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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 1977

Ryan's Hope

Jack left the Ryan's, moved into his old apartment, and told Alex he's no longer his doctor or his friend. Dee buttered up Faith with good wishes. Jill decided to tell Frank the truth about the baby when he returns. Maeve went to Pittsburgh to be with Kathleen, who broke her leg.  During Pat's engagement party to Faith, Dee told him that she is pregnant. Frank was devastated when Jill finally revealed she was carrying Seneca's child, not his. Jack sent a process server to Mary after she refused to sign the divorce papers (as a first step toward an annulment). Seneca suggested Jill deliver their baby via the Leboyer Method. Mary told Jack she will divorce him the day after their baby's birth, if he will participate in the Leboyer birth method.  Maeve rescued Dee from an abortion clinic. Pat was advised to marry Dee. Roger agreed not to reveal Dee's schemes to snare Pat, if she cooperated with him. 

All My Children

Jeff was taken in by Erica's apparent change, but she eyed Danny's music teacher, Mark Dalton. Linc and Kitty found Mrs. Lum in Hollywood. Phil's police partner, Clay Watson, courted Caroline. Christina felt guilty about consulting Paul professionally after Anne's accusations. Chuck insisted Little Phil, after suffering an asthma attack, couldn't move in with Phil and Tara. Phoebe accused Christina of trying to ruin Paul and Anne's marriage.  Charles begged Ann to rehire Christina when Beth contracted a fever. Donna changed her image with a new haircut. Kitty developed spells of blurred vision. Joe was suspicious of Brooke and Danny when she asked for a birth control pill prescription.  Nick told Erica she may hate being his sex object but not enough to stop seeing him, evidently. Joe suggested that Kitty's illness is not physical and she should consult analyst Dr. Polk. Phoebe fumed about Donna's involvement in Chuck and Little Phil's lives. Kitty came to Myrtle's defense when Phoebe threatened to send Myrtle back to the streets.

One Life to Live

Naomi pushed Brad to be more aggressive with Jenny. Brad advised Jenny to seek Will's help for her sexual hangups. Vicki is suspicious of Joe's dependence on Dorian. Larry dated a new doctor, Gail Dexter, but later tore Karen away from Alan. Vicki advised Larry to marry Karen but Danny didn't like the idea. Vinny feared that Joe's health is deteriorating. Vicki is suspicious of Joe's dependence on Dorian. Karen told Lana that she thinks she's pregnant.

General Hospital

Mary Ellen was released for the sanitarium and seduced Mark. Monica's friend, Gail Adamson, accepted a job at the hospital. Jeff and Monica were reconciled, but she intends to get back with Rick. Tom considered seeking full custody of Tommy.  Jeff told Heather he can't marry her, even though she's pregnant with his child, because he reconciled with Monica.  Mary Ellen pulled a sympathy act before Mark could tell her about Terri. Gina learned Jill's hitting the bottle. Monica found Jeff with Heather.  Lesley and Rick urged Laura to return with them. Laura's commune leader, Buck, threatened Lesley saying he'd keep Laura by force but they were rescued by Rick. Jeff and Monica's reunion failed. Gina promised not to tell Adam that Jill had injured herself while drunk. Tom complained to Terri about his custody fights with Audrey over Tommy.

Edge of Night

Billy told Marceau where Darcy's island might be. Confronted by Laurie, Josie tried to cover up Timmy's whereabouts. Saxon was furious with Deborah for dating Steve, who considered Saxon's job offer. Ansel rushed to conniving Raven's arms. As the police prepared to raid Darcy's island, Nicole was reported missing. Mike was convinced Nancy worked for Saxon because she loves Beau. Nicole was kidnapped by Clay, who's forcing her to take truth serum to reveal Darcy's island location. Geraldine pushed Raven to date Kevin. Darcy escaped before the police raid. Mike and Draper found a witness, Harold Nivens, to testify against Saxon. Bill and Steve arrested Clay, and rescued Nicole, who was hospitalized. Doctors assured Adam that Nicole would be fine, but that her baby may have been affected by the drugs. Beau forced Danny to help him "strong arm" Harold Nivens, who died of a heart attack.

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