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Sunday, February 13, 2022

Young and Restless Jan and February 1975

The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy


Phillip Sr. was upset when he learned his stepson Brock and Jill were on a date. When they returned, Jill explained how she was pressured to go with Brock by Kay. Kay disliked the idea of Phillip working so closely with Lorie Brooks on Lorie's new novel. After Christmas, Kay had realized she forgot to get Jill a gift, so she picked out a sweater and took it down to give to Jill and discovered Jill and Phillip kissing. Kay was devastated, but the sight of Jill in Phillip's arms forced her to want to fight back. In an alcoholic stupor, Kay managed to reach Vivian Anders through AA. Aware that the only way she'd be able to win Phillip was to give up alcohol, Kay attended an AA meeting with Vivian, but disappeared. Just as Vivian was about to give up, Kay returned and confessed her alcoholism to the group. Brock, who had followed Kay, embraced her and they began a reconciliation. Kay sticked it out and finally accepted Phillip's Christmas gift - a gold cross. She did give Philip and Jill a bad moment when Jill discovered a small hand gun in a drawer and Philip couldn’t find it when he went to retrieve it. Kay surrendered the gun. Kay found it difficult to be civil to Jill, but when she discovered Jill was suspicious, Kay redoubled her efforts to be kind, confusing Jill. Philip questioned Kay to discover if she was suspicious of Jill and him, because if she was, he would ask for a divorce immediately. Kay allayed his fears, knowing she must have time.


Snapper was concerned that his mother, Liz, was wasting her life, especially when he discovered her making a payment on an insurance policy for his father who walked out 9 years ago, and demanded she finally had William Foster, Sr. declared dead. Liz was reluctant until Sam Powers, a widower, visited one afternoon at Snapper's instigation, and she rediscovered how nice it was to spend time with a man. She gave her consent to Greg's drawing up the papers. Sam Powers called again and they arranged a dinner date. Liz had a good time, in spite of herself. Greg was upset about it all feeling Snapper always got his way and he was living in Snapper's shadow. Meanwhile, occasionally we saw shots of a sick man in a flophouse. Greg persuaded Gwen to ask Leslie for her job back as a waitress at the Allegro, having already cleared it with Leslie. Gwen finally did, and Leslie welcomed her with open arms.


When her sister Lorie pointed out that a great love came only once in a lifetime, Leslie accepted Brad's proposal of marriage. Stuart was uneasy about the match because he knew so little about Brad's past. Aware that Brad's sense of responsibility for his son's death on the operating table was still eating at him, Leslie went to Chicago, and, with Barbara Anderson's help, talked to the doctors who assisted Brad in OR. Both men agreed there was nothing more Brad could have done. Leslie reported her findings to Brad, who was greatly relieved. Leslie told him he was free to return to Chicago and medicine and she loved him enough to let him go. Brad assured her he was content as he was and asked if she was trying to stop their marriage. She wasn’t, and the two of them were married in an elegant and touching ceremony at the Brooks' home. Jennifer was relieved to have the involvement of her daughter's wedding to keep her busy, as she was feeling useless and restless. She was looking forward to taking a vacation in Chicago where she planned to see.....BRUCE HENDERSON !!!!! Bruce's son, Mark, finishing his internship in Genoa City, was a good friend of Peg's. Mark told Jen he felt his father was still in love with her. Lorie, too, found Mark attractive. Chris was disappointed when Snapper was unable to be Brad's best man because the hospital was sending him to Denver for a symposium.


Maestro Fausch arrived to try to persuade Leslie to return to her career as a concert pianist. Brad agreed that was where Leslie’s future in music laid.

Newlyweds, Brad and Leslie Elliott had gone to Palm Springs for their honeymoon where, unbeknowst to Leslie, Maestro Fausch was in concert. Leslie felt very insecure on her wedding night, but found she enjoyed being a wife. Brad arranged the newspaper so Leslie saw the ad for the symphony. Since Maestro put down her restaurant and her singing so badly after she quit the symphony she did not feel she wanted to attend the concert. Brad tried to tell her that if she wanted to be a concert pianist it needed not interfere with their marriage and then she would not be in the position her mother was now. As they sat down to dinner in their room the Maestro's wedding present arrived -three strolling violinists, and Leslie promised to attend the concert the following night. Using the excuse that the house was full the Maestro had them stand in the wings and then drew Leslie onto the stage where he made her promise to give one more concert. But when he visited them just before they left for home she claimed she promised under duress and surely he didn't expect her to keep it, but he replied he wanted to hear from her soon. They stopped to see Brad's parents on the way home.


After overhearing her husband, Phillip, tell her companion, Jill Foster, that if she were suspicious, his wife would confront him and he could ask for a divorce, Kay Chancellor, an alcoholic, had listening devices installed in the house under the pretense that the staff was stealing. Her son Brock found her reading the Bible and explained that it was not what book she used, but she had to find Him; He couldn’t be given to her. Kay admitted she had always been jealous of Brock because his father loved him more than her and Brock was glad that Kay has finally felt a need for him. Phillip bought Jill a new dress and took her to dinner in a private dining room. He didn’t realize that Lorie Brooks saw him kiss Jill until Lorie explained the premise of her new book using Phillip's situation. Kay decided that she would fight for Philip by courting him again. She had Jill fix her hair, dressed in a striking evening gown and ordered Philip's favorite dinner. She asked Jill and Brock to dine with them, but when the maid became ill, Kay asked Jill to serve. Jill removed her plate, served dinner and ate in the kitchen. After Brock took her home Jill cried for Kay because she was trying so hard but Phillip loved her, not Kay. Kay overheard Phillip tell Jill that she had nothing to feel guilty about because he approached her with his love. She felt that she had wronged Jill, but had to still try to win Phillip back. Kay decided to play on Jill's conscience by asking Jill's mother Liz to lunch and using the close relationship between mother and daughter to bring out her guilt. Over lunch Kay went into how wrong she had been, how glad she was that Phillip had stayed with her and how she was going to court and win him.


Lorie had a rough time after Brad and Leslie's marriage, but Brock tried to show her it was futile to go on rivaling her sister and very futile to go on loving Brad.


Jennifer Brooks had a feeling of discontentment and was seriously considering going to Chicago to see her former lover, Dr. BRUCE HENDERSON !!!!!, who was also her husband's best friend when Bruce's son, Mark, told Jennifer that his father was considering a divorce since his mother and father had never gotten along. Ironically Mark told Jennifer that his father was still in love with her. Bruce came to town under the pretense of seeing Mark, but told Jennifer that he knew what she needed and could give her understanding. Jennifer still felt a duty to her husband and children. Stuart Brooks finally realized that something was wrong with Jennifer, but she refused to tell him her problem. Against her better judgement Jennifer had lunch with Bruce at an out of town inn where she was seen by Lorie. Upon returning home Jennifer was shocked when Lorie agitatedly confronted her saying mothers didn't have lunch with other men in love nests. But when Jennifer told her she might be in love with Bruce, Lorie sympathized. Leslie realized that something was wrong and sent Brad to see her mother who sent him out of the house when he asked if there was another man. Leslie questioned Lorie until she admitted that their mother was in love with another man. Stuart finally realizing that Jennifer was deeply troubled offered to go away with her, but when she refused he told her that he had never taken the time, to tell her how much he loved and needed her. She decided to go to Miami and at the airport Leslie told her that she knew and wanted her mother to remember that they loved her.


Chris Foster was upset when Snapper went to check out a hospital in Chicago where his illegitimate son lived. She didn't want him to promise that he wouldn’t see Chuckie in case he couldn't keep that promise. While he was gone she got involved with a tenant-landlord situation which brought to light a small boy whose mother claimed had bruises due to a fall, but after a follow-up visit Chris was thrown out for accusing the mother of abusing the child. Snapper had been persuading his mother to declare his father dead, but even though he walked out on them 9 years ago, his brother, Greg was against it. But Liz asked Greg, a lawyer, to draw up the forms which she signed and decided it was better this way because she really felt he was dead and could face it. Liz explained to Greg that Snapper's hatred toward his father came from loving him so much, that when he left he felt betrayed. Meanwhile, a much alive Bill Foster had been given the word that he had 3 to 6 months to live and should contact his family. He couldn’t bring himself to call, but finally wrote a letter to Snapper asking if he might come home for a few days. Snapper, seeing Liz's peace of mind, said nothing.

Find out what happened one-year later. Read YR Jan and February 1976

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