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Young and Restless, Jan and February 1976

The Young And The Restless January 1976


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Liz Foster had promised her daughter, Jill, that she wouldn’t tell anyone that she was letting Mrs. Chancellor have her baby, but she confided in her son, Dr. Snapper Foster. Jill's baby was born a seven pound, four ounce boy. Although Bill Foster's health was very poor, he insisted on going to the hospital. Snapper asked Jill to think over carefully her decision before she gave the baby up, but she refused to see the baby even though she was told it looked like Phillip. Kay Chancellor told her son, Brock Reynolds, that she was leaving town and would like him to make arrangements for the senior citizens to be moved out of their depressing building and into her estate. Kay visited Jill to make sure she hadn't changed her mind and reminded her how much a million dollars would mean to her family.


Greg asked Snapper why their sister hadn't seen the baby and Snapper explained that Mrs. Chancellor was taking him because Jill wanted him to have everything. Mrs. Chancellor would send their parents to Arizona where their father would be able to live a little longer. Greg told Jill that he could get a court injunction because there were laws against women selling children, but Jill vowed she would never see him again if he did. He said she wouldn't be able to live with herself and that their father wouldn’t care to live when he found out what she had done.


Liz told Mrs. Chancellor that the boy would some day find out what she had done to his mother and hate her for it. Getting the idea that his mother wanted to keep him away from the house, Brock paid Kay a visit and finding her packing baby clothes suddenly realized she was taking Jill's baby. She asked him to remember what a difference he had noticed in her and begged him not to change her plans. She would raise the baby in Europe as hers and Phillip's so that his background would not be known. Brock felt that if Jill could see the baby and still give him up then God had to want this to happen. Liz tried to get Jill to look at a polaroid picture she had taken of the baby, but Jill managed to avoid it. Brock had Jill's father, Bill, ask to have the baby christened at the hospital so that it wouldn’t have to be taken out into the cold again. Jill couldn’t refuse when Reverand Bannister, the hospital chaplain who married Jill to Phillip, agreed to perform the ceremony. When asked the baby's name Jill called him Phillip Chancellor and the chaplain christened him Phillip Chancellor Foster.


Jill asked Snapper to get their father on a plane to Arizona because it would be safer if he heard that she was giving the baby away while in a better climate. Snapper insisted that Greg find a way since this was the only thing Jill had ever asked them to do. Kay had two papers for Jill to sign before her release. One was the adoption and the other a financial statement, giving Jill the responsibility of seeing that the Foster boys continue their careers and paying the medical expenses for the family with the money Mrs. Chancellor was providing for the Fosters because of her love and concern for them. Mrs. Chancellor was waiting in the lobby for Jill's release.


Bill had a respiratory attack and, afraid he was dying, Liz couldn’t lie to him about the baby. He went to the hospital to tell Jill that they wouldn’t accept that kind of money and he didn’t want to live if he couldn’t have his grandson. He demanded that Kay return the papers, but she refused, saying she adopted him legally and wouldn’t leave without him. Kay called upstairs to find out when Jill was being released to find that the baby had a fever and had to stay in the nursery. Jill and Kay waited anxiously for the baby's fever to go down, both refusing to leave the hospital until he was well. When Jill was frightened Kay helped her pray. Kay called the nurse and governess she had hired to tell them that there would be a delay in their departure for Europe.


Greg told Jill that there was a good chance that he could have the adoption annulled, but she refused to fight. She still felt that Mrs. Chancellor could give little Phillip a much better life. The baby's fever was down and he could go home the following day. Liz told Bill that she was going to take him to Arizona because she didn’t want him to die. Jill came home to find that her father still insisted that she was wrong and he would rather die than live without his grandson. Jill told him that he was only thinking of himself. When he died they would have many debts and she and her mother would have to work all their lives. He was not thinking of her mother, her, or her baby. In the morning, Bill said he still wouldn't have any of the money spent on him, but Liz reminded him that he left home for nine years and Jill had never held that against him. She was trying to help him and he condemned her. Bill packed for Arizona. Jill had to take physical custody of the baby at the hospital to release him. While she waited, Jill remembered her last hours with Phillip and found that when her son was placed in her arms, she couldn’t give him to Mrs. Chancellor.


Lorie Brooks was very depressed since Mark Henderson broke their engagement and left town without saying why. She told Brad Eliott, her brother-in-law and ex-lover, that changing her ways didn't help because Mark left her like every other man so,from now on, any man was fair game. Brad went over and over with her everything she did and said the day Mark left trying to find a reason for his breaking the engagement so quickly. Lorie said she gave blood because it was important to Mark and then later he told her that they couldn't get married because they weren't right for each other. After hearing this Brad confronted Jennifer Brooks, Lorie's mother, about her attitude toward Lorie's engagement. He mentioned her relationship with Bruce Henderson having been a reality long before her marriage with Stuart. He advised that if his suspicions were correct then she had better tell Lorie the truth because it was ruining her.


Stuart told the girls that he was going to ask Jennifer to move back home again and was sure it would mean more if Peggy went with him to show that she was in favor of it also. Jennifer accepted his offer and began packing when Brad insisted that Jennifer tell Lorie. Stuart was with Lorie when Jennifer arrived and seeing that they were so close she instead told Stuart that she wouldn’t be coming home. Jennifer told Brad that Laurie wasn't the hostile, lost girl he told her about because she had Stuart, but she felt too guilty to go home.


Stuart came home alone alone to find that the girls had filled the house with flowers for Jennifer's arrival. Lorie realized that what ever made her mother change her mind happened at her apartment since Chris was with Jennifer until then. Lorie tried to think things through and decided to confront her mother with what she knew. Realizing the implication of the fact that Jennifer knew about Mark's leaving without being told and could only have heard it from Mark himself, Jennifer reminded Lorie of her affair with Bruce when Leslie was a year old. Horrified, the whole story fell into place. Lorie was going to Stuart when she screamed, realizing that he was not her father. Jennifer called Brad who stopped Lorie from telling Stuart. Lorie no longer felt that child-like closeness toward Stuart.


Lorie decided to find Mark, and Stuart told her that he had a reporter locate him in a small clinic in Cleveland. She remembered that Mark was willing to elope and arrived with new hope in Cleveland, only to be shattered when Mark told her that their love would have become dirty and they would have hated themselves and each other. Heartbroken, Laurie agreed to let Mark go, but denied their love could have been tarnished.


Pianist Leslie Brooks Elliot received a call from the Maestro asking her to come to Paris immediately for a concert because the famous Jean Paul Bizot had become ill. After concluding his business, Lance Prentiss was staying to see Bizot, but decided to see Leslie on stage instead. Lance offered Les a tour of Paris after she called Brad who told her to be sure she took advantages of the sights while she was there.


Confused over the situation at home, Peggy offered herself to Jack Curtis, her teaching assistant, who refused because he didn’t want her resentment for her mother to force her into a decision she would regret later. Peggy was worried about her final and asked Jack to help her. He had a previous engagement, but seeing how much it meant to her, he called and cancelled it. Brock’s employee, Joanne Kryzynski had lost 8 pounds and was happy that her husband Johnny, known to his students as Jack Curtis, was taking her to dinner. She stayed determined to diet even after he canceled. When he rejected her in bed that night, she ate a whole casserole.


Liz Foster had convinced her seriously ill husband. Bill, that their daughter, Jill, was only thinking of her new baby and him when she decided to let Mrs. Chancellor have the child she conceived by Phillip Chancellor - Phillip Chancellor divorced Kay and married Jill who was pregnant with his child. Phillip died from injuries received in an auto accident which Kay caused. Kay later had the marriage ruled invalid and voided Jill's marriage. Kay at first refused to acknowledge that this was Phillip's child, but had finally agreed to give Jill one million dollars if she allowed Kay to adopt the child. - Bill was resting when Jill arrived home from the hospital with her son whom she found she couldn't give away at the last moment. Bill was filled with despair at the idea of going to Arizona for his health with the money Jill would receive from Mrs. Chancellor, but was thrilled beyond words when Jill showed him that she had brought his grandson home.


In thinking over the situation Kay became so angered that she went to the Foster home demanding her baby. Kay refused to take the check back reminding Jill of their agreement and her father's poor health. Kay went home to find her son, Brock there with workmen turning the large upstairs bedrooms into smaller ones for the use of the senior citizens who were moving in later. Kay informed them that her plans had been changed and since she wouldn’t be leaving for Europe they could no longer have her home.


Jill’s brothers Greg and Dr. Snapper, paid Kay a visit to return the check and Greg explained that if she started proceedings to claim the child she could be charged with trying to buy a baby. Van Richmond, Kay's lawyer, returned her call and explained that the agreement was only valid as long as Jill was willing to give up the child. Kay was deflated for the moment.


The bills were piling up in the Foster home and when they got a notice that the heat would be shut off if the bill wasn't paid within three days, Jill and Liz both became desperate. Although she only received fifteen hundred dollars for three fine pieces of jewelry Phillip gave her including her wedding ring, Jill pawned everything and then told Greg that she was ready to petition the court for Phillip Jr.'s share of the Chancellor estate. Greg explained that it wouldn't be easy, but he drew up the petition.


Liz tried to get her job back at Mrs. Chancellor's factory but the waiting list was very long. Liz told Mrs. Chancellor that she was desperate and asked her to call the personnel manager so that she could start work in order to keep the heat on. Kay refused to do that, but told Liz that she needed a housekeeper since she let her staff go when she thought she was leaving for Europe. Liz couldn’t refuse and Kay paid the heating bill. Kay was feeling that everyone was against her when Brock checked on her. He told her that if she truly had changed she could still provide for the child. She could send Mr. and Mrs. Foster to Arizona and provide for the baby out of love. She saw that she could be the child's godmother and visit him. She started to make plans for a trust fund when a process server arrived with a petition stating that Phillip Chancellor Foster was a rightful heir and was claiming his share of Phillip Chancellor's estate. Brock told the Fosters that the petition arrived when Kay was making plans to take care of them all and Jill promised to see her in the morning.


Jill explained to Kay that she was only doing this for the baby and that her family could use none of the money he would inherit from the estate. She would be willing to drop the suit if Kay would put in writing that she would provide for them. The estate would be probated within a couple of weeks and she had to make sure that her child was provided for. If she dropped the suit and Mrs. Chancellor didn't set up a trust fund, her baby would have missed out on what was rightfully his. Kay said that Jill was the one who couldn’t be trusted because after she signed their agreement she refused to give up the baby. Kay wanted the suit dropped and refused to sign anything.


Brock and Snapper knew that both Jill and Mrs. Chancellor wanted to come to a settlement, but were afraid to trust each other. Brock set up a meeting with Greg, Jill, his mother, and himself. Kay wanted Jill to drop the suit and sign a paper saying that she would not reinstate the proceedings before she would even discuss the terms of a settlement. Jill wanted to be sure that the terms were fair before she dropped the suit. Greg told Mrs. Chancellor that if it was taken to court that they would win because buying children was illegal in this state and there was no way she could get around the fact that at the time she got Jill to sign the adoption papers she gave her a check for a million dollars. The fact that she wanted the baby proved that she thought he was Phillip's child. Brock asked Jill and Kay if they were willing to ruin both their names as well as Phillip's and the baby's. In discussing the case, Greg told Brock that his mother's lawyers would bring up the time he and Jill lived together. Brock said he would swear that they didn't live as man and wife.


Leslie Brooks Elliot arrived home from her concert in Paris. She told Brad about Lance Prentiss, the wealthy industrialist who had been in several of her concert cities, and that she had invited him to Genoa City to meet her sister Lorie feeling that she was Lance's type and that he might be very good for Lorie since her heartbreak over Mark Henderson - Jennifer Brooks, Lorie's mother, told Mark that she suspected that Mark and Lorie were half brother and sister when Mark and Lorie became engaged. She had spent a week with Mark's father, Bruce, when she had a fight with her husband, Stuart. A blood test taken secretly proved that Stuart could not be Lorie's father, but Bruce could. With this knowledge kept to himself Mark broke their engagement and left town. Lorie confronted her mother with the pieces of information she had and Jennifer finally told her the truth.


Lorie finally called Stuart from Chicago, telling him that she was short on cash, but would be home in a few days. Stuart mentioned to Les the hotel Lorie was staying at in Chicago and since that was Lance's home town she called him to ask if he could cheer Lorie up. He found Lorie in a very rotten mood and wasn't at all sure that she would be there when he arrived to take her to dinner. When he took charge and didn’t let her mood get to him she stopped feeling so sorry for herself.


When she arrived in Genoa City she found a letter from Mark that, while intended to make her feel better, opened up all the wounds she had been trying to heal. Les tried to help her. but when Lorie called Stuart Leslie's father, Leslie demanded an explanation. Lorie told her the whole story. After a trip to think things through. Jennifer told Brad that she would like to return home to Stuart - Feeling unloved, Jennifer had turned to Bruce and moved out of the Brooks’ home. Following her mastectomy Stuart had asked her to come home. Jennifer was about to do this when Lorie found out the truth. - Jennifer wondered what Lorie would think and do if she returned to Stuart. She called Lorie to say she would be right over even though Lorie had said she never wanted to see her again.


Lorie left her apartment so when Jennifer arrives she found Leslie waiting for her. Leslie told her that Lorie was in such bad shape after reading a letter from Mark that the truth spilled. Leslie was so concerned about Lorie that she could feel no sympathy for her mother. Jennifer told Les that she wanted to return to Stuart and thinking that Lorie is calling, Jennifer answered the phone. It was Stuart and when Jennifer said she was coming over to see him, Leslie suggested that she speak to Lorie first. Lorie found it contemptible that her mother would return home, but Brad told Laurie that if she continued this way, Stuart would be hurt because he would demand an explanation. Stuart made Jennifer's homecoming very easy even though she was self-conscious of her mastectomy.


Peggy Brooks was told by her friend that Jack Curtis gave out A's as a come on. Peggy said she would only get a B or a C. When Jack showed Peggy her graded exam paper with a A-she got very upset. When Jack finally found out what was wrong, he told her that Dr. Abbott graded the paper and she could ask him why she got an A. Peggy admitted that she had fallen in love with him even after he asked her not to because his life was so complex. Because having lunch with Peg's father seemed so important to her, Jack agreed. He found out at the last minute that her sister's restaurant was the Allegro where his wife Joann Cryzyski worked. When he saw her there he explained that he was lunching with a student whose father was grateful that he helped her pass exams.


On Joann’s birthday, Brock gave her a pendant inscribed "I am beautiful" because she had to feel beautiful herself before other people could see it. Johnny – Jack - brought Joanne flowers and took her to a movie. Several days later when she told Johnny about Brock's gift, Johnny asked why she gained all that weight. She told him that after they had been married a year she went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. Since they hadn't discussed children she asked him and he said they couldn't have any until he finished school. She had an abortion which left her feeling so empty that she ate to fill the emptiness. For the first time in a long time Johnny put his arms around her and kissed her.

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