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All My Children, Jan and February 1977

All My Children, Jan and Feb 1975

All My Children, Jan and Feb 1976

All My Children Jan & Feb 1977

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

After rushing home from Tara and Philip's wedding to find that her baby was unharmed, Anne Martin learned that at just about the time she felt she had heard the child cry out, Elizabeth did suddenly cry loudly, and Dr. Christina Karras and Anne were talking of ESP when Paul came in. Paul was appalled at Christina's encouragement of what he considered his wife's fancies and implied that it was most unprofessional of Christina. The following day, he regretted his outburst saying he, himself, should never try to force his opinion on anyone else. He did joke lightly about telepathic communication. When he asked Christina if she had seen a ghost, she said she thought that it was possible that she could. After Paul left her office, Christina once again saw the image of her dead father who told her that it was she who brought him there; "you called for me." After her office phone rang and she turned away, Christina no longer saw her father but some days later she was very on edge when a lamp in her office flickered off and on and an object slammed down in the room. Jeff Martin was at her office door as she rushed out in panic and he accepted her explanation that some books fell down and her nerves were on edge. Jeff proposed that Christina consider leasing the apartment he lived in with his wife Mary before her death and Christina, after seeing it, was delighted. When she was prepared to settle down after making up her mind to take the apartment, she was shaken to find that the manifestations of her father were there with her too.

Some days later, Christina called Paul into her office to give him the results of further testing on Beth. Paul was told that the effects of the toxoplasmosis Anne contracted when she was carrying their daughter had proven very severe. The baby's nervous system was damaged to the extent that she would probably never function beyond the infant stage. Paul went home to tell Anne that the doctors, including Joe Martin and her own father, Dr. Charles Tyler, concurred in this prognosis and that they recommended that Elizabeth be institutionalized. When Paul said that he believed that it would come to that sooner or later Anne screamed "You cannot know that." She cried out that she would never send her baby away to an institution, "I'd rather see her dead first."

Kitty and Linc were married and after the ceremony, Kitty asked if she and Linc could go over to see Phoebe and try to smooth her feelings after Linc hang up on her. As they were talking at the Tyler house, Dan Kennicott arrived to see Brooke and return Mrs. Lum's photograph. When Kitty saw it, she demanded to know how Phoebe came to have the picture. Phoebe told her about Myrtle Lum the woman in the picture - not as Kitty believed, her mother -, saying Mrs. Lum was a derelict she had helped who somehow got wind of Kitty's situation and took up with her so Kitty would take over her support, but who had obviously become bored with the game. As a clincher, Phoebe mentioned that she saw her alive after her supposed death as Mrs. Carpenter.  

Kitty went to Mona Kane who had seen the woman in Minneapolis and asked why she helped this woman deceive her, giving her Phoebe's explanation. Mona revealed that Phoebe herself hired Mrs. Lum, who came to be deeply fond of Kitty and wanted to find a solution that wouldn't disillusion her, "acting out of love."

After a time, Kitty told Linc she intended to find Myrtle Lum who had never been anything but good to her and bring her back to Pine Valley. Linc checked with Phoebe who said only that Mrs. Lum said she had plans to go to Hollywood. When Linc returned to tell Kitty, they decided to leave for Minneapolis the following day to try to track Mrs. Lum down before the trail was cold. But Kitty, who had had a headache for hours remarked that it was suddenly dark in the room and moments later she could barely see anything.


Joe Martin ordered Kitty to the hospital where her sight came back but after a series of x-rays Joe could find no explanation for the incident. He wanted further tests but as Kitty and Linc were on their honeymoon and she was anxious to begin the search for Mrs. Lum, she promised to come back for the tests. Joe accepted that if she would agree to stay overnight, saying he would release her if there were no further complications. After Linc and Joe left her hospital room, her vision again began to fade.

Philip and Tara were called home from their honeymoon when they got word that little Philip had been in an automobile accident, although Chuck assured them that the boy only had a few stitches in his hand and was hospitalized just to be thoroughly checked. But when they arrived in Pine Valley, they found that the boy had some internal hemorrhaging. Phoebe, who was driving the car, had only a minor facial laceration but her license had been revoked.

Benny Sago tried to pressure Phoebe, as he had before, threatening to expose her involvement with Mrs. Lum, and was puzzled when Phoebe told him she no longer would be blackmailed. When Brooke suggested to Phoebe that Benny would make an excellent chauffeur, Phoebe told Benny he could stay on at the pool house on her estate only if he would agree to take on the job and wear chauffeur's livery. Benny couldn’t bring himself to turn down the position with rent and meals free and agreed, but was determined to make both Phoebe and Brooke pay. Phoebe had made it clear to both Benny and Brooke that they were to have no socializing as he was then an employee in her house. 

Brooke had learned from Erica that Chuck Tyler was not little Philip's natural father and that Phoebe was the only one of the family who was unaware of it. When Chuck was unable to make the double date they arranged, Donna went out with Benny and Brooke and later accepted a date with Benny when Brooke assured her that she and Benny were both free to date. Benny made a pass at Donna on a drive-in date and finally drove a very upset Donna home.

When Little Philip recovered, he remained adamant about not returning to Tara and Philip's house as they were married. Chuck offered to compromise by taking him home for a few days and trying to ease the boy into accepting the situation. Philip accused Chuck of wanting to raise the boy himself and Chuck angrily replied that he had knocked himself out trying to help and was sick and tired of being in the middle. As the boy came into the corridor with his mother, Philip relented and told him he and Tara had decided to let him stay with his "Dad" for a few days.

At work, Philip told his partner that when he returned home from the previous evening's rough duty, he found that his wife had opened the door to him without question, as had a woman they had found severely beaten the night before. Trying to lighten his mood, his fellow patrolman asked if they had gotten little Philip home O.K. When Philip explained the situation, his friend asked if it wouldn't be better if little Philip were to stay with his real dad - he believed Phil to be only the boy's step-father - who could raise him with all the advantages of the Tyler fortune.

Phoebe Tyler told Dr. Charles Tyler that her previous agreement to grant him an uncontested divorce was at an end because she was "blackmailed" into it. Charles was determined to proceed nevertheless, and Phoebe insisted that if he did, she would contest his petition, naming Mona Kane as the woman responsible for breaking up their marriage.

Mona was upset to hear that Erica had plans for entertaining Jeff Martin at dinner. She told Erica she couldn’t understand this pursuit of a man to whom she was so unhappily married. Mona was unaware that Erica invited Jeff in retaliation for Nick Davis’ date with Christina Karras at the Chateau where he made a point of having Erica serve them personally. 

Ruth Martin had heard from David Thornton. He wrote that he had extended his leave of absence indefinitely and planned to stay on at the hospital in San Francisco. Though Joe found Ruth in tears, he was gratified that she unhesitatingly handed him the letter to read.

Benny Sago managed to slip away and avoid a confrontation with Chuck but the following morning, when he arrived to drive Phoebe, Chuck read him the riot act. Benny tried to insist that Donna made a plan for him and then told Chuck he talked like a man who had an itch for her himself. Chuck warned Benny that Donna was making it and he'd better not mess things up. Benny stopped by at the market where Donna was working and told her that Chuck lit into him. He asked her to tell Chuck that nothing happened and Donna agreed, falling for Benny's line that they could be good friends.

Kitty and Linc arrived in Minneapolis and inquired for Nigel Fargate the man who portrayed Myrtle Lum's "doctor" at the drama school he attended. They were told that he had left Minneapolis but a friend of his was in the building.

Kitty and Linc Tyler arrived at the address in Los Angeles given to them by the actor who officiated as the minister at a mock funeral staged to convince Kitty that her mother had died of a heart attack. As Mrs. Lum - the woman hired by Phoebe Tyler to impersonate Mrs. Carpenter - stood on the other side of the door in a ragged sweater, fearful and torn by her desire to see Kitty, she heard "Don't be afraid, Mamma, we love you." Kitty went on to say that she knew that Mrs. Lum was not her mother but that she needed her. Mrs. Lum finally opened the door and told Kitty, when she asked about Nigel Fargate, the actor she came to Los Angeles with, that he ran off into the night with everything she owned, "and him appearin' in a Passion Play!" Mrs. Lum tried to convince Kitty that Mrs. Tyler would never give her a moment's peace if she were to take her in. She asked about Kitty's real mother and Kitty said if she ever returned, she would be happy to see her but "she'll never take your place." Kitty told Myrtle that Linc had given her a present of the Boutique and when Lincoln welcomed her to the family, Myrtle conceded, saying, "If I could work in a Carney, I guess I could work in a boutique."

Back at home in Pine Valley, Kitty's vision was blurring again and when she went to bed early, Myrtle and Linc both agreed that there might be something wrong with Kitty besides just an emotional reaction to the pressure she had had to bear in the recent past. Mrs. Lum promised to keep an eye on Kitty.

Erica sustained a rather suspect sprained ankle on an ice skating date with Dr. Jeff Martin, her former husband. - The skating party was supposed to be a foursome when Dr. Frank Grant proposed it to Jeff, but he had taken Caroline's acceptance for granted and had to back out when she made other plans. Caroline had accepted a date with Nick’s police partner, Clay Watson. - Jeff carried Erica home and tended the ankle with wet compresses at Erica's insistance though there was no noticable swelling. Erica coaxed him to stay with her beyond the time he planned. Nick Davis came by to ask Erica to report to work at the Chateau though it was her day off, as his assistant, Freddy, was down with the flu and he had not been able to reach her by phone. Jeff went to his hospital duties as soon as Nick arrived. Nick told Erica she was only using Jeff to try to make him jealous. When Erica reminded him that they both agreed that theirs was only a business arrangement, Nick told her she knew it was more than that and, kissing her, he told her he hoped it would be a lot more in the future. He made love to Erica, then took off immediately to his duties at the club. He came back the following day bringing roses to "poor Camille." She accused him of using people for his own moment of pleasure and then throwing them over and Nick answered that it was mutual. Mona Kane rang the bell at her daughter's house and heard Erica screaming insults at Nick. She was shocked and puzzled at the behavior of both; Nick's apparent callous-bess and Erica's imprecations. She expressed surprise at Nick's behavior and asked her daughter after he left why she was so vindictive. Erica was upset and Dan Kennicott’s music teacher, Mark Dalton, suddenly caught her eye.

Erica had mentioned to Phoebe Tyler that she had seen Phoebe's son-in-law Paul Martin lunching with Dr. Christina Karras. Phoebe went to Paul's office the care of their retarded daughter, Beth. Paul dismissed Phoebe, but some time later, pleased that Anne had taken her father Dr. Charles Tyler's advice to secure a regular pediatrician to care for Beth - Dr. Quinn — Anne had dismissed Christina as her daughter's pediatrician and for a time was determined not to replace her -, he presented his wife with a candy valentine and told her about the gossip. Anne was displeased, telling Paul he should have told her about his luncheon with Christina the same evening it happened. He explained it was a business lunch having to do with Christina's father's estate and asked if it bothered Anne that he and Christina get along. Anne replied that she thought it did.

Phoebe’s visit to Christina came just after Frank Grant found a printed note saying "I HATE YOU" in Christina's office. She covered by saying that it was probably the work of one of her little patients who didn't like getting his medicine. When he left, she said aloud that a patient didn't write it and accused her dead father - whom she saw and talked with - of being responsible. Just then Phoebe came to see her and demanded that Christina issue strict orders that little Philip remain in her residence following his asthma attack. When Christina replied that she refused to interfere in people's private lives, Phoebe asked what she called meeting with Paul in a restaurant and accused her of trying to break up her daughter's marriage. After Christina showed Phoebe out, the apparition of Anton Karras returned and said that the woman was right; that she was interested in Paul.

At dinner with Jeff, Christina found another note, printed with the words "YOU MUST DIE." She shouted at Jeff when he came back into the room to find her so distraught and asked her to tell him what was troubling her. She insisted he go home, saying all she needed was some rest. When he left, she accused her father of writing the notes but the image of Anton Karras told her that she wrote the note herself; that she was a child — a nothing — a nobody. Christina sank to the floor.

Chuck Tyler proposed to Tara that they make little Philip's stay at the Tyler house a semi-permanent arrangement, as he was convinced that the boy's asthma attack was due to his having felt vibrations that he might be forced to leave. - Phil Brent was in fact ready on two occasions to bundle the boy off to live with himself and Tara. - Chuck suggested that they arrange some sessions with Dr. Mallory and follow her suggestions whatever they might be.  

Dr. Joe Martin was suspicious when Brooke and Dan Kennicott asked for him to prescribe birth control pills. 

Caroline Murray continued to date Clay Watson while Frank stewed over the competition. Frank Grant knew that Caroline wouldn’t date him if he didn’t go ahead in his divorce plans. Frank called at Paul Martin's office and asked to retain Paul to represent him in a divorce action against his wife Nancy.

Donna Beck changed her image with a new haircut. She accepted Mona's invitation to dinner with herself and Dr. Charles Tyler and invited Benny Sago when Mona suggested she bring a friend. Donna was shocked and embarrassed at Benny's atrocious table manners and his insistence that they leave before dessert and coffee. She told him he had insulted her friends and was embarrassed at his obvious lie about plans to move on to a Disco, the Steam Pit. She insisted that she wanted to go home and Benny took her. He then walked in on Dan Kennicott and Brooke English at the Tyler home, despite the fact he had been forbidden the use of the house on his off duty hours as Phoebe Tyler's chauffer. Dan Kennicott left when Brooke failed to put Benny in his place after telling Dan so often that Benny meant nothing to her.

The following day, Donna brought Chuck a toy she bought for his "son," little Philip, when she learned of the boy's asthma attack. She declined to go over and give th boy the present herself as she was sure Phoebe would not allow her in the house. Donna was Chuck's ward, a seventeen-year-old former prostitute who was being tutored toward completing her high school education by Dan Kennicott at Chuck's expense.  Chuck told Donna that Phoebe would be out for some time that afternoon and suggested that he meet her and take her to meet his son because it was time that they get acquainted, as they are both "a very important part of my life."

Phoebe saw Mrs. Lum at the Boutique and told her it would be over her dead body that Mrs. Lum would have anything to do with the shop. Kitty told Phoebe that the shop belonged to her and that she had the right to choose who she wanted to work for her. When Phoebe left, promising that they had not heard the last of her, Myrtle said she knew Phoebe wouldn't be satisfied 'till she ran her out of town and perhaps she should go, but Kitty said if she left she would go with her. Kitty had another attack of blurred vision and Myrtle called Linc. When Joe came to examine Kitty, he recommended that she plan on seeing Dr. Polk, the psychiatrist who formerly treated her.  

Phoebe returned home to find Donna Beck playing with little Philip. As Chuck was out of the room, she attacked Donna, asking how she dared come to her house and "contaminate these premises." She told Donna that Chuck should have left her in the gutter where she belonged and as Donna prepared to leave, saying she didn’t want to make any trouble for Chuck who is her friend, Phoebe says that the word friend pre-supposes equality and Donna would never be Chuck's equal. Chuck entered and berated Phoebe for being so insensitive and later informed her that if she continued drinking he might move himself and little Philip out of the house. When Phoebe insisted that he couldn't care for the boy himself, he warned her that he would make some kind of arrangements if it came to that. - Chuck had spoken to his father Dr. Charles Tyler, musing that the child might be better off with him than with Phil and Tara. He said that little Philip had no feeling for Phil. When Charles told him that Phoebe's house was not a suitable place to raise the child, Chuck replied that he could always get a place of his own. Charles answered that Chuck couldn't be both a father and a mother to the boy and added that if Chuck were married it might be a different story.

Anne tried back out of plans to attend a meeting of a group of parents of retarded children, asking Paul to go instead. Paul insisted that she go, saying that she was in a better position to ask the questions that needed to be answered and he would attend the next time as they had agreed. When Paul said he was looking forward to spending an evening alone with his daughter, Anne was touched and relented. Paul checked on the baby while Anne was away and she returned in very good spirits telling him how kind and supportive the parents she met were. She told Paul that a whole new world had opened up for them and Paul agreed that they were going to make it. She left happily to check on Beth, and Paul settled down to read some literature she had brought home, but after a moment he heard an agonized scream from the nursery.

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