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June Videos

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Who-Wore-What: Dallas & Falcon Crest Friday Night Fashions (Nov 1, & Nov 7 1985)


Dallas 1985:  They wanted Diana Ross, but they cast Barbara Carrera instead

Dallas, November 1, and 7, 1985:  Barbara Carrera makes her debut, and here's what she wore for her very first episodes:

Dallas Nov 1, 1985

Dallas, November 7, 1985

Falcon Crest, November 1, and 7, 1985

All Fashions seen here, can be found on


Want more Fashions?

Thursday, November 2, 2023

November Videos

Updated 24-Hour Live Feed

☽     ☽     ☽    ☽     ☽    ☽  ☽   ☽   ☽

4am   Peyton Place 1 to 100     101 to 174  

4:30am   180 to 280     281 to 398        

5am     381 to 480     Peyton Place 481 to 512 

6am      Ryan's Hope, October 1976    Ryan's Hope November 1976         

       🌅     🌅    🌅     🌅    🌅   🌅   🌅   🌅   🌅   🌅

7am          Ryan's Hope (before Rae) early September 1977                      

                 Ryan's Hope (with Rae) mid-to-late September 1977

                    Ryan's Hope, October 1977

Ryan's Hope Nov 1977

8am         Ryan's Hope September 1978   Ryan's Hope, October 1978

Ryan's Hope Nov 1978

9am         Ryan's Hope, September 1979   Ryan's Hope, October 1979

Ryan's Hope Nov 1979

10am     Ryan's Hope September 1980        Ryan's Hope, October 1980

Ryan's Hope November 1980                        

11am    Ryan's Hope Sept 1981  Ryan's Hope, October 1981  Ryan's Hope November 1981

12noon   All My (1982) Children     A     l     l            M     y             C    H   i   L   d   R  e N

                      ALL (Full Episodes) M y  (1983) C H i L d R e N



 As The World Turns

ONE Sept 1977  LiFE  Oct 1977 TO  Nov 1977 LiVE 



2pm         General Hospital Nov 1977       General Hospital Nov 1978       

 General Hospital, Nov 1979  General Hospital, Oct 1980  General Hospital Nov 1980


Guiding Light

4pm    General Hospital Nov 1981    General Hospital Videos, November 1983
 ☽       ☽     ☽    ☽     ☽    ☽  ☽     ☽       ☽     

5pm      Your Favorite Nighttime Soap



     Dynasty Season 1 Full Episodes

    Dynasty Season 2 (Full Episodes)

  Dynasty Season 3 Full Episodes  

9:00 pm                      

👉 Dallas



   Falcon Crest


Dallas                                                                                     Falcon Crest

11:30pm               🠋


Behind the Screen:

Full Episodes


👉 Dallas



   Falcon Crest



                                                                     Scroll up to locate more

   H  a  P  P  y      T  h  A  n  K  s G i V i N g 

The entire unedited 4-hour miniseries   

L        A         C           E

🠋        🠋        🠋      🠋 





c   L       C    k 
On the Eve of Thanksgiving..... 

🦃 All new,  for Thanksgiving 2023......  🦃 

     🦃  FULL  🦃   EPiSODES  🦃                                              
"A World Premiere Television Event........."

The 3-hour Special Premiere +++ 

Happy Thanksgiving !!

🦃     🦃       🦃     🦃     🦃     🦃

A  collection of Dynasty  

Nov 21, 1980--The Friday before Thanksgiving.......

                                                                         Spoilers 🠟🠟🠟    Plus----The Cast Party in Beverly Hills !!!!!




🦃🦃Thanksgiving 🦃begins 🦃right 🦃now🦃

Watch the very first premiere episode


c l i c k 


"Elizabeth had insisted on her dressing room being painted violet to match her eyes and that it have floor-to-ceiling fish tanks."  People Magazine, November 16 1981


pick up where you left off

                H o w          t   h   e   y             g  o   t           t   h   e   r   e

Do you really want to take the time to watch each and every full episode?

Or would you rather......

Just watch the good parts



----with Daytime70s !!!


 Coming soon--My Thanksgiving Spectacular, and  Holiday Specials

👉 Dallas



   Falcon Crest

N   o   v   e   m   b   e   r              1   9   8   5 

What do you get when you add Barbara Carrera

Morgan Fairchild



All in the same Season, all on the Same Night........

Dallas, followed by Falcon Crest 1985-86 Season  🠉  🠉  🠉  🠉  🠉




Peyton Place 1 to 100     101 to 174  

                  180 to 280     281 to 398        381 to 480     Peyton Place 481 to 512

                                                       It's Dallas Week  !  !  !  !   ! 


                       And Season 4 Episode 1 (Season Premiere)

Sunday,   Nov 8, 1980    Season 4 Episode 2 (Special Day and Time) 

🦃   🦃   🦃   🦃  🦃   


  🦃   🦃   🦃   🦃  🦃

JOANNA  ! ! ! ! ! ---Joanna Manning Fans, alert: Joanna and Marc at 07:08




Start in 1977, and work up to 1981:

 Nobody else has my in-depth Transcripts 🠗

Highly-detailed, Scene-by-Scene General Hospital Sept to Dec 1977

November 1977 rare photo album: Rick and Lesley's first Wedding

HOW THEY GOT THERE: The initial climb in the ratings, 1977 and 1978:


  Listen to Lesley's 1978 theme:     
Get to know:

More                 H o w          t   h   e   y             g  o   t           t   h   e   r   e


Sick of General Hospital?

Ryan's Hope Nov 1977

Ryan's Hope, October 1978

Ryan's Hope Nov 1978

Ryan's Hope, October 1979

Ryan's Hope Nov 1979

September 1980

Ryan's Hope, October 1980

Ryan's Hope November 1980

Ryan's Hope November 1981

AMC  1973 Refresher:


All My Children Nov 1973

 Also November 1973  🠋


"The banquet presented by the Chamber of Commerce in Mike's honor had spun Bert into a whirlwind of excitement. It was her responsibility to get Mike to the banquet, and keep it a surprise. Mike didn’t make it easy for her, cancelling for a business meeting. His secretary Ann Jeffers saved the day for Bert, leaving Mike free. Mike again tried to renege, claiming he should work instead. Dr. Steve Jackson intercepted and ingeniously lured Mike to go. Bert pondered, ironically, how Bill would've been the proudest of all."
November 14, 1977 

My 1970s Guiding Light page is  here   Introduction to THE Guiding Light

I did my Guiding Light (full episodes) Playlist back in September Live Feed Playlists


All My Children, November 1979

All My Children Nov 1979 transcripts, plus OLTL Baby Switch, click here:

Baby Switch:

One Life To Live, November 1979

There's so much more including ALL-NEW Holiday Specials I'm working on.

It's a big month 🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃 there's so much more, keep checking, daily!