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Young and Restless July thru December 1975

The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy


July 1975

After Phillip Chancellor’s funeral, his new wife of a few hours before his death, Jill, moved her family into the Chancellor estate because ex-wife Kay Chancellor signed the house over to Phillip while apparently drunk. When Kay called and asked Ruth, the housekeeper, to bring her some things at the hospital, Ruth told her that her things had been moved out and Jill and her family had moved in. Kay called the police telling them that a former employee, and others, had moved into her house and she wanted them evicted. When Brock saw his mother in a rage, he promised to look into it. After visiting Jill, and finding that his mother gave up the house, Brock had to pack and told her. Jill visited Kay in the hospital, where they blamed each other for Phillip’s death and Kay vowed that Jill would pay for it. Kay called Phillip’s lawyer, Mitchell Sherman, and asked him to get the house back for her, but he could only refer her to another lawyer, Steve Ramsey, because if this went to court he could be called to testify about the divorce. Steve questioned Kay about the divorce and marriage, he told her that it was not a matter of just getting her house and property back, because if she didn’t remember signing the divorce papers, they could possibly prove that the divorce is invalid thereby making Jill’s marriage to Phillip null and void and Kay would inherit everything. Brock tried to convince Kay that she was better off without the house and the house was better since it had became a “home,” but Steve had got a court date set and turned the case over to Van Richmond, his partner, who reminded Kay of the dangers of taking a “poor, honest family” to court.

Jill’s family seemed to be enjoying the house, but after several days of having nothing to occupy her time, Jill’s mother, Liz, asked Ruth for a dust cloth and then helped with the cleaning. After a full morning, Jill insisted that her mother put on the new bathing suit her son Snapper brought over, she should start realizing she was a woman, and swim or sit by the pool. Even though it had been many years since Liz had had a bathing suit, she seemed to like the idea if nobody would watch. Snapper and Jill set up a surprise dinner in the dining room for Liz with Sam Powers. Sam offered to ask Bill down from his room, but Liz said that Ruth, the maid, took good care of Bill; sometimes too good. Dr. Mark Henderson visited Jill because he was concerned that she didn’t want the baby she was carrying, but she told him about her love for Phillip but that she just didn’t want to tell anyone yet. Greg received the petition from Steve Ramsey and called Jill, who told Brock that if he didn’t stop his mother, she would and she wouldn’t be responsible for what she might do. Greg questioned Ruth about the night Kay signed the divorce papers and gave up the house. As she thought about how much she enjoyed having Bill in the house, Ruth stated Kay had been drinking, but always knew what she was doing when drunk. Brock reminded Ruth that only the two of them knew what actually happened.

After Regina Henderson went to Stuart Brooks with her suspicions that his wife, Jennifer, was the other woman in her husband Bruce’s life, Stuart called his daughters together. Peggy had left home, moving to a boarding house, saying that she was going to summer school, but Stuart found that she wasn’t enrolled and asked the girls to explain. When they told him nothing, he confronted Jennifer who admitted she was in love with Bruce Henderson, but had decided to stay. The girls all knew, but Peggy said it was too late. Stuart said that staying because of the girls and out of a sense of duty was not enough, she should pack her things and go to Bruce. Chris and Leslie tried to persuade their mother to try again, but she said she had to think things out. Lorie couldn’t let her go alone and so rushed after her. The following morning, Leslie called Lorie to find out if Jennifer went to Bruce in Chicago and found she was still at Lorie’s. Brad, Leslie’s husband, felt it was a bad idea to rush over there, that they should let her see what it was like without her daughters and then maybe she would come home, but Chris and Leslie decided to go anyway. Lorie was trying to convince her to go to Chicago and finally told them all the reason Jen had no choice, although Peggy had moved home again, if their mother went back, Peggy would leave again and that while she was in the rooming house, a guy gave her marijuana to take her troubles away, and when he tried to force heavier things on her, she couldn’t handle it; ran out and showed up crying at Lorie’s door. Jennifer went to the phone and called Bruce, telling him she had changed her mind and was coming to Chicago.

That morning, Mark Henderson, Bruce’s son, showed up at the Brooks's and was asked to stay by Stuart even after Peggy ordered him out. Stuart said he knew about Bruce and Jennifer and she was probably in Chicago with him, but Mark informed him she was not there. Stuart started wondering where she was. Mark learned Jen was on her way to Chicago and asked his father to send her home, but Jennifer told Bruce there were reasons she couldn’t return.

After Phillip’s sudden death, Lorie was left with the bills he was going to pay. She received a $5000 advance in her book if she would sign a contract agreeing to have it published under another name, because of the sensationalist publicity her last book and centerfold received. When she thought about Leslie starting on her concert tour, Lorie signed, saying the book would be done in 3 weeks.

Mark Henderson visited Lorie again and was taunted by Lorie who said he didn’t come to talk about family problems, but to see her and she had the vague impression he was using her. She asked him to spend the night, but he claimed “he couldn’t” and ran out. Lorie brought him back and he admitted that he had seen doctors but his problem wasn’t a physical/medical one. He revealed he eloped with his childhood sweetheart only to have her die of an embolism in his arms on their wedding night. He added he was since then unable to achieve an intimate relationship with another woman.

August 1975

Lorie Brooks had a plan to help Mark Henderson, who admitted that he couldn’t be intimate with any woman because his young bride died in his arms on their wedding night. Since then he had dated only very young girls so that he wouldn’t have to face his problem. Lorie used sensitivity therapy: drawing articles of different texture across his bare back to make him more aware of his sense of touch.

Jed Andrews, Lorie’s agent, told her that her publisher was financing a small vacation to New York to meet her. Jed offered Chris Foster, Lorie’s sister, a one time modelling job, posing as a mother for a baby food ad and Chris was amazed to make $150 for a morning’s work even though the photographer said it was a rough business and she should stay out of it.

Leslie Brooks Elliot stopped in Chicago to see her mother on the way to her concert in Boston. She couldn’t remember seeing Jen so happy. Leslie didn’t realize that her arrival could cause so much attention, but reporters from all media were waiting for her. The beginning of her concert tour got very good reviews. She suggested her husband, Brad, ask her sister Lorie to come to her New York debut and talked to the Maestro about the job as publicist with the orchestra because they were grateful that she gave up writing a book that very much paralleled their lives, a concert pianist, who had been in a mental institution, with a writer sister, and how they both vied for the handsome doctor who had given up his profession.

Lorie decided to accompany Brad who was going to the concert, since Jed backed out as her escort, telling Brad she had an appointment there anyway. Jed arrived to take her to the airport, but Lorie said she was going with Brad and he should go home to his pregnant wife. Jed let it drop that Betty lost the baby 4 months ago, and 2 months later they were divorced, after telling her that since Leslie, not Brad, was responsible for the offer of concert publicist, she should drop all thought of having the book published. In New York, Lorie visited Mr. Park, her publisher, who read the final chapters she brought with her and then said they had to be changed because the ending wasn’t consistent with the character development. He insisted that it wasn’t the writer who got the man, but the concert pianist. Lorie explained how she meant all this and refused to change it since it was her story based on fictional characters. Mr. Park said they would tear up the contract and she could return the $5000 advance. Since Lorie was beginning to feel badly, she had decided this might be for the best. She visited the Maestro and liked him, but had not committed herself to the job, yet.

Stuart, Leslie’s father, called Brad to say that since Jennifer, his estranged wife, wasn’t coming, he and Leslie’s youngest sister, Peggy, would arrive for the concert and meet them in the hotel suite, just as Jennifer called Leslie to say she and Bruce, Jen’s lover and Stuart’s one-time best friend would come for the debut and were invited to the suite. Snapper Foster suggested that Chris use her modeling money to go to New York for the debut. Jen, Bruce, Stuart and Peggy arrived early and were shouting at each other as Lorie arrived. She told them to be quiet because this was Leslie’s debut and nothing was to spoil it.

Accidentally, Lorie slammed the door on Leslie’s fingers. Nothing seemed to be broken, but she couldn’t play the piano. Brad wrapped and packed them in ice because Leslie refused to give up the concert. Lorie blamed herself and was sure that Leslie did also, but Leslie said it was only an accident. The swelling went down and Leslie’s concert was beautiful. At the party afterward, Leslie sang and theatrical agent Eric Bronson asked her to get in touch with him.

Bronson later called, wanting to speak to Leslie about her career, but she asked Lorie to see him and find out what he wanted. Jed flied in to convince Lorie that if she didn’t rewrite the last chapters or refund the $5.000, Park Bros. would sue her. Lorie received a commitment from Brad for the money, but during the interview with Bronson, who refused to talk business with Lorie, Mr. Park called to inform Lorie that his superiors had decided to publish the book as it was.

Before the hearing to determine who actually was Mrs. Phillip Chancellor, Ruth, the housekeeper who was with Kay Chancellor the night she signed the divorce papers, told everyone that Mrs. Chancellor was not intoxicated. So Greg Foster, Jill Foster Chancellor’s brother and lawyer, was sure that the case would be dismissed. Van Richmond, Kay’s attorney, finally cornered Brock, Kay’s son, who didn’t want to testify and would commit himself to no opinion before the hearing. Richmond told Greg that there was no chance the suit would be dropped, so Jill had to come to the hearing.

Kay testified that she was drunk because she found an empty vodka bottle beside her and didn’t know that Phillip, her then husband, had been there. Greg suggested that if she was drunk, then Phillip was a scoundrel and tricked her, but Kay protested. Brock fenced with Richmond while being questioned and said his mother could have been asleep when he came. Ruth was called and said she was there when Mrs. Chancellor signed the papers and finally admitted that Mrs. Chancellor had been drinking a lot and she told Brock that his mother had passed out, but Greg brought out that the bottle was empty and Mrs. Chancellor passed out when Brock arrived 3 or 4 hours after she had signed the papers. The judge said he would consider all the facts and give them a decision. Both sides knew that it could go either way.

Bill Foster, Jill’s seriously ill father, heard about the lawsuit and visited Mrs. Chancellor in her hotel room telling her how much Phillip really loved Jill and that if she would drop the lawsuit so that Jill could remain Phillip’s widow, she could have the estate and the inheritance to which Kay finally agreed, but Jill refused this, since she could never visit Phillip’s grave on the estate. Kay called to say she had changed her mind and would not drop the suit. Brock refused to see his mother, so Kay went to him promising to give up living in the past including the suit if Brock would help her. Richmond called to say the verdict would be in at 10:00 in the morning, but Brock told Kay she was to tell the judge that she was dropping the suit first.

In court, Kay sat silently when Brock said she wanted to address the judge. After reciting all the evidence, the judge found that Kay, not having had a drink for some time, was therefore susceptible. The divorce and remarriage were invalid. After threatening Kay, Jill was informed that she had 10 days to move off her property. Bill Foster told the family that Mrs. Chancellor promised to let Jill visit the grave, so they should all move out. Chris, against Snapper’s wishes, was going to do some modeling to help the family. Bill was touched when Snapper called him “Dad.”

Jill was having Phillip’s grave moved to a small cemetery when Kay arrived with a court order to stop Jill. Kay would have Jill put in jail if she set foot on the property.

September 1975

After her concert debut in New York, Leslie Elliot was remembering when she was there the previous time. She had a nervous breakdown and was a patient at the state mental institution. She decided that she had to visit the sanitarium to make sure she had left it all behind. Brad rescued her from the ordeal telling her that only caring families could help the patients. Brad met with Bronson, a promoter, who wanted to set up a one-woman show so that Leslie could realize her full potential. Brad agreed to talk to Leslie.

Since the publisher had agreed to publish Lorie’s book as is, after she had changed her mind because it could be traumatic for her sister, Leslie, Lorie asked her manager, Jed Andrew, for advice. He suggested she tell them they could be sued for invasion of privacy. When Parks offered to publish it under her own name, he refused this at first due to sensationalist publicity, Lorie agreed after consideration. Lorie broke the news to Brad and Leslie that she wouldn’t be taking the job as publicist for the orchestra.  Lorie’s novel was the story of a concert pianist’s nervous breakdown.

In Chicago, Jennifer Brooks found a lump in her breast and her lover, Dr. Bruce Henderson had scheduled her for a biopsy in the morning. Lorie, Jen’s most sympathetic daughter, could see that something was wrong and got Jen to confide in her. Lorie told Leslie and they convinced their mother that she would be better off in Genoa City with her own doctor and family. Leslie, Chris and Lorie tried to cheer their mother by telling her that 8 out of 10 women who underwent biopsies didn’t have cancer. Jennifer informed them that she wouldn’t sign the papers but would take her chances on being one of those 8 because she could be with a man afterwards. Brad got her to okay a biopsy, but not a radical if necessary even though he lectured her on the value of life. The biopsy proved the lump to be malignant.

Stuart Brooks had decided to file for divorce from Jennifer, start dating and sent his youngest daughter and constant companion, Peggy, back to college. The process server couldn’t find Jennifer in Chicago and felt Dr. Henderson knew something. Irritated, Stuart called Bruce, his former best friend, and learned Jennifer was in Genoa City undergoing a biopsy. When Chris stopped by to tell his father, she was upset that he knew and didn’t visit the hospital, but suggested that they tell Peggy even though she was estranged from her mother because of the divorce. Stuart tried to talk about Jen. Peggy wanted to cut him off but finally let him tell her that her mother had cancer. Lorie tried to get Jen to sign the surgery consent forms after she was told that she had cancer and they wanted to operate the following day. She refused saying that she didn’t want her body mutilated, but would live out her life a whole woman. Peggy walked in as she made this declaration and told her mother she needed to have the operation because she didn’t want her to die. Jennifer signed the consent.

Although Jennifer refused to see Stuart or Bruce before the surgery, Bruce told her that he had loved her for 30 years and would continue to love her. Jen was concerned that she wouldn’t make it through the surgery and wanted someone to tell Peggy that she loved her, but Peggy was there to hear it for herself. Peggy and Stuart later talked about Peggy’s confused feelings for her mother when a process server arrived with divorce papers from Jennifer.

Snapper told the family that the lymph nodes were not involved and the surgeons were sure they got all the cancer. Jennifer cried hysterically as she awoke and remembered that she had had a radical mastectomy.

Kay Chancellor moved back into her house, asking her former housekeeper, Ruth, to stay. Ruth said she needed the job, but Mrs. Chancellor needed her more. The entire Foster clan set out to look for jobs. Greg decided to go into private law practice, Snapper to give up his residency for private practice, and Chris to get modelling jobs. Liz asked Kay Chancellor to help her get her job back at the plant when she could find nothing else. Kay said she never interfered with the business, but since her cook Emma quit, she did need a new one. When Liz found out about Snapper she asked Dr. Atwater not to accept his resignation and Snapper, suspecting that she was behind this, gave her a week to find a job. She called Kay and accepted the job as a cook. She found Kay a hard task master. Bill told Snapper the best thing he could do was leave unless Snapper consented to his looking for work. Snapper agreed because he was he would never be hired. When Chris reminded him her father offered him a job, Snapper asked Stuart to turn Bill down, but he got a lecture on man’s dignity instead.

Brock Reynolds offered Jill some money, but she said they all had jobs. She told him she was pregnant and that Kay, Brock’s mother, would pay for the legal action which would deny her baby Phillip’s name. Kay had her own divorce annulled and Jill’s marriage to Phillip declared invalid. Brock suggested she tell Greg that she was carrying Phillip’s child to see if the baby was Phillip’s heir. Greg said after the baby was born they would go to court.

Liz told Snapper that Sam Powers had asked her to marry him and to go to Kansas with him. Snapper said she deserved a little of the good life and it would be good for Jill to get a new start. Liz was worried about Bill who only had a short time to live but Snapper said he and Greg would worry about that. Liz told Jill about Sam’s proposal and asked her to go with them, but Jill said there were many reasons why she couldn’t. Brock thought that Jill should tell her parents she was expecting Phillip’s baby, but she didn’t want to hinder her mother’s happiness. Liz went to Greg’s office to arrange a divorce, but Bill had decided that he could help most by getting the divorce himself. Greg refused to be involved, but when he saw they were adamant he conceded.


October 1975 

Kay Chancellor invited Bill Foster to dinner and offered him a job at $250 a week, to start in three weeks, when his soon-to-be ex-wife, Liz, would be leaving her job as Mrs. Chancellor's cook to marry Sam Powers and move to Kansas. The country air at the Chancellor estate would be better for Bill and he could use the extra money for his medical expenses. When she overheard her maid Ruth call Bill by his first name, Kay decided she would have to fire Ruth.

Jill Foster found out that Kay had offered her father a job and was angry because Kay could buy anything she wanted. She visited Kay to find out what she wanted from her father but Kay assured her she was only trying to help Bill during his last days.

Liz got a call from Sam telling her that Bill had collapsed at the newspaper office where he was working. Kay wanted to go with her but Liz insisted on going alone. Kay had her chauffeur drive Liz into town. Brock found his mother very upset and sang to calm her.

Dr. Mark Henderson told Liz that Bill's collapse was simply from overwork and as soon as he had rested he could be taken home. Greg arrived and told Liz to stay with Sam, he would take his father home. Sam then tells Liz they needed to have a serious talk concerning their coming marriage. He realized that she really didn't want to marry him and move to Kansas and told her he would never forget her. Jill chastised her mother when she returned home, saying she didn't care about Bill and spent all that time with Sam. Liz replied that she and Sam were discussing their wedding and it had been called off because they both knew she couldn't go through with it. Jill was surprised when Kay called to find out how Bill was.

The following day, when Kay asked about Bill, Liz told her she wouldn't be leaving after all, and Bill would probably never be able to work again. Upon hearing this Kay asked Liz to leave her alone for the day. Despite Liz's objections, Kay insisted she go. Liz then went home and told Bill she was not leaving and she wouldn't be going through with the divorce. Brock found Kay all alone, ready to drown her misery in vodka. When he told her this was the time to turn to God, she replied "Then let God stop me from taking this drink!" She drank the alcohol as Brock sang to try to stop her, then she smashed the glass. Kay wonders what was going on when Bill refused to leave Jill to live with her as he couldn't work.

Jill finally told her mother that she was going to have Phillip's baby. Jill thought her mother would be happy at the news but Liz was horrified to think that Jill was carrying on with Phillip while he was still married to Kay. "This child will only be illegitimate because of a hateful Mrs. Chancellor" declared Jill. Liz thought she understood how Mrs. Chancellor felt but Jill wouldn’t let anyone upset her. Jill became pregnant as a result of one night she spent with Phillip long after they had fallen in love but before he could divorce Kay. Jill had encouraged him to stay with Kay until she had beaten her alcoholism and could have a life without him. When Philip finally divorced Kay and flew back to Jill, Kay met him at the airport and while driving him back to town was so distraught at the news that reconciliation was out of the question, that he intended to marry Jill immediately, she drove the car over a cliff. Phillip lived only long enough to marry Jill in his hospital bed. Jill and her family then moved to the Chancellor house which Kay had relinquished to Philip in the divorce settlement, and Jill had Phillip buried there. But Kay vindictively brought suit against Jill, claiming Philip had obtained her consent to the divorce while she was drunk and thus not competent, and managed to have Phillip's divorce and subsequent remarriage ruled invalid.

After her radical mastectomy for cancer of the breast, Jennifer Brooks was assured by her daughters that the doctors got all the cancer but she refused to acknowledge their presence. After the process server brought Jen divorce papers from Stuart - both Jen and Stuart filed for divorce before Jen's cancer was detected, their daughter Chris told her father he was very unsympathetic. Stuart visited Jen against her wishes and was surprised to find that Dr. Bruce Henderson wasn't with her, Jen, after years of unfulfillment in her marriage, had left Stuart, and Bruce, who had loved her for years had convinced her they could have a wonderful life together. Jen steadfastly refused to do her exercises or see anyone, particularly Bruce.

A volunteer from The American Cancer Society, a recently recovered mastectomy patient herself, Fran Whitaker, visited Jen. Jennifer was surprised as she'd never suspected her old friend had had a mastectomy. Fran explained that she knew how painful the exercises were but they were necessary. She also assured Jen that her reactions were normal to a point, but she was carrying it a little too far.

Chris and Leslie both had husbands to go home to, but Lorie, finding herself all alone, called Mark Henderson at the hospital and invited him to dinner. Mark had duty, but feeling that Lorie really needed him, he found someone to cover for him so that he could spend the evening with her. After spending the night, Mark was again frustrated by his performance. Lorie tried to tell him it was because he was not emotionally involved but he replied he was falling in love with her and she should decide whether she wanted to see him again - Mark's problem grew from the traumatic experience he had when his young bride died of an embolism in his arms on their wedding night. He had been unable to have a relationship with a woman since. 

When Fran visited Jennifer again she told her to admit she was afraid which Jen did, saying she was afraid to be alone but she didn't even want her family there because they were too cheerful. Brad, Leslie's husband, told the girls they had been seeing too much of Jen and she should be left on her own a little more. When the girls discussed where Jen would go when she left the hospital, Leslie suggested she should come home. But Peggy told them their father had said the marriage was over and he was dating Fran Whitaker. Peg later visited Jen and told her that since she hadn't done her exercises or got out of bed, she, Peg, wouldn't feel sorry for her anymore.

Bruce visited Jen saying he had to see her to tell her that his divorce from Regina was final this day and he had taken an apartment overlooking the lake in Chicago. He would like her to share it with him, or, if she preferred, he had also taken a hold on another apartment in the same building. He told her again that he loved her for the person she was. Jen told herself that if they had lived together before, she could live with him then. She then remembered the time she quarreled with Stuart when Leslie, her oldest daughter was an infant, and she left him and went to Chicago where she was intimate with Bruce, conceiving Lorie, whom both Bruce and Stuart believed was Stuart's child.

Peg was feeling confused and guilty about her mother. Fran visited the girls and asked Chris to tell Jen that Stuart was seeing her, Fran. When Fran next visited Jen, Jen brought the situation up and Fran then asked why she was concerned if she really didn't want Stuart? Bruce again asked Jen to come to Chicago, but she informed him that she would get an apartment in Genoa City. Bruce told Stuart that Jen needed him, prompting Stuart to ask Jen to stay at the house while she recovered. Jen thanked him, but couldn't do that to Stuart and Peg.

Leslie Brooks Elliot had a concert in San Juan and she and Brad planned on making this a second honeymoon. Brad had been having problems with his vision but mentioned it to no one until the problem became severe. He tried to contact his brother-in-law Dr. Snapper Foster - Chris's husband - but when he was not available, he asked Dr. Mark Henderson to see him. Mark told Brad that being a doctor himself he should know that tests had to be made and he should check into the hospital immediately. Brad replied this concert tour was very important to Leslie and he would have the tests made when they returned. One hour before they were to leave, Brad had severe headaches and fell to the floor when he got home. He realized he couldn’t make the trip but would not worry Leslie by telling her what he suspected. He gave her a silver heart inscribed "a picture paints a thousand words, Love, Brad" - a line from the song "if" which Leslie sang often, almost a theme song - and told her that business prevented him from going with her. Leslie was upset but made the trip alone. Brad then called Mark telling him he would check in for the tests immediately because his blindness was no longer peripheral, he had blank spaces in the center of his field of vision. As Brad prepared to leave for the hospital he was struck with the realization he might have seen his wife and his home for the last time. Les called Brad at home early in the morning but got no answer. Brad called Les to reassure her but when he said he was calling from their apartment, Les realized he was lying. After one concert Les wanted to go home where she felt Brad needed her, but he assured her he didn't need her with him. When she was asked to dinner by a handsome businessman, Lance Prentiss, Les was hurt enough to accept.

Jed Andrews brought Lorie the remaining five thousand dollars for her book and asked her if she wanted to publish it under her own name. He also asked for the title. Laurie replied they could publish it under a pseudonym and call it "In my sister’s shadow" - Lorie had always believed she had existed in her sister Leslie's shadow - Leslie was married to Brad, the man Lorie wanted and Leslie, a successful concert pianist, had the fame and recognition Lorie had tried so desperately to achieve. This book, a novel, was based on Leslie's nervous breakdown and recovery, something she was trying to put behind her.

November 1975


When Brock Reynolds took Bill Foster to the senior citizens home Bill agreed to do small accounting for them which seemed to give him a purpose. Then Brock took his mother, Kay Chancellor, there to see how pitiful their surroundings were. She was having the day room painted and equipped with color TV, new furniture and games. Brock hoped that this would make her realize that she would someday be old too. Kay saw Bill on a regular basis, taking him books and trying to make his last days more pleasant.

When Jill, Bill’s daughter, found Kay fixing his lunch she ordered Kay from the house. Kay heard Jill exclaim "My baby" as she bumped into a chair and Kay then realized that Jill was probably pregnant. Kay confronted Brock but he claimed the child was not his and she realized that it was Phillip's. Kay told Brock that the reason she wouldn't give Phillip a child was because her son told her he had wished that she had died instead of his father and then left for nine years and she couldn't bear that again. When Kay could find no one to confirm her doubts that Phillip was the father of Jill's baby she told Jill that she assumed the baby would be born in the spring. Since this was the first time Mrs. Chancellor had seen her since her pregnancy had begun to show, Jill told her to assume what she would.

Greg Foster, lawyer / brother of Jill, told Jill that she would have to prove the baby was Phillip's, not Brock's, since she lived with Brock if she was to try for an inheritance for her child. Jill was adamant that she never slept with Brock and although Greg believed her she had to find a way to prove this. Kay never would believe that this was Phillip's baby, and she couldn’t understand the inscription Jill had put on Phillip's gravestone — "always remember how much we love you."

Liz Foster was having a hard time accepting Jill's pregnancy because she realized how hard it would be to raise a child without a father. Liz finally told Jill that she was concerned for Jill and her grandchild. Jill asked Bill to call Mrs. Chancellor when she couldn't stop thinking of Phillip to ask if she could visit his grave. Not being able to refuse Bill, Kay consented. Kay went to the grave to tell Jill to stop spreading the rumor that this was Phillip's child because she wouldn’t have his reputation ruined. Jill said that it was Phillip's and she was sure that it would be a boy which she would name Phillip Chancellor Foster. Kay vowed that she would stop her. Jill was upset that her baby wouldn't know the love of a close family. Brock had told her that a child knew love when he saw it between his mother and father. Brock asked Jill to think about his being closer to her and her baby as she really needed him.

Kay was berating Jill; telling Liz that she felt sorry for her because being a good decent woman she had to find it hard being the mother of a girl who was having an illegitimate child. Liz finally could take no more and told Kay how hard Jill's life had been. Although she was the youngest Jill helped Liz put the boys through college by being a hairdresser. When she took the job as Mrs. Chancellor's companion she was well paid, but she earned her money by working long hours trying to help her with her drinking problem and then she never spent the money on herself. Liz said she was fearful of a young impressionable girl being thrown together with a good looking man who had no real marriage or wife. Liz accused Kay of putting temptation in front of them and not accepting the fact that Jill's baby was Phillip's child. Kay had helped Liz make up her mind to stand behind Jill.

Brad Elliot realized that his staying behind had hurt his wife, Leslie, because her concert tour in Puerto Rico was to be their second honeymoon, but after his vision problems became very intense he checked into the hospital where Dr. Mark Henderson could find no evidence of the brain tumor they suspected. Knowing that Les could only get a plane home in the morning, Brad intended to be there when she arrived, but Les was offered a ride on a private plane after her concert ended. Not having been able to reach Brad at home or the office from Puerto Rico, Les hoped to find Brad there but the apartment was empty. Brad arrived telling her he loved her and asking her to trust him.

When Jennifer, Leslie's mother, mentioned that she hadn't seen much of Lorie - she was in New York finishing up with a publisher, the details of her new book "In my Sister’s Shadow" that paralleled her life with Leslie -, Les jumped to the conclusion that Brad was with Lorie, but a talk with her straightened things out. Then Les hit upon a new explanation. She asked Brad if he decided to see if he could make it as a doctor again. - Brad was once a neurosurgeon who gave up his former life when his illegitimate son died on his operating table and even though he did his best, he blamed himself. - Brad assured her that he loved her and needed her trust. The cortisone Mark gave him was working so far.

Leslie was thinking about Lance Prentiss flying her home from Puerto Rico in his private jet and admitted this to Brad, but refused to give him any details since he wouldn’t tell her why he stayed in Genoa City instead of spending a second honeymoon in San Juan. Unbeknownst to Leslie, Lance Prentiss was arranging his business schedule so he could be in Dallas for her next concert series.

Jennifer Brooks had recovered after her mastectomy, but had made no move toward Stuart, her husband, or her lover, Dr. Bruce Henderson, although each had offered to make her a home. Chris rented her an apartment and her daughters Chris, Laurie and Peggy took her home from the hospital.

When Lorie got back from New York she told Mark that she missed him and hadn't thought of Brad at all - she had been in love with Brad and never been able to get him out of her mind. - Mark suggested living together, but Lorie said everyone was and to be different they should get married. Mark asked Stuart's permission and Lorie ran to tell Jen who immediately called Mark, asking to see him. She told him that he and Laurie couldn’t get married and that he had to trust her without questioning. When Mark said they would get married with or without her consent Jen was forced to tell them her reason. She left Stuart one year after Les was born and went to a friend who gave her all of the things she thought Stuart didn't. When she went home she found that she was pregnant. That man was Bruce Henderson, Mark's father. Neither Bruce or Stuart knew and she didn't want to hurt Stuart or Lorie.

Stuart told Lorie he was happy for her and would finance the large wedding Lorie decided she wanted. Chris, Les and Peg went to Lorie's to surprise her with a party. Lorie asks Leslie to be her matron of honor. Mark wondered if any woman who had slept with two men could possibly know who fathered her child. Mark was surprised by the party at Lorie's. Chris made a toast, wishing them many children. Lorie took Mark aside to tell him that she was not ready for children and wasn't sure she ever would be. The wedding date was set: New Year's Eve. Lorie asked if he was upset by her revelation about children, but Mark proved he was not by asking her to elope. Lorie held out for a big wedding.

Leslie told her mother that Lorie had paid her a compliment by asking her to be her matron of honor and that the wedding was set for New Year's eve. Lorie was disappointed that she didn't get to tell Jennifer first, but she asked her help in the selection of a bridal gown. Jennifer finally was able to reach Mark. She asked him how he could possibly consider marriage after what she had told him. Mark said she couldn't be certain that Bruce was Laurie's father, but Jennifer insisted she was as certain as any woman could be. Mark said that a blood test might prove that Bruce wasn't her father. He knew his father's blood type, Stuart's was on file at the hospital since his coronary and when he and Lorie had their blood tests to get their marriage license he could compare them, but Jennifer insisted that it would be too late.

Mark went to Lorie's where he asked her to do him a favor. The blood bank was very low and he would like her to come down to the hospital so they could both give blood. Lorie tells him how squeamish she was about such things and then decided that the new Lorie would think of others, not herself. Lorie told Leslie that she was so lucky to finally have found Mark: that she had never felt like this about anyone before. Les told her to put her past behind her because there was no reason why they couldn’t be close. Lorie called Greg Foster, telling him that she had committed her book and wanted him to get her out of the contract with the publisher any way that he could. She gave him the book to read and told him that he would understand why it could ruin Leslie if it were published.

Brad knew that something was bothering his mother-in-law, Jennifer Brooks, and assumed it was her mastectomy. He insisted she have lunch with him since she hadn't been out of her new apartment. He told her that she was letting this ruin the happiest time of Lorie's life. At lunch, an old friend of Jennifer's, Sylvia, came to the table to tell her how marvelous she looked and that no one could ever tell which breast had been removed, but that she was probably out buying all new clothes since her old ones wouldn't fit right. Jennifer stated that Sylvia was misinformed and that she felt perfectly fine until Sylvia joined them. Jennifer and Brad were both amazed that she could handle a tactless inquirer so well.

December 1975


Lorie Brooks had decided to try and stop publication of her new book which paralleled her sister's life. As she was happily engaged to Mark Henderson she wanted to protect Leslie's peace of mind by not bringing up her stay in the sanitarium. Greg Foster told Lorie that since the manuscript was already in the galley stage it was virtually impossible to stop its publication. Lorie was going to tell Leslie, but she had already left for her concert series in Dallas, Texas.

Leslie arrived in Dallas to find flowers from her husband, Brad Elliot, and Lance Prentiss, the business tycoon who flew her home from Puerto Rico in his private jet. Lance asked Leslie to join him in his suite after the concert to meet all the people he had flown in from California. Lance had Leslie sing so that Mr. Kincaid could see her as an all-round performer. Mr. Kincaid told Leslie that she should think about acting and he would call her when he found the right property. He felt that "someone somewhere is writing a book right now meant for you."

In order to prove his theory that Lorie was not his half-sister, Mark asked Lorie to help out the blood bank. He took the news to Jennifer, Lorie's mother, that while her blood type is O, Bruce, Mark's father, had type B, and Stuart, Jennifer's husband, had type A, and Lorie also had type A. He went to Lorie's apartment and suggested that they celebrate their marriage which would take place New Year's Eve. While Lorie dressed, he got a message from his answering service saying there was a mistake and the blood type on the sample he requested was B, not A. Mark rushed to Jennifer's without telling Lorie he was leaving. Jennifer insisted he tell Lorie that he couldn’t marry her, but without explaining why. When Mark told Laurie that he was leaving town she couldn’t believe that he wouldd go without her because he couldn’t deny that he loved her. Jennifer visited Mark to find out if he told Laurie, but Mark continued his packing. He called Snapper Foster and explained that he was leaving town, but Brad Elliot, his patient, was suffering from nephritis of the optic nerve. Cortisone was giving him some relief, but he insisted that Leslie had to not be told.

Lorie was blaming herself for Mark's leaving and hoped her father would come back from Mark's with an explanation, but Mark refused to shed any light on the situation. Jennifer assured Lorie that it was probably a per-sonal problem. Stuart wondered how Jennifer found out that Mark was leaving. He called Bruce Henderson to see if Mark has talked to his father, but Bruce had no answers either. Lorie remembered that she had been left by every man she had ever cared for and decided to get away for a few days.

Stuart Brooks told his daughter, Peggy, that he had asked her mother to spend Christmas with them. Jennifer accepted his invitation. Peggy's grades dropped when her family seemed to be falling apart, but thanks to her teaching assistant, Jack Curtis, her grades were rising. Although she had been warned about him, she seemed to be falling for him and either couldn’t or wouldn't help herself.

Jennifer was very nervous about going back home because she was not sure how Peggy would take it. Peggy told Chris that she was not sure herself how she felt about her mother, but when Peggy saw Jennifer, they fell into each others arms, happy to make up. The day was even better when Lorie arrived home for Christmas.

Not knowing that Brock Reynolds had already proposed to Jill Foster, Kay Chancellor told her son that if he would marry Jill to provide the "poor illegitimate child" with a name, she would see that they never wanted for anything. She assured Brock that she was only thinking of the child and was tired of all the hatred between herself and Jill - Phillip Chancellor divorced Kay and married Jill who was pregnant with his child. Phillip died of injuries acquired in an auto accident which Kay caused. Kay later had the divorce ruled invalid and voided Jill's marriage. Kay refused to acknowledge that this was Phillip's baby. –

Liz Foster was against Jill marrying Brock because she didn’t love him, but later saw that all the things Mrs. Chancellor was offering were what Phillip wanted — name, house, and money. Jill told Brock that things just weren't the same and she couldn’t marry him. They decided to remain friends and Jill explained to her family that she couldn't do that to Brock.

Chris Foster found her father-in-law slumped on the floor using his oxygen to recover from a severe attack. She wanted to call Snapper, her husband, but Bill wanted to keep this a secret. Chris told Snapper later and he was checking his father when Jill came home. He needed a warm dry climate, but they didn’t have the money to move.

Brock finally convinced his mother that it was her drinking that drove Phillip away. He waited patiently, but finally fell in love with Jill. She loved him then, loved him still, and had to learn to live with the guilt. Kay finally accepted the fact that Jill was carrying Phillip's child. Kay offered Jill one million dollars for her baby. She would take the child and raise it as her own with Phillip's name. Jill said everyone knew how unstable Mrs. Chancellor was and she was a lousy mother to Brock. Kay said that Jill could only give the child love, while she could give him love, the Chancellor name, and wealth. Would Jill condemn this child to the same poor existence as she had when someday he would learn what he missed? Jill left confused. She visited Brock who said that his mother had changed and would probably be a wonderful mother this time.

Jill accepted Kay’s offer. Kay would raise the baby out of town and it was best that Jill didn’t know where. Kay had arranged for a doctor and private hospital in a town two hours away. She gave Jill five hundred dollars for immediate expenses and suggested she go today since the baby could be born any time. Jill wrote a letter to her Mom and Dad and was ready to leave when Liz came home. She caught Jill sneaking out, but before she could get an explanation, Jill went into labor, Liz grabbed the letter on her way out to rush Jill to the local hospital.

When Dr. Atwated checked Jill, he told her that it was false labor, but he was keeping her at the hospital since she would probably go into labor within 24 hours. Liz couldn’t understand why Jill was so anxious to leave. She called the family and then read the letter she picked up as she left the house. Jill explained in it that she had to go away for a few days and had decided to give up her baby since she couldn’t offer it a real home. Liz couldn’t understand why Jill would give her child up since love was the most important thing to a child, not material possessions. Jill asked her family to remember that she loved her child.

Kay brought a Poinsetta to the hospital as an excuse to find out if Jill had changed her mind after Liz reported that she wouldn't be at work because Jill was in the hospital. Jill would keep her promise even though she couldn’t leave town. When Liz tried to persuade Jill that her baby would not resent her for keeping her out of love instead of giving her to a family that could provide for her materially, Jill let it slip that there was money involved and it would mean that her father could live longer in a warm, dry climate. Liz figured out who had offered the money and asked Jill how she could deliver her child into the hands of a woman like Mrs. Chancellor.

Chris met Kathy Simmons, twenty-two, who had just had a mastectomy and explained that her mother had just had this same operation and a period of blues was not unusual. Kathy said she could accept it, but her husband couldn't and she was not sure that he ever would. Chris told Snapper who said that if this continued he would see what he could do. After Dick spent a lot of time discussing everything else, Kathy decided she couldn't take his rejection. She explained this to him and suggested that he visit their relatives alone and think this through. He hesitated slightly at leaving her alone through the holidays, but then said he would call when he got things settled in his own mind. Chris and Snapper saw Dick Simmons in the hospital cafeteria on Christmas eve. He explained he was going to see Kathy before going to his family's for the holidays, but he couldn't get up enough courage. Snapper insulted Kathy, saying he didn’t blame Dick for wanting to find a whole woman, making Dick stand up for Kathy. Snapper told Dick to go to Kathy if he really loved her. Dick called their families and told Kathy that everyone would be there in the morning.

Brock found that his employee, Joann Kryzynski was just exactly what she said — one of the hardest workers he had ever had.

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