saved Ed’s life.  Pat nearly resigned after Talbot failed to seduce her and threatened to get her fired.  Mystery man Adam Brewster ordered his secretary to dig up Pat’s background.  Richard’s mother, Gwendolyn Abbott, arrived in town.  Carla dreamed that Jack romanced her.  Will and Pam announced their engagement.  Jenny resisted the advances of an author and also rebuffed Brad, who was offered an illegal job by one of his ex-cellmates.  Karen didn’t tell Larry she was in Phoenix, and when he didn’t confess about meeting Cathy, Karen took a bottle of pills.  Paul called Dorian names when he learned she had set up Karen.  Adam hired Alister Hughes to trail Pat and also to investigate Edwina’s background.  Jack noticed that Carla was jealous of his girlfriend, Lila.  Larry and Cathy had decided to go separate ways.  Gwendolyn was a guest of Dorian and after meeting Becky she vowed to break up the wedding plans.  Pat nixed Adam’s secretary’s (Gretel) invitation to dine with Adam even if he is one of the richest men in the world.  Edwina met Adam and recognized him as someone she grew up with in a foster home.  Larry smoothed things over with Karen, but reconsidered accepting the chief of staff job because of her emotional instability.  Pat stymied Adam and Gretel by refusing to do a rehearsed TV interview with him.  Samantha saved Brad from taking part in a robbery involving Brad’s ex-cellmate.  Tony told Samantha they couldn’t have a serious relationship and she and Pam were in an auto accident.  Paul thought better of Dorian for dropping out of the hospital race. Marco had photos of Tina secretly touched up in some shoddy way.

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General Hospital

 By Nancy Reichhardt

In New York looking for Laura, Bryan and Scotty infiltrate an unsavory East Village group and fear that Laura may have turned to prostitution. Rick is also in New York looking for Laura so he can clear Lesley of murder charges. Lesley feels her marriage to Rick is over because she lied to him about killing David when it was Laura who pushed him. Collapsing at home, Diana regains consciousness only to discover she is blind. Heather takes a leave from hospital in order to take care of P.J.. Steve fears Jeff will flunk his medical boards because of the pressure of his marriage and Lesley's trial. In New York, Scotty and Bryan get Laura away from an East Village pimp, and help police catch the men who run the prostitution ring comprised of teenage runaways. Although Rick really thinks Laura cannot remember what happened the night David was killed, she thinks he's only trying to trick her into confessing. Diana decides to undergo risky exploratory surgery which may answer question as to why she is blind. Fearful of dying, Diana tells Peter she wants to write a will that would make Jeff and Heather the legal guardians of P.J. if anything happens to her and Peter. Gary wants out of pediatrics so he can make money. Admitting to Lesley she suddenly remembers everything, Laura fears what the police will do. Hearing the true story of David's death, the judge agrees to find Lesley innocent and promises to go easy on Laura. Diana undergoes neurosurgery, and two benign tumors are found and removed. Doctors say it will be days before they know if she can see. Cal Jamison arrives in town and Jeff goes to see him. With Gina away, Tracy shows interest in Gary. Alan admits to Monica he is unable to curb his jealousy of Rick. Jeff thinks Jamison has evidence proving Steven Lars didn't die; also thinks that Mrs. Hadley lied to Heather. Telling everything that happened the night David died, a terrified Laura awaits sentencing. With D.A. Richardson out of town, assistant D.A. Mitch Williams feels Laura's trial will be important to his career. Believing the trial will be bad publicity for the hospital, Monica fears Rick may not be named as head of the cardiac unit, and implores Alan to talk to his boss Larry Forsythe. Alan agrees to go when he realizes she will go herself if he doesn't. Scotty tells Bobbie that if she can't understand his caring for Laura, they should end their relationship.

By Jon-Michael Reed

Rick, Bryan, and Scotty scoured New York for Laura’s whereabouts.  Scotty learned about a theft and prostitution ring led by a man named Fish and suspected Laura might be there under the name Amy.  Scotty tried to infiltrate the gang.  Alan and Monica warned Tracy not to undermine their marriage by bringing up Grace.  Katy joined Mark in Mexico.  Heather completely took over caring for P.J. while Diana was hospitalized.  Heather told Susan that Pritch divorced Susan because he had evidence of her infidelity with his best friend.  Gary cried on Susan’s shoulder about taking a back seat to Gina’s career success.  Scotty and Rick retrieved Laura from Fish and his gang, and returned her to Port Charles, where Lesley insisted she’ll protect Laura, even if it means remaining in jail.  Despite Peter’s objections, Diana insisted on undergoing a dangerous operation to regain her sight.  Jeff agreed to see Cal Jamison after the operation.  Tracy took a shine to Howard.  Bobbie argued with Scotty for his over-protectiveness of Laura.  Dr. Todd Levine was brought in on Diana’s case.  Diana survived Todd’s surgery but is still critical.  Rick, Lee, and Howard secretly presented evidence of Laura’s involvement with David’s murder to the judge. Lesley admitted to the district attorney that she committed perjury to save Laura who confessed to Rick.  Tracy and Susan showed an interest in Gary while Gina was away on medical business.  Cal told Jeff that Stephen Lars didn’t die, and Heather allowed Jeff to think that Mrs. Hadley might have sold the baby to a black market ring because Heather never saw the death certificate.  Monica jumped on Tracy for moving in on Gary while Gina was away.  Assistant Dist. Atty. Mitch Williams was intrigued by Susan and vice versa.  Lesley was released and Laura was booked for David’s murder.  Diana went bonkers while awaiting the removal of her bandages.  Bobbie recognized Cal from her past. 

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By Nancy Reichhardt

When Tony dies from wounds inflicted by Raney, Geraldine and Deborah go into mourning. D.A. Ira tells Logan he realizes that prosecuting April for Denise's murder is going to be unpopular and wonders what they should do about it. Raven goes to Logan's office, tosses out a picture of him and Winter kissing. Discovering the discarded photo, Raven says that Logan threw it out. Disbelieving her, Winter lets her know she and Logan are an item again. Deborah is suspended from police force. April tells Draper that Raven claims to be carrying his baby. Swearing it isn't true Draper goes to Raven and warns her to keep away from April. But Raven pretends to April that Draper promised to do anything to help his baby. Distraught because she believes Raven and upset over being charged with first-degree murder, April disappears. While Deborah, on her own, is questioning a suspected wife beater, he falls off the roof and is killed.  Mike attends Tony Saxon's funeral. Representing April for Denise's murder, Mike tells Draper that April's running away makes her look guilty. He plans to prove that Denise committed suicide. A large conglomerate buys TV station where Nicole is newscaster. Kevin, thinking Logan is the father of Raven's unborn child, considers doing away with himself. Deborah is disgruntled by two weeks' suspension from the police force.  Wade Meacham, rich Margo Huntington's financial adviser, remembers Winter as star of porno flicks. Kevin is hoping the scandal about Tony Saxon will end his own political career, and lets Raven know he plans to divorce her after the baby is born. Miles fears Margo will print something about April's disappearance in her magazine. Margo is obviously interested in Miles. A tattoo on the shoulder of the dead girl floating in the river proves she is not April. Having had a vision of Draper in a car accident, April returns to Monticello and discovers the accident was minor. She goes on trial for Denise's murder. Deborah feels Steve's proposal of marriage may be out of sympathy, not love.

By Jon-Michael Reed

Winter put up a fight for Logan when Raven made another try to win him back.  April admitted that Raven claimed her baby was fathered by Draper, who denied it.  The police commissioner asked Deborah to turn in her resignation because she was Tony’s daughter.  April prophesied that Logan would prosecute her, but Logan insisted he wouldn’t.  Deborah was suspended.  She investigated a possible wife-beating.  The husband fell to his death, and the wife later stalked Deborah.  April had nightmares about Raven’s accusations, then departed.  Winter pushed Logan for a quick wedding, but admitted there is much he doesn’t know about her past.  Raven was warned by Kevin not to tip off the police that April is missing. Kevin considered a Samurai suicide after he heard Draper tell Raven he knows that Logan is her baby’s father.  Margo Huntington and her manager, Wade Meecham, arrived to buy the TV station.  Margo fired Ben.  Wade has a past association with Winter.  Steve and Cal arrested Joanie Collier, who was dressed as a man.  Deborah wrestled with a gun-threatening Mrs. Brennon who later charged police brutality.  Winter turned down Wade’s invitation to resume their former involvement in the porno film racket.  Deborah put Steve’s marriage proposal on the back burner.  April was caught by the police in Chicago.  On his way to her, Draper had a car accident, as April had prophesied, but he survived.  Ira put Logan’s job on the line unless Logan prosecutes April.

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