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Sunday, April 6, 2014

March 20, 1978

 ALL MY CHILDREN: Carl married Nancy while on his deathbed. During his delirium, Caroline heard him confess that Nancy’s baby is Frank's. Donna and Chuck were reunited and he suggested corrective surgery for Donna’s condition. Brooke turned her sights from Danny to Tom. Erica snagged Nick one last time, then he bid adieu. Ellen vacillated between Mark and Paul who is divorcing Ann. Linc canceled Claudette’s redecorating plans, but she swore to Nick she'd snag him one way or another. Phil found Tara in Chuck's comforting arms.

ONE LIFE TO LIVE:  Jenny gave Brad money to repay Dorian. But pimp Aldo stole it while Brad was busy with prostitute Rita. Brad forced Sam to report that it was stolen. Karen told Larry that her new possessions (the stolen jewelry from Aldo)  were gifts from Dorian. Marco spotted Karen pawning the goods and threatened blackmail. Edwina learned Becky’s real last name is Jackson. Dr. Jack Scott arrived. Dorian left for a New York trip instead of leveling with Peter and Lynn about her lies. Sam flirted with different men in front of Tony.

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Gary and Gina were married but Gary wants to move to San Francisco. David framed Monica for leaking his land deal information, by slipping files into her briefcase, which Alan discovered. Bobbi suggested to Scotty that David is Laura’s secret love. Laura denied it although she was going heavy with David on the sly. Bobbi had two new meal tickets when Jessie offered to live together and Lamont gave her a watch for extra nursing services. Lamont and Dan Rooney suspected that Mark squealed to the press about Lamont’s condition during the stock manipulation period. Susan remarked that hospitals remind her of her ex-husband, Dr. Lyle Abbott.

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