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All My Children, March, April 1975

 MARCH 1975


All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Mona was horrified to learn that Phoebe had made Mona's job as Charles' secretary and her friendship with him the crux of an ultimatum - either he fired Mona or they could no longer live together. Mona therefore resigned her job feeling this would ease the pressure on Charles. But Charles furiously told Phoebe either she made a full apology to Mona or when he returned from a medical convention in Baltimore he would rove to his club. Charles convinced Mona to stay on during his absence but Phoebe confronted Mona about this demanding she be gone before his return. when Mona replied she was only staying until a replacement was found Phoebe again neurotically accused Mona of flaunting her attempt to break up the Tyler marriage and threatened to go the the Hospital Board of Directors to expose this “middle-aged femme fatale of the desk set.” Learning this Charles told Phoebe she'd made his life a living hell and over her protests and later pleas he moved out. Charles asked Mona to stay on as he'd need her more than ever. Phoebe, unable to accept the scope of what she'd done told her daughter Ann she'd be patient and Charles would core to his senses and return.


Since his wife Erica had been institutionalized for treatment for a breakdown following a miscarriage Phil had not been allowed to see her. He had been informed she still refused to believe she lost the child and had continued to confine herself to bed where overeating and without exercise, the resultant weight gain fed her pregnancy fantasy. Finally allowed to visit, Phil was devastated at her unkept appearance and complete misery as she begged him if he loved her and his baby he would take her home. Unable to understand why he couldn't, she cried hysterically and had to be led to her room. The final blow for Philip came when he lost his Job at the EPA due to lack of funding. He bitterly told Tara he was a loser, he never got any of the breaks, everything he touched turned to ashes.


Tara and Phil both encouraged the closeness that had grown between Phil and his namesake, little Philip, Tara and Chuck's little son, but both were careful not to let it slip the truth that Philip not Chuck was the child's father. Philip and Tara married themselves without clergy just before his being sent to Vietnam where he was reported killed in action. Tara married Chuck Tyler to give her child a legal name and father and most friends and relatives believed Chuck was the child's father. Phil recently learned the truth but for his son's security and emotional well-being he had agreed to conceal this from Tara and Chuck.


Mary and Jeff were ecstatic at the possibility that Mary was pregnant. But Mary's joy was shattered when her mother suffered another heart attack and died just after Mary arrived at her side.


Tests and x-rays on young Jamie Coles indicated that his injuries were not the result of an accident as his socialite mother, Stacy Coles, insisted, but rather were repeated child abuse. Ann, who grew up in Stacy's social circle, pressed Dr. Joe Martin to talk to Stacy and her business executive husband Wyatt to persuade them to get help from COPE, the organization that helped parents who couldn’t deal with their own emotional problems and take them out on their children. Stacy, furious at the implications, refused to listen to Joe and demanded that her child be released. However, feeling this was what would happen, Ann had taken Jamie from the hospital and had convinced her ex-husband Nick Davis to conceal her and the child. Realizing it had to have been Ann who took Jamie, Joe and his brother, attorney Paul Martin recently divorced from Ann, tried to stall the Coles while they with her brother, Linc Tyler, tried to locate her. Stacy fearing a police investigation would expose her part in Jamie's injuries stalled Wyatt's attempts to call the police. Ann called Stacy promising to return the child if Stacy would go to COPE, but Stacy hung up on her. Wyatt and Stacy fought constantly over what she felt was his neglect of her, leaving her constantly alone with their child, and his insistance that her financial demanded upon him required his overwork and that her incessant spending precluded household help. Realizing Ann was running a serious risk of going to prison for kidnapping, Nick told Paul where she was and Paul forcefully convinced her to relinquish the child to him. As the boy was being physically checked, Joe and Paul tried again to explain COPE and Ann's reason for taking Janie to the Coles. Stacy refused to let Joe continue and demanded Jamie immediately. The Coles were jubulant over the return of their son, but Stacy was furious when Wyatt had to immediately leave for the office. When Jamie began to cry Stacy reacted neurotically and began to recall her own mother, Mrs. Littleton, who verbally abused her as a child - Mrs. Littleton did not want a child and emotionally battered Stacy constantly - and she began to physically take her frustrations out on Jamie. However, Kitty Shea inadvertently arrived with Stacy's new dresses preventing further injury. Fortunately in a polite gesture, Stacy agreed to pass around COPE posters for Kitty and when later Jamie again driove Stacy to the brink of sanity she grabbed the poster and dialed the COPE number. Giving her name, Stacy requested entrance in a parent therapy group. Wyatt was incredulous that she'd done this saying she was not one of "those people" she just had to control her temper. When she insisted she was going and asked him to go with her for moral support, he equivocated.


Margo, recently married to Paul, showed her annoyance at Paul’s preoccupation with Ann’s involvement in Jamie’s kidnapping. Considerably older than Ann, her jealousy and insecurities needed little actual encouragement. Claudette, Margo’s daughter, in Pine Valley to obtain a divorce from her socialite husband, rarely missed an opportunity to point up the difference in Margo and Paul’s age and went out of her way to show Paul how sympathetic and understanding she was in areas where her mother was not and suggested she, Claudette, would be happier with an older man. Paul, upset that Ann might resent the harshness of his argument to gain Jamie’s return, went to apologize to her. As they talked about past misunderstandings, hidden feelings seem to surface between them and when he suddenly kissed her, she passionately responded.


All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Paul went to Anne to apologize for being so forceful in convincing her to give up Jamie Coles, and suddenly grabbed and kissed her. She responded passionately. Both were stunned and Paul left wordlessly. Neither seemed able to forget the kiss. When Anne’s mother, Phoebe, refused to heed Anne’s warning not to interfere in her life, Anne moved back to her apartment with Nick’s help. He noticed she was somehow different since Paul’s visit. Stacy Coles thanked Anne for helping her see what she was doing to Jamie.


Wyatt Coles visited Joe to find out more about COPE’s group therapy, not understanding what was involved or Stacy’s interest. Gently, Joe told Wyatt that Jamie wasn’t accident prone, but had been abused by Stacy. Wyatt admitted he suspected that but refused to acknowledge it because he had have to deal with it. Wyatt told Stacy about his discussion with Joe. Stacy steeled herself for his anger and hatred, but was surprised when he said it was their problem and he accepted some of the responsibility because he was unnecessarily neglected her and Jamie for his work. He said they had a chance to build a new life together. When Wyatt said things would be better, she honestly replied they already were. Stacy thanked Kitty for her help.


Hal Short went to see Joe about his flu symptoms and found he had infectious mononucleosis and was hospitalized. Talking with Jeff Martin, Hal asked if he knew Kitty Shea, and looked forward to seeing her when released because he was an old friend of hers. He asked Frank to get him a phone book so he could call Kitty, aware Kitty would be very surprised to see him.


Phoebe, determined to break her son Linc’s romance with Kitty, gained Kitty’s sympathy because of her separation from Charles and tried to intimate Kitty into ending the relationship because her background was so different from Linc’s. Linc got the story from Kitty, finally, and tried to reassure her by saying all he wanted was to marry Kitty and raise a family. Kitty told him she couldn’t marry him because pregnancy could be fatal to her. Linc finally won her over by saing, “Be my life, my family, my love,” and they could adopt children. Linc told Phoebe to stop her interference, but Phoebe was determined and snooped into Kitty’s medical files during an appointment with Dr. Clader, later telling everyone she learned of Kitty’s condition from Kate Martin. Phoebe begged Linc not to let the family name die, or worse, go to a child of questionable background. Linc said it didn’t matter. Charles confrontes Kate about discussing Kitty’s medical background, and when Kate denied it, Charles checked with Clader, who confirmed Phoebe was alone in his office for 10 minutes. Charles told Phoebe it was such tactics that had led to her having to hire companionship. Linc and Kitty planned a June wedding.


Mary Martin admitted to Jeff she tried to get pregnant before given the go-ahead and she was 2 months pregnant, confirmed by Dr. Clader.


Devious Claudette Montgomery used her knowledge of Paul’s visit to Anne and Margo’s secret facelift to keep Paul and Margo from pressuring her into finding a job. Ingratiating herself with Phoebe, Claudette accepted a job as Phoebe’s companion. Supposed to accompany Margo to New York on a buying trip, Claudette feigned illness, pressured Paul into taking her to lunch, then prepared a romantic dinner for them, subtly offering herself as dessert. Paul refused. Margo returned early and she and Claudette argued about the job with Phoebe, so Claudette toke a walk, ending at Phil Brent’s house. At Phoebe’s, Claudette met Anne and flaunted the fact that she lived with Paul – Anne’s ex-husband, hinting they were very friendly. Upset, Anne had lunch with Nick to mend her fences with him. He was delighted. Margo pleaded with Paul to give her more time and affection and arranged for Claudette to move in with Kitty Shea.


Phil Brent, aware that little Phillip, was his son since Ruth broke down and told him, resented Chuck for living the life he wanted, and spent as much time as possible with little Phillip, convincing Chuck that Phil was after Tara. Phil was laid off from his job with the EPA, but refused Nick’s offer of a job at the Chateau. He did accept a loan from Joe. Phil received an offer from EPA in Dallas, but turned it down, saying he didn’t want to leave Erica and the house. Erica, who was pregnant with Phil’s child when they married, was emotionally unable to accept her subsequent miscarriage and was presently a patient at Oakhaven Sanitarium where despite excellent care her condition had not improved. Incensed, Chuck told Joe it was because of Tara and Joe determined to talk to Phil. Ruth warned Phillip he should take the job before everything blew up. Phil refused. Chuck’s suspicious caused a rift between Tara and him, so he went to confront Phillip. Phil said Tara wasn’t his reason for staying, and was about to spill the real reason, when Claudette arrived. Chuck, relieved, assumed Claudette was Phil’s reason for staying. Tara was upset at Chuck’s conclusions, and checked it out with Ruth, who said Tara would have to ask Phil his reasons. Phil accepted Nick’s job offer.

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