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General Hospital, September 1977 thru early Dec 1977

General Hospital September 1977:  Hurricane Ava hits Port Charles  

Written by: Irving & Tex Elman

Produced by: Tom Donovan

The long awaited wedding of Steve and Audrey was held in the hospital chapel and made more poignant when Diana Taylor made the effort to attend. A radiant Dr. Peter Taylor, rejoicing in his wife's apparent effort to put behind her the unhappiness at losing all hope for adopting little Mike Mallon, was saddened to hear Diana wish she was the woman Peter deserved. She told Peter it was a mistake to come back to Port Charles from her mother's house, that she did it to please him because she had hurt him. After the wedding she despondently returned to Barton's Falls. When her mother urged her not to withdraw from the world, telling her to go home - "I love you but I don't want you here" -, Diana said helplessly that she tried to reach inside herself for strength but all there was, was hopelessness. Diana had to rouse herself to answer her small daughter Martha's questions about Mike, telling her that he was going to live with someone very nice - a cousin -; that the judge decided it would be better for Mike to live with his relatives.

When Peter called Diana to check on her during a rainstorm, he told her that the hospital had been put on alert for a hurricane that was brewing. Diana made plans to return to nursing duty at General Hospital in the emergency. After her arrival, Peter called the police department in Barton's Falls to learn that after checking, they found Diana's mother's house deserted and a window shattered. He was told that Mrs. Maynard had probably taken Martha to a shelter set up in the village, but he was aware that the site was miles along the road.

Jeff Webber had had to accept what Lee Baldwin told him —that he had no legal rights regarding his illegitimate son, Stephen Lars. Jeff made one more effort to appeal to Heather not to take the infant with her to New York - Heather had accepted $500 from Jeff as "getaway money." , but she left anyway.

Heather went to New York posing as a young widow and her "benevolent" landlady Mrs. Hadley realizing the girl had little money steered her to a (porno) photo studio assuring her friend from the studio the plan would work again — give the girl credit and she was trapped.

Dr. Rick Webber appealed to Mark Dante for help when he learned that a very close friend and former roommate, then a professional golfer, had been brought in to General Hospital when the foundations of his house were washed away, causing the building to collapse before his eyes. He was returning from a tour and did not know if his wife and two children were inside. When an emergency generator failed, Mark operated by headlights in the hospital garage. David Hamilton's life was saved, but he was paralyzed from the waist down and Rick learned from Lt. Sage that he had to tell David his wife and children were dead.

Scott Baldwin had returned to Port Charles, telling his father Lee that Dr. Gail Adamson had been leaning on him to come and "give your decadent lifestyle a whirl." He had agreed to work with her in her drug rehabilitation program. Scotty and Dr. Lesley Faulkner's 16-year-old daughter, Laura, attended a rock concert and were forced to seek shelter in a shed during the hurricane. A phone call relieved Lee and Leslie's anxieties. Laura was uncomfortable with her own behavior but more so with Scotty's understanding,  and it was she who was reluctant to leave when it was finally safe, realizing what a risk she had taken because of her fright.

When Laura was home safe, she had no patience with her mother's half-joking inquiries as to whether Scott tried anything and became increasingly sensitive to any reference to her youth.

At the height of the hurricane emergency activity in the hospital, a young woman was brought in comatose with a depressed skull fracture, broken ribs, and a ruptured spleen. In Dr. Gary Lansing's opinion the odds were against the survival of the woman, who was pregnant, but he believed they might save the child. Dr. Adam Streeter determined that they should try to save the mother first and he operated with Gina assisting. All seemed to be going well as he left Gina to finish when he was called away to another emergency. Gina took over but after a few minutes the woman's blood pressure dropped, she began hemorrhaging and Gina lost the mother and baby.

When it was evident that another young patient had drugged herself into a miscarriage and that she got the stuff at the hospital, a nurse reported that the girl said she had gotten amphetamines from Harvey Payson, a hospital orderly. He insisted it was a frame-up and when the young woman refused to agree to testify against the man, he laughed at Adam's threats not only to have him fired but file charges against him, saying it looked like their case wouldn't stand up and "that's all folks".

One good thing to come with Hurricane Ava was nurse Doris – Dorrie  Fleming who walked into General Hospital to volunteer her services when Port Charles' weather spectacular interrupted her vacation from her native England. After the storm had spent itself, Mark Dante offered Dorrie a position on the staff and she accepted it, deciding to stay on in the States for a while. It was Dorrie who spotted the similarity in the story a young storm victim known only as Lisa, who claimed to have amnesia, told to a very gullible Dr. Jeff Webber, of the brooding widower who was in love with Lisa and his insane wife and the fire ... to the Bronte classic “Jane Eyre”. Lisa twinkled at Jeff that he did urge her to tell him all she remembered ... and she remembered that.

Again, it was Dorrie who called out a young nurse to the corridor and pointed out that she should never have taken it for granted that because a patient was paralyzed from the waist down, he needn't be watched with the same vigilance as any other. - The patient was David Hamilton whose paralysis had no organic basis, as Mark's surgery was a complete success. But, as Dorrie pointed out: “why take the trouble to walk when you've nothing to live for?” She told the girl that David had taken a bottle of pills from her cart and insisted that he turn them over to her. - Dorrie did not know that David had been secreting and hoarding his sedatives. 

When Mr. Stuart Kennicott, the husband of the expectant mother who died, arrived some days later to ask about her death, he accepted Adam and Gina's explanations and sympathy until he was stopped by Payson who told them that the baby could have been saved and because of what he knew, he had been given his notice, but that doctors shouldn't be allowed to get away with that sort of thing. On the day Gina convinced Adam that she was serious in her proposal that they get married immediately - Adam was worried that Gina was rushing into marriage to block out her feelings for Gary Lansing -, Gary, Gina and Adam were summoned to a hearing in the District Attorney's office to determine if they should be prosecuted for criminal negligence in the Kennicott case.

Dr. Mark Dante’s wife, Mary Ellen – Mellie -, had been committed to the State Mental Facility until such time as she could be determined to be able to stand trial. She was for a time in a catatonic state and though she had emerged from it, she couldn’t accept her surroundings. Mark was told that any visits from him would be counter-productive as her psychosis was rooted in her relationship with him. When Mark asked how many months it may might before he would be able to be in contact with Mellie, he was told it might be more like years. When Terri Arnett learned about Mellie's condition, she told Steve she had to go somewhere so that she and Mark didn’t have to face each other anymore. She confided to Steve that the offer to join a vocal group recording in Los Angeles was not really much but she needed to be with a group. Later, when the offer fell through, she told only Lesley but insisted that Mark and her brothers Rick and Jeff not know that.

Shortly after Steve and Audrey returned from their honeymoon, cut short by reports of the hurricane, they had to attend the funeral of Diana and Peter's daughter, Martha, killed in a car crash in which Diana's mother, Mrs. Maynard was injured. Together, Diana and Peter told Mrs. Maynard in her hospital room that everything that could have been done by the doctors had been done, and tried to comfort her, but Audrey and Steve told Mark that Diana seemed to be still in shock.

District Attorney Murdoch found that there was no basis for a criminal action against Adam and Gina but Kennicott advised them that he would see them again — next time with his attorneys. His lawyer informed Lee Baldwin that he was bringing suit for malpractice.

Gina and Adam were about to leave on their elopement when they learned Judge Lowell, who practically raised her, had had a heart attack in Boston. Adam forced a confrontation feeling Gina's insistence on going to Boston was an excuse to postpone their marriage and since he felt she might want him out of her life, he might accept an offer to open a clinic in Bogota, and that would end it all.

Learning his father might run for district attorney, Scotty feared his own arrest - no conviction for grass - might hurt his chances and decided to take off. Gail warned Scotty and Lee that they keep hurting each other to keep from hurting each other.

Mellie’s psychiatrist warned Mark that Mellie was having a lucid period and that Mark had to be careful not to do anything that could lead her to believe their marriage was viable as it would be feeding her dementia. He recommended Mark see Mellie once to let her know the marriage was over.

Mark told Steve about Dr. Field's recommendation but added he couldn’t accept it on the basis of one man's opinion. He would seek advice from Peter.

Monica was assigned to work with a foundation representative, Alan Quartermaine, to research the needs of the hospital for a new cardiac wing. She was quite taken with Alan and Alan was uncomfortably aware of her feelings! When she even went so far as to intimate to him that she certainly wouldn’t mind spending her evenings working with him, he told her she wouldn’t have to worry about working evenings, as his fiancée kept him very busy nights ! A bemused Alan later confided to Mark that he was not really engaged; but he often found it necessary to invent a fiancée to ward off the unwanted attentions of amorous females!


Written by: Irving & Tex Elman / Richard & Suzanne Holland

Produced by: Tom Donovan

*The Hollands introduce the Lisa/Lana storyline which would run for the next 4 months ! 

Heather’s benevolent landlady steered her to a – porno - photo studio, telling her the young man who ran it was a friend of hers and could let her work out the cost of the portfolio she would need to present to be considered for work as a model. Professing shock at Heather's tale on her return, Mrs. Hadley insisted that she couldn't be so heartless as to press Heather for her room and board or permit her to settle for less than the career she had faith that Heather would eventually win. She checked out her feeling that Heather had not much money behind her by using an elderly friend who claimed to be an investment counselor and offered to advise the young widow - Heather's story - on how to protect her settlement - the imaginary husband's insurance. Then sure of her ground, Mrs. Hadley met with her friend from the studio and told him not to give up on Heather too soon, she would come around. The plan was to give Heather credit and then some more credit before putting pressure on her. When she claimed it always worked, the young man agreed, saying he had seen her do it before.

Heather, still looking, did get a legitimate offer of a hostess job with a cruise line but couldn’t leave the baby for the tours. She called Audrey at General Hospital in trying to contact Diana, but when she heard that Martha has been killed in the hurricane, she decided that Diana was troubled enough.

Mrs. Hadley began to pressure Heather for her money, saying she, too, had expenses. Heather, having had no luck finding a job, asked her mother for $500. Coincidentally, Jeff had been talking to Steve and Lt. Sage – the detective who was dating RN Jessie Brewer - about hiring a private detective to find Heather in New York. Steve had come up with $500, which would pay the detective for 5 days. Unbeknownst to Jeff, Steve was his natural father, the result of an affair between Steve and his mother years ago. Steve had to leave for Korea before Helene's divorce from Lars Webber was final. When Steve was reported missing/dead, Helene resumed her marriage with Lars. Thus, Steve would be helping to find his grandchild. - Mrs. Grant arrived with Heather's request. Jeff gave her the money, saying that even if he found her, there'd be no way to force Heather to return with his son. This way, he knew she had some money to care for the child.

A man from a cruise ship made Heather a definite offer, which she'd like to accept. But, as Mrs. Hadley so "kindly" pointed out, there'd be nobody to care for Stephen for the time she was gone. Boarding nurseries were out — too costly. Heather next found a temporary waitress job, which paid her only enough to pay Mrs. Hadley for babysitting for one day. What looked like a break came when Heather was chosen for a crowd scene for a movie shooting in N.Y. The assistant director took an interest in Heather, getting her a slightly bigger part the next day. He then invited her to Hollywood, telling her he was sure she could make it in movies. Heather figured out expenses for the move —a minimum of $3000. Mrs. Hadley brought in her photographer friend, who promised Heather could make big money posing for him. Heather turned him down flat, saying she'd be ashamed for herself and her son to pose nude. Heather had a dinner date with the assistant director, but had to cancel because of a bad cold. In her misery, Heather confessed her true background to Mrs. Hadley, who ordered her from the house, saying she couldn’t stand liars.

Audrey Hardy took David Hamilton to task for all his malingering, pointing out that Diana, his harried nurse, had just lost her only child, the only child she would ever have, but was not crying about it. David's family was killed in the accident that injured him. David appeared to straighten up, letting the curtains be opened, getting into a wheel-chair. But one night Diana caught him with a whole bottle of sleeping pills. As she and David were struggling over them, Mark Dante arrived. He took the pills away. Mark then told David he could have ruined Diana's career because she was responsible for him. Mark continued to tell David the surgery was successful and that the only reason he couldn’t walk was that he didn’t want to, that if he wanted to die, to do it somewhere else. Rick Webber, hearing of the incident, paid his old friend a visit. Feeling that all David needed was someone to care about him, Rick invited David to recuperate at the Webber house upon his release. Lesley was angry at the invitation, reminding Rick they were about to be married and would be on their honeymoon during the time David was there. Finally, Les capitulated, and even goes so far as to second Rick's invitation, although she still had misgivings.

Peter Taylor was concerned about Diana's emotional condition since the loss of Martha. He was relieved when one night Diana told him that she had come to grips with her grief and assured Peter that they could have a full and happy life with just the two of them. Peter arranged to get time off, as did Diana. She wanted to go to New York, at first saying it had been a long time since she had seen a show. But the real reason, she later confessed, was to look for Heather and Stephen Lars. Peter was uneasy, and continued so, especially when Diana made remarks about eating at the hospital so she could be away from memories of Martha.

Jeff Webber continued to be baffled about his patient, Lisa. Her amnesia was hampering his investigation of her ailment because he couldn’t get a complete medical history. He asked about a pendant she wore with the Gemini sign. Without thinking, Lisa said it was for love, but couldn’t remember any more. When new x-rays showed a shadow on the adrenal gland, Steve's memory was jogged and he showed Jeff a paper on Breechman's Disease, a terminal illness, Steve located Dr. Breechman, and Jeff paid him a visit. The only hoped Breechman hold for Lisa was her youth, but she had to be under constant medical supervision. Until he could learn more, all Jeff told Lisa was that her condition was serious. Following a conversation in which Jeff told Lisa that finding Heather was the most important thing in his life at the time, Lisa disappeared from the hospital. Lt. Sage traced her to a bus to Montreal, which made nine stops on the way. Jeff alerted the Montreal hospitals, then received the Gemini pendant in the mail, postmarked Utica.

Gina and Adam were packed for their plan to get into a car and drive over the weekend, getting married on the way, when Mark told Gina that his father-in-law, Judge Lowell, the man who practically raised her, had suffered a heart attack in Boston. When Adam learned that she intended to go, he asked if it was an excuse to postpone their wedding plans but Gina insisted that they couldn’t have much of a honeymoon if she was worried sick. Adam replied angrily that they would both have extra time to do some extra thinking. Convinced that he had to push to learn if Gina loved him, Adam finally told Gina that he had been asked to go to Bogota for the opening of a new O.B. Clinic and he believed that Gina wished he'd just go away and get out of her life. He told Gina the trip was for a few weeks but if he went to Bogota alone — that was it! - Gina told Adam she thought it was best if she went to Boston.

After Mr. Kennicott dropped his lawsuit, Adam wrote to Gina, stating he hoped they could start again where they left off, promising not to push her. Gary poked fun at the "reverse Dear John letter," then asked that he and Gina become friends again. She agreed. Later, she was astounded when he confessed he loves her.

Monica had been assigned by Rick in his capacity as Chief of Cardiac Surgery to work with Alan Quartermaine, blue blooded administrator of a famous trust fund which Steve was hoping would present General Hospital with a grant for a new cardiac wing if Quartermaine could be made to see the need. - Monica quickly learned that Alan will find the justification for the grant, if he did, only through facts and figures and could not be reached by appealing to his emotions.

Mark Dante warned Monica she wouldn’t win any points with Quartermaine by flirting or "coming on," as the man was all business. Monica returned to work, continuing her flirtatiousness: Quartermaine kissed her and made a proposition which insulted Monica. After rebuffing his rough and tumble advances, Monica realized she was jealous Alan was dating RN Dorrie Flemming.

Laura and Scott’s relationship was veering away from the platonic. He was beginning to see her in a more romantic light. She no longer looked like such a kid to him. Scotty expressed his change of heart by kissing Laura long, hard and passionately. Laura responded in kind. It looked like a new romance is beginning to blossom in Port Charles. Scotty’s father-in-law, Lee Baldwin, finally nixed the district attorney job and invited Scotty and Laura on a weekend trip to Washington. Lesley was upset about her daughter’s involvement with Scotty, as well as David Hamilton’s presence in her house. She decided to postpone her wedding to Rick.

Laura cajoled Monica into giving her a prescription for birth control pills – just in case. She couldn’t ask Lesley – her mother still thought of her as a little girl. Monica didn’t want to get involved in such a sneaky deed – the wounds between her and Lesley were hardly healed – but she had no other choice. Laura told her if Monica didn’t do as she asked, she would make it with Scotty without the benefit of protection. She would just have to take her chances. Gail advised Scotty to keep it slow with Laura but they consummated their love. Rick reassured Lesley and they set a new wedding date.

Mark Dante decided to divorce Mary Ellen when he received some bad news. While escaping from the state mental institution in a stolen car, Mellie ran the automobile into a brick wall and was killed instantly. Mark had no time to grieve as he had a new patient – wealthy businessman Lamont Corbin. Mark gasped in surprise when he saw Lamont’s wife. It was his childhood friend, Katie O’Reilly. She did all right for a scrapper from Boston’s poverty strewn North End. Katie told Mark she wanted to keep their relationship strictly professional.

At the Nurses' Station, Jeff heard “Do you know where I can find Dr. Jeff Webber?”. He turned around, his eyes open wide with shock. The woman was Lisa ! Or was it? She said not. She was Lisa’s twin sister: Lana Holbrook. She was here to see her sister and was told Dr. Webber was her physician. Jeff said that he was Dr. Webber but seeing Lisa was not possible. The sister skipped out of the hospital a week ago – and they didn’t know where she was. Jeff then told Lana the sad news. Learning her sister was terminally ill caused Lana to nearly faint – but she quickly recovered. Jeff noticed Lana was wearing a Gemini pendant. Lana said she and her sister both had one. Lana quickly pointed out that while she and Lisa might be identical in appearance, they were in no way alike in personality. Lisa was quiet – a shrinking violet – and very sweet; traits which far from won Lana’s stramp of approval. The disdain was very evident in Lana’s voice as she told Jeff it was no wonder she and Lana never got along. While meeting with Jeff and Lt. Sage, Lana suffered a strange tingling sensation in her hand and then fainted dead away in Jeff’s arms. Jeff brought her to General Hospital. He ran the necessary tests and diagnosed Lana as also suffering from Breechman’s Disease. The problem got more perplexing by the day. Breechman’s Disease wasn’t known to be genetic. Jeff worried that Lisa might be getting worse.

Heather told Mrs. Hadley she would have to let the Taylors have Steven Lars for the $10.000 they promised her. Mrs. Hadley told Heather she knew just the lawyer who could help her and called her friend, Mr. Wallace.

In addition to his concern for Lana and Lisa, Jeff was also worried about his son. He learned from Mrs. Grant that Heather was planning to go to Hollywood and he hit the roof – Heather was not going to run around the country with his son. He was going to track her down and fight for custody of the boy. Heather realized she could no longer dally in her decision. Mr. Wallace said an entirely legal adoption would take months. Seeing that Heather was still hesitant, Mr. Wallace – very anxious to get his grubby hands on part of her money – did something to cement her decision. He told Heather he had taken the first step and sent Diana and Peter a telegram.

Mark told Katie the outlook for her husband wasn’t very good. The operation was very risky and there was a very good possibility that Lamont would die on the operating table. Mark wanted Lamont to know the truth about his condition, but Katie disagreed. She said such news would cause her husband to retreat into a shell. He would no longer be interested in his work – and that’s what was keeping him alive.

November 1977

Written by: Richard & Suzanne Holland
Produced by: Tom Donovan

Fun Fact:  Writers Robert and Eileen Pollack wrote the long-term Bible for the Stephen Lars storyline in 1976, when they left in early 1977, Irv and Tex Elman continued it.  The Hollands kept it going in late 77, and when new Headwriter Doug Marland arrives in Jan 1978, he decides to continue it through his entire tenure. Pat Falken Smith arrives in Aug 1979 and the Stephen Lars storyline still hasn't been resolved until, finally, in March 1981 the conclusion.  This is a storyline that kept going through 5 different Headwriters, a dramatic climb in ratings, and over a period of 6 years.

Mrs. Edna Hadley found Heather Grant packing and berated her as ungrateful and selfish, vowing she would never do anything to help another human being again. When lawyer Frank Wallace arrived to announce that he had had a telegram from the Taylors saying they were not interested in adopting a child, Heather said it was the best news she ever had. Alone with Mrs. Hadley, Wallace advised her to make things up with Heather because she was so changeable they would soon bring her around again to accept the idea of giving up her baby and there were other couples who would pay well to adopt a child. 

After Mrs. Hadley resumed her bogus supportive role and provided Heather with a list of day-care centers - which Wallace had gotten together - Heather checked them out only to report that conditions in these places were appalling. When another wire arrived from the Taylors - Peter sent it on his own after seeing Diana's brave stand against risking another disappointment begin to crumble, Heather, who had been advised by a clergyman that whatever she decided, Stephen Lars’ welfare had to come first, agreed to let Wallace arrange for the adoption. 

Lee Baldwin accompanied Peter and Diana to New York where Wallace presented forged certification of the death of the infant's parents along with a release from the child's aging and indigent grandmother - to be played in Florida by Mrs. Hadley. 

Wallace secured a private agreement of abandonment from Heather for his and Mrs. Hadley's future protection and "Grandma" Hadley turned over the child to Peter and Diana in Florida, telling them that by coincidence the baby's name happened to be Peter. 

Dr. Lesley Faulkner Webber had learned from the Taylors that her daughter Laura was the prime mover behind their offer of their cabin to Rick and Les for a honeymoon spot and Lesley realized that Laura lied to her and probably spent the time that she and Rick were away at home with Scotty Baldwin. For his part, Scotty was upset over Laura's manipulation of Lesley, which she made no secret of when they were together, but he accepted her "commitment" to him after she appeared to consider dating a football player, George Allison, who was a patient at General Hospital, and he closed his eyes to Laura's resentment of her mother. Laura realized she cared about Scotty but she didn’t love him.

Lesley had been trying to cover up her own resentment of David Hamilton's presence in her house during his recuperation by over-elaborate arrangements to make him feel welcome. When Laura told her mother she signed her own report card after Lesley had it on her desk for a week without noticing - she hid it under a pile of papers - Les apologized for her neglect and assumed one more burden of guilt. She hoped to resolve things by hiring a housekeeper who would look after David, wincing when he refered to her as his personal, private nurse in the family. Rick felt he owed his whole medical career to David – David lent him the money for medical school – and he was then repaying his large debt.

Lana had taken an apartment across from General Hospital and angered Dr. Jeff Webber when she pretended to be having an attack, only to recover when he rushed over and propose that they share some cocktails she had prepared. Some days later he got a phone call from Lisa - supposedly Lana's twin sister but really another personality of the same girl -, who told him she was well but couldn’t tell him where she was. She told him that she loved him. After hanging up, Lisa lost consciousness.

Jeff remarked to Lana that she didn’t seem concerned over her sister's telephone call in view of the fact that Lisa had said disjointedly, "I'm afraid of her — afraid of what she might do." Lana replied that Lisa always was melodramatic and cited her Jane Eyre story to Dorrie as being symptomatic. Lana insisted that Lisa had always been a strange person and finding out how sick she was had pushed her over the edge. - Lana had made one slip which Jeff hadn't picked upon. Trying to keep Jeff from seeing the scar of her shoulder injury, she asked for an injection in her right arm, claiming to be left-handed. Jeff only assumed that they were not identical twins.  

Since Gina’s breakup with Adam, she had gotten reinvolved with Gary Lansing. He had asked Gina to marry him but, in a reversal of their usual roles, Gina was insisting that they keep their relationship as was for the time. She told Gary about lunching with her brother Mark and Katie Corbin, the wife of Mark's rich, dangerously ill patient, saying she was a great gal and Gary ought to try to meet her sometime. Gary’s eyes lit up as he answered he was sure she was—if Gina said so. Adam returned and confessed he still loved Gina.

Alan Quartermaine had decided to turn down the proposal for the hospital's new Cardiac wing but proposed that Monica continue working with him on funding for a project to set up a helicopter transport service. When Monica was delighted with a test ride, Alan offered to pay for helicopter flying lessons. Monica did not give him a final yes on the project, but did talk him into buying an extra pair of tickets for Scotty and Laura to attend a big football game with Alan and herself. Laura had been turning to Monica as a substitute mother. She could talk to Monica in a way she knew she could never talk to Lesley. Monica was around the same age as Lesley but Monica saw Laura as an adult whereas her own mother still refused to accept the fact that she had grown up. She was still continuing to treat her as a child. Laura’s budding friendship with Monica had not gone unobserved by her mother and that was causing Lesley much anger. She confronted Monica. Monica didn’t want any tension between her and Lesley but she couldn’t convince Laura to see Lesley as a very fair and just person.

Heather had been feeling ill and shivering, apparently not over her bout with the flu. Mrs. Hadley told her about her trip to Florida, though Heather claimed not to want to know. She emphasized the expenses which Mr. Wallace would have to recover for the forged documents, transportation, hotel accommodations. She said that Heather would receive a full accounting but she would probably be in for a shock — there was no telling how much was left. Heather said that didn’t matter, it was done and resignedly let Mrs. Hadley dose her with her home remedy. Heather’s agent sent her on two auditions and she lost both of them. 

Steve offered Jeff more money to locate Heather. The private investigator finally located her. Jeff made plans to go to New York. Before was to leave, he had to admit Lana to the hospital after finding her collapsed in a heap on her living room floor. Rick took over the case and diagnosed a pneumonia. He told Dorrie it was a very dangerous time for Lana.

The Corbin case was tough to handle for Mark. Both Katie and Lamont wanted Mark to operate but he couldn’t do that in good conscience. He had consulted with specialist upon specialist and each one had confirmed his original diagnosis – Lamont’s chances of surviving the operation were very, very slim. He told Katie and Lamont this, but they both wanted the operation anyway. Mark was surprised when Katie rewarded him with a kiss after he consulted one more specialist. Lamont had suffered a dramatic drop in his blood pressure, a symptom of his disease. Katie told Mark, when he objected to Corbin's conducting further business over the phone, that Corbin had sent for copies of his will and she was afraid that it was a sign of resignation to death on her husband's part. Mark agreed to grant Corbin more freedom, acknowledging her belief that once Corbin gave up hope, there was nothing left for him.

Rick and Lesley's Nov 1977 Wedding, although not covered in these transcripts, did happen, and I have it, on my November Videos Page.

early December 1977

Out of the $10,000 which changed hands at the time of the adoption of her baby Stephen Lars by Peter and Diana Taylor, Heather Grant had received a check for $800. Mrs. Hadley's warning about how "expenses" - including forged documents - would eat into the settlement lawyer Wallace had arranged was well founded. After the first shock Heather was resigned, not questioning the fleecing she had received in the face of her belief that Steven Lars couldn't have a better home. She announced that she had decided to try her luck in Hollywood, saying she could be a waitress there just as easily as she could in New York. She argued that she knew Jerry Sherman - a director - and would at least be giving herself a chance at a career in films.

Shortly after this, in Port Charles, Jeff Webber told Dr. Steve Hardy that the money Steve had advanced to Jeff for the services of a private detective had paid off. Heather Grant had been located, living under the name of Heather Richmond. Jeff told Steve that he called right away but the landlady told him she wasn't in. Steve wondered if the call wasn't a mistake and urged Jeff to take time off from the Hospital and show up on Heather's doorstep in New York before he lost touch with Heather and his son, Stephen Lars again. - Steve Hardy was Jeff Webber's father and the grandfather of Steven Lars, though he had never been able to bring himself to tell Jeff and only Audrey, Steve's wife, knew the truth. 

 Jeff’s call sent Heather into a panic and Mrs. Hadley arranged for Heather to spend some time with a friend, a good looking, youngish woman, who apparently had room at her place to provide temporary shelter for unknown acquaintances of Mrs. Hadley, provided they were not in any trouble with the law. Heather, grateful, left to go back to pack up her things and Mrs. Hadley's call to her "friend" reminded her she would expect her usual percentage of "what she gets."

Before Mrs. Hadley’s visions of a supplement to her income were realized and before Heather got back, Jeff appeared at the apartment door. Mrs. Hadley told him Heather had left, and despite Heather's previous objections that she could never do that to him, added that the baby was dead, a victim of pneumonia. She said that she cared for the baby while Heather was very ill with the flu, but a sudden turn took the baby's life before the doctor they'd called in could do anything.


Jeff called Steve and the number he located him at was the Taylor's where, ironically, Peter and Diana were having a Christening party after the baby they had been told was named Peter had been baptized Peter, Jr. At Steve's suggestion, Jeff returned to see Heather to get some details of the baby's death, but Heather was so broken up, he didn’t have the heart to persist. He offered Heather the apartment in Port Charles which he had asked Audrey to prepare in the hope that he could bring Heather and Stephen Lars back, but she refused and said it was best that he forget her. When one more attempt to get work results in a pass at an audition, Heather left town with a note to Mrs. Hadley that she would send any further money owing when she got where she was going. - Heather was extremely upset when Diana called her and she heard Stephen Lars crying in the background. 

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