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Monday, July 7, 2014

Edge of Night, April 17 to July 7, 1978

APRIL 17-21, 1978:

Miles learned that Denise has been spying on Nicole. Denise concocted a fake terminal illness in order to keep Miles from divorcing her.
Geraldine made secret plans to fly Raven to New York for the abortion.

APRIL 24 - 28, 1978:
Logan followed Raven to New York after she tipped him off that she's pregnant with his child. Miles fell for Denise's fake record of a terminal
illness, which was supplied by her father Dr. Gus Norwood. Winter realized that Logan and Raven were an item, but that didn't stop her
from pursuing him. April suggested to a skeptical Miles that Denise is probably faking her illness to hold on to their marriage.

MAY 1 - 5, 1978:
Raven panicked and wanted to leave for Europe when her doctor informed her it's too late for an abortion. Geraldine insisted that Raven tell
Kevin the truth. Denise conned Miles into spending her "last days" with her. Miles resigned from Roper's Clinic, as did Nurse Teresa Worthington,
because David is marrying an old girlfriend. Raney was jealous that Deborah graduated the police academy and accepted a date to the policeman's
ball with Steve. Mike decided to return to the crime commission.

MAY 8 - 12, 1978:
Kevin learned by accident that Raven is pregnant, and realizing the implications, moved out. Denise framed Carol and had her fired after
disconnecting oxygen from a patient and blaming Carol. Miles hired Tree as Denise's nurse. Logan dated Winter. Raney suggested to Chip
that Saxon needs to get Mike Karr off his back.

MAY 15 - 19, 1978:
Raven ran to Logan when Kevin left her, but Logan rebuffed her. Raven fumed that Logan is dating Winter, and tried to reconcile with Kevin, who
refused to see her. Denise continued to plot against Miles and Nicole. April and Draper were stunned when April learned that she's pregnant.
Mike answered his front door to a man wearing a Halloween mask, who threw a chemical in Mike's face.

MAY 22 - 26, 1978:
Mike was blinded in the chemical attack, and doctors weren't hopeful his vision would return due to extensive corneal damage. Saxon wanted to
know if Raney was responsible for the attack on Mike, but Raney denied any knowledge of the incident. Raven begged Geraldine for help in
reuniting with Kevin, then taunted April with the lie that Draper fathered her baby. Steve and Deborah argued about her father's possible
involvement in Mike's attack.

MAY 29 - JUNE 2, 1978:
Raven and Kevin reconciled to save his political career. Tony Saxon was suspected of being behind Mike's blinding. Deborah insisted that
she'll prove her father's innocence and refused to work on the case with Steve. April had pregnancy problems but kept quiet regarding
Raven's story about Draper fathering her baby, too. Tree shared April's suspicions that Denise isn't really terminally ill. Miles decided to
run additional tests to verify the veracity of Dr. Norwood's diagnosis.

JUNE 5 - 9, 1978:
Raney proposed marriage to Deborah, who turned him down. Deborah and Tony realized that Chip was responsible for blinding
Mike. Winter learned about Raven's pregnancy. Deborah broke into Chip's apartment, searching for clues to Mike's attack, and Chip
caught her. Denise panicked when she learned that Miles is re-running her tests, but Gus reassured Denise that he'll make sure that
Miles gets the same results.

JUNE 12 - 16, 1978:
Chip realized that Deborah knew he was behind Mike's blinding and took her hostage. Raney followed Chip and Deborah to a parking garage,
where Raney and Chip engaged in a violent shootout that left Chip dead. Deborah told Saxon and the police that Raney saved her life. April
revealed her pregnancy to Miles and Denise. Tree confided to April that Denise is faking her illness. Later, after Miles confirmed that Denise
is dying, April overheard Gus and Denise laughing about how they managed to trick him.

JUNE 19 - 23, 1978:
April confronted Denise, and after threatening to expose all of Denise's lies, April tumbled down a flight of stairs during a struggle with Denise.
Miles and Tree saved April, who was clinically dead after falling down the stairs. Draper and April grieved over the baby April lost.. Nancy was
upset that Mike remained on the crime commission, despite being attacked and blinded. Deborah accepted Raney's diamond ring, but
warned him that it isn't a token of engagement. Ben told Nicole that he loves her. Denise plotted to smother April, but her plan was thwarted.

JUNE 26 - 30, 1978:
Miles overheard a conversation between Denise and Gus that exposed her lies, but the joke was on Denise when Gus admitted that he
never falsified the lab report, so Denise really is dying. No one believed Denise's new tale. Denise plotted to take Miles to the grave with
her rather than let Nicole have him. Mike began therapy to adjust to blindness after his bandages were removed. April learned that the
fall and miscarriage have left her unable to have children, and she blamed Denise. Nicole rebuffed Ben's advances, opting to wait for Miles.

JULY 3 - 7, 1978:
Gus caught Denise, who stole drugs from him and attempted to poison Miles. While arguing with Denise about her monstrous plans, Gus
collapsed. April recalled having an out-of-body experience after the fall and insisted that she's having clairvoyant visions of the future.
Tony was unhappy that Deborah accepted Raney's ring. Miles and Nicole were reunited. Draper feared that April is becoming unhinged.
Denise decided to kill herself and make it appear Miles murdered her so that he could have Nicole.

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