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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Search for Tomorrow, November, December 1976


After John left, Jennifer rang the doorbell and was let in by Eunice. Jennifer announced she had come to get something of hers — John. She pulled her gun and said they would settle this between the two of them because John knew what she was doing. She cited some of the things she had learned while following Eunice, saying that John had kept her up on everything they do. Eunice realized that things weren't right when Jennifer talked to John as if he were in the room. Eunice turned and Jennifer shot her. She disheveled the room, leaving a ski mask and a file and took a green bowl from the coffee table.

 Patti dropped her mother Jo off and when Jo knocked on the apartment door, it opened. She called for an ambulance as soon as she saw Eunice. The Wade Collinses and the Stu Bergmans waited with John and Jo for news of Eunice's surgery. Bob Rogers told John that the bullet penetrated the heart and the next forty-eight hours would determine if she lived or died. Until then, all Bob could advise John was to call his minister.

 A detective insisted that John go back to the apartment with him because no one else would know what was missing. The detective's theory was that one or more amateur burglars broke in. They found a mask and a file which showed they weren't professionals. They must have panicked and shot Eunice. John said the only thing missing was a green bowl that was on the table, but Eunice or the cleaning lady could have put it away.

 John felt he should be the one to tell Suzi, so he drove out to Hartford House and after telling her, they both came back to the hospital. Shortly after they arrived, Eunice went into cardiac arrest, but they were able to bring her back. Although Eunice couldn’t hear him, John told her how much she meant to him and how much he and Suzi needed her. John became hysterical when Bob had to tell him that he was sorry, but Eunice had died.

 Jennifer was still tormented by her fantasies of John and Eunice. John chastised her for not making sure that Eunice was dead. Walter thought his daughter's tears were tears of compassion for people who had wronged her, when actually they were tears of frustration. Jennifer vowed to Eunice's photo that she would see her dead yet.

 Jennifer had seemed much better since the trial. Walter and Stephanie were encouraged when Jenniver prepared a special dinner and urged them to plan their honeymoon. She gave them each a suitcase as a wedding present. Stephanie found another gift inside her bag. She admired the beautiful green jade bowl and asked Jennifer where she got it. Jennifer looked blank and then admitted that she didn’t remember where she had gotten it. Stephanie excused her to Walter, explaining that everyone had lapses of memory.

 Steve Kaslo was moody when he returned from a trip to New York and found his wife, Liza, dancing with her modeling manager, Woody Reed, at a party in their apartment. He accused her of sending him to New York deliberately, so that she could have this party. She explained that after he left, Woody convinced her that she wouldn't be inconveniencing Steve, since he didn’t like parties. They made up, but later another model let it slip that Liza had trouble with photographer Dick Merton. Liza had to explain that he tried to rape her, but Woody arrived in time, and then she knew where and when to model. She didn't tell him because they were having so many problems at the time. Again things were better for awhile. Steve wanted to get a better job, but was turned down when he applied for a reporting position. Steve had forgotten that they were to go to a dance and had signed up to play in a band to make some extra money. He was jealous when Liza asked Woody to pick her up, rather than taking a cab by himself. When Liza returned, Steve sang the song he had written about two people growing apart.


The police had given Scott and Kathy Phillips no word on Eric's disappearance. Scott asked investigator David Sutton to help find Eric. Scott wasn’t at all sure that Ralph Heywood, Eric's father, would call if Eric showed up, but Betty Heywood assured him that she would call. Eric was questioned by a store owner when he tried to buy something to eat and fled without taking the food or money. Dirty, tired and cold, Eric turned up at Spring Valley. Ralph and Betty fed and bathed him, but couldn’t reach Scott. When he called, Ralph told him that Eric was all right.

 Scott told Eric that he and Kathy loved him very much, but if he wanted to live with his father, they wouldn't stop him. Scott did ask that he return to Henderson long enough to say a proper farewell to Kathy and his friends. Wendy was delighted to see Eric and was glad that he wasn’t mad that she told Scott that he was running away. She was upset to learn that he was going to live with his father.

 Kathy was trying to convince Scott that they should take a trip after Eric left, when Stu called to tell Scott that Eunice had been shot. Scott called Ralph, telling him he could pick up Eric because he felt his worry over Eunice would be hard on Eric. Overhearing the conversation, Eric told his father that he had to be with Scott and would call when he was ready to come to Spring Valley.

Ralph visited Eric, urging him to come to Spring Valley so that Scott wouldn’t have to worry about his care, but Eric said that he, Kathy and Eunice were Scott's only family, and if he left, Scott might lose two of them at once. Ralph was disappointed in his decision.

 Amy Carson was told of Eunice's accident and that Jo could use Bruce's strength, since he was like a son to her. Amy told Gary that she didn’t know where to call Bruce, but when they explained the situation to the managing editor of the Herald News, he put through a call for her. Bruce promised to come home as soon as he could.

 Things only got worse for Liza and Steve when Liza and Woody's picture appeared in the paper. Woody had gotten Liza a two-week booking in Paris and Liza was unsure how to break the news to Steve. She asked him to go with her, but he refused to live off her money.

 Bruce was joined in Henderson by Gail Caldwell who was tracking down the same story in Europe. The story was still being kept under wraps to protect them.

John asked Scott to deliver the eulogy at Eunice's funeral, Although it was very difficult for him to get it on paper, Kathy felt it was very therapeutic. John had hired David Sutton to investigate Eunice's murder since the police seemed to be getting nowhere. The police objected, but David agreed to cooperate. Stephanie would not give up the green bowl, but Jennifer knew she had to get rid of it.

December 1976

Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Irving & Tex Elman

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


After things had been settled down at the Phillips' household following Eunice Wyatt's death, Eric prepared to move to Spring Valley with his new-found father, Ralph Heywood, and his wife Betty. He would come back to Henderson on some weekends, but he wanted Scott and Kathy to visit him in his new home. Kathy explained to Scott that she was sure Eric loved them and wanted them to be a part of his new life.


Things seemed to be going very well until Ralph sold "Araby,” the colt he gave Eric when he was actively trying to win Eric away from Scott. - Scott was Eric's guardian and felt it wasn't in Eric's best interest to live with Heywood because Ralph had tried to blackmail Scott over Eric years ago. Eric wanted to live with his real father so much that he ran away, so Scott gave in, rather than tell him about his father's past. - Spring Valley was running into financial problems, so when Ralph was offered a good price for the colt, he couldn’t refuse the sale. Eric came home as Araby was being loaded and couldn’t understand why his father would sell his pony. Ralph would only say that Spring Valley was a horse ranch that raised horses to sell. He told Eric that Araby had probably forgotten him and so he should pick out another pony. Eric remarked that his father would probably sell it too. Ralph admitted that if the price were right he would.


Ralph was telling Betty that they hadn’t made any money since last spring when he received a call from Mr. Jennings, a horse rancher in Arizona, who explained that he wants to semi-retire and needed someone to manage the ranch. He wanted Ralph to take a look at the ranch before he made a decision. Ralph didn’t want to leave his family during the holidays, so Mr. Jennings told him to bring them along and spend Christmas in a warm, sunny climate. Ralph agreed without asking Betty or Eric.


Eric and the Phillipses were disappointed that Eric couldn't attend the Christmas Eve party at Hartford House, so Kathy suggested that they ask Ralph if they could keep Eric for Christmas Eve and put him on a plane for Arizona early in the morning. Eric liked the idea, but Ralph refused to consider it because he wanted Eric with them for the whole holiday.


Eric called Scott from Arizona to tell him that his father had accepted Mr. Jennings' offer to manage the ranch. They would be staying a few more days and then would be returning to pack up. He got teary when he talked about having to get used to a new school and moving so far away.


Liza Kaslo had been chosen as one of four girls to do a magazine layout in Paris and would like her husband, Steve, to go with her. He had refused and things hadn't gone well in their marriage since she had become a popular model. Even Liza's mother, Janet Collins, suggested that Liza weigh her marriage against her career since she couldn’t seem to manage both. Liza thought it was unfair for people to think she should give up her career for her marriage when they wouldn't think of asking Steve to give up his music. Steve came home to tell Liza he had been laid off. She asked him to come with her to Paris and look for a new job when he got back, but Steve remained firm. The tension was thick when Woody Reed, Liza's manager, picked her up. Liza was kept busy from dawn to the wee hours of the morning, but tried to call Steve. When she was unable to reach him after several days, Liza became worried. She called Amy Carson, Steve's sister, asking for her help. Amy and news reporter Bruce Carson, tried locating Steve, but were unsuccessful. Liza became so worried that she planned on returning to Henderson even though Woody warned her that it would mean the end of her career. Steve finally came out of hiding. He had returned to their old one room apartment where he had been inspired to write "Daisies" in the hopes of writing a new song. He found the inspiration, but had been oblivious to the fact that anyone might worry about him.


Woody was thankful that Liza had remained in Paris to finish the layout. He asked her to stay for a few days of relaxation and sightseeing. Liza would like to return some day, but then all she wanted was to get home to Steve. When Woody kissed Liza goodnight, he blamed it on too much champagne.


Steve suggested that he had the solution to their problem. They would remain in their new apartment, but he would rent the old place as a studio since it was only there that he could find the inspiration to compose. He insisted on paying for it with the money he made as the new bartender at Hartford House.


Steve was surprised when Melissa Manchester paid him a visit at Hartford House to tell him that she had heard his demonstration tape and liked his music. She invited him and Liza to watch her rehearse. They planned on celebrating, but the film of a modeling session was destroyed and had to be redone immediately. Liza and Steve were both disappointed. Steve was impressed with his personal concert by Melissa and flattered by her offer to take him on as her guitarist for her tour. Steve promised to think it over.


Bruce and his fellow reporter, Gail Caldwell, continued writing their secret article. Amy invited Gail to dinner to meet Dr. Gary Walton. She was delighted when they seemed to hit it off and Gary started dating Gail.


Bruce arranged to work one evening so that he and Gail could spend the whole even-ing together. They were about to order dinner from room service when Amy called to say they were swamped at the clinic and the babysitter had to leave. She asked Bruce and Gail to work at the house, but Gail refused to go home with Bruce because she could no longer be a hypocrite. She would not be put in a situation which made her uneasy. She couldn’t bear spending the evening with Bruce and his daughter.


The bank in Washington that held Walter Pace's loan called to say that Stephanie had to sign the stock or they couldn’t use it to cover his loans. Walter told Stephanie that he had a line on a good business deal and he recommended that she put her Collins stock up to buy it. Stephanie asked Scott Phillips to take care of this for her. He suggested that quick schemes didn’t always make money. Walter was becoming impatient because the banks wouldn’t accept the power of attorney that Stephanie had unwittingly given him. Scott became suspicious and asked his investigator to check into Walter Pace's business holdings in Washington.


Jennifer Pace Phillips had given Stephanie the bowl she took from the Wyatt apartment when she killed Eunice and was unable to retrieve it. When all else failed, she knocked it off the table breaking it. Stephanie told Walter that she knew a man who could do wonders repairing glass and would surprise Jennifer after it had been repaired.


John Wyatt had hired David Sutton to find his wife's killer. After questioning Jennifer, she followed him to see what he found out. He visited pawn shops looking for the articles that were taken. Jennifer and her fantasy of John decided that David was getting too close for comfort. Jennifer was deterred from killing David, though, when she ran into Bruce and Gail near David's room. Her fantasy warned her that it was too risky for the moment.


Jennifer arranged for her "wedding" and was told by her fantasy that she could see him then, but when she visited John at the Inn he told her that he didn't love her. He had no intentions of getting married and even if he did, he wouldn't marry her. Jennifer palmed John's room key as she left. Hurt, later she returned, using the key to admit herself to John's room where she hid the gun she killed Eunice with in his closet because she held him responsible for everything she had done.


David and Lieutenant Frank went over all the evidence. They decided that the ski mask had never been worn and the file was not the kind used to jimmy locks. They received the ballistics report on the weapon used and David remembered a stolen gun of that description. He had a hunch and visited the Pace apartment, obtaining an old photo of Jennifer. The pawn broker said it could be the girl who stole the gun while he was on the phone. David asked John to call Jennifer and arrange to meet her at the Inn. John was reluctant, unable to believe that Jennifer was capable of murder, but he made the call, apologizing for his earlier behavior. They became worried when she called to say her father was ill, but after she learned he only had flu and Stephanie returned, she hurried to meet John. The shop keeper identified her and Lieutenant Frank arrested her.


David finally reached show owned Yang Lee when he returned from his holiday in San Francisco. Mr. Lee told David that the bowl he found in the shop was left to be repaired by Mrs. Pace. David returned with Lieutenant Frank and Jo Vincente. Jo was able to identify the bowl easily because she had it inscribed "EJW" for Eunice and John Wyatt.


John told Jo that he had been offered a judgeship in Wellington and had decided that it would be good for both him and Suzi to leave Henderson because everything here reminded them of Eunice. He took Suzi out of town for a few days.


Jennifer was out on bail, but was very nervous. Lieutenant Frank and David arrived at the Pace apartment with the jade bowl to find out how Stephanie acquired it. Walter instructed Jennifer not to tell them anything. They insisted on searching the apartment for evidence of a murder. They found a letter from Jennifer to John explaining the murder and accusing John of planning it. They arrested Jennifer and although Lieutenant Frank insisted on issuing a warrant for John, David found it hard to believe that John had anything to do with it.

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