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One Life To Live, April and May 1977


April 1977

One Life To Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan

At the reception at Anna's house after Larry and Karen's wedding, Mrs. MacGruder, who had been to the police station at Llanview and was unable to convince a young policeman that she wasn't a crank, showed up with Kevin. Viki was ecstatic but unable to share her joy with Joe who had left the house a few moments before with Tony Lord to have a drink at Tony's Place. He continued on alone and went on a tear that wound up with his being taken to the hospital after getting into a fight in a bar. When Jim learned that Joe was at the hospital the following morning, he told him that his son was safe and well. Joe tried to leave the hospital and collapsed. Jim ordered him to bed for another day at least, concerned because Joe had a history of aneurysm.

After spending an anxious night waiting to hear from Joe and jumping up at every sound the baby was making, Viki took Kevin to the hospital for a check-up and brought the child to Joe's room. Viki told Joe that she had the baby in the room with her at home because she was frightened despite the alarm systems. Joe told her he wanted to come home. He said that he lost faith and was eaten up with anger and frustration and the booze but that he hit rock bottom and couldn’t live without Viki. Viki told Joe she missed him very much but when he again asked to come home, she told him his love hadn't helped her very much for the past six months. She said she saw a side of him that she never knew existed and she didn’t think she could just wipe the slate clean, because every single time she needed him he was drunk. When Viki asked if they could ever forget the things they said to each other and Joe said they could try, Viki said all right. When they got home, Viki hired a private agency guard for twenty-four hour a day duty and a nurse for Kevin.

Viki interceded for the MacGruders, touched by the woman's love for Kevin and the good care they took of her son. When it came to Cathy, Viki was not so certain of her feelings. When Joe asked if Viki wanted Cathy to be punished, Viki said yes. She went on to say that she didn’t care about all the excuses; that she nearly died when Kevin was taken. Joe asked if Viki wanted Cathy to go to jail and she said maybe she did. When Joe asked why, she said testily "It would make me feel better. After all, Joe, look what it did to us."

Viki told Ed Hall that although she and Joe disagreed in their feelings toward Cathy - Joe blamed himself -, she did not want to be the one to be responsible for Cathy's going to trial if her word would carry weight along with Will's in helping influence the Government Attorney not to prosecute. When the recommendation was favorable, the judge dropped the charges on condition that Cathy continue in daily therapy with Dr. Will Vernon.

Jim and Anna offered to make a place in their home for Cathy but it was evident that she was still clinging to the hope that Tony would take her back. Will tried to get Cathy to face her own wishes in the matter and Cathy called Tony, begging him to come to see her when she managed to work up the courage. Tony was at work and just as he left, dreading what he was about to face, Pat came in with Matt MacAllister. He told her that he was going to see Cathy. When he returned, he sang a song to Pat and she knew that he had agreed to letting Cathy come home to live with him. She left the table in tears and Tony stopped her, telling her that Cathy begged him and he couldn't say no. Pat said she knew and went out crying to wait for Matt in the car.

Marco Dane had stayed on in Llanview and even called Karen at the hotel where she and Larry were honeymooning in Bermuda to let her know he was keeping in touch. When they got back, Karen asked Larry to take her to Tony's Place for a drink with Lana before they retired for the evening but Larry refused, saying he was tired and had to get up early the following morning to go to work. Karen went to Tony's herself. - She had told Lana on the phone that she went along with the short honeymoon thinking that once they were away she could talk him into a week at least. She added that if Larry thought she was going to get up early every morning, their marriage wasn’t going to last three months. 

At Tony’s Place, Samantha Vernon was with friend Marty, who was trying out a new fake I.D. Samantha wanted to leave but Marty said he was waiting for his new connection to arrive so he could buy some grass. Marco came in and began to make a play for Samantha, telling Marty that he couldn’t supply him as his contact didn't show. Karen saw him and told Lana that it was disgusting to watch Marco turning on for 17 year old Samantha Vernon. Lana remarked that Karen seemed to be jealous.

Karen went to the table and asked to talk to Marco privately, saying that she was there to pick up an old paycheck. Marco told Karen at another table that he had no intention of telling Larry anything then or in the predictable future; that it might rack him up pretty good. He said Larry seemed like a nice guy and he wouldn't want to make him unhappy, adding that he would find out about her soon enough. He told her she would always be the same cheap little tramp he knew and she would mess things up for herself without any help from him. Karen slapped his face and ran out.

Larry read Karen the riot act when he learned that she hadn't seen Danny off to school, cleaned the house or prepared his lunch as she was off house-hunting for a place way beyond their means. Karen told Lana that Larry had to learn a lesson and she intended to be unavailable in bed until he did; that he and Meredith might have played the starving newlyweds bit and lived in a garage but things were going to be different. Lana said she wouldn't think Karen would want to rock the boat at the moment with Marco in the picture. She said Marco had been hanging around Tony's asking about Larry but Karen replied Marco was probably using Tony's because he was back to "dealing" like he used to do when she knew him. Larry surprised Karen by telling her he was having a friend who was a contractor look at the house she wanted to buy but Karen, playing the housewife bit in gratitude, was interrupted by a call from Marco saying he approved of the house she was planning to buy. She realized he had been watching them.

Marco took Samantha to Tony's Place. He offered to take her out to his car in the parking lot to smoke some "really good stuff" but she told him she was not into that. Brad and Jenny came in and saw Sam with Marco. Jenny suggested Brad talk to Samantha but Brad said that Sam didn’t listen to anyone because his Dad spoiled her so much. Jenny told him that didn't sound like Will. Brad said big brother couldn’t be around all the time but he could find out more about Mr. Marco Dane. Marco talked Samantha into going to his motel room, promising beer, pizza and a willing ear for the story of her life - so far -. Marco made a play for Sam, convinced she was teasing, and only his belated realization of her complete panic kept Samantha "intact." Marco told her that she came on pretty strong and if she was going to act like that, she'd better be prepared to accept the consequences of the "adult world." He told her to go home and think about what happened and decided if she was ready to call him. He said he would wait for her to decide to call or to get herself a nice high school boy.

Brad asked Samantha at home where she went with "that creep" and Sam told him they went to a swim meet. Her brother told her to come off it and said that he played deaf-mute before when she was putting one up on their parents but he was going to draw the line. Samantha promised Brad she could take care of herself.

Cathy told Alan Bennett on the day she was scheduled to leave the hospital that when Viki came to see her, the same ugly feelings she had toward Viki came back. She was told that the difference was that she then knew those feelings were wrong and she admitted that she knew Joe always loved Viki and not her. She said she had spent her whole life wanting things she couldn't have.

Will Vernon told Tony he should just go on being open and supportive toward Cathy when she went home with him. Tony asked "How about truthful?" Will told Tony that he doubted that Cathy would force the question - of Tony's love for Pat - but Tony asked "What if she does?" Will's answer was that at the present it would be almost impossible for Cathy to deal with any sort of open rejection. Tony replied that he was only human and catering to Cathy's illness was not going to help her either.

When Cathy and Tony got to the apartment over Tony's Place it was nearly time for him to open up. He offered to send dinner up to Cathy but she said she wanted to prepare dinner and have him eat upstairs with her, arguing that if there was any need for Tony, the staff could always send up for him. After all, he was the boss. Tony joined Cathy for the candlelight meal she had prepared but when he started down to prepare to close, Cathy told him she would wait up for him. Tony told her that while she was away he had a cot put into the office downstairs. She quickly said whatever he thought was best; they just needed a little more time. As he left, she told him that she was more tired than she realized and will probably be asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. After Tony went, she curled up on the bed, crying.

May 1977

One Life To Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan / Joseph Stuart

Naomi Vernon told her husband Will about finding an article about female contraceptive devices in Samantha's room. He pompously told her that sex was not a dirty word and she reminded her psychiatrist husband that she was his wife, discussing his daughter, not one of his patients. He suggested that Naomi talk quietly with her daughter, saying that times had changed and young people were more aware of their "choices." He went on to say that maybe their own marriage would have gotten off to a better start if Naomi hadn't been a virgin. Furious, Naomi told him she would leave the little talk to him, saying she was sure when Will got finished with his little seminar on sex education, Sam would get the idea she could do what she damn pleased. Will later apologized for the "misunderstanding" and Naomi tried to get him to take her seriously, saying she was convinced Sam was lying to them every time she went out. Sam had asked her friend Dolly what she was using and Dolly told her she had a doctor's prescription but immediately suggested that Samantha get someone she was friendly with at Llanview hospital to give her a supply "for both of us."

Marco saw Samantha and asked her once again to his motel room but she said she was not going because she was not ready ... yet. Marco had been making a play for Lana, among others, and when she mentioned it to Karen, she reacted by calling Marco a creep. When Lana said that Marco hadn't been all that creepy with her, Karen insisted that Marco liked to promote a sense of security but was nothing less than a dangerous animal. When Lana lightly said she had been out with her share of them, Karen persevered to warn Lana, "not like this one, I guarantee you."

Peter Janssen walked in on Dorian Lord at Llanfair despite Dorian's instructions to maid Felicia that she was not seeing anyone. Peter said he would talk to her whether she liked it or not: that he and Matt were worried about her and everyone was commenting on Dorian's absence. Dorian said she only wanted to get away from it all for awhile and then asked Peter lightly to bring her up to date. When he asked what she would like to know she rushed out with "Have you seen the Riley baby? Does he look like Joe? How is Joe feeling?" Peter, exasperated, asked her why she didn’t give up on Joe Riley and recommended she take a vacation cruise. She told him she didn't ask for his advice and didn’t want it, then added, "When I decide want something, I never give up until I get it." Peter persisted in telling her she was not behaving in a rational manner. Dorian said that Matt MacAllister told her he was in love with her and added, "What better reason not to see him anymore?"

Peter told Matt MacAllister that Dorian was depressed but he didn’t think it was personal against Matt. Matt told him that he felt sure Dorian would be getting in touch with him as there had been a new development in his situation and he refered obscurely to a "mushroom cloud over Llanfair." The next day Dorian called Matt after seeing a blind item in the opposition newspaper's gossip column, then written by Matt, to the effect that a wealthy local publisher had become a virtual recluse. Matt later told Dorian he wrote the item to make her come out of seclusion because he cared for her. He told her that she was permitting herself unrealistic and naive emotions, that Joe Riley never had loved her and never would, He suggested that Dorian buy up his contract; he would be happy to come back to work for the Banner.

Joe stopped by to invite Dorian to the baby's christening and offered to take her to see Kevin that day. Dorian told Joe she was thinking of starting a magazine to keep busy and asked him if he would help her launch it, saying together they could make it vital. Joe turned her down by telling her if he had any spare time he would spend it with Viki and his son.

Dorian went again to the Riley home with Viki's christening dress and some other keepsakes from Viki's babyhood that Victor had kept. Viki was very touched, but when Dorian, on the day before the christening, proposed to have the celebration at Llanfair, Viki firmly turned her down. After Kevin's christening, Dorian left early and Matt caùe to the library at Llanfair to see her clutching a pillow and rocking in pain. He asked her if she'd ever thought of getting professional help and urged her to try to be objective since she was a doctor. He told her she was torn apart inside and had been in this depression over a month. Dorian insisted that she knew what the matter was with her, Matt answered "That's what they all say, including Cathy Lord" and Dorian might be walking around with a time bomb as Cathy was.

Cathy once again had come to the point of urging Tony to give her a baby, saying that would make things all right and she would feel better. Tony went to Will Vernon for help, telling him that Cathy wanted to resume sexual relationships and he didn’t. Will replied that, after all, they were still married and Tony, exasperated, told Will once again, that he wanted Cathy to get well so he could divorce her. He stated once more for Will, "I do not love her" and added that it was undignified for her to come to him begging. Will told Tony that he had helped Cathy a great deal already and that the best they could hope for was that Cathy begin to see the reality of her situation herself.

Pat and Carla were having an interview in the hospital cafeteria when Cathy stopped by their table and smirked, saying to Pat, "it's never going to happen." She went on to tell a startled Pat that she was never going to succeed in her game of waiting for Cathy to break down again. She left and Carla stopped Pat from following her. When Pat said she has never had anyone look at her with such hatred in her life, Carla told her that was why she stopped her. "What could you possibly have said to her that she would listen to?"

Naomi had had a talk with Jenny about Brad and Jenny had told her that she was not in love with him, adding that they didn’t share the same interests. - Naomi learned that Will and Jenny did share the same interests when she came into a room to hear Will telling Jenny that he bought a record of music played at a concert they had both attended and saying that whenever he heard that music, he would think of the previous night. Jenny replied it was a wonderful concert and she was so glad they could go there, together. 

Lana stormed into Karen's apartment after Karen got back from a restaurant with Marco. Lana and Karen were shopping when Marco walked into the store. Karen not very subtly hustled him away intercepting and accepting an invitation meant for Lana but not before rising to Marco's bait by charging a very expensive pendant he offered to buy for her. Karen insisted she did it for Lana's own good because Marco collected women like some people collected stamps. Knowing he had just been hired by Dorian, Lana mischievously remarked that if he did stick around he might end up owning Llanfair. When Lana speculated on what Larry was going to say when he saw the necklace, Karen told her she would think of something when the time came. Unknown to Larry, Karen had steadily been picking up credit cards and then had quite an impressive stack. However when Larry came home unexpectedly early, Karen panicked and told him that the pendant belonged to Lana who gave it to her impulsively, and probably might ask for it back just as impulsively in a few days, so she was wearing it as much as she could. As she sent Larry off to get Danny, she recalled the kiss Marco gave her in public .

Matt suggested to Brad Vernon that he have a party to celebrate the opening of the Health Club and promised to give it coverage in his column. When Matt left, Brad asked Dorian to help him work on it to protect her investment. Dorian said it would entail extra expenses and remarked that Peggy Fillmore's interest in the health club seemed to have waned. Brad told her that Mrs. Fillmore was too demanding. When Dorian persisted in saying she thought Brad wanted the money, he said the price was too high. Dorian offered to introduce him to a friend of hers, an overweight heiress who might be interested enough to provide the expense money for the party. Brad's comment was "From Peggy Fillmore to a chubby heiress?" He told her to save it for somebody else and, noting that Marco had been sent to his home with some flowers for his mother from Dorian, added that it was right up her errand boy's alley.

When Marco delivered flowers for Naomi she was not at home but Samantha was doing her homework. He asked her if she had seen a doctor yet. She told him she didn’t want to be pressured and he said he thought she had some special feelings for him. When Sam murmured that she did, he went on to say he seemed to recall her saying that she was in love with him. He touched her chin in a tender proprietary manner as Naomi came in. When Marco went and Naomi asked why he came in, Sam told her she knew him from around school. Naomi asked "how well?" Samantha whined that she didn't do anything and Naomi finished up saying "because I came home unexpectedly." Samantha rushed out.

Sam went to her father's office just as Will was about to tell Jenny he was in love with her. When she asked the following day what they were talking about when Sam came in, Will said he forgot all about it but would let her know if he remembered. To himself he admitted that he would have gone on to tell Jenny he loved her and she would probably have walked out and he'd never see her again. He asked himself even if Jenny didn't, what good would it do?

After Will brought Samantha back and initiated apologies all around between his daughter and her mother, his daughter came to him saying that she was upset because Naomi had an asthma attack when she had been all right for months. Will told Samantha that other girl's mothers had quarrels with their daughters and scream right back at them but that Naomi's attacks were psychosomatic and went back to before Sam was born, when Naomi was brought up in a strict home and was "made to feel guilty if her shoes weren't tied." He said her attacks were totally unconsciously motivated in order to get back at the person who was causing her trouble. Samantha followed her father, saying "I guess we can't blame her if she doesn't know what she's doing. Can we?"

Pretending friendship, Dorian used the idea of Kevin being in danger of a second kidnapping to frighten Viki badly. She then "confided" to Pat her "fears" that Viki was losing her emotional stability and referred to Viki's past emotional trouble, annoying Pat who felt this was Viki's personal business. Dorian then used these machinations to press Joe to send his wife and son to the seclusion of the country for the summer "for Viki's own good."

When Naomi insisted to her husband that she knew he was getting involved with another woman, Will retorted he had no idea she had so much venom stored up. He insisted it was not true and her imagination would be the destruction of both of them. Naomi left the room after asking if he really thought she wouldn't know, adding she's familiar with the way he acted when he was trying to deceive her. She struck a nerve when she added the problem with him is that he wanted to be young again and she knew if he ever got his second chance, it would not be with her.

Samantha overheard the argument and told her father Naomi probably really hated both of them. Will replied Naomi behaved as she did with Samantha because Sam was young and independent and didn’t share her values; that her mother was an unhappy woman who had lost respect for herself.

The following morning, Will attacked Brad for accepting his mother's offer of a loan to cover further Health Club expenses, saying Brad conned her into it. Will suggested his son seek psychiatric help. Brad exploded, telling his father that they, the family of a prominent psychiatrist, were the most unhappy people he knew. Naomi had accused Will of hating Brad ever since Brad stopped her suicide attempt years ago and learned his father had been having an affair. Will countered that Naomi set up that suicide attempt to have just that effect.

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