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Young and Restless, May 1976


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Bill Foster was trying to help Mrs. Kay Chancellor stop smoking and drinking. He didn’t want this to be on Jill's conscience later when she saw how wrong she was to want revenge. Jill did see the error of her ways and wanted to help her former employer.

Bill still loved his wife, Liz, very much, but Liz had refused to let him move back into their bedroom. Bill asked his daughter-in-law, Chris, for some advice. Chris said that although they were still married, Liz had had him declared legally dead after he had been gone nine years. His name and marriage were restored, but to her the marriage had ended.

Bill went to the Chancellor estate where Liz was still working as cook and housekeeper and asked her to marry him in front of Mrs. Chancellor. Liz was embarrassed and couldn’t give an answer just then.

Sam Powers, the man in Liz's life before Bill's return, was in town and had asked to see Liz. He told her that he was living in the house they picked out in Hutchison, Kansas and was seeing a widow there. He didn’t intend to spend the rest of his life alone, but he couldn’t continue with his plans until he was sure that Liz wouldn’t marry him. He was still in love with her and was asking her one more time to marry him.

Bill talked to Sam who said that he had been told that things were the same between Bill and Liz and he had no idea that Bill had proposed. Bill decided to step aside and said he would help Liz get a quick divorce. When Sam started telling Liz of his plans for a June wedding and their life in Hutchison Liz stopped him. She was going to stay with Bill because he had changed and she had fallen in love all over again with him.

Liz and Bill told Jill and Snapper that they were getting married and Liz was talked into getting married the following evening. Greg couldn’t attend the wedding because he was out of town on a legal case, but the small traditional wedding was very romantic. After the ceremony Chris got a call from her father and took Jill upstairs. The Brookses arrived with a gift for the newlyweds; an envelope containing airline tickets to Hawaii —leaving in an hour. Jill and Chris came downstairs with the suitcases packed and ready to go.

Although Lance Prentiss and Lorie Brooks seemed to be getting along very well, they couldn't resist little jabs at each others' characters occasionally. One night Lance warned Lorie about drinking too many margaritas, but Lorie was sure that he posed no threat should she become intoxicated. The following morning, Lorie awoke in Lance's suite and couldn't locate her clothing. Lance came back from a walk and described for her how she started flinging her clothes from the balcony and after standing on a chair and commenting on her book, “Naked At Dawn”, she then passed out. Lance told her to wait in the bedroom while he had a business conference, but the knock on the door was only servant Manuello with Lorie's clothes, cleaned and pressed, but minus one shoe. Lance said, "That's all right because she usually has one foot in her mouth!"

After Lance and Lorie left Mexico City, Leslie Eliot saw no reason to be cheerful. The Maestro saw how unhappy Leslie was and tried to help her. She told him that her husband Brad lived a completely different life style before and then she was sure that he had gone back to Chicago to take up his former life. - Brad was a neurosurgeon in Chicago, but gave it up after he lost a child he found to be his own. Believed by many to be dead, he worked for Stuart Brooks on the Genoa City news-paper and very few people knew of his past. 

Brad was undergoing tests by Dr. London to determine why he was going blind and had such terrible headaches. His old fiancee, Barbara Anderson, was still a nurse there and he had to explain to her why he was there. She wished him well on his marriage to Leslie and said she would stop to check on him while he was there. Barbara asked why Leslie wasn't with him and finally realized that she knew nothing of Brad's illness. He explained that he had worked very hard to give Leslie the confidence to return to the concert stage as a pianist and he wouldn’t have her give up a concert for him. She thought he should tell Leslie. Brad's eyesight wasn't very good and when Barbara found out that Brad was going out of the hospital she realized that he was going to the cemetary to see their son's grave and asked to go along.

When Leslie’s concerts were over, she told the Maestro that she wouldn't be leaving until morning because Brad would want to be home before her. She had to trust him and understand that whatever he was doing he had a reason for it.

Brad told Barbara that he had to go home no matter what the tests showed because concerts were over. Dr. London told him that all the tests were negative and they could find no reason for his blindness. He could come back in a couple of months and they could give him the tests again. Barbara wanted to take Brad home, but Brad insisted that he had to do it himself. When he refused to stay and let her care for him because Leslie was his whole life, Barbara pleaded with him to tell Leslie.

When Brad returned home, Barbara called him to make sure that he made the trip safely by himself. The Maestro paid Brad a visit to let him know that Leslie iwas aware that he did not spend his time nursing his sick mother as he had said. Leslie felt that she had to trust him and it would degrade their marriage if she asked him where he was. The Maestro said that it was all up to Brad then.

Brad found that he couldn't bring himself to tell Leslie what was wrong, but she noticed that he had a difficult time leaving the room.

Chris Foster was at Legal Aid when Mrs. Nancy Becker and her daughter Karen arrived asking for help. Her husband had been arrested and she had no money for bail or food. They applied for welfare, but it took several weeks before they could receive any money. Chris told Nancy that she would have Greg Foster get in touch with her. Her husband Ron was arrested for rape, but she was sure that he was innocent. Chris noticed that Mrs. Becker didn't look well just before she passed out.

Chris and Karen went to the hospital to wait for news and were told by Chris' husband, Dr. Snapper Foster, that Mrs. Becker was in a diabetic coma and might be in the hospital for several weeks. Chris took Karen to her mother's, asking Jennifer to take care of her until she could locate some of the Beckers' relatives. Knowing that this would be hard she visited Ron Becker at the jail and was told he doesn't know where his parents were and was sure that Nancy's wouldn’t help. He gave her their last address in Springfield, Missouri. He asked her for legal help, but she said he was talking to the wrong person since she was once raped herself.

Chris contacted Nancy’s home and was told that her father died a year ago and her mother had been ill ever since. Chris told Nancy this and even though Mrs. Brooks had agreed to care for Karen, Nancy was still upset over Ron's being in jail when she was sure he was innocent. Snapper told Chris to forget it because they all claimed they were innocent and because rape laws favored the attacker most rapists went free as did the one who attacked Chris.

Nevertheless, Chris decided to try once more for Nancy's sake, to see Ron. The more he insisted he was innocent, the more he looked like her attacker. Finally she screamed for them to take him away.

The Brookses let Karen talk to her mother before putting her to bed. It had been a long day and Karen had neither spoken nor eaten very much. When Chris came to find out how Karen was, she told her parents about her visit with Ron Becker. She was sure he was guilty. Nancy called to say that Ron had been released and would be picking Karen up. When he arrived, Chris was against his taking Karen home. Ron had lost his job because of being arrested and had to look for a new one. Jennifer offered to watch Karen during the day. Chris was curious as to why Ron was released. He said that he had told them he had been elsewhere at the time of the assault and the police finally found some people who could swear that they had seen him. Chris told her parents that her intuition as a rape victim told her that he was guilty.

Brock Reynolds had told Joann Curtznski that he would get her a loan to go back to school and she should tell her husband, John - Jack Curtis -. Brock convinced his mother, Kay Chancellor, that she would feel much better if she tried to help someone. Kay agreed to loan Joann the money. Brock would bring her over sometime that afternoon.

When Joann arrived at the university to tell Johnny that she was going back to school, she heard Johnny telling Peggy Brooks how much he loved her and that after he helped Joann lose weight he could divorce her and marry Peggy.

Joann went home and started eating, but all she could find was lettuce and cheese. She had a terrible headache and decided to give up by taking a whole bottle of medication.

Peggy had tried to give Jack up, but she had found she loved him too much. They decided to go out in public this once to celebrate. Jack left a message at the Allegro where Joann worked as a waitress saying that he would be home late.

By coincidence, Peggy and Jack went to the same restaurant as the Brookses and Peggy suggested they join her parents. Jack danced with Peggy's mother, Jennifer, while Peggy explained to her father how she and Jack felt about each other and they wouldn't make a habit of being seen together while Jack was married.

Brock found Joann passed out and rushed her to the hospital with the medication bottle where Snapper cared for her. When Joann came around, she told Brock that she was going to give Johnny a divorce and explained how she knew he wanted one. Brock asked if Johnny had ever mentioned a divorce to her.

Stuart Brooks got a call from the night editor at his paper about Joann, but Stuart killed the story before going to see Joann. She said that she had nothing to live for because Johnny didn’t like her fat, and even if she lost the weight,  he would still ask for a divorce. She didn’t want him to know what she had done.

Peggy was mad when she found that her parents were waiting up and didn't give Stuart a chance to defend himself. As she was going upstairs he blurted out that Joann tried to kill herself. He asked Peggy if she could continue her relationship with Jack knowing the damage it had done.

When Peggy visited Joann at the hospital, Peggy suggested that this was an attempt to hold on to Jack, but Joann said she didn’t want him to know and that Peggy had won. She didn’t want Jack to stay with her out of pity. Then she took it all back when she hit on the idea that Johnny did care for her because he had never mentioned divorce to her. She told Peggy she would fight for what was hers.

She asked Peggy for a ride home so that Johnny wouldn’t know that she attempted suicide. She blamed her lateness and tiredness on extra hours at the Allegro. Johnny was very concerned for her health and told her that she had to cut back on her hours if they effected her this much. She told Johnny that she was going to change and she would fight for the things in life that she really wanted.

After Snapper told Chris about Joann, Chris asked Brock if he knew why Joann tried to commit suicide. Chris knew that Peggy had been involved with Jack Curtis, Joanne's husband, but had supposedly broken up with him when she found out he was married. Chris had a talk with Peggy, but Peggy had already thought things out. If she gave Jack up then, he would want to know why and find out about Joann. Since Joann didn't want him to know, she would have to let him go gradually.

Joann was surprised when Peggy took her shopping and spent many hours finding just the right dress for Joann. When they found the right dress, it was too expensive for Joann, but Peggy insisted on buying it. Peggy convinced Joanne that although she was overweight, her face and hair were very pretty.

Nancy Becker told Chris that she was glad that the police finally proved that Ron was innocent and asked why Chris didn't believe in him. She had to tell Nancy that she was once raped. Nancy decided not to tell Chris about the time Ron spent in prison.

Jack asked Peggy to go dancing. Peggy stopped to see what Joann was doing to save her marriage and found Joann and the apartment in a mess. Peggy bawled her out and then told her to put on one of her new dresses. Peggy called Jack to say she couldn’t go out and Jack turned to Joann who seemed more attractive to him that she had appeared in months.

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