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Monday, April 7, 2014

All My Children February thru April, 1977

ALL MY CHILDREN:  (February 1 -- April 22, 1977)

Jeff was taken in by Erica's apparent change, but she eyed Danny's music teacher, Mark Dalton. Linc and Kitty found Mrs. Lum in Hollywood. Phil's police partner, Clay Watson, courted Caroline. Dr. Christina felt guilty about consulting Paul (attorney) professionally after Anne's accusations about faulty medical care of Beth. Chuck insisted Little Phil, after suffering an asthma attack, couldn't move in with Phil and Tara. Phoebe accused Christina of trying to ruin Paul and Anne's marriage. Charles begged Ann to rehire Dr. Christina when Beth contracted a fever. Donna changed her image with a new haircut. Kitty developed spells of blurred vision. Joe was suspicious of Brooke and Danny when she asked for a birth control pill prescription. Nick told Erica she may hate being his sex object but not enough to stop seeing him. Joe suggested that Kitty's illness is not physical and she should consult analyst Dr. Polk. Phoebe fumed about Donna's involvement in Chuck and Little Phil's lives. Kitty came to Myrtle's defense when Phoebe threatened to send Myrtle back to the streets. Anne went off the deep end when she discovered Beth died while Paul baby-sat. Joe suspected it was a crib death, and Clay suggested it might have been negligent murder. After catching Benny fooling around with the upstairs maid, Brooke agreed to go on a weekend trip with Danny. Phil bristled at Chuck's idea that Donna be hired as little Phil's nursemaid. But the kid decided to live with Tara after fearing he'd die like Beth. Joe's autopsy confirmed that Beth died of natural causes, but Anne blamed Paul. Phoebe got strung out on booze. Chuck begged Donna to cancel a date with Benny for one with him. Dr. Polk concluded that Kitty's blind spells are physical, not psychological, possibly caused by a brain tumor. Anne considered suicide after Beth's funeral. Clay warned Phil to beware of keeping his gun within little Phil's reach. Brooke was delighted when she and Danny arrived at their vacation ski lodge and had to share a room. Phil and Tara had a tiff about punishing little Phil for playing with Phil's gun. Chuck gave Donna his mother's necklace fo rher birthday but their date was ruined when a former client confronted her. Kitty was diagnosed as having a rare neurological disease which may be terminal. Frank warned Chuck to take it slow with Donna since she's falling in love. Tara's pregnant. Christina realized she's having spells during which she reverts to childhood rebellion against her father. Charles urged her to keep her private practice rather than go into research. Anne insisted she return from her vacation with Paul to be with Beth. Donna rejected Phoebe's bribe to leave town. Frank had an attack while arguing with Nancy about their divorce; he was taken to the hospital, and she went to his side despite Carl's objections. Charles suspected someone from pediatrics had removed drugs and placed a doll where  medicine should have been. Dr. Christina's ghost accused her of tampering with the drugs. While on police duty, Clay was fatally shot and Phil was critically injured. Mona feared that Mark's mother was Mona's late husband's secretary, who had an illegitimate child, which would mean that Mark and Erica are half brother and sister. Phoebe confronted Brooke and Danny about their love weekend. Brooke snapped out the information that her birth control pills were for her complexion. Jeff advised Tara to consider an abortion rather than go through a pregnancy under stress.

(April 25, 1977---first hour-long episode)

David Thornton returned and joined the surgeons who operated on Phil. Benny taunted Brooke after Danny assumed she's having an affair with Benny. Kitty and Linc recommended psychiatric help because they realized Ann is losing her mind. Harlan Tucker consulted Kate about his daughter's return to Pine Valley. Christina's ghost accused her of "letting that boy die."

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