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June Videos

Sunday, April 9, 2023

April Videos


"Susan got a hostess job at the Floating Rib Restaurant near the hospital."

Including, The Conclusion of the "Nightlife Cafe, Laura goes to a Singles' Bar" Storyline


☽     ☽       ☽     ☽    ☽     ☽    ☽  ☽     ☽       ☽

4am   Peyton Place 1 to 100      101 to 174  

5am    180 to 280        281 to 398        381 to 480   

6am       Peyton Place 481 to 512 

 🌅     🌅    🌅     🌅    🌅   🌅   🌅   🌅   🌅   🌅

7am     Ryan's Hope March 1977      Ryan's Hope APRiL 1977    Ryan's Hope, May 1977

8am     Ryan's Hope, March 1978  Ryan's Hope, April 1978   Ryan's Hope, May 1978

9am     Ryan's Hope, March 1979  Ryan's Hope, April 1979       Ryan's Hope, May 1979

10am      Ryan's Hope, March 1980  Ryan's Hope, April 1980  Ryan's Hope, May 1980

11am     Ryan's Hope, March 1981    Ryan's Hope, April 1981  Ryan's Hope, May 1981

12noon     A     l     l            M     y             C    H   i   L   d   R  e N

ONE              L i F e   🠞 🠞   To     🠞 🠞 LiVE    🠞 🠞  May 1978

2pm         General Hospital, March 1979  General Hospital, April 1979  General Hospital, March 1980

       REVISED General Hospital, April 1980  General Hospital, May 1980

                      General Hospital, March 1981    (missing scenes) General Hospital, April 1981          

             ALL NEW FULL EPISODES GH April 1981     General Hospital, May 1981

3:30pm(PST)     Retro TV watch, THE DOCTORS 1971, Live *   

4pm     The Bold and The Beautiful Season 1

5pm        The Bold and The Beautiful Season 2

 6pm      General Hospital, Feb and March 1982   General Hospital, April 1982

                       General Hospital, May 1982

7pm                       Recess---Free Time

☽     ☽       ☽     ☽    ☽     ☽    ☽  ☽     ☽       ☽     



Dallas                                                                                     Falcon Crest

11:30pm               🠋


Behind the Screen:

11:30pm  to  4am         The Bold and the Beautiful Season 3




Dallas Season 7            Falcon Crest Season 3                   


                       Dallas Season 8                  Falcon Crest Season 4

Dallas Season 9                               Falcon Crest Season 5

ClickRyan's Hope, April 1978

All new recaps:

"Paul Martin scheduled a trip to Sea Island, and when Anne was accepting but unenthusiastic, he accused her of just going through the motions."
                                                           All My Children March/April 1977


To Be Continued.......

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