Jan and Feb 1975
March and April 1975
May 1975
JUNE 1975
All My Children
Written by : Agnes Nixon
Produced by : Bud Kloss
Puzzled about husband Phil Brent’s alienation since her miscarriage and confinement in Oakhaven Sanitarium, newly released Erica blamed Tara Tyler, Phil’s old flame, then Claudette Montgomery for the situation, and locked herself in her room refusing to come out until Phil’s step-father, Dr. Joe Martin, assured her Phil had been aware but her actions could serve to drive Phil even further away. Erica made peace with Phil, and begged to have another baby, but when he told her he didn’t want children, Erica was devastated, especially when his devotion to little Phillip Tyler belied his words. Unbeknownst to Phil and his mother Ruth Martin, Erica listened in on a phone conversation of theirs and learned the truth. Tara was unaware Phil knew little Phillip was their son, conceived before he left for Vietnam, where he was MIA for 3 years. Tara married Chuck Tyler, who knew the boy was Phil’s but raised him as his son. Erica told her mother, Mona Kane, then set out to find out who knew. After talking with Chuck, Erica was certain he was being duped by Tara and Phil. Erica talked with Tara, accusing her of using little Phillip to keep Phil tied to her emotionally and frightened Tara when she said little Phillip might be Phil’s son, if things had been different. When Tara related this story to Phil, he began to wonder if Erica knew, as did Ruth and Joe after Erica talked with them. Erica took a new tack with Phil when she discovered their bank balance was low, saying she would return to work at the TV station so they could afford to have another baby, hoping Phil would take the bait as an out, but he remained adamant even after she landed the job. In anger, Erica said she bet he would have another baby with Tara if he could. When he picked up on “another”, Erica backed off, saying she would wait until he was ready. Things were rocky between Tara and Chuck.
Phoebe Tyler became increasingly agitated as her son Linc’s wedding to Kitty Shea approached. She went to her estranged husband Charles to arrange a wedding gift and was incensed to find Charles had Mona select a gift for him. Unable to stop the wedding, Phoebe began a campaign to discourage people from attending the reception at Mona’s, to no avail.
Phoebe was interested to find Hal Short, an old friend of Kitty’s from California, was in town. Hal Short was indeed Hal Shea, Kitty’s ex-husband who begged Kitty not to reveal his past connection with drugs and a prison sentence so he could have a new start. Kitty tried to tell Linc but he refused to listen. Phoebe invited Hal over. He told Kitty who begged him not to go, but he said he could handle Phoebe, who offered him a lot of money if he could tell anything about Kitty’s past that might stop the wedding. He agreed.

Jeff and Mary Martin were looking forward to their first anniversary and first baby. At Mary’s request, but secretly, Jeff bought an antique cradle for their anniversary. When Mary suffered a recurrence of morning sickness, Jeff insisted she stay home. A man came to the door, claiming to be a plumber, but he discovered she was alone, he and another man forced their way in. Vic and Malcolm were escaped cons trying to contact Malcolm’s cousin for a getaway. When they couldn’t reach their contact by phone, Malcolm dressed in Jeff’s clothes and left to find his cousin, leaving Vic behind with Mary. Vic was lewd until he found out Mary was pregnant. He had been sent to prison for killing his wife when he caught her with another man. Mary had invited Tad to spend the afternoon with her and Vic figured Tad as a good hostage, frightening Mary, especially when he was vague about her future. Malcolm finally called, saying he would be there in an hour. Jeff was puzzled when he found his phone was out of order. Tad and Kate played with the Ouija board which spelled “gun” when Tad asked where he was going that afternoon. Vic wouldn’t let Mary call to cancel Tad’s coming. As Tad arrived, Mary tricked Vic, knocking the gun from his hand. As they wrestled, Mary screamed for Tad to leave. He heard three shots!
Unable to bear the pain of loving Anne and being married to Margo, Paul finally confided his feelings to his brother Joe, saying he married Margo on the rebound. He was remorseful that Margo was paying the price of his mistake. The strain was telling on Margo, who was having bad headaches. Paul, haunted by memories of Anne on what would have been their third anniversary, sent her a single yellow rose, without a card. When Anne discovered her father didn’t send the rose, she called the florist and found it was from Paul. At a dinner party that night for Charles, Mona and Nick Davis, Charles thanks Nick for his support and consideration of Anne since her divorce from Paul, citing the rose as an exemple. When the others left, Nick confronted Anne, accusing her of using him, and demanding a more intimate relationship. Anne told him she wanted only friendship with him, and he stormed out.
Claudette Montgomery met Hal Short and they formed a liaison. Hal persuaded Margo to put in a line of men’s accessoires. Claudette gave Paul and Margo $100 to pay her phone bill, puzzling them. Claudette had stolen a jewelled earring from Phoebe and sold the stones from $1.000.
JULY 1975
Tad Martin, heeding Mary Martin’s screams to run, as she wrestled with an escaped convict, managed to call Joe Martin at the hospital. When Joe, with Jeff in toe, arrived at the apartment, they found Mary on the floor, shot three times. They rushed her to the hospital, where all efforts to save her failed. Jeff, her husband, was devastated, unable to believe anything so awful could happen to one as lovely and warm as Mary. Jeff wouldn’t allow anyone to straighten up the apartment, and found himself unable to cope, even with Tara’s help. His father, Joe, told Jeff the best remedy for his pain was work and persuaded Jeff to go back to work, but Jeff found it difficult to concentrate, despite the image of Mary telling him to practice his profession. His vision was interrupted by Dr. Frank Grant, and when Grant left, Jeff called for Mary desperately. Mary, before her death, had given the police enough information to enable them to catch her killer.
Hal Short, greatly tempted by Phoebe Tyler’s offer of a great sum of money for any information from Kitty Shea’s past that would stop Kitty’s wedding to Phoebe’s son, Lincoln, decided to reject Phoebe’s offer. Linc and Kitty’s wedding brought bittersweet memories for Anne Tyler and Paul Martin and for Tara Tyler and Phil Brent. Claudette Montgomery noticed the looks between Anne and Paul. After the ceremony, as Phoebe was passing through the reception line, she pretended to faint, thus keeping Charles from the reception at Mona Kane’s house. Mona, Charles’ secretary, and Charles had been seeing each other, to Phoebe’s chagrin. Linc and Kitty went off to Canada for an idyllic honeymoon, slightly tainted at the end by a call from Phoebe, who was drunk, crying because she was alone and frightened, especially after what happened to Mary. The line went dead, and when Linc was unable to reach Phoebe, he traced Charles to Mona’s, where he asked Charles to check on Phoebe. Charles was repelled by Phoebe’s drunken condition, and prepared to leave after sobering her up, but stayed the night after Phoebe appealed to him on a patient-doctor level. Mona was beginning to admit to herself that she loved Charles, and was finding it difficult to accept Charles’ stance that he still had responsibilities to Phoebe until their slip was more permanent, a step he was beginning to contemplate, especially since Mary’s tragic death, which had made everyone aware of how short life really was.
Nick Davis, aware that Anne was still in love with Paul, urged Anne to fight for Paul. Paul took Anne home from the hospital the night of Mary’s death. He told Anne that when he lost her, he lost the best part of himself. Anne, however, refused to commit herself, not wanting to be the cause of his marriage breaking up. Paul went to Oregon on business, but before he left, he told Anne he wanted to talk when he returned, calling her during the trip to remind her. Anne told Linc the situation when he returned from his honeymoon, and he told her that Paul’s marriage was already over, that she had be breaking up nothing. Claudette Montgomery, Margo Martin’s daughter, hinted to Margo that Anne might be in Oregon with Paul. Margo checked it out under the pretense of checking with Anne about a line of men’s toiletries and was relieved that Claudette was wrong. Claudette was with Anne when a bouquet of roses from Paul arrived, and was snide. Anne threw her out. Paul called, telling her he was done early, and asked Anne to meet him in New York that night to talk. Margo, meanwhile, was planning a second honeymoon for Paul and herself when Claudette told her about Anne’s flowers. Drunk again, Phoebe had a vicious argument with Claudette – who called Phoebe a “lush” ordering Claudette out. Phoebe then called Linc saying she would kill herself if he didn’t come to her. As it was his first real time with Kitty since returning from their honeymoon, Linc asked Anne to take over, which she did, foregoing joining Paul. Linc later checked with Anne and finding what she had planned, he sent her off. Paul, after fighting disappointment that Anne wasn’t there to greet him, was ecstatic when she arrived.
Erica Brent manipulated her husband Phil into saying they could have a baby in 6 months, but nobody was more affected by the fleetingness of life than Phil, and he told his mother, Ruth Martin, he was going to tell Tara he knew her son was his, not Chuck’s, despite Ruth’s warning of possible bad effects on little Philip. Erica, meanwhile, rejoiced to her mother, Mona, that she was glad she hadn’t told Phil she knew little Philip was his because Phil might have left her. Phil took a hamper of food to Jeff’s apartment, where Tara was helping him sort Mary’s things. Jeff couldn’t take anymore and sent Tara off with Phil. Chuck was at a convention in New York, so instead of taking Tara home, Phil took her to the chapel where they exchanged vows before he left for Vietnam. There he told Tara he knew her son was his, and Tara admitted she had never stopped loving him. They spent the night together, deciding to tell their families and Chuck that they wanted to marry. At Phil’s request, Nick covered for him with Erica. The following day, Tara told Ruth more than she should and called Phil, who made an excuse to Erica and went right over. Tara called Joe and asked him to come to her apartment, since she and Phillip realized they had to tell Ruth and Joe before Chuck. Joe was furious, telling them he couldn’t condone their plans, but Phil and Tara remained adamant. At home with Ruth, Joe accused her of betraying him and being a poor wife for not warning him. When Phil explained the situation to Nick, Nick encouraged Phil to fight for his son.
Kitty, intending to keep working after her honeymoon, was angry with Margo for putting in Hal Short’s toiletries line, and putting her in charge. Margo was surprised at Kitty’s vehemency, so Kitty felt compelled to back down and agreed. Claudette and Hal had been seeing a lot of each other, but Claudette was upset when Hal refused to help her make a drug connection, warning her to stay away from it. Claudette then tried to connect through Danny, a man she picked up at the movies, telling him money was no object, so, despite Hal’s warnings, Claudette made her connection.