☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽
4am Peyton Place 1 to 100 101 to 174
4:30am Early Morning Journey to the Beach House
5am 180 to 280 281 to 398 381 to 480
🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅 🌅
7am Ryan's Hope, May/June 1977 REViSED Ryan's Hope, July 1977
8am Ryan's Hope, June 1978 Ryan's Hope, July 1978 Ryan's Hope, August 1978
9am Ryan's Hope, June 1979 Ryan's Hope, July 1979 Ryan's Hope, August 1979
10am Ryan's Hope,May 1980 Ryan's Hope,June 1980 Ryan's Hope,July 1980
11am Ryan's Hope, May 1981 Ryan's Hope, June 1981 Ryan's Hope, July 1981 Ryan's Hope, Aug 1981
12noon All My Children (Aug 1981, nine FULL EPISODES)
All My (1982) Children ALL (Full Episodes) M y (1983) C H i L d R e N
ONE july 1977 LiFE Aug 1977 TO July 1978 LiVE Aug 1978
One Life To Live (Aug 1981 Video Full Episodes)

2pm REViSED General Hospital, June and July 1978
General Hospital, July 1979 General Hospital, Aug 1979
General Hospital, July 1980 General Hospital August 1980
5pm The Bold and The Beautiful Season 2
6pm General Hospital Summer 1981
7:30 pm Recess---Free Time
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽
11:30pm 🠋
Behind the Screen:
All My Children 1981 back-story transcripts:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
All My Children 1981 back-story transcripts:

Ryan's Hope, August 1980
Ryan's Hope, August 1981
ClickOne Life to Live, Aug 1977
Click Monica takes a tumble
Then watch General Hospital, Aug 1979
C l i c k:
General Hospital August 1980
General Hospital August 1981