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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 1977

Ryan's Hope

Jack left the Ryan's, moved into his old apartment, and told Alex he's no longer his doctor or his friend. Dee buttered up Faith with good wishes. Jill decided to tell Frank the truth about the baby when he returns. Maeve went to Pittsburgh to be with Kathleen, who broke her leg.  During Pat's engagement party to Faith, Dee told him that she is pregnant. Frank was devastated when Jill finally revealed she was carrying Seneca's child, not his. Jack sent a process server to Mary after she refused to sign the divorce papers (as a first step toward an annulment). Seneca suggested Jill deliver their baby via the Leboyer Method. Mary told Jack she will divorce him the day after their baby's birth, if he will participate in the Leboyer birth method.  Maeve rescued Dee from an abortion clinic. Pat was advised to marry Dee. Roger agreed not to reveal Dee's schemes to snare Pat, if she cooperated with him. 

All My Children

Jeff was taken in by Erica's apparent change, but she eyed Danny's music teacher, Mark Dalton. Linc and Kitty found Mrs. Lum in Hollywood. Phil's police partner, Clay Watson, courted Caroline. Christina felt guilty about consulting Paul professionally after Anne's accusations. Chuck insisted Little Phil, after suffering an asthma attack, couldn't move in with Phil and Tara. Phoebe accused Christina of trying to ruin Paul and Anne's marriage.  Charles begged Ann to rehire Christina when Beth contracted a fever. Donna changed her image with a new haircut. Kitty developed spells of blurred vision. Joe was suspicious of Brooke and Danny when she asked for a birth control pill prescription.  Nick told Erica she may hate being his sex object but not enough to stop seeing him, evidently. Joe suggested that Kitty's illness is not physical and she should consult analyst Dr. Polk. Phoebe fumed about Donna's involvement in Chuck and Little Phil's lives. Kitty came to Myrtle's defense when Phoebe threatened to send Myrtle back to the streets.

One Life to Live

Naomi pushed Brad to be more aggressive with Jenny. Brad advised Jenny to seek Will's help for her sexual hangups. Vicki is suspicious of Joe's dependence on Dorian. Larry dated a new doctor, Gail Dexter, but later tore Karen away from Alan. Vicki advised Larry to marry Karen but Danny didn't like the idea. Vinny feared that Joe's health is deteriorating. Vicki is suspicious of Joe's dependence on Dorian. Karen told Lana that she thinks she's pregnant.

General Hospital

Mary Ellen was released for the sanitarium and seduced Mark. Monica's friend, Gail Adamson, accepted a job at the hospital. Jeff and Monica were reconciled, but she intends to get back with Rick. Tom considered seeking full custody of Tommy.  Jeff told Heather he can't marry her, even though she's pregnant with his child, because he reconciled with Monica.  Mary Ellen pulled a sympathy act before Mark could tell her about Terri. Gina learned Jill's hitting the bottle. Monica found Jeff with Heather.  Lesley and Rick urged Laura to return with them. Laura's commune leader, Buck, threatened Lesley saying he'd keep Laura by force but they were rescued by Rick. Jeff and Monica's reunion failed. Gina promised not to tell Adam that Jill had injured herself while drunk. Tom complained to Terri about his custody fights with Audrey over Tommy.

Edge of Night

Billy told Marceau where Darcy's island might be. Confronted by Laurie, Josie tried to cover up Timmy's whereabouts. Saxon was furious with Deborah for dating Steve, who considered Saxon's job offer. Ansel rushed to conniving Raven's arms. As the police prepared to raid Darcy's island, Nicole was reported missing. Mike was convinced Nancy worked for Saxon because she loves Beau. Nicole was kidnapped by Clay, who's forcing her to take truth serum to reveal Darcy's island location. Geraldine pushed Raven to date Kevin. Darcy escaped before the police raid. Mike and Draper found a witness, Harold Nivens, to testify against Saxon. Bill and Steve arrested Clay, and rescued Nicole, who was hospitalized. Doctors assured Adam that Nicole would be fine, but that her baby may have been affected by the drugs. Beau forced Danny to help him "strong arm" Harold Nivens, who died of a heart attack.

February 1979

All My Children

Signaling Edna to splash hot chocolate on Ray Gardner’s face, Phil gets the jump on the crazed kidnapper and captures him. Chuck undergoes a delicate surgery to remove the bullet lodged near his spine. Believing he ruined Chuck’s life when he returned from Vietnam and married Tara, Phil plans to step out of the picture. Tara, finding Phil at the chapel in which they married themselves so many years ago, assures Phil he is the one she loves. With Chuck’s life out of danger, Charles tells Donna that Charlie is really Phil’s son. Chuck and Donna resolve to start their family anew, but Donna wonders if Chuck and Tara still care for each other. Phil learns Charlie knows that he is his father.

Although he now has a dangerous infection, Chuck delays his treatment so Charles won't postpone his medical trip to Europe. After Charles leaves Pine Valley, Chuck - now on the brink of death – is finally put on antibiotics. Phil and Tara decide to reconfirm their wedding vows by recreating their marriage at the chapel years ago. Kelly discovers Eddie and Claudette playing around. Mark and Ellen plan a ski weekend with Dan and Brooke. Mona warns Erica she must stop lying to Tom about her plans for the disco and about not being on the pill or her marriage will be ruined. Frank's blood pressure is on the rise because of Caroline's jealousy of Nancy. Both agreeing they're not interested in marriage, Russ and Nancy form a close friendship.

Mistaking Donna for Tara, a delirious Chuck reveals he loves Tara and considers his marriage to Donna a mistake. Ellen agrees to a ski weekend with Dan, Brooke and Mark if the girls share a bedroom separate from the guys. Erica wants to break up a ski trip so Mark’s mother will invest in her disco. Tom discovers Erica is covering up her disco plans and is lying about wanting to start a family. In a secluded cabin with Wally, Devon has contractions. Estelle asks for an annulment and Billy Clyde makes threats.

With only Wally to assist, Devon gives birth to a three-week premature baby girl. Although Wally believes they will keep the child, Devon still wants to give it up to adoption. Taking Estelle’s advice, Donna decides to stay with Chuck and say nothing about his love for Tara that he revealed while delirious. Myrtle is confused when Kelly buys two identical dresses. Unbeknownst to Ellen, Brooke sets her sights for Mark during a ski weekend with Dan, Mark and Ellen. Erica persuades Tom that it was Dr. Clayder’s gynecological assistant, Dr. Baker, she saw and that she forgot to tell Tom Dr. Clayder was out of town.

One Life to Live

Under truth serum, Vicki nearly spills Karen’s past as a hooker to Larry. Although Viki remains herself under drug ---that does not necessarily prove Nikki Smith isn't hiding within her. Peter is unable to handle Melinda's jealousy of Jenny. As her trial gets under way, Vicki is losing ground in her fight to prove that she didn't kill Marco. Brad gives Peter a check so he can borrow money to buy Jenny a birthday present — but the check may be no good. Discovering Adam passed out on the floor, Brad realizes he is an epileptic. Samantha would rather not live in Tony's apartment above the restaurant, but he insists.

Mario, Marco's twin, is a surprise witness at Vicki's murder trial. Vicki wants to take the stand in her defense. An angry Karen slaps Edwina because of her biased coverage of Vicki's trial. Dorian tells Edwina she is painting herself into a corner and should realize what she is doing now may affect her for the rest of her life. Deep in gambling debts, Brad sells their stock to pay off. Adam offers Edwina a job in New York to get her out of town but she refuses. Edwina goes to the D.A. and tells him about Marco and Tina's friendship. Put on the witness stand, Tina falsely says she never planned to go away with Marco. Katrina is beaten up and raped by a drug dealer.

Shock waves go through Llanview as Marco's twin Dr. Mario Corelli takes the stand at Vicki's trial. Mario moves into Ina Hopkins' rooming house. Edwina and Karen make phony apologies to each and then Edwina springs the news that she knows Karen was much more than a model for Talbot Huddleston. Melinda asks Dorian to reassign Jenny out of Peter's pediatric service. Pat makes a television plea for anyone having information about Marco's murder to contact her. Katrina hears the plea but disappears. Gretel Cummings, Adam's assistant, and Paul Kendall meet, and it's almost hate at first sight. A handwriting expert testifies Vicki did not write the note penned by Nikki Smith.

Greg is upset when Tina befriends Mario. Karen wonders if she should reveal "all" to save Vicki from being convicted of Marco's murder. Carla hopes to rekindle the spark of love for Ed on her birthday. Ed hits the ceiling when he discovers Jack bought Carla flowers for her birthday. Samantha plans to wear her mother's bridal gown when she weds Tony. When Jenny wants to sell their stock to buy a car, Brad has to tell Will he lost the stock gambling. Will gives him $5.000 to buy a car but suggests he get professional help. Brad, resentful, says he can control his gambling whenever he wants.

General Hospital

No one knows but it appears Jeremy is the carrier of lassa fever. With Rick quarantined at the hospital, Lesley decides to start group therapy.  Heather's ex-husband, Larry Joe, arrives in Glenville where Heather and her mother are staying while Jeff is involved in the epidemic crisis. Bobbie's brother Luke comes down with fever. Trying to get back in good graces at the hospital, Bobbie volunteers for crisis duty and asks to work with Lesley in the clinic. Frank Wallace orders a hitman to get Cal Jamison.

The fever epidemic continues to spread. Hoping to learn more about Heather's first marriage, Susan befriends Larry Joe. At a group therapy session, Lesley learns it's all right if she doesn't always love Laura.  P.J. is showing fever symptoms. Luke is fearful when one of his workers at the disco comes down with epidemic-like symptoms. Returning from New York, Gary agrees to help Tracy write speeches for Mitch. Luke agrees to give Bobbie the $300 Cal Jamison is demanding. Jeff still thinks Heather can have more children. Jeff and Anne are growing close while staying at the hospital to help fight the epidemic.

Falling victim to lassa fever, Steve refuses to have plasma until everyone else does. Chris Jergens, Bobbie's friend and an orderly at the hospital, dies from the fever. Annie realizes Jeremy is the probable carrier — but it may be too late. Overhearing his grandmother Beatrice Hewitt has died, Jeremy runs away. Cal Jamison warns Heather he's going to call Peter and Diana to tell them he has information about their adopted son P.J.  Cal contacts Diana but refuses to say what exactly he wants. When Cal shows up at Bobbie's to collect $300, Luke chases him away. Laura admits to Scotty she remembered long before Lesley took the stand that she, and not Lesley, was responsible for David Hamilton's death. 

Fearing Steve is about to die from lassa fever, Audrey tells Jeff that Steve – not Lars Weber - is his natural father. A resentful Jeff recalls a childhood where he never felt a part of his family and suspects Lars may have known the truth even though Audrey assures him he did not. Steve's fever breaks and Audrey thinks he'll never forgive her for telling Jeff the truth about his parentage. Lesley is horrified to learn how long Laura withheld the information before admitting to Peter that it was she, and not Lesley, who killed David Hamilton. Suffering a minor gunshot wound in the shoulder Cal Jamison takes refuge at Bobbie's!

The Edge of Night

The woman who gave April a ride sees her picture in newspaper and is saying she's been exonerated of murder. In her childhood home, April realizes that as a youngster she fell down the stairs and thought she had died for a moment. She also recalls her dying father telling her there was a secret she must never know. On the property, April finds a tombstone with her name on it. When the police approach the house, April runs away. Nicole tells Miles that Margo set up Wade's scheme to discredit her to Miles. Feeling Miles not serious about marriage since a date hasn't been set, Nicole calls off their engagement.

Wade has a tape of Logan making a deal with him about Winter's porno film and is blackmailing him with it. Tank turns out to be the arsonist. April continues to be on the run. Deborah begins an investigation of a new murder case. Raven fears Logan is still carrying the torch for Winter.

Learning she has been vindicated in Denise's murder, April returns home. She insists to everyone her mother didn't commit suicide because she has seen her mother, and had a premonition that her mother will come to visit that night. April is jolted when Margo appears on her doorstep and confesses she is her natural mother.  Margo admits she is April's real mother, after giving the child up for adoption at age 17. Nicole and Miles decide to marry. Nancy is a bit put off by Diana's overhelpfulness to Mike. Wade Meacham is shot to death. Logan and Raven cancel their wedding plans when she accuses him of being spineless.

Miles and Nicole marry. . Police begin an investigation of Wade's murder. Steve warns Deborah to take it easy in her latest murder case. Mike bails out a drunken Elliot Dorn. Diana is sweet to Mike but not so sweet to Nancy.

February 1978

Ryan's Hope

Seneca agrees to let Roger stay on the hospital staff even though Roger can no longer blackmail him about Edmund being Frank’s child. Mistaking Seneca for Tom, Liam shoots him in the back. Near death, Seneca regrets keeping Edmund’s parentage a secret. Dee suffers an attack of hysterical blindness when Roger informs her he is going to tell Pat she miscarried before they wed. Bob senses he is losing Alicia to Bucky. Bob suggests Dee move in with Maeve and Johnny.

Tom informs Faith that Liam is after him because he beat Liam’s brother, James, to death in self-defense. Admitting she might be falling in love with him, Faith holds off on physical intimacy for fear he might be killed. Cornered on his apartment roof, Tom is shot by Liam. Seneca remains in a critical condition. Delia agrees to Roger’s demands that she seek psychiatric care or he will tell Pat she lost the baby before the marriage.

All My Children

Ruth is in a coma with a serious head injury after being raped by Ray Gardner.  Caroline suspects Nancy is carrying Frank’s baby. Tom tells Brooke he always wanted to be a priest, not a football player. Phoebe convinces Benny to stay on as her chauffeur. Christina is losing respect for David because he allows Edna to run his life. Donna finally realizes she has been made sterile. Nancy announces her plan to marry Carl. David shows Christina an engagement ring.

With Erica on the mend, Nick confides to Mona that he doesn’t intend to marry her. Tara is fearful that Phil will personally exact revenge on Ray Gardner for raping Ruth. Aware that Tyrone had her tubes tied, Donna runs away. Tired of playing second fiddle to Edna’s demands, Christina returns David’s engagement ring. Tom seems upset to hear that Nick and Erica are engaged. Ellen agrees to marry Mark in a year if they both feel the same toward each other. After Caroline confronts Frank over Nancy’s pregnancy, he admits he might be the father.

Regaining consciousness, Ruth remembers Ray Gardner raped her. Phil’s partner, Mel Jacoby, thinks Phil should take himself off the Gardner investigation. Estelle tells Chuck the missing Donna had a bottle of sleeping pills. Although Nancy assures Frank she is carrying Carl’s child, he doesn’t believe her, and thinks it's really his.  Nancy and Carl have to postpone their marriage when they arrive at the license bureau after it closes. Benny discovers Phoebe can walk but agrees to keep her secret. Little Phil goes on cleanup detail. Edna seduces David. Nick wants to tell Erica there will be no marriage.

Remembering that she was raped by Ray Gardner, Ruth feels she must press charges but fears it will affect Tad. Trying to protect Estelle, Billy Clyde stabs Ray. Dan confides to Mark he likes Devon but desires Brooke for creature comforts. After spending the afternoon with Brooke, Dan is fired from the bookstore. When Linc takes her to a society dinner, Claudette offers to help him redo the apartment he shared with Kitty.

One Life to Live

Unbeknownst to Dorian, her sister Melinda has arrived in town. Dorian is falling for Peter, who is attracted to Melinda not knowing she is Dorian’s sister. Richard tells Edwina he is not ready to have an affair with her. Marco admits to Becky he never graduated from high school. Cathy wants to know if Larry ever really loved Karen. After a pick-up calls her a prostitute, Karen almost tells Jenny about her sordid life-style. Brad breaks into Cathy’s house to retrieve the ring he gave Lana the night she died but runs out just as Cathy comes in.

Karen tries to convince Larry she still loves him, but Larry realizes he loves Cathy. Paul discovers letters Brian wrote to him when everyone else thought that Paul was dead. Viki warns Tony he may lose Pat if he doesn’t go to her. When Pat decides to move back into her house, Paul says he is going to stay with her. Pat refuses to rearrange Brian’s room.  Marco learns that Becky is lying about her past. Melinda likes Peter but fears him because she realizes he knows Dorian. Carla wants Ed to run for councilman. Samantha vows true love to Tony.

After Wanda reveals to Tony that Sam loves him, Tony tells Sam she can’t work for him any longer. Outraged to discover Melinda singing at Tony’s place, Dorian threatens to close it down if Melinda doesn’t quit. Angered by the threat, Tony signs Melinda to a binding contract. When Marco demands $5,000 for finding Melinda, Dorian gives him $10 and the heave-ho. Marco and Richard start bar brawl, as a result of which Becky and Richard are arrested. Dorian realized Peter has a thing for Melinda. Without Jenny’s knowledge, Brad signs promissory note to Dorian in order to keep his share of the health club. Edwina wants Dorian to fire Pat. Vinny is upset by Wanda’s bra commercials.

Karen is beaten to a bloody pulp. Not revealing she was roughed up by one of her one-night stands, Karen claims she was beaten and raped by a stranger in a poor section of town. Before he can tell Cathy he loves her, Larry learns Karen has been mugged.  Jenny wants Brad to convert to Catholicism. After spending the night in the same jail with Richard, Becky realizes how much she cares for him. Richard asks Becky to marry him. Marco shrugs off Ina Hopkins’ suggestion that he find another place to live and travels to Tennessee to discover Becky’s secret. Karen ends up moving back in with Larry.

General Hospital 

Monica moves in with Alan. David advises Lesley to break up Scotty and Laura’s relationship. Rick warns Lesley that Laura cannot be the end-all and be-all of their marriage. Mark warns Katie he will not operate on Lamont unless he slows down on his work schedule. Peter tells Jeff that Lana and Lisa are one person. Knife-wielding Lana traps Heather in her apartment, but Jeff arrives in time to persuade gentle Lisa personality to take over. Upset with Gary’s values, Gina postpones marriage.

When Lamont undergoes life-or-death surgery, David plays spokesperson for stockholders by reporting on Lamont’s condition. Lamont survives surgery, but may be a vegetable. Diana is concerned about Heather’s possessive attitude towards P.J..   Monica burns Rick’s picture. Gail is incensed when a female author, Maria, claims to have co-authored her late husband’s most popular book. Scotty tells Lee he approves of Lee marrying Gail.

Although Lamont seems to be recovering, David’s false story of Lamont dying hits the newspapers, and the company’s stock plummets. Lesley learns via David that Monica prescribed Laura’s birth-control pills. Monica decides she can no longer live with Alan because he continues to question her feelings for Rick. Heather is desperate when Diana decides to get another baby-sitter for P.J..  Bobbie is out to snare Scotty, and tries to use Scotty’s dislike of Laura’s new sophisticated look to get him. Katie’s sister, Sally comes to Port Charles. Maria claims Gail’s philandering first husband, Greg Adamson, had an affair with her and many others.

With Lamont on the road to recovery, Katie admits to her sister Sally that she loves Mark. Devastated to find Scotty at Bobbie’s apartment, Laura calls her adoptive mom, Barbara Vining, and leaves Port Charles. Jeff confesses to Heather he’d like to have another chance with her. Knowing how much Monica dreads that Gail will learn she had an affair with Gail's late husband Greg Adamson----another of Greg's lovers, Maria, blackmails Monica for $50,000. Unable to raise the money, Monica steals Greg’s love letters unaware that Maria has copies.


Edge of Night

Steve saves Deborah from the killer of red-haired women who turns out to be another policeman. Nancy turns down a job as TV consumer reporter but thinks Nicole would be ideal for the job. Kevin decides to reveal in an exclusive interview his displeasure with crime commission’s proposals. Denise warns Nicole to stay away from Miles.

Spying on a former Claremont employee Charlie in the hospital corridor, Denise demands to know if he told April anything about Catherine Damon’s death. A cringing Charlie claims he didn’t mean to say anything wrong. Miles is incensed when Denise says she went to visit Nicole. Dan Roper is concerned because Owen Crimmons has not come through with promised donation to the clinic. Draper fears April might die on the operating table and asks her to marry him before the surgery: she refuses.

April survives open-heart surgery. Kevin decides not to oppose the crime commission. Breaking off with Deborah, Steve starts seeing Logan’s secretary, Maggie. Deborah stops resisting Rainey’s romantic advances. Recognizing a man who once tried to mug him, Rainey gives the would-be robber, named Chip, some cash and offers him a job. Maggie warns Logan his love for Raven can only ruin his life.

Raney plans to make Deborah his wife. Tony hires Chip to keep a second set of books. After a visit from Chip, Johnson “jumps” out of a 20-story window. Logan panics when an uninvited Raven drops by while Steve is visiting, but Steve assures him he will not tell Kevin. Steve is determined to expose Tony’s crooked operation. Unable to buy Charlie’s silence about the night Catherine Damon died at the Claremont Clinic, Denise looks for the most permanent way to keep his mouth shut.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

All My Children Dec 1979 to Feb 15, 1980

December 1979

Palmer made payments to a man for keeping quiet about Daisy. Myra spotted them. Linc's hypnosis ploy for Kelly's defense was turned down since she's withdrawing from drug addiction. Phoebe told Charles he’ll pay through the nose for a divorce. Brooke consoled Tom who insisted he's getting an anullment from Erica. Nina didn't believe Cliff's birth certificate proof. Donna was jealous of the time Chuck spent with Charlie. Frank thanked Russ for operating on Carl. Edna refused Phoebe's offer to move with Benny into stable quarters.

Erica's life crumbled around her when Tom refused her sexual ploy to win him back. Cliff puzzled about Janice's disappearance after seeing Nina. Kelly's detoxification program seems to be working. Myra tailed a Mr. Rab, who has been meeting secretly with Palmer. Charles refused Phoebe's divorce agreement. Anne went bananas at the mention of Beth's name. Tad has a girlfriend.

Things looked bleak for Kelly when the prosecutor proved she had a motive, since Eddie had willed her all his money. Myra ordered Palmer to reunite Nina and Cliff or Myra would spill the beans that Palmer had used Mr. Rab to pay Janice to lie. Devon and Bonnie returned, leaving Wally in St. Louis. Ann's doctor told Phoebe that Ann could spend Christmas at home. Chuck got closer to Charlie and Tara while Donna fumed. Mona pointed out that Erica's putting on the pounds. Paul remembered telling Ann he'd always love her.

Ruth gave birth to Joe’s son on Christmas Eve. Mark sheltered Brooke after she had an abortion. The child would have been Eddie’s resulting from the night he raped her before he was murdered. Tara learned that government bosses have lost contact with Phil who was investigating drug smuggling in South America. He may be dead or in hiding. Edna encouraged Donna to fight for Chuck, who stood by Tara’s side. Sybil tried to score points with Mark. Wally joined Devon and Bonnie for the holidays. He tried to force Devon to have sex. She refused and he left for St. Louis. Cliff called Nina who wouldn’t even speak to him even though she fantasized about him. Palmer told Sybil he wanted her to help him with the story that Janice had Cliff’s illegitimate child.

January 1980

The prosecution dredged up Kelly’s sordid past with Eddie, but she can’t remember a thing about his murder. Myra brought Janice to tell Nina the truth about Cliff after Palmer almost had Nina transfer to another college. Nancy wants no part of Frank, even though his divorce from Caroline was finalized. Phoebe spilled the beans to Ruth about Phil being reported missing. Donna promised Chuck she’d try to mend fences with Tara and wouldn’t think those naughty thoughts. Staying with Mark following the abortion of Eddie’s child, Brooke felt happy about their friendship. Langley suggested Phoebe take a smaller divorce settlement from Charles. Joe was fearful Myrtle’s heart may give out if Kelly is convicted of Eddie’s murder.

Palmer had a fit when Myra arranged for Janice to tell Nina the truth, which reunited Nina and Cliff. While Cliff wanted to marry, Nina was cautious since she realized he wanted children and she was fearful of dying in childbrith as her mother supposedly died as a result of Nina’s birth. Myrtle went into a tailspin at Kelly's jury as Kelly's jury deliberated. Wally and Devon split up. Mark told Ellen she'll never be happy with Paul because of Anne. After Palmer slashed Daisy's portrait, Myra called someone and advised, "Don’t do what you're planning." Russ and Nancy discussed Carl's improvement, while Frank and Betsy took the child for a stroll in a wheelchair. Phoebe wanted her investment money back from Erica, who was crushed when the booming rival disco, The Steam Pit opened. Donna was heartbroken when Phoebe refused to continue her how-to-be-a-lady lessons.

Tom's brother Sean arrived. Kelly was found guilty. Wally came back to Pine Valley and begged Devon to take him back for Bonnie's sake. Brooke was bummed out because Mark asked her to move out and find her own place. Cliff doubted the story Palmer has told Nina about her mother's "death." When Nina questioned her mother’s death, Palmer collapsed in pain with Charles diagnosing it as a gastric condition. Erica's disco went down the tubes when the area was re-zoned for residential purposes. Ann wrote Paul a psychotic sounding letter that made him feel guilty. Ellen questioned whether Paul has really fallen out of love with Ann. Donna asked Chuck to move out of town since she can never live down her past reputation. Ruth told Tara it was wrong for Chuck and Charlie to see so much of one another because when Phil returned it would be hard for Phil to re-establish his position as the boy’s father. Russ asked Nancy to marry him. 

Benny felt the old sparks when Estelle visited Donna. Sean took a shine to Brooke or, at least, to her money. Paul planned his divorce after Dr. Harper reported Anne is mentally incompetent. However, Ann resolved to get well quick to return to Paul and their marriage. Devon admitted sexual problems with Wally. Tom refused to help Erica financially and she planned to strike it rich in Hollywood to fight off depression. Nina told Palmer she wants to marry Cliff. Phoebe and Charles came to terms in their divorce settlement. Phoebe made wedding plans with Langley, who was frustrated because he can't grab the money and run. Joe interceded when Chuck and Tara argued. Kelly was sentenced to die in the electric chair in 60 days. Brooke accused Claudette of murdering Eddie. 

Devon auditioned for a play instead of seeking sex therapy with Wally. Myrtle was frantic that Kelly will get the death penalty within 60 days for Eddie’s murder and Kelly was transferred to prison. Linc, preparing for the appeal, scrutinized the list of the Chateau’s patrons the night of the murder. Claudette hired Donna to take over Kelly’s songbird duties. Nina and Myra planned a seance to get in touch with Nina’s mother Daisy. Mark arranged a date for Sean and Betsy. Edna lit into Benny for meeting Estelle. Carl and Frank weren’t pleased that Nancy agreed to marry Russ. Palmer told Cliff to get off his back and stop checking into Daisy’s death. Erica split for Sunset Boulevard. Tara pleaded with Chuck to have a talk with Charlie when he was sent home from school: Charlie was very inspired by the talk.

Feb 1 - 15, 1980

There was lots of mumbo-jumbo and things that go bump in the night as Myra and Nina contacted Daisy in the spirit world. Sybil chided Betsy for not letting Sean score a home run on their first date. Director Mike Paine gave Devon and Sean the leads in a community play. When Wally gets a job in construction, he wants to celebrate but Devon is too busy with the play. Donna was triumphant at her Chateau opening, but Phoebe scolded her, saying Donna would end up like Kelly. Several Pine Valley residents were miffed they weren’t invited to Phoebe and Palmer’s masked ball on Nina’s birthday. Arguments with Nancy and Russ were causing Frank problems with his blood pressure. 

Of course, Daisy isn’t a ghost, Myra, her mother, kept her hidden at the mansion. Daisy urged Nina during a séance to accept Cliff’s engagement ring, which she did. Phoebe was the scandal of the masked ball when she dressed as Cleopatra. Kelly doesn't want to see Linc before she goes to the electric chair. Sean convinced Devon to skip out on Wally for rehearsals. Paul and Ellen made wedding plans, while Anne remembered her baby. Frank developed high blood pressure. Brooke made eyes at Tom. Daisy's been paid by Palmer to play dead since she ran off with another man 15 years ago. Palmer detected signs of Daisy's reappearance.