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Sunday, July 20, 2014

All My Children: July 1977

Ellen's daughter Devon arrived. Billy Clyde gave Donna a job as a waitress and intercepted a call from Chuck searching for her. Kitty took a turn for the worse when she fainted and fell down a staircase. Outraged that Mona tended an ailing Mark, Erica decided he should learn the truth. David saved Christina from a suicide attempt, and her ghost disappeared when he told her the truth about her father's death. Thanks to Benny's tip, Chuck found Donna in Center City. Chuck admitted his love, while helping Donna get through a hallucinating trip induced by Billy pumping her with drugs. Jeff accused David of taking advantage of Christina, after learning she planned to live with David. Devon admitted to Ellen that she hates Pine Valley. Tara tripped over little Phil's toys, and Phil blamed the child for Tara's injuries. Nick terminated his relationship with Erica after she told Mark about being Mark's half-sister. Erica retaliated by deciding to keep her affair with Nick a secret. Brooke was jealous after Devon changed her mind about Pine Valley after meeting Danny. Kitty's condition deteriorated. Frank assured Caroline he loved her although Nancy accepted a job in town. Little Phil turned to Chuck after Phil argued with the child. Chuck proposed to Donna. Phoebe threatened Charles with a countersuit naming Mona as co-respondent. Tara blamed Phil for spanking little Phil, who ran away, was kidnapped and held for ransom in a motel, where he was found by Tom Cudahy, a young man from the next room. Erica fielded heavy passes froM Benny, while resisting Mark's suggestion they be friends. Donna tried to console Chuck during the kidnapping crisis, but a drunken Phoebe threw her out. Kitty died in Linc's arms. Nick accused Erica of setting it up when Mona found them together in bed. Erica drooled over ex-football hero Tom and was impressed that he saved little Phil, who insisted on staying with Chuck. Phil and Tara worried that if Donna married Chuck, she would raise little Phil. Phoebe had Benny secretly photograph Charles and Mona in innocent but suggestive situations. Brooke and Danny met at the beach. Nick agreed to help Tom open a restaurant.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Karen and the Vernons: 1976

A Surprising Phone Call: The silence in the Craig house is broken by the ringing of the telephone. Jenny jumps up from the couch and answers it. Her eyes light up and a huge smile broadens her face when she hears the person on the other line. It's her younger sister Karen !!! Karen begins to fill Jenny's ears with stories of her European jaunt and other equally exciting events that have filled her recent past. Karen's voice is filled with youthful excitement and Jenny has no reason to doubt what she says. But beware Jenny: all is not what it appears to be. The person on the line, and the person who'll soon be arriving in Llanview, is a sham. The words she utters so honestly are anything but the truth. This young attractive, blond woman may be spelling trouble with a capital "T" for Jenny and her fellow residents of Llanview.

It appears that sweet little Karen is not a European traveler, but a lawbreaker, who has been spending the last 6 months in Boston observing her parole. Her probation period now over, Karen hopes to make a new life for herself in Llanview.

With Dr. Polk now permanently situated in Pine Valley, Llanview Hospital is in dire need of a new Chief of Psychiatry. As the Hospital's Chief of Staff, the job of choosing a replacement falls on the very able shoulders of Dr. Jim Craig. Jim knows just the man for the job. His name is Will Vernon. He's a former resident of Llanview and psychiatrist of the highest caliber. Dr. Vernon flies in from Montana to discuss the job with Jim. Though a likable and charming man, Dr. Vernon is also a troubled one. He evidences feelings of self-doubt when he tells Jim he might not be able to handle such a responsible position. One can only guess what causes such insecurity. Let's hope Jim's belief in Will isn't in vain.

Jenny's younger sister, Karen, has arrived in Llanview. Jenny is delighted to see her, and after much debate (Karen wasn't sure she wanted to settle down yet) she manages to convince her free-spirited sibling to remain in town. The two sisters will be sharing Cathy's old apartment. In addition to Jenny's sister, there's also been another arrival in town. Dr. Will Vernon and family, his wife Naomi, and his son Brad, have returned to Llanview. Brad is a "ladies' man" who zeros right in on Jenny. Jenny, so far, is turning down all his offers of dates. Brad is not giving up.

It's a dream come true for Brad Vernon. Jenny Wolek is going to be working in his house. She has been hired to be his mother's nurse (Naomi's latest asthmatic attack causes Dr. Larry Wolek to recommend that she be confined to bed, and also that she have a full-time nurse.) Brad hopes that this new closeness will enable him to break down Jenny's resistance. Jenny's repeated "no's" have not dampened Brad's desire one bit---in fact, it only serves to increase his attraction. Brad is not used to women resisting his charms.

Karen Wolek has let down her guard with Larry. She has let Larry get a glimpse into her "real" self. Larry understands Karen. He listens compassionately to her words of honesty. He doesn't condemn Karen when she confesses that she's used to getting by on lies--tricks and chicanery, and that's how she would get people on her side. Larry tells Karen he understands why she behaved that way, and he senses that she wants to change. He advises her to take one day at a time. Karen tells Larry she never met a man like him. Karen expresses her admiration by hugging him.

Brad has broken through Jenny's resistance. She has accepted not one, but two, dates with him. Brad was surprised that all it took to achieve this end was to drop his "playboy" act and come on as the person he really is: a confused and sensitive young man. Jenny succumbed very easily to this "new Brad." She lives to help people and when Brad cried out for assistance, she was right there. It's Jenny who forces Brad to take "a good look at his life." He does and what he sees he doesn't like. Brad decides the time has come for him to give his life some direction, some meaning. The aimless life of a tennis bum is no longer the thing for him. Brad changes serving tennis balls to serving drinks. He gets himself a job working as a bartender at Tony's Place.

Larry has decided to remain in Llanview--but not at Llanview Hospital. He is going into private practice. He's enthusiastic about his new life but the only person who really shares his optimism is Karen. She's the only one who doesn't feel he's making too hasty and impulsive a move. Karen likes this new, less conservative Larry. Karen is having a definite effect upon Larry---and it's not all mental! She has lured him into her bedroom (though it really didn't take much luring) and re-introduced him to the delights of romantic love. (Larry hasn't had a relationship with a woman since his wife Meredith died). What with a new practice and a new love, it's definitely a brand new day for Dr. Larry Wolek!

Dr. Larry Wolek is definitely an "old fashioned" doctor. he never thinks of medicine as a way to earn a quick and easy buck. The patient always comes first, not the fee. His reward is just seeing his patients returned to good health. Karen Wolek, Larry's new love, wants to change this facet of Larry's personality. She feels now that Larry is in private practice, he should devote his time to wealthy patients. People who could pay well for his doctoring. Larry so far is resisting Karen's very materialistic suggestion, but Karen is not going to give up. She wants Larry and she wants the "good life" too...and she's going to make sure she gets them both.

A bit of Karen's true nature has leaked out---but unfortunately Larry wasn't around to observe it. The only witness to this "leak" was Karen's sister Jenny. When Jenny tells Karen, Larry couldn't make their date because he was at the hospital awaiting the birth of Viki's baby, Karen does not respond with kindness and understanding. She, instead, selfishly cries out: "How could he do that to me! How could Larry cancel our date after I went through all the trouble of buying a new outfit. He doesn't have to stay at the hospital. He's really not needed there." Observing the shocked look on her sister's face, Karen realizes the seriousness of what she has just said. She immediately recitfies the situation by telling Jenny she didn't mean it. She then begs her sister not to mention any of this to Larry. Not wanting to think bad of Karen, Jenny agrees to her sister's request. Karen breathes easier.

Larry and Karen's relationship is in for some very rough weather. Vinny has let his brother know, in typical Vinny Wolek fashion, that he doesn't approve at all about larry and Karen's romantic involvement. It's sinful. It goes against all the laws of nature. They're second cousins!! Larry tries to make Vinny see how antiquated his thinking is, but he won't be swayed from his very strong beliefs. It's wrong and no amount of justification from Larry is going to change that fact.

Jenny may still be resisting our fair-haired boy wonder, but a certain waitress named, Lana, certainly doesn't give Brad Vernon any hassle. She very willingly takes him to her bed. Brad senses Lana's great attraction for him, and he plays on her emotions. he manipulates her into believing every little (lying) word that comes out of his mouth--and it should come as no surprise that most of those lies are about there being another woman in his life.

It may be easy for Brad to handle the romantic aspects of his life, but it looks like he's losing control over its physical side--mostly his health! Brad's trick knee is diagnosed by Larry as being caused by scar tissue which formed around a calcium deposit. Larry recommends surgery to remove the bad tissue, but Brad loudly vetoes the idea. He has no time to spend in a hospital. The problem will go away; it always has in the past. Let's hope Brad's hasty decision isn't an ill-fated one.

Larry has once again succumbed to Karen's wishes. Instead of sitting by the shores of a lake casting out his fishing line, he'll be in front of a blackjack table casting out his dough. Karen's downcast eyes made it very obvious that she didn't exactly find Larry's idea of a weekend in the country, the greatest vacation choice of all time. She showed far more enthusiasm when she flashed the brochures of Las Vegas in front of his eyes. Not being able to refuse his little love anything, he gives up the sounds of crickets for the bright flashing lights of the Vegas strip.

The cause of Naomi's asthmatic attacks has been revealed. It seems to be Naomi's way of making her husband, Will, pay for a past indiscretion ---and all the future ones she imagines he's having. Will tries to make his wife see that all these supposed affairs (with the exception of that one time) are all in her imagination.

Right now Naomi is positive that Will is having a thing with the new nurse that's been assigned to him. She's so young and pretty; what man, especially a charmer like her husband, could resist such a woman? Will's denials only serve to convince Naomi that what she suspects is true.

Brad has his knee operation. It's a resounding success. The doctors say he should be back on the tennis courts in a matter of a few months.

Karen is flying high, high high!!! Larry has told her he loves her, and now all that remains to be done is to set their wedding date. In a very short while, she'll have everything she desires. She'll soon be living a big, glorious, Technicolor life--how else would Mrs. Larry Wolek live!!! Karen keeps forgetting that a marriage takes two. She doesn't think at all about Larry. She should realize that a down-to-earth, practical guy like Larry would never be happy living a very grand showy, existence. Let's hope Karen's lack of foresight does not spell disaster for her (and Larry) in the long run.

Can it be that Brad is falling in love with Jenny? He is very drawn to her. He finds it quite refreshing to be around a woman with whom he doesn't have to play games. It's a new experience for Brad to be able to talk honestly and openly with anyone--let alone a member of the opposite sex. Brad may care very much for Jenny, but getting her to feel the same about him is another story. Brad has a rough road ahead of him. Jenny will not be won over that easily.

Urged on by Jenny's gentle encouragement, Will has vowed to finish the psychiatric textbook he stopped writing ten years ago. He says this time no one is going to interfere with the completion of the book. It's very curious that Will stopped writing the book the same year he was having that affair with his nurse--the affair which now causes his wife to distrust his every move--especially where his nurses are concerned!

Karen Wolek doesn't like it (not one little bit) when her plans and dreams are quickly ended in a gigantic puff of smoke. She doesn't care what the reason. Karen doesn't play second fiddle to anyone or anything! She's very careful not to let Larry see this side of her personality--after all, she doesn't want to do anything to cancel her ticket out of the dull humdrum life she is leading. Becoming "Mrs. Larry Wolek" is the first and most important thing on Karen's agenda. She's concentrating all of her seductive powers on getting this band of gold on her finger. Larry doesn't know that Karen considers the disappearance of Viki and Joe's baby a "petty event" and not worthy of all the time and worry he's devoting to it. It certainly wasn't worth the cancellation of their (or should we say mainly Karen's) long looked forward to Vegas vacation!! Larry is in for deep trouble. He thinks his new lover is going to be a compassionate and understanding "helper-and-supporter through life," not a money and status-grabbing materialistic monster!

Will has finally finished his book. He and his secretary Jenny are joyously celebrating his accomplishment when Naomi enters his office. From the look on her face, it's very obvious she doesn't share her husband's enthusiasm and optimism where his book is concerned. She confirms this impression by telling Will he shouldn't get his hopes up; there's no guarantee a publisher would be interested in this great work. This comment puts an immediate damper on his celebration.

The material things may no longer mean so much to Dorian---she's forsaken everything for Joe's love---but to Karen this is still her ideal. She takes one look at Llanfair and tells Dorian one day she's going to have a home like this. If Karen is in love, it's not really with Larry but with great wealth, power and position. Poor Larry what's going to happen when he finally sees what Karen is really like?

5 Full Episodes from 1976

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Webber Family: 1976

Steve's first new innovation as Chief of Staff is to institute a Mr. and Mrs. Intern Program. He decides to offer this deal to a young couple who happen to be the son and daughter-in-law of a late friend of Steve's, Lars Webber. Steve goes to see Lars' daughter Terri Arnett to see if she has Jeff's address. Thanks to Cameron Faulkner's funding, the place where Steve goes to see Terri is her new Supper Club, Terri's Place. Terri tells Steve that Cameron backed her on Lesley's word alone (Lesley and Terri are old friends) Monica and Jeff Webber, the first inductees into Steve's Mr. and Mrs. Intern program, have arrived in town. They are not only bringing their stethoscopes and other medical supplies, to General, but also a whole caseload of personal problems as well. General Hospital holds some fond, and not so fond, memories for both Monica and Jeff. Jeff is afraid he will be constantly compared, and finish a poor second, to his brother Rick, a first-class surgical resident, at General, who died recently, flying to a medical mission in Africa. Jeff knows he lacks the self-assuredness that came so easily to his brother. Monica remembers the happy, and not so happy, moments she and Rick shared (Monica was Rick's woman before she married his kid-brother) while she was a medical student at General. Steve doesn't want any snags in his Mr. and Mrs. Intern program. He calls Jeff into his office for a little talk. He asks Jeff to tell him straight what's troubling him. Jeff replies that he's uptight about Rick. He sees him everywhere. He's afraid he won't be able to live up to his big brother's image. Steve tells Jeff he doesn't have to live up to anyone's image. All he has to do is to be as good a doctor as he can be. This little chat seems to help Jeff. He resolves to Monica to earn the right to be called Dr. Webber on his own.

Rick Webber, lover to Monica and brother to Jeff, is not dead! He is being held captive by a band of revolutionaries in Africa. They believe him to be a spy. They won't buy his story that he's a doctor sent on a mercy mission. They find that a little hard to take when he can't produce any proof. (Rick told his captors repeatedly that his papers were burnt up along with the plane, but they just believe this to be the cover story the CIA told him to relay) Rick's a strong man. He's been in captivity for over 10 months and he hasn't yet broken. Opening Night at Terri's Place: Terri is savoring the glory of her successful opening when she gets a handed a telegram. It's from the American Consulate in Africa. It says: "Dr. Rick Webber is alive. Details will follow." Terri breaks into tears of joy.

A Letter Haunts Monica and Rick: Rick's last letter to Monica, the letter in which he told her he would never marry her, is causing grief and regrets to both these ex-lovers. It's bringing home the lie that Monica told Jeff and Terri over 10 months ago, when she first received that "love note". She couldn't face the fact that Rick was dumping her, so she told them that Rick proposed marriage in the letter. It's a point of irony that it's now Monica's lie that Rick wishes was the truth. Rick tells the Missionary who's accompanying him on his journey home, that it was the thought of Monica that kept him going all these months. He wishes he had never written Monica that letter. He now realizes he can't live without her, but he's afraid she may have followed his advice and found herself another man. "When I first met Monica", Rick adds, "She was a fourth year Medical Student and I was a Resident. She was wandering the halls of General like a lost lamb--and she really was one. Monica was brought up in a Foundling Home and she was the kid no one wanted. I was her first real love, but being a very selfish 29 year old, I didn't know how to make her happy. I just attacked rather than helped her."

Monica's White Lie: Monica knows she has to get to Rick first. She decides to meet his plane when it arrives in New York. Monica adopts as her cover story, that she has to fly to St. Louis to see the head of her Foundling Home. No one doubts her word since they know Monica was, and still is, quite close to Dr. Adamson.

Rick Arrives Home: Rick is quite stunned, to say the least, to see Monica waiting for him at the New York airport. He's even more perplexed by her nervous and tense appearance and the urgency in her voice. Monica sees the questions in Rick's eyes and answers them at once. She tells him she needs his help. She asks him to go along with her lie about the letter. She says if Jeff founds out the truth, he will feel Monica married him on the rebound, which isn't so. Monica married Jeff because she loved him. At first Rick refuses to conspire with Monica saying he never deceived his brother in his life. Jeff is a sweet, trusting guy, and Rick doesn't want to lie to him, especially about his wife. Monica doesn't take no for an answer. Monica keeps at her ex-lover until Rick relents and agrees to confirm her story. Rick also agrees not to tell anyone that Monica met him in New York. Rick's work has always been his sanctuary and now he needs it more than ever. He craves some refuge from this guilt and repressed love (Rick plays it quite cool with Monica) he's now carrying. It's quite a burden, even for the remarkable Dr. Rick Webber. Will General supply the solace he seeks? Unfortunately no, for after Rick observes a surgical procedure, he convinces himself he has lost his skill. Rick later tells Audrey he felt he was a beat behind the surgeon.

Brotherly Love? Jeff has found out the truth. (He learns from the Horse's Mouth---a fair palomino called Monica) that she was in New York with Rick. (It was pretty hard to hide the truth after Jeff reads an inscription on Monica's present to Rick: Engraved on the Pencil Holder is "New York International Airport") Jeff is angry and hurt to be deceived by the two people he loves most in the world. Jeff confronts Rick and tells him he doesn't trust him anymore. "As far as I'm concerned, the brother I said goodbye to, never came back" These words hurt Rick deeply. He never wanted to lie to Jeff and if it wasn't for Monica (and the love he feels for her) he never would have. Rick releases his anger, and frustration by slamming his fist down, hard, on his desk. The office seems to vibrate with pounding. It's a wail of pain and anguish that Rick is unable to vocalize.

When two brothers are as close, or were as close, as the Webber brothers, it's pretty hard to hide things from one another. Rick is trying to do this with Jeff and it's not working out. The only thing he achieves from it is Jeff's animosity. Jeff now totally distrusts his brother. He has forgiven Monica but he can't find it in his heart to do the same for Rick. Holding Monica close, Jeff says, "Rick is hiding something. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling Rick is holding something back; and I can't forgive him for not telling me."

Dr. Monica Webber and Dr. Rick Webber emerge from the Operating Theater. Monica's eyes are glowing and Rick has a confident, happy smile on his face. Pulling Monica close, Rick says, "We did it. We saved that little boy's life." "You saved him, Rick", Monica says. "All I did was make the diagnosis."But if it wasn't for your diagnosis", Rick continues, "Joey wouldn't have made it to the Operating Room." Monica shyly accepts Rick's praise and then says, "Rick, I've made a decision. I want to be a surgeon. I now know it won't be enough for me just to make a diagnosis, I want to be able to correct what I find." She continues, "I'm going to ask Steve if I can transfer to your service."Rick wonders how this decision of Monica's will affect Jeff. They both know how Jeff feels about him (he thinks Rick still desires Monica) and surgery. Jeff gets sick at the sight of blood. Monica says she'll handle Jeff. He'll understand.

Monica is sobbing hysterically. She has just witnessed the death of her first patient, the little boy Rick had operated on a few days ago. She remembers with great pain the events that took place just moments before: the noise and the scurrying as Rick and the Cardiac team tried to pump life back into little Joey, and the exact second when Rick turned to her and told her Joey was dead. The other moments following Joey's death are not so clear. She just knows that somehow she had now found herself standing in the middle of Rick's office. The room's in a blur as she turns around and is locked into immediate eye contact with Rick. She notices something in his eyes, something she thought died for him a long time ago, and she responds instantly to that unmistakable glow. Rick returns her stare with equal fervor, and unable to repress his love any longer, takes Monica in his arms and kisses her long, hard, and passionately. They break from their embrace and the realization of what they have done---what they may have started, hits home.

Rick reacts quickly and sands the flames before they're allowed to grow higher. There's too much at stake. It would be selfish if they were to pursue what is in their hearts and in their souls. Rekindling their romance would be hurting a person they both care very much about, his brother--her husband, Jeff Webber. Monica doesn't agree with Rick's quick-and-easy solution to their problem. She doesn't want to hurt Jeff. She IS in love with him, but she doesn't want to be without Rick either. Monica's frustrated and torn, but determined not to let Rick get away.

Heather Grant is a young woman of 20 who is suffering from a rather extreme case of the "blahs". She's looking for advanture and excitement and decides (once she sees Dr. Peter Taylor's photo on the cover of Men and Women Magazine) that the eminent--and sexy---Dr. Taylor may be able to provide the thrills she seeks. heather is quite resourceful. She manages to wrangle herself a job as a mother's helper to Peter's wife, Diana. Heather blissfully awaits the start of her "new life". She can now kiss her "blahs" goodbye.

While balancing her checking account, Dr. Leslie Faulkner comes across a very interesting cancelled check. The check is for $25,000 and it's made out to Barbara Vining! Cam's check has somehow found its way to Leslie's statement. The room goes into a spin Leslie hangs on to the couch for support. She steadies herself then takes account of her situation. She now knows she has no other choice. There's no more hiding from reality. Cam is possessed by a demon (his possessiveness) and she has to leave before it kills them both. Lesley's plans are thwarted by Cam's untimely appearance. Cam reacts quite violently to Leslie's packed bags. He tells her she's not going anywhere. He's not about to lose on an investment--in face he feels it's about time he got some dividends on this stock! Cam then hurls Leslie on the couch and violently takes possession of her body. The horror isn't over yet. After raping Leslie, Cam tells her he's taking her to their mountain retreat---and she's not leaving until she becomes the "perfect wife!" It looked as though Leslie was in for a long and grueling seige until fate stepped in and gave Leslie her freedom. (Cam is killed instantly when the car they're riding in crashes into a tree). Leslie is rushed to General Hospital.

Monica's soul is aflame with jealousy. She has just learned from Terri that Rick was once very infatuated with Leslie. He even had a pet name for her, he used to call her "Dutchess". At first Monica refuses to believe that another woman could have captured Rick's heart, but when she walks into Leslie's room her worst fears are confirmed. Her heart cries out with pain when her eyes behold this very tender scene: Rick is comforting Leslie, cradling her in his arms and saying softly over and over: "Don't worry Dutchess everything is going to be all right".

Dr. Rex Pierson is out for revenge. He's going to repay Dr. Rick Webber for the sock to the jaw Rick gave him. (Rick punched him after he caught Rex attacking Terri).

Rex's payment is brutal. He induces Mrs. Galvin to slap a malpractice suit on Rick and Monica. (Mrs. Galvin is the mother of the little boy who died. It seems Joey died because Monica failed to notice a blood clot on his leg. It also appears that Rick intentionally didn't note this fact on his medical report. Now Rick's cover-up and Monica's missed diagnosis may result in Rick and Monica going to trial).

In her increasing effort to "better herself", Heather Grant has managed to permanently situate herself in the Taylor home. Diana buys Heather's poor little waif routine (Diana sees a lot of herself in Heather's "act") and Heather capitalizes on Diana's compassion. She knows Diana would hate to lose her and would like nothing better than to help make her life comfortable and happy. It wasn't too hard for Heather to trick Diana into letter her become a live-in mother's helper. Heather is now on her way to that better life she always craved. This "better life" also may include Dr. Jeff Webber. She is very attracted to this tall and handsome doctor--and he fits perfectly into her plan for the good life. A comptuer couldn't have chose a more perfect mate. Watch out Jeff! Watch out Monica! Heather is on her way.

Can Rick and Leslie be the new romantic duo at General? Things seem to be pointing that way. Leslie's trauma seems to have revived Rick's old feelings for her. Rick is providing many hours of comfort and strength for Leslie. He even offers to be with her when she returns to the penthouse--he knows that may be one the the most difficult things Leslie will ever have to do. Will Monica fade into the background? No way! She vows to to give Rick up to that woman. One way or another she's going to part of Rick's life (Monica seems to be forgetting she's a married woman. Jeff may soon be out in the cold)

The old feelings are being revived between Dr. Rick Webber and Dr. Leslie Faulkner. It seems that each passing day brings these former lovers closer and closer together. Rick's friendship and concern has helped Leslie to come to grips with her past--mainly her marriage to Cam. Leslie is very thankful that Rick was the one to help her get through this painful and turbulent time of her life.

Leslie decides to express her thanks by finding Rick an apartment. Leslie is delighted when she learns there is a vacancy in her apartment building. Leslie's heard beats with breathless anticipation as she shows Rick the apartment. She finds it hard to contain her joy when Rick says, "I'll take it." It will be great having her dear friend as a neighbor.

It should come as no surprise that Monica is none too happy to learn that Rick is moving into Leslie's apartment building. Rick's sister-in-law (and past paramour) is quite jealous of Dr. Faulkner. She keeps trying to break Rick and Leslie up, but all her meddling does is get Rick quite angry. He tells her to mind her own business. He's free to do as he pleases. Rick's harsh words do little to stop Monica's scheming. She is very determined that Leslie is never going to have Rick.

Dr. Monica Webber's professional problems may be over for the while (the malpractice suit against her and Rick ahs been dropped), but it seems like her personal problems are just beginning. Her husband, Jeff, has the annoying (to Monica anyway) notion that the time is right for them to have a baby---and he keeps harping on the subject any chance he gets! Monica doesn't share her husband's enthusiastic dream of parenthood. She's madly in love with Jeff's brother, Rick, and if she has any baby it's going to be Rick's. Monica knows it's not going to be an easy matter getting Rick back. Though his heart still beats fast and furious for her, Rick has also told Monica (repeatedly) that he wants her to let their love die. He doesn't want to cause his brother any pain---and that's what will happen if they rekindle their romance. Monica will not go along with Rick's request. her love for him is just too great, and too important to destroy. Monica plots how to get Jeff out of her life.

Jeff wants a house (a little love nest for two); Monica wants a divorce (a cutting of the bonds that keep her from Rick). Jeff is not yet aware, (either is Rick) of Monica's plans. She has given an assumed name to the lawyer with whom she plans to discuss the grounds for a no-fault divorce. Monica feels in her very passionate soul that if she were free of Jeff, Rick would instantly take her back--he wouldn't waste a minute running to her hungry and waiting arms, not to mention the cool crisp sheets of her bed!

Monica may get some unexpected help in her plan from a young attractive woman, who is very anxious to get her "social climbing" hands on Monica's husband. Heather Grant has managed to secure Monica's "Kiss-off" letter from Rick. It's a very informative bit of correspondence, because it not only contains Rick's final good-bye to Monica, but it also states his undying love for this woman--how he'll never be able to get her out of his soul. Heather finds the fact that Rick and Monica were former lovers very interesting. She plots to use this information to her advantage.

Heather now waits for the wheels to turn. She has done her "good deed". She has anonymously passed on to Jeff, Monica's old love letter from Rick (the letter, Monica told Jeff she destroyed). Heather feels Jeff deserves better than a woman who carries around in her purse a love letter from an old boyfriend. She craves to be that "better someone," and hopes that now she'll get the chance. It may not be long now, Heather. The Webber marriage is definitely entering the danger zone and Monica is doing nothing to veer it from this course. She wants Jeff out of her life as much as Heather wants him in hers. Monica is even going so far as to pit brother against brother! (Monica is a wise woman. She knows Rick will never come back into her life as long as he is still very close to Jeff). Monica shows Rick a bruise on her arm. She tells him Jeff physically abused her (the truth is during an argument instigated by Monica, Jeff just grabbed her arm roughly; he didn't realize he was hurting her that much). Will this action of Monica's turn Rick against Jeff?

Oh no! Poor Leslie: It should be a happy moment in a woman's life. It should bring a smile to her face--not fear to the pit of her stomach--when she hears the doctor say the words: "You're going to have a baby." Dr. Leslie Faulkner wishes she could feel joy, she could feel contentment, but knowing that the father of her baby was such an evil man; Leslie feels nothing but revulsion. It also doesn't help when she realizes, with a shudder of remembered horror, that this baby was conceived by rape--the last evil (violent) act Cam did before he died. Leslie contemplates about what to do with this new life growing in her body.

Heather Grant is not a patient young woman  She wants to reach the top of that social ladder in record time.  She wants to have all the power, position, respect (not to mention excitement) that goes with being Mrs. Jeff Webber. Never mind that Jeff is still married, it doesn't take a dummy to realize his marriage to Monica is in trouble.  To trap Jeff, Heather knows all she has to do is be everything Monica isn't--and every chance she gets, Heather is pointing out this difference to Jeff. Jeff's wrung-out emotional state makes it very easy for him to be conned.  It's quite a refreshing change to be with a woman who understands him.

A Grueling Decision for Leslie:  Her heart (and her feelings of what is right) tells her one thing; her mind tells her another.  What is she to do? Leslie fears if she has Cam's baby it will be born inheriting her dead husband's evilness and depravity. She couldn't bring another life like that into the world--but the question is: can she actually destroy a life!  Has she got the guts and the courage to go against her own very strong moral code her very strong belief that; every child has a right to be born.  Leslie's torment is written alll over her face. Her very good friends, Dr. Peter Taylor and Dr. Steve Hardy, spot this anxiety and advise Leslie to go slow on this decision. Don't have an abortion until she's absolutely certain it's the right choice for her.

In the course of one night, Monica and her husband Jeff both have had intimate relations with two very willing members of the opposite sex.  Unable to resist anymore, Rick was very ripe for Monica's pickings.  He fell completely for her "I-was-nearly-attacked-by-my-husband" routine (how was poor, innocent <dumb> Rick to know that Monica ripped her own blouse right before she entered his apartment). Rick was no match for Monica's bravura performance.  Hysterically crying, and shivering with fright, Monica "acted" her way right back into Rick's bed.  She begged Rick not to send her home and he did exactly as she asked. Rick wanted to come clean with Jeff right away (the next morning to be precise), but Monica fearing (quite rightly) that her lie would be found out told Rick she would handle it.  It would be better if Jeff heard the news from her. Rick put his faith in Monica's judgment.  He agreed not to talk to his brother--even though he still felt in his heart, this decision was wrong. What about Jeff?  While his wife and his brother were snuggling in bed, Jeff had his own thing going.  He was soothing his wounded pride and spirit by having intimate relations with Heather.  Not one to miss an opportunity, Heather sensed this was the right time to make her move---the right time to start becoming a very vital part of Jeff's life.  It was obvious he was craving affection--as well as other things--and who better than Heather to give it to him.  Who knows, if she plays her cards right, maybe he'll soon be giving her a lot more.

After their night of passion, Rick tells Monica it could never happen again....not as long as she's still living under the same roof with Jeff.  What does Monica do?  She moves into the Intern Quarters of General Hospital.  She tells Rick Jeff's brutish behavior drove her there.  She says she'll speak to Jeff about a divorce, but she'll have to wait for just the right time.  Jeff may no longer love her, but his very strong ego may not allow him to give her up.  What Monica tells Rick and what is true is another thing.  Jeff still loves Monica, he will never divorce her. Monica plots how to get Jeff to give her what she wants.

When Rick learns his good friend, Leslie, is about to have an abortion, he flies out immediately to New York to stop her.  He knows she can never live with the guild of that decision. Using a bit of psychology (he shows Leslie the newborn babies in the nursery), he proves to Leslie what a wrong move a abortion would be.  Leslie is very thankful to Rick for helping her to make the right decision.  She now looks forward to having her baby!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

One Life to Live, June, July 1977

June, July 1977

Will admitted his love to a shocked Jenny, who asked Jim for a transfer. Dorian tried to convince Joe not to tell Vicki he's undergoing aneurism tests. Tony told Pat that Cathy agreed to a divorce and that he'll get it in the Virgin Islands. Karen and Larry are on the outs after she took Danny to Brad's health club opening, where Danny was injured. Jenny resisted Brad's advances, while Naomi suspected something's up between Jenny and Will. Will advised Pat to hold off telling Brian that Tony is his father. Cathy signed the divorce papers and joined Larry in work at the free clinic. Rebuffed by Jenny and knowing she can't ever marry him, Brad turned to Lana. Naomi told Will he'd regret it if he tried to get a separation. Brad confronted Will about Will's relationship with Jenny. Joe must go to New York for extensive tests. Dorian pressured Joe not to tell Vicki he has brain damage and a possible tumor. Dorian had an affair with Marco as a romantic replacement for Joe. Will packed his bags after rejecting Naomi's suggestion of a reconciliation. In a ploy to win back Will, Naomi planned a suicide attempt, confident that Brad would find her in time; but she died before anyone reached her.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Edge of Night, April 17 to July 7, 1978

APRIL 17-21, 1978:

Miles learned that Denise has been spying on Nicole. Denise concocted a fake terminal illness in order to keep Miles from divorcing her.
Geraldine made secret plans to fly Raven to New York for the abortion.

APRIL 24 - 28, 1978:
Logan followed Raven to New York after she tipped him off that she's pregnant with his child. Miles fell for Denise's fake record of a terminal
illness, which was supplied by her father Dr. Gus Norwood. Winter realized that Logan and Raven were an item, but that didn't stop her
from pursuing him. April suggested to a skeptical Miles that Denise is probably faking her illness to hold on to their marriage.

MAY 1 - 5, 1978:
Raven panicked and wanted to leave for Europe when her doctor informed her it's too late for an abortion. Geraldine insisted that Raven tell
Kevin the truth. Denise conned Miles into spending her "last days" with her. Miles resigned from Roper's Clinic, as did Nurse Teresa Worthington,
because David is marrying an old girlfriend. Raney was jealous that Deborah graduated the police academy and accepted a date to the policeman's
ball with Steve. Mike decided to return to the crime commission.

MAY 8 - 12, 1978:
Kevin learned by accident that Raven is pregnant, and realizing the implications, moved out. Denise framed Carol and had her fired after
disconnecting oxygen from a patient and blaming Carol. Miles hired Tree as Denise's nurse. Logan dated Winter. Raney suggested to Chip
that Saxon needs to get Mike Karr off his back.

MAY 15 - 19, 1978:
Raven ran to Logan when Kevin left her, but Logan rebuffed her. Raven fumed that Logan is dating Winter, and tried to reconcile with Kevin, who
refused to see her. Denise continued to plot against Miles and Nicole. April and Draper were stunned when April learned that she's pregnant.
Mike answered his front door to a man wearing a Halloween mask, who threw a chemical in Mike's face.

MAY 22 - 26, 1978:
Mike was blinded in the chemical attack, and doctors weren't hopeful his vision would return due to extensive corneal damage. Saxon wanted to
know if Raney was responsible for the attack on Mike, but Raney denied any knowledge of the incident. Raven begged Geraldine for help in
reuniting with Kevin, then taunted April with the lie that Draper fathered her baby. Steve and Deborah argued about her father's possible
involvement in Mike's attack.

MAY 29 - JUNE 2, 1978:
Raven and Kevin reconciled to save his political career. Tony Saxon was suspected of being behind Mike's blinding. Deborah insisted that
she'll prove her father's innocence and refused to work on the case with Steve. April had pregnancy problems but kept quiet regarding
Raven's story about Draper fathering her baby, too. Tree shared April's suspicions that Denise isn't really terminally ill. Miles decided to
run additional tests to verify the veracity of Dr. Norwood's diagnosis.

JUNE 5 - 9, 1978:
Raney proposed marriage to Deborah, who turned him down. Deborah and Tony realized that Chip was responsible for blinding
Mike. Winter learned about Raven's pregnancy. Deborah broke into Chip's apartment, searching for clues to Mike's attack, and Chip
caught her. Denise panicked when she learned that Miles is re-running her tests, but Gus reassured Denise that he'll make sure that
Miles gets the same results.

JUNE 12 - 16, 1978:
Chip realized that Deborah knew he was behind Mike's blinding and took her hostage. Raney followed Chip and Deborah to a parking garage,
where Raney and Chip engaged in a violent shootout that left Chip dead. Deborah told Saxon and the police that Raney saved her life. April
revealed her pregnancy to Miles and Denise. Tree confided to April that Denise is faking her illness. Later, after Miles confirmed that Denise
is dying, April overheard Gus and Denise laughing about how they managed to trick him.

JUNE 19 - 23, 1978:
April confronted Denise, and after threatening to expose all of Denise's lies, April tumbled down a flight of stairs during a struggle with Denise.
Miles and Tree saved April, who was clinically dead after falling down the stairs. Draper and April grieved over the baby April lost.. Nancy was
upset that Mike remained on the crime commission, despite being attacked and blinded. Deborah accepted Raney's diamond ring, but
warned him that it isn't a token of engagement. Ben told Nicole that he loves her. Denise plotted to smother April, but her plan was thwarted.

JUNE 26 - 30, 1978:
Miles overheard a conversation between Denise and Gus that exposed her lies, but the joke was on Denise when Gus admitted that he
never falsified the lab report, so Denise really is dying. No one believed Denise's new tale. Denise plotted to take Miles to the grave with
her rather than let Nicole have him. Mike began therapy to adjust to blindness after his bandages were removed. April learned that the
fall and miscarriage have left her unable to have children, and she blamed Denise. Nicole rebuffed Ben's advances, opting to wait for Miles.

JULY 3 - 7, 1978:
Gus caught Denise, who stole drugs from him and attempted to poison Miles. While arguing with Denise about her monstrous plans, Gus
collapsed. April recalled having an out-of-body experience after the fall and insisted that she's having clairvoyant visions of the future.
Tony was unhappy that Deborah accepted Raney's ring. Miles and Nicole were reunited. Draper feared that April is becoming unhinged.
Denise decided to kill herself and make it appear Miles murdered her so that he could have Nicole.

Edge of Night 1979: May, June & first half of July

MAY 1979:

In court, Cliff presented as evidence a videotape that showed a back view of a woman approaching Wade's body moments after he was shot. Facing the camera, the woman was unmistakably Winter, but Winter vehemently denied being there. Eliot remodeled his new club with the help of French chef Antoine, Margo's lackey. Deborah speculated that the robbery at Margo's penthouse was an inside job. Upon examining Cliff's videotape, Mike realized that the woman who shot Wade was wearing a different kind of coat collar than the one witnesses had testified seeing Winter wear.

During his closing summation, Draper suggested to the jury that Tank had murdered Wade and chroma-keyed the videotape with shots of Winter taken a different day to make Winter appear to be the killer. Eliot insisted to Antoine and Margo that he would be the sole manager of the nightclub. Margo encouraged April to take a job at WMON. April and a reluctant Draper went house hunting. The jury acquitted Winter in Wade's murder, and after the trial, Winter lamented to Logan that she did everything for him.

Tank resurfaced and attempted to force Winter to leave Monticello with him. Steve and Deborah arrived while Tank held Winter at gunpoint. Steve chased Tank onto the roof of Winter's apartment building. During a shootout, Tank slipped over the edge of the roof, but before Steve could get to him, Winter caused Tank to fall his death. Later, Winter remembered murdering Wade because he taunted her that she would never be free of him. Tank had assisted Winter in covering up the crime because she promised him that she would go away with him after everything was over. Tank's death convinced everyone that he had been solely responsible for Wade's murder. Margo paid off a real-estate dealer to give April and Draper a "discount" house. Eliot hired Mickey Dials as his bartender at The Unicorn. Calvin recalled that he once arrested Mickey's teenage brother Joey. April urged Draper to defend Paige Madison, a young heiress who was arrested on a weapons-conspiracy charge.

Logan and Raven were married. Nicole was suspicious after discovering that the videotape Tank used to superimpose shots of Winter onto the tape of Wade's murder was dated the same night Wade was killed. Winter, who insisted the shots of her were taken another night, suggested to Nicole that it was misdated. April and Eliot learned that Margo had secretly paid off the real estate broker for April and Draper's new house. Cliff looked forward to prosecuting the Paige Madison case while Logan and Raven honeymooned. Worried that Nicole will discover her secret, Winter tried to kill Nicole with sleeping pills stolen from Mrs. Goodman.

JUNE 1979

Winter's plan to kill Nicole failed when the sleeping pills turned out to be placebos prescribed by Miles. Winter decided to invent a deranged stalker and sent Nicole poison pen letters. Margo introduced Owen Madison and his daughter Paige to Draper as potential clients. Deborah turned down Steve's marriage proposal because it would interfere with her career. Calvin lamented that his relationship with Star is going nowhere. Joey Dials was arrested for rowdy behavior.

Cliff tried to get romantic with Deborah after she and Steve broke up over her refusal to marry. Paige took an interest in Draper. Winter lied that she saw a mysterious man lurking around the Cavanaugh home and may be the man who is sending Nicole threatening notes. Joey bought a gun and plotted to rob a stranger, but he couldn't go through with it. Nicole received a note threatening her life that was signed in blood.

Draper accepted the Paige Madison case. Sara was jealous that Eliot ignored her when Eliot took an interest in Raven instead. Cliff learned that he will prosecute Paige's case. Winter trapped Nicole at WMON and confessed that she had indeed murdered Wade. Nicole escaped into the studio rafters with Winter in pursuit. As the two struggled on a high catwalk, one plunged over the railing.

Winter fell off a catwalk while trying to stab Nicole. Winter was rushed to the hospital, and before she died, she begged Logan to admit that he still loved her, but he didn't. Paige was disturbed when her half-brother Brian arrived. Margo got fed up with being ignored by Eliot, who continued to sleep with Sara on the sly. Eliot daydreamed about Raven, too. Raven was fascinated by Eliot's flirting. Joey and an accomplice attempted to rob a convenience store and was pursued by Steve and Deborah. Joey pulled a gun on Steve, who shot him to death. Steve left to help Deborah, who was overpowered by Joey's accomplice. When Steve and Deborah arrived back on the scene, Mickey informed them that Joey's gun was actually a cap pistol. Steve was devastated that he killed an unarmed teenager.

The Madisons were stunned when Owen's wife Nola arrived unexpectedly after checking herself out of a "drying out" spa. Paige agreed to turn state's evidence against her revolutionary cohorts if brother Brian would stay in Monticello. Brian feared that Paige's testimony would put her life in danger. Flattery got Eliot everything he wanted from a willing Raven. Sara learned about Eliot's relationship with Raven and threatened to tell Margo, unless Eliot continues to visit her bedroom, too. A guilt-ridden Steve quit the police force and became a cab driver.

JULY 1979

Margo hired April as her assistant at WMON, annoying Draper. April discovered Eliot and Sara in bed together at Margo's penthouse and threatened to tell Margo. Eliot fired Sara, promised to be faithful, and convinced April to keep quiet for Margo's sake. Paige's former revolutionary friends fired a shot at her. Raven dropped Jamey off with April while cavorting with Eliot. Draper was annoyed over April's willingness to take Jamey. Owen tried to hire Steve as Paige's bodyguard, though Paige insists she's not in any danger. Later, she was nearly killed by another gunshot. Paige secretly met with former gang member Jed, who assured her that their leader Tobias doesn't want to kill her. Tobias later told Jed that they have to get rid of Paige. Nola forced Owen to fire their housekeeper Edith, who caught Nola guzzling more liquor. Raven and Elliot plotted a weekend together with their mates at Palace Park, a couples resort. Calvin followed Paige to the Electric Balloon disco, where a scream rang out on the dance floor. Calvin saved Paige from another assassination attempt. The assailant attempted to stab Calvin in the back, but was electrocuted to death when the knife struck an electrical transformer. Paige finally realized that she's in serious danger and agreed to have Steve as her bodyguard. Owen realized that Nola is hitting the bottle again.