The Young and The Restless
Written by: William J. Bell
Produced by: John Conboy
Chris Foster was very concerned that the judge might give Karen back to the Beckers after reading the psychiatrist's report. The Beckers saw Karen several times after being given visiting rights. Karen refused to call Nancy "Mommy," but talked to Chris about her other mommy and frequently called her (Chris) "Chris." Ron and Nancy took Karen to the zoo, helping her to recall her past with them. - Karen remembered Ron, but felt abandoned by her mother when Nancy was taken to a mental hospital in a catatonic state. - Brad Eliot talked to Chris and got her to admit that if it were in Karen's best interest to return to the Beckers, she couldn't hurt Karen emotionally by keeping her. Chris and Karen discussed Nancy, and Karen asked if she could go to live with her other mother and father because she missed them. Chris called Snapper, asking him to come home. She was too hysterical to call the Beckers to come over. Nancy could see how hurt Chris was and felt sorry for her. Snapper came home from the clinic to find Chris packing her own suitcase and said she would never solve anything by running away. Chris explained that it wasn't enough to be just his wife. She had to find out what she wanted out of life for herself. Snapper was remembering that his father went away for nine years. Chris said she didn’t think she would even be away for nine days.
Snapper’s suspension from the hospital was up and he could return to the staff there.
Lance Prentiss found Leslie Brooks in a highly agitated state in Denver after newspaper reporter Rod Jackson told Leslie that her sister Lorie confirmed that she wrote the book about two rival sisters; one a writer, the other a pianist who spent time in a mental institution after a breakdown. Lance was ready to call the paper for printing an unsubstantiated story until Leslie told him what Jackson claimed. Lance called home to read Lorie out, but Lucas told him that Lorie had denied everything. The Maestro had contacted another pianist to take Leslie's place, but Lance took the responsibility of convincing her that she had to perform. He got her to eat and then had a piano brought to the suite for Leslie's practice. The Maestro was against this because he remembered the other time Leslie was in such a state. He felt she would not be able to take the stress.
Brock Reynolds and Stuart Brooks were making plans to fly to Denver after they learned Leslie had cancelled two concerts. Psychiatrist Brad Eliot, Leslie's ex-husband, told them that the worst thing they could do would be to go to her. It would show her that they didn’t have confidence in her ability to handle herself. He said that the friendship she had with Lance was what she needed at the time because he understood her talent.
Lance promised to be in the wings during her performance. Leslie heard people discuss her and the book, but pulled herself together and walked on the stage. She started very well, but when Rod Jackson walked up behind Lance, she floundered, started again and floundered, then ran from the stage. She retreated through the cold night to her suite without her coat. Lance had her get out of her wet clothing while he ordered hot tea. She confessed that she fled before she did have a breakdown because Jackson made her nervous. Lance felt responsible for this mistake. Leslie couldn’t bear to be alone yet. The experience drew them closer and though Lance knew he should leave her suite, he couldn’t. Later, they both felt this was a moment they would always remember. They met too late; Leslie used to be married and then Lance was.
Lorie got a call from a man who wanted to promote her book and she turned him over to Lucas, calling him her business manager. She said that maybe she needed someone to help her since Lance was always helping Leslie. Lucas suggested to Laurie and then to Lance that Leslie might be dependent on Lance as a revenge against Lorie.
After they returned to Genoa City, Lance couldn’t stay away from Leslie. She told him that night should never have happened and he should forget it. Brad arrived at that moment asking her to dinner. Leslie accepted, but they knew it was only to free her from Lance. Leslie wanted to go on with her life, but being a concert pianist might never be a part of it again.
Jill Foster didn’t believe Kay Chancellor's story about being married to her fiance Derek Thurston, but was so upset that Derek drew the story out of her. They agreed that Kay must have flipped out. Derek went to see Kay to set her straight, but found that she was serious. She explained that they were married by a friend of hers and then spent the night together. When he didn't remember the marriage in the morning, she put off telling him, hoping he would remember. She reminded him that she had explained to him that night that she wanted them to open the new beauty salon as man and wife or not at all. Derek shouted at her that he didn’t want any more to do with her or the salon. He went straight to Greg Foster to find out about getting an annulment quickly so that he and Jill could get married. Several things bothered Greg. The judge who performed the ceremony had an excellent reputation and would not have allowed the marriage if Derek was so drunk that he didn’t remember. After learning that Derek spent the night with Kay, he said they would have to file for divorce instead even though Derek claimed to have been too drunk to have consummated the marriage. It would only be his word against hers. Since Kay wanted this marriage desperately, it could take a year to obtain the divorce.
Brock was with his mother when Jill arrived to tell her that she wouldn’t get away with this, but she couldn't get through to the drunken woman. Hearing the details, Liz told Mrs. Chancellor that she was quitting because she couldn’t work for someone who was so devious.
Brock had been unsuccessful in pleading with his mother to allow the divorce. Derek decided to try once more. Brock suggested that he tell her that he was not angry with her. They went up to her room where they assumed she was sleeping off the results of her drinking. Brock found a medicine bottle cap and their search turned up an empty sleeping pill bottle. They rushed her to the hospital, hoping they weren't too late.
Jill became very worried when she didn’t hear from Derek and there was no answer at the house. Remembering that Kay tried to kill Philip by running the car off the road when Philip obtained a divorce to marry her, Jill was sure that Mrs. Chancellor had harmed Derek. He called to tell her of the suicide attempt. Jill said their problems would be solved if Mrs. Chancellor died because Derek would inherit one-third of her estate.
Stuart was furious when Lorie wanted to straighten things out with Les so that she and Lance could solve their problems. Lorie suggested that Leslie might be seeking revenge and Stuart didn’t know Leslie as well as he thought he did. Lance was not willing to give up his relationship with Leslie, but she had decided to face reality and knew that they had to not see one another again. Lucas had suggested to Les that deep down she really was a woman and hoped that her music did not get in the way when the right man came along. Over the Maestro's protests, she had given up concert work for the time-being to teach music.
Feeling guilty, Derek returned to the hospital to urge Kay to fight for life. Dr. Casey Reed, a new resident, and Brock refused to give up when she went into cardiac arrest. Their persistence paid off and she was brought back among the living. Jill couldn’t help but feel that they would have all been better off if Kay had died.
After her close brush with death, Kay agreed to whatever Derek wanted if he would remain her friend.
All My Children
Written by: Agnes Nixon
Produced by: Bud Kloss
(March 1978)
Following his recovery in the prison hospital, Ray Gardner made a phone call to the Martin home, trying to reach Ruth. Joe had taken the call and informed Paul, who met with Gardner and warned him not to attempt to contact Ruth again. After speaking with Nancy Grant, Ruth had decided to press the rape charge but just as she told Phil of her decision, she received a letter in the mail from Gardner, which stated that he needed to see Ruth about her foster-son Tad - Gardner's child - claiming that the boy's whole future was at stake. Phil got Ruth to promise not to do anything until she talked with Joe and Paul Martin.
Donna Beck Tyler arrived at Mrs. Maggie Flannagan's door, weak and feverish, but refused to stay unless Maggie promised not to contact either Estelle or Chuck. Billy Clyde checked out his suspicions of Estelle's movements and met Maggie as she and Estelle were on their way to church. He played rescuer by warning off a young hood who had snatched Maggie's purse and learned that Maggie had a young woman staying with her. When Estelle and Maggie went on, he entered Maggie's rooms and saw Donna asleep. After he was convinced that Estelle knew nothing about Donna's whereabouts, he contacted Phoebe Tyler and arranged a meeting.
Linc Tyler had brought Phoebe the news that he met with the judge in her reckless driving case and had had her sentence commuted. She told Benny that she had no intention of leaving her wheelchair as she meant to use her apparent paralysis to get her husband, Dr. Charles Tyler, back. The call from Billy Clyde was enough to tempt her to risk having Benny drive her to Center City to meet with him. She paid him $2,000 for information about Donna's whereabouts, but was shocked when Billy Clyde offered to get rid of Donna, telling him that she only wanted her out of her grandson's life and would contact him further when she had an idea of what to do. Brooke English learned that her aunt Phoebe had been out of the house, but Phoebe pretended that Benny had taken her to see a friend, carrying her to the car, as she was suffering from the confinement and needed to get out.
Chuck and Donna were finally reunited after Estelle came to see Mrs. Flannagan, found Donna there and shamed her into calling Chuck. At home, Donna insisted that Chuck contact Dr. Clader to arrange an operation to reverse the sterilization. Donna still felt threatened by Chuck's feelings for his former wife, Tara, and her belief that little Philip was Chuck's son. She had told Estelle that she would not feel secure in her marriage until she had given Chuck a child.
Tara and Phil had quarreled over the fact that Phil had forbidden little Philip to see an older boy he met while on the clean-up duty with Sgt. Jacoby, as the boy had stolen some money from their home. Tara couldn’t argue with Phil's decision but resented his manner of dealing with the situation. Phil burst out that he couldn’t seem to do anything right with either little Phil or Tara and stormed out. Sgt. Jacoby convinced him that he should try to make peace at home and they swing by the house for a few moments while on duty. Phil came in to see Tara in Chuck's arms as he comforted her. When he returned later that day, Tara was looking over some old high school photos of the three of them and made no mention of the fact that Chuck had been there, saying she had spent the day cleaning out the closet. In a frustrated outburst Phil told Tara that he and Chuck had been friends since first grade, but when she came to Pine Valley she changed all that. Tara was hurt and told Phil she couldn’t believe she heard him right.
Edna Thornton had attributed the symptoms of illness she has been feeling to the possibility that she might he pregnant. She gleefully informed Christina Karras that she was to be tested and when Chris accepted David's insistence that Ray Gardner was probably the father if Edna was indeed pregnant, Chris saw this as a way for David to divorce Edna and get custody of his daughter Dottie. – David was determined to get rid or Edna and had been lacing her drinks with some substance from his medical bag. When it turned out that Edna was not pregnant, he went on with his plan. - After Dr. Jeff Martin told Chris he was convinced of Edna's sincerity regarding David, Chris went to see Linc Tyler and learned by a ruse that David had lied to her. David tried to talk to Chris after this as she was in her office with Jeff, but she refused to listen and he walked out, cursing them both. He went home and continued with his attempt to get rid of Edna. telling her he had stopped divorce proceedings.
Nick Davis had accepted a position with a corporation called Uni-Rest, an expanding restaurant chain, and planned to leave for Chicago to take up his duties. When Erica learns or it from waiter Freddie, she envisioned a life at traveling with Nick as his wife. Nick was forced to tell Erica the truth, but to his astonishment she would not take him seriously, insisting that it was just a case of pre-wedding jitters. Mona tried to convince Erica that Nick had no intention of going through with the wedding but Erica only appeared to take it in when Nick pointedly sang "My Way" at the Chateau. Erica asked him to take her home but after one last night together changed nothing, her pleas to Nick turned to fury at being jilted.
Carl Blair had been seriously injured in the crash of a private plane as he was flying to Pine Valley. He and Nancy were married in the hospital at his insistence, so that Nancy might have a legal father for the child she was carrying. Caroline was with Carl when after a period of unconsciousness, he mistook her for Nancy, and she heard him say that Frank should never be told that the baby was his. When Carl died some time later, Caroline learned that he did not say anything further about it and she resolved never to tell in order to save her own marriage to Frank.
Afraid that Gardner might tell her that he lied in telling the Martins that his wife was dead, Ruth phoned Paul Martin and asked him to hold off filing the rape charge. Paul finally convinced Ruth that if she had to see Gardner, Paul, and not Joe, should go with her. Gardner's implication was that if he was jailed his wife's sister would seek custody of Tad unless Ruth was willing to "write off this prosecution for rape." Ruth firmly told him the answer was no.
Claudette Montgomery, who had taken over the management of the Chateau, informed Erica Nick told her days ago he wouldn't marry Erica. Erica pleaded with her not to tell anyone. Erica arranged to see Tom Cudahy, telling him that he was right all along and that she had finally seen the light and broken off with Nick. She asked for her old job back, and Tom promised it to her, though he was disturbed at the prospect of having to tell Brooke English.
One of the symptoms Edna Thornton was experiencing was heart palpitations and, unknown to her, David had justified his asking Linc Tyler to hold up divorce proceedings by telling him that Edna was under a strain and had a history of congenital heart disease. He had told Edna that she had the flu and the particular strain she was suffering from was not dangerous to Dottie.
In performing an emergency appendectomy on one of Chris' young patients, David "froze," leaving a young intern to close. He told Chris that he was failing apart at the thought that she would turn her back on him. After Jeff told Chris that David might have staged his distress for her benefit, Chris told David that she was not going to be seeing him again; that it was all over between them.
When Edna’s employer at the Beauty Spot came by to see her, she was very worried over Edna's failure to improve under her husband's care and emphasized that it was not wise for a physician to treat someone in his own family. Edna called Jeff Martin.
General Hospital
Written by: Douglas Marland
Produced by: Gloria Monty
After Gail had read Greg's notes for "Forever Spring," Monica begged to speak with her, saying that what had happened wasn't the way Greg wrote it; that he forced himself on her. She went on to say that Gail had worshipped the ground Greg walked on and had turned him into a saint, so that Monica was afraid she wouldn't have been believed. Afterward Greg threatened to tell Gail that it was Monica who had seduced him and it was still going on. Gail cried out that she saw Monica go through one man after another and it was always someone she had no right to. Gail turned to Lee to say that she had no further interest in Greg's royalties or works and ordered him to transfer everything to Maria Schuler. Miss Schuler protested that she wanted only what was due to her from "Forever Spring"; that she came to right a wrong, but Gail stopped her saying she no longer trusted anyone or anything and told Miss Schuler to keep the money, spend it or give it away — it was no longer any concern of hers.
Monica returned to Alan at the hotel saying that she wanted the money to help Gail but she couldn’t tell him about it except to say Gail had turned on her and hated her. Alan suggested they combine a short vacation to his home on Long Island with a trip to N.Y. he planned to take with Rick for a presentation concerning the cardiac wing, and Monica agreed gratefully.
While Rick was in New York, David Hamilton got drunk at a dinner with Lesley, Jeff and Heather, and stopped off at his apartment before taking Lesley home. He made a play for Lesley, insisting that she had been coming on to him all along and was as big a tease as her daughter, Laura. When Les said she couldn't bear to think of David having been for so long a time in the same house with Laura, he told her to come off it; that she knew that Laura had been sleeping around and it wouldn't hurt Lesley to loosen up, too. Lesley threatened to scream the place down and shortly after she got home, Jeff stopped by and learned what had happened. He went to David's place to get a scarf and Lesley's purse, which she had left behind, but David denied everything, insisting that he didn’t have Lesley's things. Jeff could barely keep his hands off David and left without them. Lesley was unable to reach Rick by phone that night and when she heard from him, he was so wrapped up in his chance to head the cardiac wing that she decided nothing should interfere with his concentration. When David came to see her, to apologize, she threw him out, warning him to stay away from herself and Laura, and she was convinced that was all that was necessary for the time.
Hamilton contacted Cates again, and arranged to cash in on his knowledge that Hauser Chemical planned to relocate in Port Charles. Cates backed David with the money to buy up the land which the company would eventually need. In a continuance of his private vendetta, David told Laura that Mr. Cates had agreed to using drawings David wanted to do of her in an advertising campaign but that Lesley had priggishly refused to hear of it. Laura arranged to pose for David, using dates with Scotty's roommate Darren as a cover.
Bobbie Spencer broke a date with Scotty to care for Jessie Brewer, who had been having dizzy spells and was anxious that it not be rumored around the hospital. Barbara received a present of a lovely music box from Jessie's collection. When Bobbie's landlady discovered Scotty in Barbara's room a few days later, she ordered Bobbie out of the house. Scotty offered to ask Lee for the money to cover the cost of finding a new place but when Jessie heard that Bobbie was being evicted - she believed her story of being thrown out in favor of some relatives of her landlady -, she offered to have Bobbie as her guest until she could find something of her own. Bobbie also accepted a present of a wrist watch from Lamont Corbin - against hospital policy - in return for an errand she did for him. The errand involved delivering a gift of a check for $1,000 as a shower present to Dr. Gina Dante, causing a disagreement between herself and her fiancee Dr. Gary Lansing. Despite this additional insight into Gary's attitude toward money, so different from her own, Gina and Gary were married.
Lamont had for his right hand man, Dan Rooney, telling him he wanted his wife Katherine's movements watched, as he believed she was a potential target for kidnapping. Dorrie noticed the fact that Corbin had been checking very closely on Katie and relayed her uneasiness to Dr. Mark Dante. At one point she called down to the cafeteria where Mark and Katie were having coffee to alert them that Rooney was on his way down. Corbin made it clear by his attitude toward Mark that there was a confrontation coming. His gift to the hospital had resulted in major renovation, and though the board thanked him informally after a celebration at which city and state politically figures were present, Steve was anxious to get permission from Mark for Corbin to appear at a more formal ceremony. He was exasperated at Mark's refusal to give a date and was convinced that there was something behind Mark's behavior.
Mrs. Grant then knew that her grandson, Steven Lars is alive and was all the more frightened that Heather continued to see Jeff. As the Taylors had the final adoption papers for the child, Mrs. Grant warned Heather that she did not believe that Heather could keep her promise to be silent. Heather's cousin Susan had noticed both Heather's and Mrs. Grant's unease on the night of a party at the Taylors' - where Mrs. Grant saw the baby and recognized him - and was determined to find out Heather's secret.
When the files of the Hauser Corporation were missing, Lee Baldwin revealed that David Hamilton knew of the plans and claimed that Monica had told him. Monica confronted David who sticked to his story and agreed that she might have mentioned the project on the day she was so upset because of Gail, but insisted that she never used the name. She was atraid that no one would believe her because of her past but Alan told her he did and Lee confided to Alan that he believed Monica was telling the truth. The files reappeared - David had gotten them back - and Monica conceded that she might have misfiled them for a time.
Mark Dante arranged to be alone with Lamont Corbin to break the news of his and Katie's love for each other. Corbin pretended to be devestated at the news but when Katie saw him, he told her that he had had her followed and had had Dan Rooney keep a record of the times she spent with Mark, calling it a complete history of their sordid affair with every detail carefully documented. Lamont insisted that if Katie wanted a lover he would permit it, but Katie was shocked and insisted she wanted a divorce. He told her that he would hate to have to take her to court and charge her with adultry, and asked if she believed Mark would still love her after he was made more famous as a seducer of patients' wives than as a surgeon. When Katie told Mark of Lamont's threats, Mark insisted that Corbin had too much pride to make a public scandal and would think better of it in time.
Mark called Gary and Gina to tell them the news and asked for a key to their apartment so that Katie could stay there for the time they were away, rather than return to her residence in the Corbin suite at General Hospital. Gary hesitated but finally told Mark that his brother had the key and that he would call Howard and tell him to turn it over to them at Mark's apartment. When Howard arrived, Katie retained him as her lawyer as he had accepted a position with a law firm in Port Charles. Gina was upset at Gary's hesitation, agreeing that Corbin hasd been very generous to them but maintaining that they had no choice but to take sides with Mark and Katie. - Gina was unaware that Gary had reapplied for a grant from Corbin Limited, urged on by Lamont, who insisted that there would be no strings attached. –
Howard was a guest for dinner at Peter and Diana's house earlier that evening but the plans were cancelled when P.J. was taken to the hospital with a fever and the threat of developing pneumonia. Heather had come unstrung and followed the Taylors to the hospital. She phoned her mother from there, and Susan overheard Mrs. Grant insisting to Heather that she leave immediately and not try to contact Jeff, as he was the last person in the world for Heather to talk to in her distraught state.
Lamont Corbin had told Dan Rooney that he suspected from Dorrie's attitude to his personal questions about Mark that there might be more than a professional relationship between them. - On the evening before Corbin's surgery, Dorrie and Mark spent the night together, but there had never been a repetition and Dorrie had assured Mark that she wished him and Katie happiness together. - Rooney was instructed to order the New York office to check thoroughly into Mark's background. Rooney then went on to tell Lamont about the stock manipulations and though they both conceded that neither Dr. Copeland nor Mark were likely to have been involved, Corbin told Rooney to check out Mark's personal account, saying he intended to see to it that an amount of money was deposited into it, reflecting a payoff stock manipulators would have made for information.
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