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All My Children, May 1975


MAY 1975


All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Those close to Phil Brent continued to wonder why he rejected the Dallas EPA job when the EPA office in Pine Valley folded. Only his mother, Ruth Martin, knew Phil was staying because he couldn’t bear to leave his son, Phillip Tyler. Tara and Chuck Tyler were unaware that Phil knew little Phillip was his. Chuck tought Phil was staying because of beautiful, Claudette Montgomery, but Phil soon disabused him of that idea. Phil took the job at the Chateau offered by his father, Nick Davis, and everyone then assumed Phil was staying to be near his wife Erica who was in a hospital after suffering a breakdown when she miscarried Phil’s child. Mona Kane, Erica’s mother, went to see Erica and found Erica had finally accepted the miscarriage, but was upset that Phil hadn’t visited her. Mona persuaded Phil to visit Erica, whose insecurity about Phil’s love and jealousy of Tara were contributing to her problems. After his visit Erica persuaded Dr. Hansen to release her, as that was the only way to ease her mind. However, Phil’s knowledge of his son had affected his love for Erica, and he admitted to Ruth he only married Erica for the child she was carrying. Erica was hurt and angry when Phil left her right after arriving home to go kite-flying with little Phillip, despite her efforts to seduce him. Mona arrived to find Erica crying in the nursery. She persuaded Erica to be nice to Phillip to get off on good footing. Erica agreed, until Phil insisted on going to work that afternoon, even though Nick had said it was unnecessary. Mona tried to show Erica that Phil was right because it was only his second day. Nick was puzzled when Phil showed up. Mona told Erica that Phil turned down a job in Dallas to stay near her. Erica was puzzled because she and Phil had talked about leaving Pine Valley to get a new start, but a call from Claudette to Phil after he had gone to work caused Erica to think Phil had been having an affair with her. Erica confronted Phil saying she should return to Oakhaven.


Phoebe Tyler was upset when she learned that her son Linc and his fiancé Kitty Shea were planning to hold their reception at Mona’s. Phoebe began a campaign to change the plans because she was still convinced her estranged husband Charles and Mona were having an affair. Phoebe lunched with Mona saying Linc agreed to the plan only to be nice, but would prefer a reception at the country club. Phoebe’s plan failed when both Kitty and Linc reassured Mona and Linc warned Phoebe to back off. Phoebe remained determined to break up Linc and Kitty, arranging one night for Claudette to dine with Linc and her at home. When Linc discovered the plan, he left. Ann Tyler, Linc’s sister, assured Kitty of her and her father’s support for the marriage. Phoebe asked Claudette to try to persuade Kitty to move in with her after their marriage. Claudette did so, but Linc was adamant they would not live with Phoebe.


Kitty’s ex-husband, Al Shea, calling himself Hal Short, who was mixed up with drugs and went to prison for it in California, was a disct jockey in Pine Valley and begged Kitty not to reveal his identity or past to anyone so he could have a chance at a new life. Torn, Kitty agreed. Hal went to the boutique looking for Kitty and suggested Margo Martin put in a line of men’s accessories saying he could put her in touch with a man in California.


The presence of Claudette in Paul and Margo’s apartment was causing increasing strain, especially when Claudette started to make advances towards Paul. Both Paul and Margo thought she was man-crazy and she confirmed Paul’s suspicions when she picked up a man at the movies and finally made an overt pass at Paul, saying she was not asking for marriage, just an afternoon in the hay. He refused and told Margo about the pass, demanding Margo have Claudette move out. To save face and to manipulate Margo, Claudette was packed and Margo asked to speak to her. Claudette marched out and arranged to move in with Kitty, without telling Margo. Claudette went to Phoebe’s after the move and found Phoebe “in her cups.” Phoebe removed sapphire and diamond earrings before going to bed. Claudette took one, denying the following day she ever saw them. Claudette dismantled the earring. When the pawnbroker asked for I.D., Claudette balked, but another man in the sho offered cash with no question so she took the cash. Claudette told Margo Paul made the pass at her, upsetting Margo more when she told her Paul visited Anne in her new apartment after Paul had said he hadn’t been there. Margo confronted Paul, ordering him to never see Anne again. Paul told Margo she didn’t own him and he would see anyone he wanted. The following morning, Margo apologized and admitted feelings of inadequacy regarding Anne. He agreed to a new start, but memories of Ann haunted him.


Paul couldn’t get Anne out of his mind since the passionate kiss they recently shared, so he went to see Anne to see if it meant as much to her. She denied it at first, but as he was leaving, she let slip that it meant a lot to her too. In fact, attempting to get Paul out of her mind, Anne had resumed a close relationship with Nick Davis, seducing him after dinner one night.

Growing closer to Mona Kane since his separation from Phoebe, Charles Tyler asked Mona about the future of their friendship. Mona asked to take it one day at a time.


June 1975

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