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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 10, 1978

RYAN'S HOPE: Dee and Pat's fellow cruise passenger, Howard Simpson, whose wife is seasick, learned that Dee isn't blind and blackmailed her into sharing onboard hanky-panky. Frank was jealous after Rae set it up to look as though she and Seneca are dating. The immigration office breathed down Tom's neck and Tom saw a way out through marriage to Faith.

ALL MY CHILDREN: Erica nudged Brooke out of her job with Tom. David warned Jeff to stay away from Edna when he learned she went to Jeff for medical Advice about her illness. Donna's surgery is scheduled for next week. Myrtle called Linc and swore she saw Kitty alive. To avoid Ray's custody threats, Ruth prepared to send Tad away. Phil stormed out when Chuck and Tara met to discuss Little Phil without Big Phil's approval. Edna flaunted to Chris that David called off the divorce action, but Chris insisted she is finished with David. Paul received word that Ann's mental condition is hopeless.

ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Karen skipped meeting one of Marco's clients in favor of celebrating a wedding anniversary with Larry, but Marco kept her in line by threatening to blow the whistle to Cathy who'd then move in on Larry. Joe trailed Vinnie to calm Wanda's doubts about another woman. Joe found Vinnie in drag during and undercover assignment. Dorian came to blows with Edwina and Jim because they publicized Jack's arrival without consulting her. Will paid off Brad's debt to Dorian. Pam didn't fall for Dorian's line about Lynn's instability. Jack gave Ed and Sadie the cold shoulder but blinked when he met Carla. Aldo attempted to steal the ring from Cathy but failed.

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Laura pleaded with Mrs. Grant not to squeal to Lesley about Laura's affair with David. Heather was on pins and needles when P.J. contracted an infection and was rushed to emergency. Katy consulted Howard about her divorce from Lamont. Mark insisted on leaving Lamont's case. Lamont set up Mark by pumping secret money into Mark's account.

EDGE OF NIGHT: Kevin blew the whistle on crime commission members and he was fired. Denise spied on Nicole, Timmy Farraday saw her briefly and had visions she was his dead mother (Serena). April and Draper were married. Raven announced to a shocked Geraldine that she's pregnant.

Late April 1978

RYAN’S HOPE: Frank asked Jill to marry him before the campaign, while Rae admitted to Polly that she’s fallen hard for Frank. Pat and the Ryans washed their hands of Dee after Roger spilled the beans about Dee’s year-old lie about a miscarriage. Dee’s hysterical suicide threats didn’t faze anyone but sympathetic Roger.

ALL MY CHILDREN: Brooke and Erica muscled each other in efforts to win Tom. Myrtle finally met Kelly who admitted being born in Pine Valley but didn’t know anyone named Kitty. Kelly agreed to go there after she was fired from a singing engagement. Benny interceded when Billy Clyde threatened to give Estelle the works for reading the Bible to an ill Maggie when she should have been hustling. Christina told Frank she’ll accept Jeff’s proposal as soon as he returns from a business trip. David was halted by Dottie’s presence from finishing off Edna. Phoebe told Charles she’s regained feelings in her legs since he’s been treating her.

ONE LIFE TO LIFE: Becky’s husband, Luke, packed his bags and headed for Llanview after learning of Becky's whereabouts via Edwina’s newspaper story. Samantha convinced Will not to blab to police about Brad’s death-night connection with Lana. Lynn (Melinda) got closer to Peter and nixed Dorian’s offer to be sent to Europe. Talbot bought Karen’s favors. Jim had a case of what appeared to be fatigue. Carla resented Jack taking work advantage of her.

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Lamont failed to win points by telling Katy that Dorrie spent evenings with Mark. Katy believed Mark when he insisted it was only loving friendship. Laura suspected that David is making time with Monica but he said it was just business. Gary didn’t receive a staff appointment at the hospital and reconsidered Lamont’s offer. Gail refused to listen to Monica when she advised Gail not to let Lee slip away.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT: Logan followed Raven on her New York abortion trip after she tipped him off that it’s his child. Miles fell for the fake record on Denise’s health that her insurance supplied by her accomplice father, Gus. Winter realized Logan and Raven were an item but that didn't stop her from dating Logan.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Feb thru April 1977, One Life to Live & General Hospital

ONE LIFE TO LIVE:  During a visit from Tony, Cathy remembered their marriage. Vicki and Joe had agreed their marriage was over until they learned of Cathy's breakthrough. Naomi pushed Brad to be more aggressive with Jenny. Pat told Tony Cathy knew of Brian's paternity. Kevin is being cared for by the couple Cathy left him with, but they're reluctant to call the police. Larry dated a new doctor, Gail Dexter, but later tore Karen away from Alan. Vicki advised Larry to marry Karen but Danny didn't like the idea. Vinnie feared that Joe's health is deteriorating. Tony told Pat he couldn't marry her until Cathy is well. Cathy made a drawing of the lady she left Kevin with, but couldn't remember who she was. The woman who is caring for Kevin ignored newscasts about Cathy and the kidnapping because she wants to keep the child. Brad advised Jenny to seek Will's help for her sexual hangups. Vicki is suspicious of Joe's dependence on Dorian. Matt turned to Dorian when Joe fired him after Matt tried to tempt Joe with a bottle of booze. Karen told Lana that she thinks she's pregnant. Cathy assured Will that Pat won't be able to use Brian to take Tony away from her. Dorian received a tip about Kevin's whereabouts, but kept her mouth shut until she could use it to her advantage. Matt forced Dorian to talk Joe into rehiring him, but it was no go. Larry and Karen argued about her extravagant wedding plans. Vicki learned that Cathy's on the verge of total recall. Joe and Vicki separated. Karen was alarmed when Marco Dane, her ex-boyfriend and an ex-convict, arrived in town. Matt rushed to California to find Kevin and bring him back to Joe -- a ploy to get his job back. Dorian put Brad in touch with her rich friend, Peggy Filmore, as a possible tennis club investor, but Peggy had more intimate plans for Brad. Dorian's detective traced Mrs. MacGruder and Kevin to Minneapolis. Karen agreed to pay Marco his hush money not to reveal that they'd once been arrested (she got off with a light sentence after informing against Marco). Peggy gave Brad a $5,000 check and a lot of loving. Karen tried everything, including a futile seduction, to get Marco to leave town. She married Larry despite Marco's threats. Cathy remembered she had left Kevin with the MacGruders, who were followed by the police to Minneapolis. Dorian told Joe that her investigator was responsible for locating the baby. Joe was hospitalized after a drunken brawl. He learned from Jim that Mary MacGruder had returned baby Kevin to Vicki, who grew overly concerned for the baby's welfare. Jenny and Brad's intimacy was interrupted by a drunken Lana. Naomi was shocked by daughter Samantha's views on love and children without marriage. Vicki agreed to a tentative reconciliation with Joe. But the Rileys were at odds about whether to drop the charges against Cathy. Tony comforted Cathy. Karen and Larry's honeymoon was constantly interrupted by Marco. Vicki hired a 24-hour guard to protect her baby.  Charges against Cathy were dropped. Will wanted to release her but Tony was reluctant to live with her. Vicki received a crank call that Cathy (or somebody else) may kidnap Kevin again. Cathy moved back with Tony, but he slept on a cot in the club. Marco tried to put the make on Samantha, while taunting Karen with the idea that they could "play house." Matt complained to Pat that he's getting nowhere with Dorian.


Mary Ellen was released for the sanitarium and seduced Mark. Monica's friend, Gail Adamson, accepted a job at the hospital. Jeff and Monica were reconciled, but she intends to get back with Rick. Tom considered seeking full custody of Tommy. Jeff told Heather he can't marry her, even though she's pregnant with his child, because he reconciled with Monica. Mary Ellen pulled a sympathy act before Mark could tell her about his involvement with Terri. Gina learned Jill's hitting the bottle. Monica found Jeff with Heather. Lesley and Rick urged Laura to return home with them, but Laura's commune leader, Buck, threatened Lesley saying he'd keep Laura by force.... but both Laura and Lesley were rescued by Rick before any danger occurred. Jeff and Monica's reunion failed. Gina promised not to tell Adam Streeter that Jill had injured herself while drunk. Tom complained to Terri about his custody fights with Audrey over Tommy. Steve begged Mark to defend his own past to the board of directors. Heather took an overdose of pills. After returning with Laura, Lesley asked for time to consider Rick's marriage proposal. Mary Ellen caught Mark and Terri in an embrace, then bribed her chauffeur to tamper with the brakes on Terri's car. Everyone thought Heather took an overdose of sleeping pills but she had faked it with vitamins to get sympathy from Jeff. She also plotted to get money from the Taylors, who offered to raise her baby. Monica learned of Rick's marriage proposal to Lesley. Mark Dante was reinstated as chief of neurosurgery. Mary Ellen was in a frenzy until Terri's car was found at the bottom of a cliff in flames. An unconcious Terri later was found near the wreckage. Jill decided to befriend Gina to find the best way to discredit her to Adam. Diana and Peter's adopted son Mike insisted that his biological parents aren't dead. Terri developed cerebral hematoma. Mark grew suspicious of what happened between her and Mary Ellen the day of Terri's accident. Steve was frustrated because he couldn't comfort Jeff as a father. Peter learned that Mike blamed himself for the fire that killed his parents. Dr. Mariner was called to operate on Terri, but Mary Ellen plotted with Lenny to force the doctor's car off the road to delay his arrival, and Mark operated instead. Heather rejected Jeff's offer to adopt her baby, but accepted his money. Monica grew suspicious, but Heather insisted the father of her baby is a schoolmate. Mary Ellen was thrown for a loop when Mark successfully operated on Terri, who briefly regained consciousness. Lesley agreed to marry Rick, who asked Monica to be his resident. Jeff was shocked to learn Heather plans to give their child up for adoption. Gina was pestered with calls from her old boyfriend, Gary, but insisted she'd never forgive him. Gail admitted she finds Lee attractive. Diana's mother was admitted to the hospital for tests. Mary Ellen sneaked into Terri's room and learned she doesn't remember the accident. Terminally ill Dr. Namath pulled his own respirator out. Tommy decided to fake an illness to reunite Tom and Audrey. Lesley found out she's pregnant and agreed to marry, but she and Rick decided to keep their engagement a secret. After a fight with Monica, Lesley fell down a flight of stairs and lost the baby. Terri developed vision and object identification problems. Mike's aunt, Pat Lambert returned and began stirring up trouble for the Taylors. Lesley learned she has uterine damage and told Rick she cannot get married now. Audrey was furious when Steve suggested Tommy is faking his illness.

Monday, April 7, 2014

All My Children February thru April, 1977

ALL MY CHILDREN:  (February 1 -- April 22, 1977)

Jeff was taken in by Erica's apparent change, but she eyed Danny's music teacher, Mark Dalton. Linc and Kitty found Mrs. Lum in Hollywood. Phil's police partner, Clay Watson, courted Caroline. Dr. Christina felt guilty about consulting Paul (attorney) professionally after Anne's accusations about faulty medical care of Beth. Chuck insisted Little Phil, after suffering an asthma attack, couldn't move in with Phil and Tara. Phoebe accused Christina of trying to ruin Paul and Anne's marriage. Charles begged Ann to rehire Dr. Christina when Beth contracted a fever. Donna changed her image with a new haircut. Kitty developed spells of blurred vision. Joe was suspicious of Brooke and Danny when she asked for a birth control pill prescription. Nick told Erica she may hate being his sex object but not enough to stop seeing him. Joe suggested that Kitty's illness is not physical and she should consult analyst Dr. Polk. Phoebe fumed about Donna's involvement in Chuck and Little Phil's lives. Kitty came to Myrtle's defense when Phoebe threatened to send Myrtle back to the streets. Anne went off the deep end when she discovered Beth died while Paul baby-sat. Joe suspected it was a crib death, and Clay suggested it might have been negligent murder. After catching Benny fooling around with the upstairs maid, Brooke agreed to go on a weekend trip with Danny. Phil bristled at Chuck's idea that Donna be hired as little Phil's nursemaid. But the kid decided to live with Tara after fearing he'd die like Beth. Joe's autopsy confirmed that Beth died of natural causes, but Anne blamed Paul. Phoebe got strung out on booze. Chuck begged Donna to cancel a date with Benny for one with him. Dr. Polk concluded that Kitty's blind spells are physical, not psychological, possibly caused by a brain tumor. Anne considered suicide after Beth's funeral. Clay warned Phil to beware of keeping his gun within little Phil's reach. Brooke was delighted when she and Danny arrived at their vacation ski lodge and had to share a room. Phil and Tara had a tiff about punishing little Phil for playing with Phil's gun. Chuck gave Donna his mother's necklace fo rher birthday but their date was ruined when a former client confronted her. Kitty was diagnosed as having a rare neurological disease which may be terminal. Frank warned Chuck to take it slow with Donna since she's falling in love. Tara's pregnant. Christina realized she's having spells during which she reverts to childhood rebellion against her father. Charles urged her to keep her private practice rather than go into research. Anne insisted she return from her vacation with Paul to be with Beth. Donna rejected Phoebe's bribe to leave town. Frank had an attack while arguing with Nancy about their divorce; he was taken to the hospital, and she went to his side despite Carl's objections. Charles suspected someone from pediatrics had removed drugs and placed a doll where  medicine should have been. Dr. Christina's ghost accused her of tampering with the drugs. While on police duty, Clay was fatally shot and Phil was critically injured. Mona feared that Mark's mother was Mona's late husband's secretary, who had an illegitimate child, which would mean that Mark and Erica are half brother and sister. Phoebe confronted Brooke and Danny about their love weekend. Brooke snapped out the information that her birth control pills were for her complexion. Jeff advised Tara to consider an abortion rather than go through a pregnancy under stress.

(April 25, 1977---first hour-long episode)

David Thornton returned and joined the surgeons who operated on Phil. Benny taunted Brooke after Danny assumed she's having an affair with Benny. Kitty and Linc recommended psychiatric help because they realized Ann is losing her mind. Harlan Tucker consulted Kate about his daughter's return to Pine Valley. Christina's ghost accused her of "letting that boy die."

Sunday, April 6, 2014

March 20, 1978

 ALL MY CHILDREN: Carl married Nancy while on his deathbed. During his delirium, Caroline heard him confess that Nancy’s baby is Frank's. Donna and Chuck were reunited and he suggested corrective surgery for Donna’s condition. Brooke turned her sights from Danny to Tom. Erica snagged Nick one last time, then he bid adieu. Ellen vacillated between Mark and Paul who is divorcing Ann. Linc canceled Claudette’s redecorating plans, but she swore to Nick she'd snag him one way or another. Phil found Tara in Chuck's comforting arms.

ONE LIFE TO LIVE:  Jenny gave Brad money to repay Dorian. But pimp Aldo stole it while Brad was busy with prostitute Rita. Brad forced Sam to report that it was stolen. Karen told Larry that her new possessions (the stolen jewelry from Aldo)  were gifts from Dorian. Marco spotted Karen pawning the goods and threatened blackmail. Edwina learned Becky’s real last name is Jackson. Dr. Jack Scott arrived. Dorian left for a New York trip instead of leveling with Peter and Lynn about her lies. Sam flirted with different men in front of Tony.

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  Gary and Gina were married but Gary wants to move to San Francisco. David framed Monica for leaking his land deal information, by slipping files into her briefcase, which Alan discovered. Bobbi suggested to Scotty that David is Laura’s secret love. Laura denied it although she was going heavy with David on the sly. Bobbi had two new meal tickets when Jessie offered to live together and Lamont gave her a watch for extra nursing services. Lamont and Dan Rooney suspected that Mark squealed to the press about Lamont’s condition during the stock manipulation period. Susan remarked that hospitals remind her of her ex-husband, Dr. Lyle Abbott.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

March 29-April 2, 1978

RYAN’S HOPE: Dee delightedly informed Pat that Faith is living with Tom, and not as a nursemaid. Rae engineered a political meeting during which Seneca and Jill fought verbally. Rae gloated that Jill quit a campaign committee. Dee and Pat departed for vacation and Pat contemplated life with Dee out of the way. Tom received a letter from the immigration office.

ALL MY CHILDREN: Erica threw caution to the winds after Nick’s exit and moved in on Tom. Chuck arranged for Donna to consult with Dr. Clayder about an operation that may restore her repro- ductive system. Ruth postponed adopting Tad and going against Ray since he now claims that Tad’s mother is still alive. Edna’s condition worsened after David slipped her more pills. Brooke insisted that Danny tell Devon that he's back with Brooke. Donna and Phil were jealous of the time Chuck and Tara innocently spent together. Ellen invited Paul to dinner without Mark's knowledge.

 ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Jack’s pompous manner ruffled Dorian’s feathers. Dorian claimed that Melinda’s losing her sanity again and denied telling Lynn there was a fling with Peter. Karen was forced into prostitution by pimp- blackmailer Marco. Edwina scared the daylights out of Becky by sending an anonymous letter using Becky’s real last name. Becky assumed it was sent by her sadistic, secret husband, Luke. Before he left for a tennis tournament, Brad dealt with Aldo to steal Lana-Naomi’s ring from Cathy in ex­ change for Aldo’s heist of Brad’s loot. Pat returned to work at The Banner. Dr Aldridge suggested Lynn consult Pam as a therapist.

 GENERAL HOSPITAL: Lamont threatened to ruin Mark's career and expose his affair with Katy. Dan Rooney had kept a record of their meetings. Monica and Alan realized she had been set up as a suspect in the land-purchase deal. Heather and Susan reconciled their childhood jealousies but Susan is still interested in Jeff. Dan Rooney accused Mark of leaking stock information during Lamont's illness. Rick and Lesley made plans for a New York business trip.