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Sunday, July 20, 2014

All My Children: July 1977

Ellen's daughter Devon arrived. Billy Clyde gave Donna a job as a waitress and intercepted a call from Chuck searching for her. Kitty took a turn for the worse when she fainted and fell down a staircase. Outraged that Mona tended an ailing Mark, Erica decided he should learn the truth. David saved Christina from a suicide attempt, and her ghost disappeared when he told her the truth about her father's death. Thanks to Benny's tip, Chuck found Donna in Center City. Chuck admitted his love, while helping Donna get through a hallucinating trip induced by Billy pumping her with drugs. Jeff accused David of taking advantage of Christina, after learning she planned to live with David. Devon admitted to Ellen that she hates Pine Valley. Tara tripped over little Phil's toys, and Phil blamed the child for Tara's injuries. Nick terminated his relationship with Erica after she told Mark about being Mark's half-sister. Erica retaliated by deciding to keep her affair with Nick a secret. Brooke was jealous after Devon changed her mind about Pine Valley after meeting Danny. Kitty's condition deteriorated. Frank assured Caroline he loved her although Nancy accepted a job in town. Little Phil turned to Chuck after Phil argued with the child. Chuck proposed to Donna. Phoebe threatened Charles with a countersuit naming Mona as co-respondent. Tara blamed Phil for spanking little Phil, who ran away, was kidnapped and held for ransom in a motel, where he was found by Tom Cudahy, a young man from the next room. Erica fielded heavy passes froM Benny, while resisting Mark's suggestion they be friends. Donna tried to console Chuck during the kidnapping crisis, but a drunken Phoebe threw her out. Kitty died in Linc's arms. Nick accused Erica of setting it up when Mona found them together in bed. Erica drooled over ex-football hero Tom and was impressed that he saved little Phil, who insisted on staying with Chuck. Phil and Tara worried that if Donna married Chuck, she would raise little Phil. Phoebe had Benny secretly photograph Charles and Mona in innocent but suggestive situations. Brooke and Danny met at the beach. Nick agreed to help Tom open a restaurant.

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