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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 1979

All My Children

Signaling Edna to splash hot chocolate on Ray Gardner’s face, Phil gets the jump on the crazed kidnapper and captures him. Chuck undergoes a delicate surgery to remove the bullet lodged near his spine. Believing he ruined Chuck’s life when he returned from Vietnam and married Tara, Phil plans to step out of the picture. Tara, finding Phil at the chapel in which they married themselves so many years ago, assures Phil he is the one she loves. With Chuck’s life out of danger, Charles tells Donna that Charlie is really Phil’s son. Chuck and Donna resolve to start their family anew, but Donna wonders if Chuck and Tara still care for each other. Phil learns Charlie knows that he is his father.

Although he now has a dangerous infection, Chuck delays his treatment so Charles won't postpone his medical trip to Europe. After Charles leaves Pine Valley, Chuck - now on the brink of death – is finally put on antibiotics. Phil and Tara decide to reconfirm their wedding vows by recreating their marriage at the chapel years ago. Kelly discovers Eddie and Claudette playing around. Mark and Ellen plan a ski weekend with Dan and Brooke. Mona warns Erica she must stop lying to Tom about her plans for the disco and about not being on the pill or her marriage will be ruined. Frank's blood pressure is on the rise because of Caroline's jealousy of Nancy. Both agreeing they're not interested in marriage, Russ and Nancy form a close friendship.

Mistaking Donna for Tara, a delirious Chuck reveals he loves Tara and considers his marriage to Donna a mistake. Ellen agrees to a ski weekend with Dan, Brooke and Mark if the girls share a bedroom separate from the guys. Erica wants to break up a ski trip so Mark’s mother will invest in her disco. Tom discovers Erica is covering up her disco plans and is lying about wanting to start a family. In a secluded cabin with Wally, Devon has contractions. Estelle asks for an annulment and Billy Clyde makes threats.

With only Wally to assist, Devon gives birth to a three-week premature baby girl. Although Wally believes they will keep the child, Devon still wants to give it up to adoption. Taking Estelle’s advice, Donna decides to stay with Chuck and say nothing about his love for Tara that he revealed while delirious. Myrtle is confused when Kelly buys two identical dresses. Unbeknownst to Ellen, Brooke sets her sights for Mark during a ski weekend with Dan, Mark and Ellen. Erica persuades Tom that it was Dr. Clayder’s gynecological assistant, Dr. Baker, she saw and that she forgot to tell Tom Dr. Clayder was out of town.

One Life to Live

Under truth serum, Vicki nearly spills Karen’s past as a hooker to Larry. Although Viki remains herself under drug ---that does not necessarily prove Nikki Smith isn't hiding within her. Peter is unable to handle Melinda's jealousy of Jenny. As her trial gets under way, Vicki is losing ground in her fight to prove that she didn't kill Marco. Brad gives Peter a check so he can borrow money to buy Jenny a birthday present — but the check may be no good. Discovering Adam passed out on the floor, Brad realizes he is an epileptic. Samantha would rather not live in Tony's apartment above the restaurant, but he insists.

Mario, Marco's twin, is a surprise witness at Vicki's murder trial. Vicki wants to take the stand in her defense. An angry Karen slaps Edwina because of her biased coverage of Vicki's trial. Dorian tells Edwina she is painting herself into a corner and should realize what she is doing now may affect her for the rest of her life. Deep in gambling debts, Brad sells their stock to pay off. Adam offers Edwina a job in New York to get her out of town but she refuses. Edwina goes to the D.A. and tells him about Marco and Tina's friendship. Put on the witness stand, Tina falsely says she never planned to go away with Marco. Katrina is beaten up and raped by a drug dealer.

Shock waves go through Llanview as Marco's twin Dr. Mario Corelli takes the stand at Vicki's trial. Mario moves into Ina Hopkins' rooming house. Edwina and Karen make phony apologies to each and then Edwina springs the news that she knows Karen was much more than a model for Talbot Huddleston. Melinda asks Dorian to reassign Jenny out of Peter's pediatric service. Pat makes a television plea for anyone having information about Marco's murder to contact her. Katrina hears the plea but disappears. Gretel Cummings, Adam's assistant, and Paul Kendall meet, and it's almost hate at first sight. A handwriting expert testifies Vicki did not write the note penned by Nikki Smith.

Greg is upset when Tina befriends Mario. Karen wonders if she should reveal "all" to save Vicki from being convicted of Marco's murder. Carla hopes to rekindle the spark of love for Ed on her birthday. Ed hits the ceiling when he discovers Jack bought Carla flowers for her birthday. Samantha plans to wear her mother's bridal gown when she weds Tony. When Jenny wants to sell their stock to buy a car, Brad has to tell Will he lost the stock gambling. Will gives him $5.000 to buy a car but suggests he get professional help. Brad, resentful, says he can control his gambling whenever he wants.

General Hospital

No one knows but it appears Jeremy is the carrier of lassa fever. With Rick quarantined at the hospital, Lesley decides to start group therapy.  Heather's ex-husband, Larry Joe, arrives in Glenville where Heather and her mother are staying while Jeff is involved in the epidemic crisis. Bobbie's brother Luke comes down with fever. Trying to get back in good graces at the hospital, Bobbie volunteers for crisis duty and asks to work with Lesley in the clinic. Frank Wallace orders a hitman to get Cal Jamison.

The fever epidemic continues to spread. Hoping to learn more about Heather's first marriage, Susan befriends Larry Joe. At a group therapy session, Lesley learns it's all right if she doesn't always love Laura.  P.J. is showing fever symptoms. Luke is fearful when one of his workers at the disco comes down with epidemic-like symptoms. Returning from New York, Gary agrees to help Tracy write speeches for Mitch. Luke agrees to give Bobbie the $300 Cal Jamison is demanding. Jeff still thinks Heather can have more children. Jeff and Anne are growing close while staying at the hospital to help fight the epidemic.

Falling victim to lassa fever, Steve refuses to have plasma until everyone else does. Chris Jergens, Bobbie's friend and an orderly at the hospital, dies from the fever. Annie realizes Jeremy is the probable carrier — but it may be too late. Overhearing his grandmother Beatrice Hewitt has died, Jeremy runs away. Cal Jamison warns Heather he's going to call Peter and Diana to tell them he has information about their adopted son P.J.  Cal contacts Diana but refuses to say what exactly he wants. When Cal shows up at Bobbie's to collect $300, Luke chases him away. Laura admits to Scotty she remembered long before Lesley took the stand that she, and not Lesley, was responsible for David Hamilton's death. 

Fearing Steve is about to die from lassa fever, Audrey tells Jeff that Steve – not Lars Weber - is his natural father. A resentful Jeff recalls a childhood where he never felt a part of his family and suspects Lars may have known the truth even though Audrey assures him he did not. Steve's fever breaks and Audrey thinks he'll never forgive her for telling Jeff the truth about his parentage. Lesley is horrified to learn how long Laura withheld the information before admitting to Peter that it was she, and not Lesley, who killed David Hamilton. Suffering a minor gunshot wound in the shoulder Cal Jamison takes refuge at Bobbie's!

The Edge of Night

The woman who gave April a ride sees her picture in newspaper and is saying she's been exonerated of murder. In her childhood home, April realizes that as a youngster she fell down the stairs and thought she had died for a moment. She also recalls her dying father telling her there was a secret she must never know. On the property, April finds a tombstone with her name on it. When the police approach the house, April runs away. Nicole tells Miles that Margo set up Wade's scheme to discredit her to Miles. Feeling Miles not serious about marriage since a date hasn't been set, Nicole calls off their engagement.

Wade has a tape of Logan making a deal with him about Winter's porno film and is blackmailing him with it. Tank turns out to be the arsonist. April continues to be on the run. Deborah begins an investigation of a new murder case. Raven fears Logan is still carrying the torch for Winter.

Learning she has been vindicated in Denise's murder, April returns home. She insists to everyone her mother didn't commit suicide because she has seen her mother, and had a premonition that her mother will come to visit that night. April is jolted when Margo appears on her doorstep and confesses she is her natural mother.  Margo admits she is April's real mother, after giving the child up for adoption at age 17. Nicole and Miles decide to marry. Nancy is a bit put off by Diana's overhelpfulness to Mike. Wade Meacham is shot to death. Logan and Raven cancel their wedding plans when she accuses him of being spineless.

Miles and Nicole marry. . Police begin an investigation of Wade's murder. Steve warns Deborah to take it easy in her latest murder case. Mike bails out a drunken Elliot Dorn. Diana is sweet to Mike but not so sweet to Nancy.

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