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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 1980

Ryan's Hope

Ken passed out during a rock concert and Frank overheard Jill tell Ken that she loved him. Jill later admitted her affair with Ken and insisted she loved Frank, but Frank told Jill their wedding is off. Seneca believed Kim's lies that she had a miscarriage. Michael had accompanied Kim to get her abortion. Amy continued to hide Ryan.
Maeve was trapped by Amy, but Jack rescued Maeve and Ryan. Amy was locked up. Jill and Ken learned that his tumor has spread throughout his brain. With Michael’s help, Kim let Seneca believe she just won the stage role. Seneca agreed she could have another child later. Kim convinced Rae to give Michael a job in return for helping Kim get an abortion. Michael gleefully stripped when Rae outfitted him with a new wardrobe. Ken suggested that he be given a drug overdose when his condition worsens. Jack dated Rose with a passion. Elliot, Kim's producer, mistook Seneca for Kim's father. Barry turned the tables on Dee's plot to expose his philandering ways. Before Amy returned to the asylum, Jack talked her out of killing Maeve. Faith went on another binge when she found Roger's taped confession of negligence in Tom's death. Rose took a powder when Jack assumed she'd spend the night with him. Barry admitted in front of his ex-wives that he loved Dee, even though she set up the 'ex-wives' banquet. Dee almost apologized to Barry until she spotted an 'ex' kissing him. Ken refused painkillers. Roger worried that Faith would run to the hospital board. Dee left a drunkenly unconscious Faith in the driver's seat after Dee ran over Barry, whom she had spotted kissing Lilly goodbye. Seneca made Kim promise not to fraternize with Michael. Jack poured on the charm after Rose was miffed that he stood her up. Seneca refused Jill’s pleas to give Ken a painkiller overdoses. Kim’s producers threatened to can her. Ken contacted a drug supplier.

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Minutes before Cliff married Nina, Sybil told him that she was pregnant with his baby. Erica ruined Tom's wedding anniversary plans when she went to see Brandon in New York. Myra reprimanded Daisy for dating Sean. Devon sought solace over losing Sean by hitting the bottle. Betsy told Ed that she's tired of being his "best pal." Phoebe and Ruth didn't attend the wedding so Daisy's presence went unnoticed. Palmer grieved as Cliff drove off on his honeymoon with Nina. Billy Clyde "convinced" Langley to let Phoebe give Estelle's ransom money to Benny and arranged to meet Benny in the cemetery. Donna refused to attend the wedding with Chuck. Tara caught the bridal bouquet. Devon drunkenly moaned about Sean while making love to Wally, who put two and two together and bashed Sean. Tom and Ellen convinced Wally to stay with Devon, who isn’t aware that Wally knows about Sean. Thanks to Chuck, Billy was recaptured and Benny was reunited with Estelle. While Nina and Cliff honeymooned, Sybil swore to Betsy she didn’t get pregnant to trap Cliff but that she does love him. Ellen and Mark resumed dating. Monique refused Sean’s European trip offer. Kurt blew a gasket when Carrie wanted to live on the campus after she humiliated Kurt by being rude to his boss’s son. Brooke suggested to Donna that Palmer is using her as a substitute for Nina. Erica fouled up in keeping her modeling dates a secret. Sean plied Monique with vodka stinger to weaken her sexual resistance. Carrie tempted Tad to share a joint and a beer. Kurt panicked that Joe would learn he slugged Leora again, after he threw out Carrie's marijuana and Carrie insisted on moving to a dorm. Palmer's eyes brightened when Donna confided about her sordid childhood relationship with her father. Erica signed modeling contracts while Tom fell for her sick act. But Brooke found out about Erica's lies and spilled the beans. Langley decided to use Phoebe's ransom money for Estelle as an investment. Devon was suspicious that Wally knows the score about Sean when he rejected her love-making advances. Erica sharpened her claws against Brooke for revealing Erica's lies to Tom about modeling. Palmer gifted Donna with a new wardrobe and told Chuck she didn't want reconciliation. Anne stuck up for Paul when his opponent published rumors of Paul's affair with Ellen. Palmer told Nina that Cliff and Sybil were in each other's arms, but Cliff insisted he was merely helping her over a rough time. Tad felt guilty after allowing Carrie to get him high on pot. Langley gambled with the ransom money but told Phoebe that the police had kept it for evidence against Billy. Betsy cheered up Wally. Nancy was in an auto accident. Tom found Erica being treated royally by Brandon for the American Beauty promotion. Mark proposed to Ellen, but Carrie has a crush on him. Before her surgery, Nancy told Carl that Frank is his real father. Tad passed out from using marijuana after he spotted Suzanne and her new beau, super jock Bruce Harding. Paul thanked Anne for publicly accepting his and Ellen's relationship while Anne was in the asylum. Anne refused to get affectionate with Paul, however. Carrie will be a drug runner for Jerry. Tom told Erica he's getting a quickie divorce. Betsy wished Frank the best when Nancy survived, and Frank decided to ask her to remarry him. Tara met Charlie's principal, Jim Jefferson.

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One Life to Live

Mario and Edwina prepared for their wedding, but Dorian had Mario served with a subpoena after comparing Mario and Marco's dental records. Bo refused to fall for Asa's fake heart attack story to get Bo back home and away from Pat. Chuck decided to handle Nicole himself when his efforts to get her out of Paris failed. Jenny got her annulment. Katrina feared that Marcello would learn of her checkered past now that he's working at the health club. Dorian let Herb know she's attracted to him physically. Katrina consoled Ed who misses Karen's presence at Ina's. Edwina’s wedding was called off when Mario admitted he was Marco. Everyone, especially Larry, got on Karen’s case for keeping Mario’s identity a secret all these months. Marco was jailed but Asa took an interest in Marco’s abilities. Jenny told Peter she’s going to Haiti for a divorce. Dorian seduced Herb when he asked for a campaign contribution. Mimi told Asa that he talked about Nicole in his sleep. Bo bought Pat a carload of Parisian couture clothing. Larry couldn’t decide whether to forgive Karen, who packed her bags. Marcello questioned Katrina’s connection to Marco. Peter warned Karen the baby-switching might come to light if Marco goes to trial.
Larry advised Viki to go after Ted and a new life. Ted convinced Dorian to get out of town after she received threatening letters. She went to Paris to keep Bo and Pat apart for Asa's sake, but Bo had already proposed to Pat. Asa bailed out Marco and hired him. Becky angered Asa by making demands about the album she's doing with Johnny. Karen returned to Ina's. Marcello and Katrina argued over Marco. Chuck told Asa that he couldn't handle the Nicole situation alone. Brad insisted he'd never allow Peter to raise Mary after Brad felt he didn't get a fair custody deal. Pat and Bo argued, broke their engagement, and he split. Herb joined Dorian in Paris and hopped into her bed. Jenny went to Peter's bed. Someone stole Dorian's fake Buddha. Tina turned a cold shoulder to Mick, who confronted Samantha who insisted they're finished. Asa ordered Chuck to see that their Parisian man 'take care' of Nicole. But the jerk almost ran down Pat, thinking she was Nicole. Brad told Jenny there would be no divorce unless he had liberal visitation rights to Mary. Samantha insisted to Will that she respects Asa and vice versa. Mimi had warned Will that Asa isn't the marrying kind. Tina searched Ted's checkbooks. Herb cried the blues when Gretel left town after learning he'd shacked up with Dorian. Asa walloped Mike, preventing him from raping Samantha, who kissed Asa in gratitude. Pat and Bo reunited by literally falling into each other's arms, but Asa ordered Chuck to bust them up. Ted covered himself when Tina overheard a friend call him Tom. Ted's blackmailer befriended Tina, while Ted pressured Viki for a date. Karen realized that she and Larry will always love one another but can't live as husband and wife. Nicole cautioned Pat about Asa's wrath, then she recorded her own history and sent the tape to Pat. Brad locked himself and Mary in Jenny’s house.

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