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Young and Restless June 1975 (Kay drives the car off the cliff, killing Philip)

The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Review May 1975

June 1975


Jill Foster, who married Brock Reynolds, in a self-performed ceremony that was still unconsummated, was told of the coming divorce of Brock’s mother, Kay, and Phillip Chancellor. Jill took Brock to the restaurant where Phillip used to take her, but they ran into Phillip with Lorie Brooks. When Jill fainted at home, Brock called Dr. Mark Henderson, who told Jill she was pregnant and she asked that he told no one. When Jill and Phillip met the following day, they found they were still in love and Jill told him about the baby, a result of the one time they made love. Since she was not breaking up Phillip’s marriage, she consented to marry him when his divorce was final. Phillip asked his lawyer for the fastest possible divorce and was told he could get it in 24 hours in the Dominican Republic if Kay consented. When Phillip told Lorie that their relationship had ended and he was leaving the country for a few days, Lorie flew into a rage saying he had been her whole life for several months and she put aside her book and had nothing but bills. He picked up the bills on his way out saying he would see to them. Kay confessed to Brock that she knew Phillip was in love with Jill and Brock confessed that he knew also, and married Jill to help her because he cared for Jill. Kay said Phillip had to come back to her because she had given up everything and prayed so hard, but Brock said this might be God’s will for someone else. After Brock left, Kay chastised God, and ended up drinking to soothe her nerves. When Phillip arrived after calling, she found God wouldn’t give her a second chance, and, so, signed the papers. When Brock awoke her from a drunken stupor, she refused to believe Phillip had already been there and that she had signed the papers. Kay tried to reach Phillip, to no avail; after his lawyer warned him. Kay finally reached the lawyer in the Dominican Republic, but it was too late and she swore that if she couldn’t have Phillip – no one would. She met his plane and insisted on talking to him. Once in the car, Phillip told Kay he couldn’t give her a second chance as the divorce was already final. When he requested she stop the car, Kay accelerated. A witness said she never tried to manuever the curve, but drove directly off the cliff!

Jill told her family she wasn’t legally married to Brock, and would marry Phillip the following day, when Snapper, her intern brother, called and revealed Phillip was critically injured. Jill rushed to the hospital to be with Phillip and insisted they be married immediately by the hospital chaplain. Snapper told the family they had little hope that Phillip would recover, while Jill was freshening up for the ceremony. She asked Brock about Kay and was told Kay was in very bad shape. After the ceremony, Phillip told Jill that he wanted her mother to quit her job at the factory and her parents were to start making plans for the new house he would buy them. He also asked Jill, her mother, and father, to go out to celebrate their marriage. Jill was in very good spirits talking about the future. Her parents agreed that things should continue as the were – until Phillip was better. After a while, Jill felt a compulsion to be with Phillip. Kay came out of her coma wondering where Phillip was and Brock explained that Phillip couldn’t come. Snapper, while checking Kay’s vital signs and finding them better, was summoned by a nurse. When Jill arrived at the hospital, Snapper tried to get her to sit down so he could talk to her, but she rushed to Phillip’s room and found the bed empty. Snapper held her as she screamed she loved Phillip. Jill went to the Chancellor house and ordered the maid to dispose of all Kay’s things, and, still in shock, arranged the funeral, a private service with closed casket, followed by burial on the estate. Not knowing how to refuse, Snapper permitted Brock to attend. Greg was anxious to file for a surviving spouse’s award for Jill, because she was spending money for the funeral she was not legally entitled to spend. Meanwhile, alone in the hospital, Kay groped her way to what was Phillip’s room, pouring out her sorrow over the accident to the back of a sleeping form. Horrified to discover the man wasn’t Phillip, Kay stumbled out. Seeing a newspaper with Phillip’s name and picture, Kay discovered his death, but, suspicious of the closed casket, sneaked out of the hospital to the funeral. Kay tried to open the casket, but was led away by Brock who convinced her Phillip was dead. Kay wailed it should have been she, a sentiment echoed by an embittered Jill.

Leslie Elliot was nervous as she rehearsed for the upcoming concert. Her husband, Brad, told her to admit her anxiety and face it. The whole Brooks family, except for Lorie who had an attack – due to a refusal to share the limelight, according to Mark Henderson – attended the concert which was a huge success. Jennifer Brooks finally realized the devastation of her intent to one day leave Stuart and marry Bruce Henderson when Peggy refused a call for her from Bruce and refused to be rational. Jennifer called Leslie, Chris and Lorie together and told them she would remain with Stuart because she could never be happy with Bruce after causing them all such pain. Peggy couldn’t forgive Jennifer, though, saying if Jen stayed, she went. Meanwhile, Regina Henderson, searching for the other woman in Bruce’s life, was convinced it was Jen and went to Stuart, trying to confirm her suspicions. Stuart was adamant it couldn’t be Jen until Regina asked if Jen had changed lately. His silence was her proof and Regina left.

Lorie called her agent, Jed Allen, giving him as much of the manuscript as she had done, asking him to find a publisher. Jed asked if Leslie knew about this book, since it was a reflection on her life and Lorie said she knew – but didn’t mention that Leslie was upset by it. After Phillip’s death, it was a devastated Lorie who persuaded her father Stuart to keep Jill’s name out of the papers.

To be continued


The rest of 1975

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