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April 1978 (In Depth Transcripts)


Just General Hospital, January 1978

Just General Hospital, February 1978

Review March 1978

APRIL 1978

The Young and The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Greg Foster ran into an old school friend of Snapper's, who thought she might need Greg's help when she learned he was a lawyer. Linda Larkin was married and had children right out of school, as most girls of her generation were expected to do. As the romance had ended, Linda was dissatisfied and thought she wanted a divorce. Greg suggested that she look for a job to get her out of the house so that she could make friends of her own and find new interests. This was easier said than done because employers weren’t willing to hire "inexperienced housewives." Linda was unsettled by a talk with Snapper when he suggested the problem was hers because she had refused to communicate her feelings to her husband. She felt he should know there was a problem, what was causing it, and do something to change it. Linda thought that because their sex life was no longer what it was, Larry was probably having an affair. Snapper said her emotional conflict could have something to do with this. She had to communicate before her problems got worse.

Snapper had found living in the empty apartment lonely while Chris was away trying to find herself and a purpose to her life, since Karen Becker had gone back to her parents. Dr. Casey Reed didn’t care for the inconvenience of sharing a bath with Snapper in the residents' quarters. Snapper related Linda's problem to Casey who thought people should work things out before marrying. Her method was complete un-involvement for the time being. Casey was surprised that Snapper wasn't out chasing women while Chris was gone.

Casey managed to pull Kay Chancellor through cardiac arrest, but was disgusted that someone who had "everything" could decide to throw it all away. Before Mrs. Chancellor left the hospital, Casey gave her a lecture on "giving up," putting a plan in Kay's head.

After Mrs. Chancellor consented to a divorce, Derek and Jill made some plans for the future. Derek wanted to adopt Philip after their marriage. He knew how much Jill would like a home of their own and was sure the plans for the new salon would continue because Mrs. Chancellor had really changed since her brush with death. He asked Liz to move in with them because both he and Jill would have to work for a while and she could care for Philip.

Kay told her lawyer that she had changed her mind and intended to fight the divorce. She phoned Jill and asked to see her about something very important. She relayed her decision to fight the divorce and explained why. If it were only for Derek, she would consent, but by giving him the divorce she would be helping Jill also and couldn’t bring herself to do this. Her hatred for Jill had not changed. She hated her for taking Phillip from her and having his baby. She said if Jill really loved Derek she would have to prove her love by waiting, and it could be years. Kay was very cool as she explained all this. Jill's hand found a letter opener on the desk. In her anger she held the opener as a dagger with the intention of stabbing Mrs. Chancellor. Kay turned and dared Jill to kill her, saying she hadn't the nerve. Jill missed and the opener bent. She cursed God for stopping her, and then took charge of herself, saying she wouldn’t let Mrs. Chancellor push her into doing something that couldn’t possibly set her free.

Derek and Liz find Jill in a trance-like state and draw out the reason for her meeting with Mrs. Chancellor. Derek was sure that she couldn’t hold up the divorce, but Jill became hysterical, saying Kay's money could buy her anything. Jill said she had to end it all and rushed for the door. Liz and Derek could only contain her after Liz slapped her in the face. Jill calmly said the only way out was for Mrs. Chancellor to die. Derek said she might be able to keep them from getting married, but there was no way she could keep them apart; they loved each other and could live together to give Phillip a father. Their plans fell apart when Greg told them that this would make Kay the injured party and she could keep Derek from ever getting a divorce. Brock heard of his mother's intentions and told her Derek and Jill would survive this because they were young and in love, but her hatred could only wither her on the inside. Brock walked out when she refused to reconsider. Liz found that she could no longer stand by a woman so filled with hatred that she could almost drive her daughter to murder.

Leslie Brooks was fighting her feelings for Lance Prentiss by convincing herself that she was interested in the other men in her life. She had dinner with her ex-husband, Brad Eliot and later agreed to wear the ring Brock Reynolds gave her after her divorce. She told Brock that she wanted to love him.

Vanessa said she could see that Lance's interest in Leslie was more than in her artistic ability and suggested to Lorie that she and Lance should consider starting a family. Lorie wasn’t sure she was ready for a baby yet.

Dorsett arrived in town and wanted to discuss promoting Lorie and her book. She went to the meeting with the idea of turning down his offer, but agreed to think over his proposition. Dorsett wanted to promote Lorie herself, but they needed to jump on the bandwagon of popularity her book was causing. Leaving for the meeting, Lorie told Lance she would tell him if anything came of this unexplained appointment, and when she returned, he assumed she visited the doctor and found she was not pregnant. He suggested they keep trying. Lorie wasn't willing to give up her pills, because the time wasn't right.

Leslie thought she should see what Laurie's book was about and read the sections dealing with her admittance and stay in the mental hospital. Reliving the humiliation of that time caused Leslie such distress that Stuart refused to let her continue.

Lucas visited Leslie again and remarked on the time she spent alone and with her music. He suggested that she needed to get out occasionally. He was surprised when she agreed to have dinner with him. Learning of his date, Lorie said he should wear a suit because this was the kind of dress Leslie was used to. Lance guessed that his date was with Leslie when Lucas borrowed a shirt and tie. Lance's distress continued all evening and was evident to both Lorie and Vanessa. Leslie dressed in jeans to accommodate Lucas and he asked her not to change. They had dinner in a small seafood restaurant where Lucas explained his theory that Leslie was really all woman but tried to hide it. Stuart wondered why she would go out with someone who was so unlike any man she had ever dated before.

Lorie urged Lance to call Leslie to see that she got home safely. He continued to keep an eye on the boathouse, watching for Lucas to return. Lucas checked in upon his arrival, causing Lance and Lorie to collapse in laughter.

Derek and Jill tried to lease the Golden Comb again, only to find that Mrs. Chancellor had taken a two year lease on the building. Derek started the search for a new beauty salon. Kay asked Liz to see her about something that was vital to them all. She knew that there was a shortage of money for them at the moment and offered Liz her job back at $300 a week. Jill decided that the way to get back at Mrs. Chancellor was to ask more, because Kay was lonely enough to pay for it. Kay agreed to the $400 a week that Liz asked.

Linda Larkin told her husband Larry that she was at the end of her rope. He didn't agree that their lives were sterile and couldn’t see that she needed a job, not for the money, but to find herself, Larry agreed not to stand in her way.

Lorie was about to tell Lance of Roger Dorsett's offer when she saw that he was disturbed. Lance had just told his mother that he and Lorie had plans to start a family and then discovered that Lorie was still on the pill. He felt better when she brought this up herself and admitted that she had held off because she thought he agreed only to please her. Lance said he wanted a family, but wanted her to be ready on her own first.

All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Shortly after she heard from Paul Martin that her daughter Anne's doctor had told him that he had done everything in his power but that Anne had not improved in her mental or emotional state and probably never would, Phoebe Tyler learned that Donna was scheduled for surgery to reverse her sterilization. Estelle walked into Donna's hospital room just after Phoebe had gotten Donna hysterical by telling her that Anne's condition was a result of the loss of her severely retarded child and implying that Donna's life as a young prostitute before her marriage to Phoebe's grandson Chuck Tyler might have an adverse effect on the health of a child she could conceive. Estelle managed to calm Donna down and the operation was pronounced successful by Donna's doctor. Estelle visited Phoebe at the Tyler mansion to warn her to stay away from Donna or Stelle would tell Phoebe's estranged husband Dr. Charles Tyler that she could prove that Phoebe's paralysis was phony.  Estelle saw Phoebe walking out of the Harbor Lights Bar when Phoebe met with Billy Clyde. 

Following a deposition by Ruth and Joe Martin's testimony in the assault, robbery and rape trial, Ray Gardner was found guilty on all three counts and was sentenced to 25 years in prison with no provision for earlier parole.

Phil Brent learned that little Philip had been using the name Charlie - after Chuck - at school and that Tara and Chuck had known and kept it from him. He told Tara that whenever there was a problem in the house, she went to Chuck. Phil remarked that Tara and Chuck had been real chummy lately - holding back that he had seen Chuck with his arms around Tara -, and that he felt like an outsider in his own home. He went to the hospital and quarrelled with Chuck, ordering him to stay out of his and Tara's lives. Phil then told Sgt. Jacoby that he was little Philip's real father. He got drunk and stayed overnight at Jacoby's, but the following night he asked to stay with Claudette at the apartment she had sublet from Nick. Ruth learned about it and begged him to go home but when he went to see Tara, she was not in.

Joe Martin was concerned about his part in going along with Tara's decision to keep little Philip's name change from Phil. After Phil's confrontation with Chuck, Joe told Chuck that he had to face the fact that Phil and Tara were in charge of little Philip and was taken aback when Chuck protested vehemently that after her treatment by Phil, Tara had "every right to turn to someone else."

Erica Kane visited Donna at the hospital, telling her that Tara seemed to be deeply troubled in her marriage. Donna speculated that Phil might have heard about the name change. Erica remarked that she understood Phil's frustration about not even being able to give the boy his "first" name. Joe walked in just after Erica had said she was amazed at Chuck's keeping secrets from Donna. As Erica left, she suggested that Joe might be a more appropriate person to tell Donna the secret about his grandson. Joe attributed the remark to Erica's vivid imagination and when Donna questioned Chuck, he told her that Erica was only referring to Phil's having wanted to adopt little Philip legally, after he married Tara.

Phil finally went home, to find Chuck there once again, but he calmed down eventually after Tara assured him that there was nothing between herself and Chuck but friendship. He said she might have to put that aside and Tara offered to arrange that she and Chuck not see each other. Phil accepted that as the most sensible solution and apologized to little Philip for his overreaction, telling him that if that was what it took to make the boy happy, he would call him Charlie.

As Jeff Martin was seeing Edna Thornton in his office, David stormed in and ordered Edna to leave, insisting that he would take care of his wife's illness personally. Edna left despite Jeff's protests that she had a right to consult whomever she chose. Later, Jeff gave Dr. Christina Karras a diamond, which she accepted but did not wear out of consideration for David's feelings. Nancy Blair saw Chris' ring and urged her to wear it.

David Thornton got a call from Gladys, Edna's boss at the Beauty Spot where Edna had returned to work, telling him that Edna had collapsed. She was appalled when David refused to take Edna to the hospital, ordering her home instead. Chris was with David when the call came and remembered that David had denied her contention that it was too late for them, insisting that, on the contrary, it was "too late for Edna." She wondered aloud to Nancy if it was possible that David would withhold treatment. Nancy was not willing to accept that David would be capable of what would amount to murder and changed the subject, telling Chris that she believed that Frank Grant was sincere in his wishing her well, apparently accepting the story that the baby Nancy was carrying was the son of the late Carl Blair. When Caroline saw Frank and Nancy together, she blurted out that she didn't want Frank seeing Nancy, and didn’t want her living in Pine Valley.  Caroline knew that the child was Frank's but couldn’t bring herself to tell him, especially since Frank and she had decided to start their own family. 

Linc Tyler had flown to Minneapolis after hearing from Myrtle Lum Fargate who insisted that she had seen his late wife Kitty "in the flesh," at a piano-bar under the name Kelly. Linc attributed Myrtle's obsession that she had seen and heard Kitty to Myrtle's emotional state after the loss of her husband Nigel from a heart attack. Myrtle insisted Linc see a publicity photo which would convince him but learned when she and Linc arrived at the place that Kelly's agent had picked up the photo to send on to Chicago, the site of her next engagement. Myrtle was determined to fly to Chicago.

After seeing Frank and Nancy talking together, Caroline blurted out that she didn't want Frank seeing Nancy and didn't want her living in Pine Valley. When Donna mentioned that Frank was worried that something was bothering Caroline which she wasn't sharing with him, Caroline told her that she knew the baby Nancy was carrying was Frank's.

David learned from Frank Grant that Chris was wearing Jeff's ring and confronted Chris, shaking her and telling her she didn't realize what he had been doing for her but it would "all be over soon." He apologized just as Chris took another call from Gladys, who was at the cabin, saying that Edna had had another attack. David got rid of Gladys, dismissing her contention that Edna was worse and should at least be undergoing further tests. As Edna went to lie down, he told himself he was determined to "get it over with" that night. - David was prepared to administer a lethal shot to Edna the day before, but Dottie's presence caused him to reconsider and he emptied the hypodermic and replaced the solution with plain water. –

Linc Tyler had returned from a trip to Minneapolis convinced that Myrtle Fargate's insistence that she had seen his late wife Kitty singing in a night club, under the name of Kelly Cole, was a manifestation of her unstable emotional state after the loss of Kitty and the death of her husband Nigel Fargate a short time previously. He was shaken when Myrtle phoned from Chicago, where she had gone on to trace the girl and he heard Kitty's singing voice quite unmistakably as Kelly was doing her act. Myrtle told him she was determined to bring the girl back to Pine Valley.

For May through September 1978 All My Children, Go Here:

May - Sept 1978 All My Children

General Hospital  (April 1978)

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Gloria Monty

Dr. Lesley Webber learned about Monica's involvement with Dr. Gail Adamson's late husband from Gail, and she and Rick disagreed about Gail's refusal to listen to Monica's side. She was angered that Rick had invited Monica to a dinner they were hosting for purchasing agents of Hauser Chemical and just then her daughter Laura came in three hours late. Lesley and Rick demanded to know where she was, and to cover up the affair she had been having with David Hamilton, she gave them money out of the advance David had given her for posing for him, saying she had been working for a teacher after school in secret so that she could pay back some money she took from Lesley's household funds when she ran off to Buffalo.

Monica Webber learned at the meeting that large pieces of critically situated land were unavailable for purchase, having been acquired by phone transactions by a man calling himself William Slattery, representing a "Port Charles Development Company." After she accepted an engagement ring from Alan Quartermaine, he left town to go to New York and she tried to get in touch with him, believing that David Hamilton might very well be Slattery.

Laura was suspicious of David when she cleared up some dishes in his apartment and found a lipstick stained wineglass - Monica's - and did not accept his story that he spent the previous evening with Cates and took the phone off the hook so they wouldn't be disturbed. Mr. Cates covered for David but Laura waited in a hallway and saw David leave for dinner again that evening with Monica.

Dan Rooney reported that he was on to some good leads in the stock manipulation of Corbin Limited but was told by Lamont to hold off on the investigation. Corbin insisted that if they exposed the man responsible, they would lose out on their trump card, the money he had deposited in Dr. Mark Dante's account, to make it seem that Mark was involved. Corbin made it clear to Rooney that it was more important to him to ruin Mark than to avoid jeopardizing his business empire.

Dr. Steve Hardy met with Mark and learned about his involvement with Katie and the divorce she was seeking from Corbin. He endeavored to explain Mark's position with regard to turning over Corbin's outpatient treatment to another doctor, but the board insisted that he try to talk Mark into continuing in accordance with Corbin's expressed wishes and he began to get some idea of Corbin's manipulations when he learned that the board had made Corbin an honorary member.

After talking things over with his brother Howard, Dr. Gary Lansing met with Lamont Corbin and turned down the grant he had just been awarded from Corbin Ltd. However, when Gary saw Steve Hardy to accept his offer of a permanent position on the staff of General Hospital, which he had previously stalled on, Steve had to tell him that while he was away at a medical convention in Chicago, his administrative replacement had filled the post.

Against Mark’s strong objections, Katie met with Lamont to discuss disposition of some property and Lamont told her that he had information that Dante killed a man in Boston in a fit of rage. Katie was unmoved, saying she knew of the incident; that the man tried to rob Mark's father's store and his father was killed. Mark was a young Golden Gloves champion and the beating was considered assault with a deadly weapon. Corbin went on to tell Katie that Mark had an affair while his wife, the daughter of the judge who took an interest in Mark, was institutionalized. Finally, he told Katie that Dorrie Fleming was seeing Mark at the same time Katie was, before Lamont's surgery, and that Rooney had been following Mark and had records to substantiate a number of meetings. - There was only one episode, the night preceeding Corbin's surgery. Corbin ordered Rooney to add to his notes to strengthen his case against Mark. - Katie burst into Mark's office afterwards, to find him talking with Dorrie, but she went on to tell him all that Corbin said. Mark talked over with her his situation with his late wife Mary Ellen, and the truth about Dorrie and himself. Katie told him this was an example of what Corbin was prepared to do and emphasized that Howard Lansing had to know, so he could deal with Corbin as her lawyer.

After Baby P.J.’s crisis and recovery from pneumonia, Diana Taylor took a leave of absence from the hospital upon the baby's dismissal, determined to care for him herself until her mother could move in with the Taylors. Peter finally told Diana that her excessive concern was turning their home into an intensive care unit and begged her to move out of the nursery where she had been keeping constant vigil and return to their bedroom. Diana replied that P.J. still had congestion in his lungs and that she was not in need of therapy from her psychiatrist husband.

David Hamilton managed to talk his way out of a confrontation with Laura, telling her that Cates cancelled his meeting at the last minute and that he ran into Monica and decided to have a bit to eat with her since she was at loose ends because of Alan's trip to New York. Laura apologized profusely for doubting David and gave him a gift of a statuette which she had charged to Lesley's account, intending to pay for it with the final fee for posing for David. She begged him to take her away with him for awhile and he told her he had been making plans to do just that.

Dr. Steve Hardy asked Lesley to attend a two-day seminar in Syracuse and Rick told Les he welcomed the chance to spend some time alone with Laura as he wanted to tell her he would like to adopt her, legally. When Les ran into David Hamilton she warned him that she had not told Rick about the pass David made, but if he went back on his promise to avoid the entire Webber family, she would.

On his return, Alan downgraded Monica's suspicions of David, even after she had told him she learned from Jessie Brewer that David had been in Alan's office while she, Alan and Rick were in New York for Rick's presentation. He insisted that the group behind the land speculation was a powerful New York syndicate. They learned from one of Hauser's purchasing agents that the man, Slattery, refused to do business in person and was insisting on a price way out of line for certain parcels of land. - Monica made it a point to tell David what was patently not true; that Hauser would pay any price for the land. –

Monica intercepted Gail at the hospital and told her that she was destroying her relationship with Lee Baldwin out of her refusal to face her late husband's guilt in his relationship with Monica. Monica angrily added that she refused to take the entire blame any longer and would not try again to speak to her. That evening, at dinner with Lee, Gail told him that she felt it was unfair to go on seeing him at all after what happened between them some nights before. - Lee was trying to get through to Gail and she turned to him for comfort, only to call him "Greg" when he had his arms around her. - After she left and Scotty and Bobbie said goodnight, Lee, an alcoholic who had been dry for years, downed a Scotch and pushed the shot glass back to the bartender.

On the day final settlement papers were signed, Lamont got rid of Howard and showed Katie the bank deposit slip and a statement from the wife of the man Mark killed, claiming Mark had robbed her husband before the final beating. He threatened to ruin Mark if Katie didn't return. Katie phoned Mark to tell him she was flying to Boston to see her sister.

Jeff insisted Heather see Peter professionally but she was reluctant. Her cousin, Susan, got a hostess job at the Floating Rib Restaurant near the hospital.

(Coming Soon: General Hospital May 1978 and beyond)

For May through September 1978 All My Children, Go Here:

May - Sept 1978 All My Children

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