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Friday, April 8, 2022

Young and Restless March, April 1975

 The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy


Snapper was very uptight thinking about the letter from his father who was requesting a visit after he deserted the family 9 years ago. Chris, his wife, came across the typed letter from Chicago with no return address and thinking it might be Sally the mother of Snapper’s one, opened it. Chris assumed that Snapper would contact his father, but Snapper told her to forget it. Finally Snapper decided to tell his mother Liz but when he found that Sam Powers had finally brought a smile to her face after 9 lonely years, he tore up the letter vowing that his mother would not be hurt.


Gwen Sherman had donated the money she made as a prostitute to an orphanage run by Sister Theresa, a Mexican nun, and was also donating her time. After Greg told Gwen how much in need of money they were, Gwen persuaded an old “customer” who gave her a hard time at the restaurant where she worked to help by telling Sister Theresa in his presence how happy he would be to write them a check. Gwen asked Sister Theresa if, with her past, it was possible to become a nun and she received the answer she wanted. Greg called the Allegro for Gwen and was told that she had left to become a nun. He went to the orphanage to say goodbye and wished her well.


When Chris saw Greg ask the Sisters to pray for his father, she could no longer keep Snapper’s secret. Greg pushed her for information and she thought she remembered the letterhead saying “Regis”. Greg called but found out that his father had never been registered and rooms started at $75 and hung up before the heard the clerk say they were sometimes confused with the “Regent.” Liz cancelled a dinner with Sam when she remembered it was her wedding anniversary, but Sam convinced her that she had to live for the present and she went out, much to Greg’s regret. Greg told Snapper he knew about the letter and would find out what was going on at the Regis and then told his mother. Snapper realized he was contacting the wrong hotel.


Kay Chancellor’s luncheon for Jill, her companion, and Liz was successful in that it made Liz feel sorry for her, but it had convinced Phillip, Kay’s husband, that she was well enough to be asked for a divorce. When Kay asked her son, Brock, how God decided who received when two good people wanted the same thing, he replied: “The most deserving one.” Kay told Jill that she thought Phillip was planning something special for her when she was well. Phillip asked Jill to dinner not giving her time to go home to change. Kay used the opportunity to make Jill feel guilty when she fussed, insisting that Jill wear one of her dresses. Phillip and Jill both agreed that she could no longer remain in Kay’s employ and Phillip insisted on supporting her. Jill asked to quit immediately, but Kay persuaded her to give 2 weeks notice hoping that would be enough time to avert the divorce she was sure Phillip would ask for. Phillip and Jill wondered where Kay could have gone on her own when she visited Liz at the factory to tell her Jill had quit and to ask her help as she was sure Liz knew about Jill and Phillip. Liz tried to convince Jill that she couldn’t build a happy marriage on another woman’s misery. Kay realized she had to move quickly if she was going to keep Phillip. She offered Jill something her mother couldn’t give her – a college education at a good eastern school.


Lorie was 3 months late in her rent, her father Stuart had disowned her, so she asked Phillip Chancellor for a loan and a job, but told him not to feel obligated because she saw him with Jill.


All of Jennifer’s daughters were concerned about her: two hoping she would make the right decision – although they differed on what that was – and two wondering what was bothering her. Not knowing that Dr. Bruce Henderson was the reason Jennifer had to get away, Stuart called him inadvertently giving Bruce the information he wanted – Jennifer’s destination – Key Biscayne, Florida. Lorie showed up at Leslie’s apartment thinking Leslie would have joined their mother in Florida and she would have Brad, Leslie’s husband, to herself. Lorie felt that at almost fifty their mother was old enough to make up her own mind. Mark, Bruce’s son, tried to make Stuart aware that he should convince Jennifer how much he needed her without coming out with the truth.


Bruce called Jennifer from the lobby saying he would leave if she wanted him to, but she invited him up telling him that she was terribly lonely, but hadn’t made up her mind and wouldn’t go home until she did. After spending several days with Bruce, she decided to ask Stuart for a divorce and she and Bruce would buy a piece of land and he could practice in Florida. Lorie had called Mark saying she wanted to discuss his father and her mother, making him break a date with her sister Peggy. Mark found that Lorie was in favor of the divorce and asked if it wasn’t because she resented her father’s favoritism of Leslie and wanted to get back at him. On a hunch, Peggy went to Lorie’s and when she found Mark there, broke down crying and rushed out convinced that Lorie was trying to steal Mark from her. Mark went to see Peggy, but unable to get her to trust him he had to tell her about his father and her mother. When Leslie couldn’t reach her mother by phone and then found out Dr. Henderson was still registered at the hotel she decided to fly to Florida, but was stopped by Lorie, who received a call saying Jennifer wanted to meet with all the girls at 3:00 at the house, but had told Stuart she would be home, in the evening. Jennifer told the girls she had spent her life denying herself love for their sake and hoped they would understand when she asked Stuart a divorce. Stuart told Brad that he had been thinking while Jennifer had been away and wanted Brad to take over more responsibility so that he could fill the void in Jennifer’s life the girls had left by growing up and, he added, he was becoming fatigued. He had made arrangements to take Jennifer on a much wanted trip to Europe for a month. Brad detained him when he wanted to go home early, and later Brad and Sam Powers found Stuart lying unconscious on his office floor. Brad massaged Stuart’s heart on the way to the hospital saving his life. Snapper asked Brad how he knew what to do but Brad told him to forget it. Peggy broke down at the hospital refusing to stay in the house with her mother, so Lorie would take care of her. At the house, Leslie gave her mother the airline tickets to Europe and Jennifer was explaining that you couldn’t buy love when Brad called asking them to return to the hospital when Stuart suddenly went into cardiac arrest. Brad injected adrenalin and massaged Stuart’s heart until it resumed functioning on its own. Brad said, “Nice work Doctor,” to Snapper who replied, “That’s what I was going to say, DOCTOR!”


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy


Jennifer Brooks knew that her daughters thought she was wrong for wanting to divorce their father for another man, but as Stuart Brooks had a heart attack before she could tell him, she was only concerned that he get well. Peggy, Jennifer’s youngest daughter didn’t want to stay with her mother but Brad, her brother-in-law, said she should because Stuart had asked that Dr. Bruce Henderson, his friend and Jennifer’s lover, be called as a consultant. After seeing Stuart, Bruce told Jennifer that they had to not see each other until Stuart was well because his heart couldn’t stand the strain they had to not be responsible for another heart attack. Stuart took Bruce’s leaving as a sign that he was in good hands and told Brad that he had so much to live for. But after awhile Peggy’s prediction that Stuart would be able to see a change in Jennifer came to pass. Stuart feared the change had to do with Jennifer thinking about how their intimate relationship would change because of his heart attack, but Jennifer managed to reassure him. Peggy had been having a rough time dealing with the upheaval in her life and when Mark Henderson, Bruce’s son, and Peggy’s date before all this, called and went to see her, he found her trying to be seductive wearing Lorie’s dress and manner stating this had to be how to get what you wanted out of life. She tried to seduce him, but he blamed their parents and left. Brad found Peggy in Lorie’s outfit at a campus hang-out, made up and making out. Brad tried to convince her that this was not the real Peggy, but Peggy was hurt and claimed this was the way everyone else got what they wanted and went back to show Brad that she could act like Lorie and her mother.


When Greg Foster told Brad about the letter from his father and that Chris thought it was from the Regis Hotel in Chicago, Brad said the Regent got confused with the Regis. As Greg prepared to go to Chicago, Chris’ memory was jogged by a letter from the Board of Regents, but promised her husband, Snapper, she wouldn’t tell Greg because Snapper feared that a “visit” from her husband who had been absent 9 years would only hurt his mother. Sam Powers told Greg that he was planning to ask Liz Foster to marry him, but promised Greg he would wait for his return. Greg found nothing in the registration cards, but saw a memo of supplies that Bill Foster “Logan” the janitor had left on the desk and sought out his father in the basement. After telling him what had become of everyone, Greg said he would tell Jill and then think about asking him for a visit. Snapper found out Greg had gone to Chicago, blamed Chris for telling Greg and had to apologize when he found out she kept her promise, but told Sam to go ahead and ask Liz to marry him. When Greg got home, he was convinced by his mother’s happiness that he shouldn’t tell her until he remembered that if she married Sam believing Bill was dead, she would be guilty of bigamy and he could be disbarred for knowing better. He told Snapper she had to be told and the $1000 repaid to the insurance company. Greg told Liz that his father was alive and wanted to come home for a visit upsetting Liz because he had been declared dead and she had made up her mind to marry Sam. She would have preferred Greg had not said anything. Greg said that since he knew he had to tell her or she would have been guilty of bigamy if she married Sam unless she got a divorce. After thinking about it, she began to sway when she told Snapper what Greg said and might let him come for a visit. Snapper was sure Sam would understand if she had to get a divorce first.


In order to get Jill Foster away from her husband Phillip, Kay Chancellor told Jill she’d send her to college and when Jill said it had been too long since she had been to school, Kay visited Jill’s family telling them of her offer, Jill’s refusal and that she hoped they could change her mind. At dinner that night, Phillip gave Jill a large solitaire engagement ring to wear on a chain. Greg guessed who Jill was in love with when he put everything together, but Jill said she would move out if Greg told Snapper because she deserved some happiness and was going to marry Phillip. Kay told Jill that if she ever intended to marry a man of background and means she had to attend college so that she wouldn’t feel inferior. The more Kay, an alcoholic, recovered from her drinking problem the sorrier Jill felt about hurting her, but told herself the marriage was over long before Phillip fell in love with her. Jill was so distraught that when Phillip intercepted her and took her to the cabin in the woods, they had no intention of being intimate, but it seemed right and it happened. Kay saw them and rushed to the phone and ordered a case of vodka, but her son Brock’s singing and her reading of the 23rd Psalm got her through this trying time and she cancelled the order because as long as he didn’t leave her, she didn’t care if he slept with Jill. She had Brock deliver a dress to Jill for the ladies luncheon to be the following day. While waiting for the women to arrive, Kay became distressed when she remembered Phillip and Jill together, but after Brock again calmed her with his singing she was the gracious hostess she once was, showing Jill that it took a special kind of woman to be Phillip’s wife. When Phillip came home, Jill told him that she was not good enough, but Brock saw Phillip try to kiss away Jill’s doubts and tell her he would ask for his divorce as soon as she left Kay’s employ. Kay told Brock that Jill had doubts about marrying this secret man she refused to talk about, but was sure he would persuade her. She offered Brock access to the family money if he would marry Jill to save her from this situation. Brock took Jill to his “quiet place”and told her that they were both searching for something and would do well together. She accepted his proposal and after meditating they pledge their honesty and Brock asked God to accept their vows. Jill’s family was shocked when they found out she had married Brock, but she said she would explain later. They told Kay who was happy for them, but when Phillip came in and Jill had to tell him he was almost beside himself. Because they had no place to go, Kay offered them Brock’s father’s cabin in the woods knowing what memories it would hold for Jill.

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