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Young and Restless-- Jan, Feb, March, April, and May 1977


January 1977

The Young And The Restless 

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

The Brookses had urged their daughter, Peggy, to seek professional help when she called off her wedding after having nightmares again about Ron Becker raping her. Chris told her that after her rape, Snapper was very patient and loving. Lorie also told her that the love of a good man was what she needed to get over her fear that she would never be able to be a wife to Jack Curtis. Peggy asked Jack if he still felt that there was more to a marriage than sex. She suggested that they get married one step at a time. He said he could never compromise her by asking her to live with him. She wanted to elope and keep their marriage a secret so that she could ease into it without her family and friends peering over her shoulder. She would continue to live at home, but spend time with Jack so they could get to know one another. The following day, Jack and Peggy were married by a justice of the peace, but visions of Ron Becker flashed before her even as they took their vows. They went back to Jack's apartment where they talked about their future. Jack sent Peggy home while she had a warm, contented feeling so that she would associate this with marriage.  

Stuart and Jennifer Brooks again brought up professional help, but Peggy told them she wanted to handle this herself and asked them to trust her judgement. Stuart told Jennifer that Jack was wrong for Peggy because if his love were enough she wouldn't have called off the wedding. Stuart felt Peggy's frustration over finding out that Jack was a married man led her to run to Chris' apartment where she was raped. He commented that actually Peggy was upset before that when Jennifer left home. - Feeling lost when her children left home, Jennifer thought she was in love with an old friend who was sympathetic. Jennifer and Stuart were reconciled but she had had a difficult time living this down. She didn’t know that Stuart found out that this friend was also the father of Lorie, his second oldest daughter. Jennifer was having some problems and called Dr. Atwater who wanted to see her. He had told Stuart, but not Jennifer, that she had some heart damage which they hadn’t been able to diagnose as yet.

Peggy told her mother she was having dinner with her friend, Sherry, when she went to Jack's apartment. He would like her to spend the night so that he could hold her as they went to sleep, but he wanted her to stay out of love. Peggy called her mother and then Sherry to set up an alibi for the night. Jack noticed how nervous Peggy was, so he told her to just lie down and go to sleep.

Stuart didn’t believe that Peggy was at Sherry's. Jennifer said Peggy would know that he was checking on her if he called. He sent her to bed and then phoned to find Peggy was at the "drug store." Thinking Jack was taking advantage of his baby daughter, Stuart stormed over to the apartment. Peggy waited in the bathroom while Stuart confronted Jack, telling him that he knew Peggy had been with him because her car was out front and how bad he had been for her. Peggy presented herself, saying he didn’t have to protect her because Jack hadn't touched her. Jack finally told Stuart that they were married a week ago and the marriage had not been consummated. Stuart apologized, but Peggy said she would go home then because her father had spoiled the feeling of warmth and intimacy they were trying to achieve.

Chris Foster was trying to locate the birth certificate of her new ward, Karen Becker, so she could put her in nursery school. Since Karen had been deserted by her mother and father, Nancy and Ron, she had asked if she might call Chris "Mommy." Chris' husband, Snapper, cautioned her that she might be hurting herself and Karen.

Stuart Brooks got a call at the newspaper from a nurse at the state hospital, saying that there was a woman there who resembled the sketch published in his paper, but she didn’t respond to the name Nancy Becker. Stuart doubted that this Fran Jackson could be Nancy, but had to see her to be sure. Stuart was stunned when he saw the condition Nancy is in. He told Mrs. Simpson that Nancy had a young daughter and she suggested that Karen might be able to bring Nancy out of her catatonic state.

Stuart told Chris that he had found Nancy and described her condition. He asked her to take Karen to the hospital. Chris insisted on trying to get through to Nancy herself. She was against Karen seeing Nancy like this until Mrs. Simpson said the doctor was going to start shock treatment, but even these might not help her. Chris wrestled with her conscience and was about to take Karen to see Nancy when Mrs. Simpson called to say that she told the doctor and he was afraid it would do too much damage to Karen and might not help her mother. Chris was relieved, but felt guilty. She talked to Brock Reynolds who said she had done everything for Karen's benefit and not just her own. He told her that she should put Karen in nursery school and continue to think of her welfare.

Ron Becker longed to see his daughter, especially since her birthday was drawing near. He felt Chris was the one person who might know where Karen was. When he phoned, Chris was in the shower and Karen answered. He told her that he was coming to see her for her birthday, but she was to keep it a secret.

Lance Prentiss took advantage of the situation when he found they were flying over Nevada. He and Lorie Brooks were married in a small ceremony with a $19.95 wedding ring which Lorie refuses to give up. They told her parents that they were married and were leaving on their honeymoon immediately. Lorie suggests that they ask Vanessa, Lance's mother, to accompany them so that she wouldn’t feel so left out. Lance said that she was thoughtful, but his mother would just have to understand that this was their time. In a private conversation after she heard the news, Vanessa told Lorie that all may be well at the moment, but she would soon tire of being the faithful wife.

Lance refused to tell Lorie where they were going. He left behind the one suitcase he had allowed her to pack. Their first stop was Tahiti. While basking in the sun, he told her not to be impressed with wealth. The jet was not a toy and she would receive an allowance. Lorie was delighted when he said she could become involved in any aspect of his business that interested her.

As Brad and Leslie Elliot were together again, she wanted to cancel some of her piano concerts, but Brad insisted that she promise to continue her career. Leslie was happy with Brad's progress when he got up enough courage to take a walk after having not been out of their apartment since he became blind.

Jill Foster told her mother that Mrs. Chancellor admitted she had known little Phillip was Phillip Chancellor's son because she saw them in the bunkhouse the night he was conceived. She didn’t want her to work for Mrs. Chancellor. Liz confronted Kay, furious because she branded her grandson a bastard out of jealousy. Liz would like to quit, but Kay reminded her that a good name wouldn’t do Phillip any good if he couldn’t eat.

Liz cautioned Joann Curtenzski about Mrs. Chancellor. She said Jill was once her companion, but was hurt even though Mrs. Chancellor couldn’t seem to help herself. Kay couldn’t bear the thought of being alone when Joann told her she was going to register for college classes as well as working as a waitress. Kay suggested she quit and become her companion so she would have more time for her studies as well as Mrs. Chancellor.

Detective Joe Dillon had been called in to investigate the circumstances surrounding Bill Foster's death. The nurse in charge reported that the respirator was unplugged when she found him after attending to another emergency. Mr. Dillon had questioned everyone and could find no reason to believe that anyone was responsible. When he questioned Snapper about his father's death, he said it was the opinion of the staff that he only had twenty-four hours to live.

Liz learned that her son, Greg, blamed his brother, Snapper, for not calling when their father was dying. Snapper cautioned her that she had to not tell Greg or Jill that she unplugged the respirator so that he could die with dignity and because she couldn't stand to see him suffer.

Joe Dillon accidentally learned that while Greg and Jill were at home and the nurse had seen Mrs. Foster leave, Doctor Foster could not be located for about fifteen minutes after his father's death.

Dillon was surprised that Snapper had not told his brother about the unplugged respirator. Greg told Snapper that he was going to find out what happened and God help him if he was involved. Jill quieted her mother when Liz had a nightmare. Liz explained that she was only abiding by Bill's wishes. Jill was horrified, but asked that Greg not be told. Greg told Jill about the investigation and said someone murdered their father. Jill agreed that they couldn’t let Dillon question their mother.

The Prentisses’ second stop was Hong Kong where Lorie presents Lance with a Japanese maiden to give him a massage in exchange for a beautiful kimono and pearls. The night before they left, three men with guns broke in, but apologized saying they were looking for another "L. Prentiss." Lance wondered if they could be seeking his brother Lucas.

After a check up where Dr. Atwater told her she could live for years with her heart condition if she avoided stress, Jennifer insisted that he not tell Stuart or their daughters.

Jill asked Snapper how they were going to protect their mother. He said they had to convince her that she could say nothing to Joe Dillon because she could not see that she had done anything wrong. If they were unable to, then they would tell Greg because she would need a good lawyer.

February 1977

 The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

After Stuart Brooks found his youngest daughter, Peggy, in Jack Curtis' apartment and jumped to the conclusion that he was taking advantage of her, Peggy explained they were secretly married but their marriage had not been consummated. Humiliated, Peggy returned home. Jennifer suggested that her daughter think of having her marriage annulled if she was not ready to be a wife to Jack. Peggy had lunch with her sister Chris, who gave her some insight while talking about her own marriage. Peggy picked up a few clothes and hurried to Jack's to prepare dinner for him. She had decided that she was not a child and had to live with her husband if she was to learn to be a wife.

The following day, Peggy asked Jack to let her imply to her family that the marriage had been consummated and everything was fine so that they wouldn’t worry. While she was packing to move in with Jack she talked about how happy she was with ALL the aspects of her new life with Jack. After the young couple left, Jennifer said she didn't get the idea from Jack's conversation that their sexual problems were solved.

That night, Peggy looked so appealing and seemed so willing that Jack was unable to control himself. Peggy became hysterical and was unable to sleep all night. In the morning Jack apologized and said that she wouldn’t be so frightened the next time. Peggy said that if there never was a next time it would be too soon. She hated it!

Joann Curtenzski, Jack’s ex-wife, had considered Kay Chancellor's suggestion that she give up her job as a waitress at the Allegro and become her companion as she had decided to go back to school. This arrangement did give Joann more time to study and Kay was happy that there was someone in the house to keep her company. One evening, friend Phil Cooper asked Joann to a show but when he arrived, she had decided to stay home. Joann noticed how restless and despondent Mrs. Chancellor became at the thought of spending the night alone. When Kay turned to alcohol, Joanne decided that it was more important to stay with her. She vowed never to leave Mrs. Chancellor alone.

Noticing that Joann had lost so much weight, Kay ordered some new outfits sent out in her size. Joann realizes that Kay's story about them being too young for herself was an excuse since they were all in her own size. Joann threw her arms around Kay in gratitude and this was all the thanks she needed.

Phil told Brock Reynolds about Joann cancelling their date and he paid a visit to his mother. Brock said he hoped that this association would help them both when he suggested Kay offer Joanne a place to live, but she seemed to be limiting Joann's horizons, which was exactly the opposite of what he had in mind. Kay said it was Joanne's own desire to break the date, but it didn’t surprise her after the way her husband treated her.

Chris Foster had taken Brock's advice and entered Karen in nursery school. Her husband Snapper was going to take her to the state mental hospital to see Karen's mother, Nancy Becker, but when he was unable to go, Brock offered to go along. He knew that Chris had been going to take Karen to see Nancy in the hope of jogging her back to sanity, but the Doctor was afraid this could prove harmful to Karen so he suggested they take a picture of Karen. Miss Simpson, the nurse who alerted them to Nan cy's whereabouts, remarked on Chris' constant concern. Chris explained she couldn't live with herself if she didn't do everything possible to help Nancy. - Chris wanted a child very badly and felt guilty because Karen then called her Mommy and didn’t want her mother back because she left and never returned. - Chris tried getting through to Nancy, but when she failed, she gave Nancy the picture of Karen and asked for a sign that she wanted Karen. Nancy ripped up the photograph.

Snapper learned that Joe Dillon intended to question his mother and knew that he and his sister Jill had to convince her not to talk to him. They explained to Liz that no one knew that she went back to the hospital and she should let Dillon go on believing that she had gone home several hours before because the police wouldn’t understand. They had to tell her that even though they understand that she unplugged the respirator because their father begged her to end his suffering, she could be charged with murder. Liz insisted that she had done nothing wrong and would tell the truth. Joe Dillon questioned Jill when Liz was in the kitchen reliving the moments before Bill died. When she unplugged an appliance, her head throbbed and she seemed vague when Jill came to get her. Liz was surprised to see Snapper at the house and insisted that she had to get to the hospital to be with Bill. Snapper rushed Dillon out and wanted to take Liz to the hospital, suspecting she had had a minor stroke when they found that she couldn’t use her left arm. They explained that she didn’t remember Bill's death and agreed to her staying home if she would remain calm. Snapper had called the best neuro-surgeon to examine her. Greg arrived home but was critical of Snapper's handling of their mother since he had come to the conclusion that Snapper killed their father. Snapper felt it might be a blessing that Liz couldn’t remember anything about Bill's death because she wouldn’t be able to tell anyone. Jill felt Greg should know the truth so he wouldn’t continue to accuse Snapper but Snapper insisted they keep silent. Greg vowed to get at the truth.

Joe Dillon told his superior officer that no one held any animosity toward Bill Foster, so the person who killed him did it out of love. Dr. Snapper Foster couldn’t account for his time that evening and even doctors could prove human when they loved a person enough. If he got enough proof, he would have to arrest Dr. Foster.

The third stop on the Prentiss honeymoon was Athens. Lorie found that Lance had been there with many women, but they decided that though neither of them led chaste lives before they met, their prior experiences were part of what made them the people they loved. Lorie put on a belly-dancing exhibition for Lance which pleased and amused him. Next, they visited Madrid where Lorie discovers her sister Leslie Eliot would be arriving to do a piano concert.

The Eliots were looking forward to the birth of their child. Leslie asked if Brad would mind if they named a boy after him even though Barbara's son carried his name. - Brad didn't know that Barbara's child was his son until just before he unsuccessfully operated on him. His son's death drove him from medicine. - Brad suggested they name him Stuart after her father. The Maestro told Brad that he was lucky that he could still enjoy Leslie's talent. It would have been far worse if he had lost his hearing instead of his sight.

Before leaving for Madrid, Leslie visited Vanessa Prentiss to play for her. Vanessa remarked that it would be nice if Lance could be here or if Leslie were with Lance. Leslie told her that Lorie was married to Lance and they were very happy. She told Vanessa that Lorie gave up fame and fortune, the two things she cherished for her, Leslie; that the second book that Lorie wrote was never published because Leslie couldn't bear it. But Vanessa was sure Lorie told her she did have a second book published and asked her detective to track this book down.

Vanessa visited Brad to find out more about Lorie, knowing that she and Brad had been engaged. Brad also insisted that Laurie had changed. Vanessa admitted that she felt comfortable with Brad because of his blindness. Since she saw no one, Lance and the business were her whole life. Brad told her that it could stop being a need and become a compulsion. When Vanessa guessed Brad's profession, he offered to help her. Private Investigator Mr. Campbell had located a copy of Lorie's book, "In My Sister's Shadow." It had been difficult to find because it had been published under a pseudonym. Vanessa questioned Brad about Lorie's book, explaining that Leslie had told her about it. Brad said he was sure the book was never published because he tore up the manuscript himself.

Leslie arrived in Madrid to find the Prentisses waiting for her. The only person missing was Brad. He had promised that although he wasn’t comfortable enough to travel yet, he would soon. The Maestro had told Leslie that since she and Brad had gotten back together, Leslie's heart was back in her music. Both girls talked about how happy their men had made them and Leslie said Brad was going back into medicine. The past came up but Leslie quickly said neither of them needed to remember that. While waiting for the concert to begin, a woman behind Lorie told her husband about a book she was reading. The heroine was a young, shy concert pianist. Tears leapt into Lorie's eyes.

After Chris talked to Peggy, who admitted she would never let any man touch her, but refused to seek help, she told Jack that he didn’t realize how deeply Peggy had been traumatized. Jack still felt that love and understanding would bring her around.

Joe Dillon gave Snapper until morning to turn himself in. Jill was going to tell Greg, but his shouting woke Liz who insisted on knowing what was causing the tension. Greg told her that Snapper was going to be arrested for unplugging their father's respirator. After Snapper arrived and was ordered from the house by Greg, Jill decided Greg had to know the truth. Greg went to Snapper to apologize and offered his help. Snapper said he couldn't tell him the truth because Greg and their mother were very close and he didn't want to hurt that relationship. They agreed that Liz didn’t have to learn the truth and that this would make Snapper's defense difficult.

Nurse Simpson and Brock Reynolds thought it was significant that Nancy taped Karen's picture together and refused to let Brock take it from her.

March 1977

The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Peggy Brooks Curtis told her sister that she couldn’t let Jack make love to her. He went back on his promise to let her take her time. Chris told Jack how concerned she was about Peggy. Jack met his ex-wife Joann at the university cafeteria. He had offered tutoring help before, but then when she asked him to read a paper he hadn't the time. Jack returned to the apartment feeling very low because his advisor didn’t like the last chapter of his dissertation and wanted him to approach it from a different angle. This meant he would have to redo all his research. He needed a little sympathy, but Peg shrank from his touch. Jack said that he had tried to help her and let her try to help herself, but since they had both failed, she needed professional help. She screamed that she was not crazy. Jack replied he couldn’t go on like this and slammed out. He called Joann, saying that he had found time to help her and wouldn’t be put off. Kay Chancellor had gone to bed with a cold and they had the living room to themselves. Jack had only good comments about Joann's paper and suddenly realized how good she looked since she had lost weight. In the firelight she looked like the girl he married years ago. Before they really knew what was happening, Jack and Joann found themselves making love by the fire. Kay ventured downstairs and was startled by this passionate scene. Joann realized what a mistake she had made and told Jack that he had taken advantage of her and Peggy, but he would never take advantage of her again.

Peggy told Chris that Jack left very upset, but she was afraid to be sympathetic because he might interpret it the wrong way. Chris warned that she had to make up her mind whether she really wanted to be a wife to Jack because she was hurting him in the worst way and soon he would turn to someone else. Peggy told him that she was sorry, but he said that he could seethe fear in her eyes. He wanted her to go back to her parents, but Peggy insisted that was impossible. Peggy asked Leslie if she could stay with her and had to explain why. Leslie told Peggy that Brad was a psychiatrist and might be able to help her. One of her biggest fears was talking to a stranger about her sexual fears. Peg was amazed at how much Brad was aware of even though he was blind. He could tell where she was and what she was doing by listening. After she was able to let some of her feelings out, she returned to Jack. At their next session, Brad asked why she returned to the apartment if she was afraid. She explained that she couldn’t go home to her parents. Brad suggested that her father's approval was more powerful than her fear of Jack. Kay let Joann know that she saw her with Jack. Joann blamed herself for being weak and not following her advice to stay away from Jack. She volunteered to leave if Mrs. Chancellor wished, but Kay said she was only hurt because Joann was. She didn't drink anymore because Joann didn't want her to and the same would be true of Joann. Then they both had a reason to make each other happy and she felt they were much closer. Ralph Olson fixed the plumbing and asked Kay out when he saw she was in better control of herself. Joann was pleased when Kay preferred to stay home.

Kay suggested that Joann could forget more easily if they went away for a while. Joann reminded her that she had to stay in school to keep her scholarship. Kay agreed to a tour of the Hawaiian Islands on spring break. Joann shopped for a bathing suit, the first she had had in many years. Kay was selecting the jewelry she would take along and explaining a little of her life when she came across the engagement ring she had when she was married to Brock's father. It was a symbol of undying love. They started the Reynolds Company and after his death the business was going under. Phillip came along and borrowed money to bring the company out of debt. It was when Philip couldn't make it to their anniversary party that she started to drink. Kay gave Joann the ring, saying it was a pledge that her drinking had ended and was a sign of their friendship.

Leslie Elliot would like Brad to go to Toronto with her for her concert, but he was not quite up to it yet, saying that he had a lot of studying to do. She gave him a doctor's shingle she had made in Madrid. Brad was apprehensive when Lance Prentiss offered to fly him to Toronto in his private jet to surprise Leslie but finally accepted. Lance mentioned that he told Leslie that he could use him in personnel, but she told him that Brad was pursuing another career. Brad explained that he was a psychiatrist and neurosurgeon before and had decided to take up psychiatry again. Seeing Brad in the audience made things complete for Leslie.

Lance asked Lorie to go along, but she wanted to keep Vanessa company and get to know her a little better. Vanessa locked herself in her room for the day, only emerging shortly before Lance's expected arrival. Vanessa ordered Lorie to remove the snack she fixed and to retire to her bedroom, announcing it was a ritual that she and Lance discuss business when he returned from a trip. Lorie remained seated. When Lance came in, he asked if she minded if he talked business with his mother first, but asked her to stay and listen. Vanessa balked and said she would speak to him in the morning. Lorie visited Brad asking him to help her find a way to remove Vanessa's veil. He said that many strides had been made since Vanessa was told that her heart condition prevented plastic surgery. He would check it out. Lance asked Lorie if she went to a doctor and could see from the look on her face that she did. He assumed that she was pregnant. She reminded him that she was on the pill, but was ready for children whenever he was. Lance suggested that they get their own house in order first.

Vanessa was sure that "In My Sister's Shadow" was a true story written by Lorie. She questioned Leslie to find out if she spent time in a mental institution and if Lorie was responsible. Leslie said she wished to forget the past and since Lorie was a changed person, they were dear friends. Vanessa was determined to deal with Lorie the same way Lorie did Leslie. Lance cautioned Vanessa that he had an idea she wasn’t really giving Lorie a chance.

Nancy Becker’s nurse at the state mental hospital called Brock Reynolds when Nancy pieced together the photo of her daughter Karen she had ripped up when Chris Foster asked for a sign that she wanted Karen back. The doctor then felt that Karen might be the clue to Nancy's recovery and asked that she be brought to see Nancy. Chris refused until Karen drew a picture of her "mommy" and it had brown hair like Nancy's. Chris hoped that Nancy wouldn’t reject Karen, but knew that she had to do this. Nancy made no move toward Karen and after a quick glance refused to look at her. Chris was going to start permanent adoption proceedings.

Chris confronted Snapper after she heard from Liz Foster that he was going to be arrested for unplugging his father's respirator. He finally confided that Liz did it because her husband was in such pain, but couldn’t remember it since her stroke, brought on by the stress. In a way this was a blessing because she would insist on telling the truth. He told her that Greg was trying to raise the two thousand dollars he would need for bail in the morning. Chris told her father about their problems, but only said she knew he was innocent, keeping her promise not to say why. Stuart took her on faith and loaned her the money. Snapper had to go through the fingerprinting and mug shots "like a criminal." He was angry until he realized that as far as the police were concerned, he was.

Greg asked Snapper to question the autopsy surgeon about the exact cause and time of death. When the surgeon couldn’t answer with conviction, he became suspicious when Snapper said the surgeon's question was his answer. He suggested to the chief of staff the board might want to investigate. Joe Dillon called Greg to say the charges had been dropped due to lack of evidence. Snapper felt his troubles were over and he could get back to the practice of medicine until he found that he was suspended until the board held a hearing to determine whether he was fit to be a doctor.

Liz questioned Jill about Bill's death and she told her of his pain and wish to die. Liz began to think that Snapper was protecting someone because he would admit it if he had. Greg told Snapper that if they were to keep their mother out of it, they had to stay away from the question of innocence and deal with the question of euthanasia. Snapper told Chris that the only thing that really bothered him was his mother's rejection. Chris relayed this to Liz and she gave him some support.

Greg told the board that since the civil authorities had dropped the case, the question should be settled. They were investigating to see if his behavior was unbecoming a doctor. Snapper didn’t deny pulling the plug, rather took the fifth amendment, leading them to believe that he was guilty. They asked if, in his opinion, Bill was alive when the plug was pulled. As a doctor he didn’t know. Snapper got into the question of what was dead and that led them into a discussion of euthanasia. Reverend Adams had to say that Judaism and Catholicism were against prolonging life through artificial means. Snapper admitted that his father's attending physician wasn't asked how long he had to live, but Snapper felt death was due soon. He believed that there was a difference between curing and caring. Terminal patients should be cared for instead of waiting for a cure and giving the patient false hope. Dr. Harris said Snapper was an advocate of actively putting people to death. He was corrected and some began to think they had no business conducting this hearing.

The board offered to drop the hearing if Snapper would sign a statement saying he realized he was wrong; that the terminally ill had to be kept alive as long as possible. Snapper said he refused to prostitute himself. Chris urged him to reconsider, but not only would it be an admission of guilt, but it would mean that his mother had been wrong. Snapper had been suspended.

Peggy was sure that Jack would accept Stuart's offer to be his assistant at the Chronicle and was furious that he wanted to teach. Brad suggested that she was looking for a father. Jack told Stuart the truth and thought he should take Peggy home.

Ron Becker kept his promise and arrived to give Karen her fifth birthday present, cautioning her to tell no one where it came from. Jennifer passed it off, saying all kids acquired things.

APRIL 1977

The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Snapper Foster told his wife that he could still practice medicine in another hospital if they left the area, but since they only had temporary custody of Karen, they would not be able to take her out of the court's jurisdiction. He told Brock Reynolds that he couldn’t break Chris' heart. Brock suggested that there were many people who could use Snapper's knowledge and couldn’t afford hospitals. Snapper scouted the poor neighborhoods looking for an apartment where he could set up practice. He doubted Brock's idea when the only thing he could afford was a slum, but the word was passed quickly and people not only thanked him, but brought odds and ends to furnish the waiting room. Chris was taken aback by the filth, but could see this meant everything to Snapper. On their next visit, they found Liz scrubbing the floor. Chris asked her to tell Snapper what she said when Chris told her of Snapper's intentions. Hearing his mother say she was proud of him meant everything. Stuart Brooks offered to help Snapper set up. He was going to need medical supplies to stock his office. Before he accepted his father-in-law's help, he wanted to know what he thought of him. Stuart admitted that Snapper was an enigma; the hospital board offered to keep him if he would sign a statement saying that his stand on euthanasia was wrong. Snapper wouldn’t accept money under these circumstances.

David Mallory, a young man who received Bill Foster's eyes after his death, had been visiting the Foster family. He told Jill that her brother Greg would never leave home as long as she and her mother needed him. Her son, Phillip, also needed a father and he would like to help by marrying her. Jill tried to discourage him because she was afraid he might really fall in love later. Her intentions began to waiver when she thought about raising her son alone and she wasn’t sure she would ever find another man to love her.

Chris was mystified when Karen came home from pre-school with a stuffed bear, saying it was a birthday present. She asked the teacher to ask around since Karen said it was a secret. After Ron Becker visited Karen at school, he asked a community lawyer to help him regain custody of Karen. He admitted he had no idea which hospital his wife was taken to when she had her breakdown and claimed that he asked Chris to care for Karen because he had to leave town to get his head together. The lawyer advised Ron to leave Karen where she was because he had little chance of getting her back in court and she was better off with the Fosters. Karen's teacher called to apologize for being sharp on the playground with Mr. Foster. The description she gave didn’t fit Snapper, but did remind Chris of Ron Becker. Brock suggested she question Karen. After careful maneuvering, Chris came to the conclusion that Ron had been seeing Karen. Ron arrived, pounding on the door and begging Karen to have Chris let him in. Foolishly, Chris opened the door. She tried to make excuses when Ron wanted to take Karen out by himself. She managed to keep her at home, but Ron came on very strong, telling her he had been to see a lawyer. Terrified., Chris packed Karen's things to take her to the Brookses. Ron called to calm Chris down so that he could get Karen. Chris agreed to meet him to talk about Karen and he played on her love for the child. He said he could see how much she had done for her and the lawyer had told him he didn’t have a case. She had become her mother but, as far as Karen was concerned, he was still her father and he would like to visit her. She conceded that Karen loved him but refused to have him in her home again. Chris wanted him to admit he raped Peggy in her apartment and Nancy was in the mental hospital where he sent her under another name so she wouldn't be found. Ron vowed he knew nothing and wanted Chris to take him to Nancy.

Vanessa Prentiss had found out that "In My Sister's Shadow” was written by Lorie and was about her relationship with Leslie. Vanessa pretended to accept Lorie's friendship, but used this book to disturb her. Lorie threw away Vanessa's copy only to come home and find another one. She had tried to convince herself this was a coincidence. She brought Vanessa a dress, asking her to join them when they entertained.

Lorie had asked her brother-in-law, Dr. Brad Eliot, who was returning to medicine through psychiatry since his blindness, to find a way to help Vanessa get rid of the scars she hid behind her veil. She remembered that Vanessa saw Dr. LaConda in Chicago and he told her that her heart condition was too bad to risk plastic surgery. Dr. LaConda had died, but his wife sent Vanessa's files to Brad since he was a doctor. They showed that Vanessa visited him ten years ago at Lance's insistence. Immediately after the fire she neither had the funds nor would she leave her small sons to have the operations. When he saw her, she had a heart condition, but it was so slight that there was very minimal risk. She disappeared for a year without telling anyone her whereabouts and then wrote Dr. LaConda that she would no longer need his services. He took this to mean that she had had the surgery performed elsewhere. Brad didn’t jump to conclusions, but Lorie was sure that Vanessa must have had the surgery and only wore the veil to hold on to Lance. Lorie had vowed to see what lay under Vanessa's veil.

Lance wanted to invite all of Lorie's family to the house and Vanessa agreed but insisted she would stay in her room. Jennifer Brooks was concerned that Lorie had not been to see her, but managed to make time to see Stuart at the office. She suggested they have a small gathering to meet Vanessa. Stuart was saddened when he realized that Jennifer's heart condition, which she insisted be kept a secret from him, left him in the position of not being able to discuss anything distressing with her. He couldn’t tell Jennifer that he knew Lorie was not his daughter. They didn’t have the closeness they had in the earlier years of their marriage.

At Jack Curtis' suggestion, Stuart took Peggy home because she was physically afraid to live with Jack, but feared her father's disfavor. Stuart set the annulment into action since the marriage was never consummated. Brock felt Joann, Jack's first wife, should know that Jack and Peggy had separated. Joann says she was not interested, and prayed that she could resist him. Jack called the house but Mrs. Chancellor told him that Joann wasn't interested in anything he had to say and was seeing someone else. Joann and Kay were preparing for their trip to Hawaii when Kay opened a letter from Jack to Joann. He took the blame for the problems in their marriage. Joann had been very giving and he had taken, but hated every moment of it. He invented reasons to dislike Joann because he felt guilty. He couldn't even accept her love because he didn't see that all she wanted in return was his love and affection. Kay decided she had to get Joann out of Genoa City before she saw Jack. Joann resisted because of tests at the University but gave in to Kay's distress. Brock had tried to tell Kay that others wouldn’t understand the love she had for Joann and if it went much farther, neither she nor Joann would be able to handle it because she was trying to replace Jack in Joann's life. Unable to stop her, he told Jack. Joann hated Jack for saying there might be more than friendship to Mrs. Chancellor's love but after he left, she told Kay she couldn’t go to Hawaii. She had thought they were best friends, but it was ruined then. Kay had to admit that she couldn’t say that something wouldn't happen on their vacation. Joann was moving because she couldn’t feel comfortable in Kay's home. Kay poured herself a drink, saying she had no reason to abstain. Everyone she had ever cared for had left her. Joann agreed to stay when Kay vowed not to drink as long as Joann remained with her.

Ron Becker denied knowing what caused Nancy's trauma, but his presence caused her to pummel him with her fists. Ron caused Nancy's mental breakdown by admitting that he raped Peggy and announcing he was taking Karen away before Nancy became a bad influence on her. Stuart Brooks learned Ron's whereabouts and he and Snapper demanded that he leave town. Ron's lawyer told him that the only possibility he had of getting Karen back was to help Nancy get well so they could be presented to the court as a family unit.

As Leslie Eliot was leaving for her last concert in Bermuda, she was bumped by a suitcase and a vague sensation sent her to the hospital where she was sure that she would be told the baby was fine. Leslie was admitted for observation since there was some spotting.

Leslie called for Lorie, but since she had gone for a walk, Lance went to the hospital. She knew how much this baby meant to Brad so she didn’t tell him where she was. Brad couldn’t get through to Bermuda because of tropical storms, but assumed the plane arrived safely when he phoned the airport. Lorie was determined to spend the night on Vanessa's terrace in order to prove she was correct, but was seen by Vanessa. She called Lorie despicable for lying and Lorie told her all that she had pieced together. She wouldn’t tell Lance, however, until she got Vanessa to remove the veil and show that her only scars were in her mind. Vanessa dropped the veil for Lorie.

MAY 1977

The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Jill Foster had started working for her former employer, Derek, who seemed to be God's gift to women. He loved all women and tried to show them by the special care he gave them when they came to get their hair done. Although every customer wanted Derek, Jill was gradually working her way up from doing all the dirty work by showing her skill in emergencies. She was very confused then because she was concerned about her young son's need for a father. Brock Reynolds had warned her about becoming infatuated with Derek. Her brother Snapper had made his objections known to Jill about David Mallory's proposal of marriage. She had admitted that her feeling for him came from the fact that she knew that he had the corneas from her dead father's eyes. He proposed out of gratitude and then Jill was stalling because of her uncertainty.

Without warning, Liz Foster suddenly regained the use of her hand. - Stress caused Liz to have a stroke which not only paralyzed her hand, but wiped from her memory the night she pulled the plug on her husband's respirator because he was suffering very much and wanted to die with dignity. Snapper took the blame without admitting guilt or innocence and was dismissed from the hospital because of his defense of euthanasia. When Snapper heard from Jill that their mother had started recovery he rushed over to ask if her memory had started to come back. She didn’t want to relive it and was just as glad that it hadn't. Snapper asked her to call him at the first sign that her memory was returning and not to ask any questions then.

After Stuart Brooks and Snapper Foster demanded that Ron Becker leave town, he simply moved across town to another hole-in-the-wall. Dr. Hanlin called Chris Foster to ask how he could get in touch with Ron because he was the only stimuli Nancy would react to. Chris sadly told him that Ron had left town. Mr. Johnson had assured Ron that the only way the court would give him custody of Karen, his daughter, again was if he got a good job, found a place to live and Nancy was able to help him raise her. Ron called the state mental hospital for permission to see Nancy and finally Dr. Hanlin agreed after Ron told him that they did have an argument the day she became catatonic, but it was over something so small that he failed to recall it. - Ron admitted to Nancy that he raped Peggy Brooks and claimed it was Nancy's fault. He was going to take Karen from her. - Ron told Nancy how much he needed her, but when she continued to stare at him, he screamed and shook her in fury.

Ron needed money if he was to stay in town and could only think of one place to get it. He composed a letter to his mother asking for help, but hated every word that he put on paper because he felt she let him down, caring more for all the men in her life than for him. He visited Mr. Johnson at Community Legal Services again when the doctor refused to let him see Nancy. Johnson asked what happened and Ron confessed that he got a little angry and shook her. Ron asked help in getting Nancy out since the doctor had said she only responded to him and then he couldn’t see her. Mr. Johnson suggested that she was in the best possible place under the circumstances. His silence when Ron asked what he had to do to get her out only confirmed that since he sent her there he could take her unless the state had decided that she was harmful, but he refused to help.

Becker went to the hospital and demanded that they release Nancy. Dr. Hanlin said it was not as easy as he thought. Ron threatened the police, but was countermanded by a threat of the same. Hanlin said the only way he would let Ron have custody was if Nancy gave her consent. Ron tried talking to her, but she hid behind the doctor. He was sure there was one thing he could tell her to change her mind. She refused to listen until he shouted that he would never come back again. He would take Karen and leave. Nancy put her hand in Ron's and the doctor had no choice, but to caution him that she had to take her medication.

Chris learned Ron was in town and had Nancy. He had threatened Nancy with the loss of her daughter and Chris couldn’t get through to her. Mr. Johnson wouldn’t set up a court date until Ron brought Nancy in to discuss it.

Dr. Snapper Foster was working very hard to set up his clinic in the poorest part of town. Even though he was not officially open, patients started to come. Brock was there when a woman brought in her child with a broken arm, no money or car. Snapper had no supplies to treat such cases. Brock took her to the hospital and dropped in to see Dr. Atwater. Brock told him what Snapper was trying to do and how hard it was. He needed help in setting Snapper up. There were doctors who sympathized with Snapper and they probably had old equipment sitting around that wouldn't be missed. Chris was feeling bad about not being able to help Snapper, but they were so concerned about Karen that Chris was staying home to protect her from Ron. Stuart dropped by and offered to watch Karen while Chris helped at the clinic. While Snapper told her how discouraged he was, Brock arrived with his collection.

Nurse Cynthia Harris was telling her friend how uninteresting the men in her life were when she spied Chris. She learned that Snapper was trying to run his clinic alone and offered to help. She saw this as an opportunity. Brad Eliot visited the clinic and offered his services as a psychiatrist a couple of days a week. He was seeing patients in his home, but felt it was time to get out. Help from the Blind Services had taught him to get around on his own.

Lorie Prentiss had gone out to stand at her mother-in-law's window, sure that Vanessa had to remove the veil to ready herself for bed. Lorie had to have evidence to back up her claim that Vanessa had her fire-scarred face repaired when she disappeared for a year and just used the threat of it to hold her son, Lance. She failed when Vanessa saw her. Lorie decided to go ahead with her accusation on circumstantial facts. Vanessa removed the veil and Lorie was shocked to see that the scars remain. She apologized and offered to help in getting the surgery done because she knew that Vanessa's heart condition was not serious enough to prevent surgery. She suggested that Lance might be able to persuade her. Vanessa brought up Lorie's book and countered that Lance might never forgive her if he found out how she treated her sister. Lorie said the jealousy she felt for Leslie is in the past. Vanessa made her agree that the past wouldn’t be discussed if she never brought up the subject of plastic surgery again. Vanessa claimed to have seen a prowler and asked the handyman for a gun. She vowed Lorie would pay for what she had done.

Unable to find Lorie, Lance rushed to the hospital to be with Leslie. She told him that Brad had to not find out about her near miscarriage or he would connect this with the fact that he struck something with her suitcase when he was helping her to the taxi. This baby meant so much to him because he wanted to be able to do everything a sighted father could. Lance reached Lorie and even though she heard Leslie's request, she felt Brad should know. She had every intention of telling him until he told her about how important this baby was. Leslie called him just as he was about to call her in Bermuda where he assumed she was giving her last concert series. She told him she would be home as planned and he reminded her of his plan to take her out for dinner and dancing for the first time since he became blind. Leslie had pain that Dr. Williams hoped was false labor. Leslie cooperated by trying to stay calm and felt that all was well when the pain subsided. Suddenly Leslie went into labor that Dr. Williams was unable to stop. Lance and Lorie waited impatiently for word. Dr. Williams told them that the baby was too small and they were unable to save it, but Leslie should be able to go home the following day. Lorie is shocked when Leslie told her that she planned to keep this from Brad as long as possible. Hopefully when he learned of the loss of the baby he wouldn’t associate it with the suitcase.

Brock told his mother that if she continued to keep Joann with her because of her threat of drinking, Joann would sometime feel trapped and resent Kay for keeping her from a life of her own and the love of a man. If Kay wanted to keep Joann's love and respect, she should let her go. Kay questioned Joann about Jack, her ex-husband, and was assured that Joann would keep her promise to stay. Kay said that they seemed to be each other's jailers and she would give Joann the excuse to leave by taking the drink she promised not to. She had to order Joann from the house, saying she, herself, felt trapped. Kay told herself that Brock was wrong about one thing—she couldn't let Joann go and keep her love and respect. Kay felt lost and alone, but Brock said he loved her more than ever.

Brock told Joann that Jack and Peggy's marriage was annulled and she realized what Jack meant when he wrote that he was being punished for what he had done to her. He hadn't really used her the way she thought he had.

Brock helped a young girl, Jody, who arrived in town by bus and then had her money and bus ticket stolen. Since she was underage, he gave her a job as "bus boy" and let her stay in the room over the Allegro.

The stress of hearing from Lorie that Stuart knew she was not his daughter was too much for Jennifer Brooks. Stuart found her unconscious. He assured her that he would always think of Lorie as his daughter. Stuart told Chris, Leslie and Laurie that their mother had a serious heart condition and had to be protected from emotional stress, but not be aware that they knew.

Stuart told Lorie that he loved Jennifer enough to forgive her and hoped she could, also. Lorie realized that she loves her mother and didn’t want her to die. She therefore straightened things out with Jennifer.

Knowing how much the evening meant to Brad, Leslie wouldn't postpone their venture out. She stayed up late to avoid the intimacy that would let Brad know immediately that she was no longer pregnant.

David Mallory told Liz that he thought he was falling in love when he showed her the ring he bought for Jill. Liz said that Jill's marriage to Phillip Chancellor was a dream and she couldn’t always live on it. Jill couldn’t wear David's ring yet.

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