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June Videos

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Go back to August

Jennifer Brooks brings Bruce Henderson to Leslie's recital:

Will Lorie Brooks be found guilty for Vanessa's death?

1979 to 1986 missing scenes

read:  Introduction to The Young and the Restless

Full Episodes:

Jan thru Aug 1988

                       (Click the center button. Wait. Then click the center button again)

                                                     Review: Young and Restless May thru July 1989
then click:
Young and Restless, August 1989
     clickBehind the Scenes: Summmer 1989

 F   u   l   l          E    p    i   s   o   d   e     s     

                                             c  l  i  c  k  


 August 1991

July and August 1993

All of 1994

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