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Friday, March 6, 2020

GH March 1979: Laura goes to a SINGLES' BAR !!!! "The Nightlife Cafe"

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Roy calls Laura (as Sam McDougal) & says he's a friend of David's & he has poems & letters she.......wrote to David & he'd like to meet her & give them to herRoy tells her to meet him at 10 pm at the "Night Life" cafe (Bar)
Laura sneaks out of the house
Luke tells Bobbie & Roy that he's just enrolled in College (Taking Speech... Business classes)
Luke calls Higgens
Diana gets more calls from the strange man (Jamison)
Mr Higgens comes to the Webbers (Due to the call)
Lesley sees that Laura is gone
[There is a rear exit (ie from upstairs) from the Webber house - "rarely used"]
Laura goes to the Bar & runs into Roy
Laura gets hit on by some guy (Roy defends her)
Roy says she should sit with him till her "friend" gets there (to keep the guys away)
Bartender slips alcohol into Laura's gingerale
Rick calls Scotty looking for Laura
[Couple of days before Laura was to go before the judge]
Some guy comes up to Laura & she says "Are you McDougal"... He says "yes" & she sits with him
Roy calls Luke & tells him how this guy actually said he was McDougal (Lucky break)
Higgens sees Laura with the guy
Bartender tells Higgens that Laura lied & said she's 18 & that she ordered alcohol
Scotty arrives at the Webbers (They all wonder how this will effect Laura with the Judge)
Diana summons the Police again
Roy tells Luke & Bobbie what happened
Mr Higgens brings Laura home
Diana is freaked when both the phone AND door bells ring
It's Peter at the door (He's come home from New York)
Laura tells everyone what happened (Higgens doesn't believe her)
Heather decides that she has to make it look like Diana isn't mentally fit to look after PJ
Rick & Lesley tell Laura that they believe her
Rick tells Lesley he thinks Laura is being set up
Rick calls Scotty & asks his help to prove Laura is telling the truth
Bobbie & Roy go back to the bar to find out what happened
Bartender tells Bobbie & Roy what happened
Heather is upset that Jeff didn't come home last night (from Hawaii) like he was supposed to
Heather finds Jeff sleeping on the couch
Jeff wont tell Heather what's wrong with him
Jeremy is home from the Hospital
Steve doesn't want to talk to Audrey yet
Steve is worried that Jeff will hate him now
Jeff tells Audrey that he knows he has to face Steve
Audrey says there's something she has to tell him
Roy calls & tells Bobbie that the Bartender says he thinks the Judge believe his story about Lra
Scotty calls Gail as he waits for Laura’s meeting with Judge Stalman to finish
Laura tries to explain her actions to Judge Stalman
Judge Stalman is concerned about Laura still not trusting her Parents
Laura flips out saying she “knows” they don’t believe her & that they should just go ahead &
.......send her to Reform School
Bobbie goes to the Bar & celebrates with Roy
Roy tells Bobbie he knows it was her, not Luke, that he was doing all this for
Bobbie says she & Roy are going to be very good friends
Judge Stalman tells Mitch that if he decides Laura is lying he will have no choice but to send her
.......to a State Institution for a “full term based on the original charges”
Stalman tells Mitch that he was going to drop those charges against Laura “today”, & she would
.......have been a totally free woman, but now that can’t happen
Tracy tells Monica she is “deadly” serious about marrying Mitch Williams
Scotty tries to comfort Laura as they await the Judge’s decision
Rick suddenly gets an idea to show Laura that “honesty does pay off” & takes off
Roy & Bobbie come to see Luke & tell him about their “good news”
Luke doesnt seem too happy about their “good news” (Bob brings up Luke feeling sorry for Lra)
Peter & Diana discuss the strange phone calls Diana keeps getting (It’s really Heather)
Scotty tells Laura they have to never keep secrets from each other
Lra tells Scotty that she knows it was Monica that Rick spent the night with after the quarantine
Rick tries to convince Mr Proctor to tell the truth about Laura in the Bar
Laura & Lesley go in to hear the Judge’s desicion (Rick still isn’t back yet)
Peter & Diana have their phone number changed
Heather thinks that the news that Steve is Jeff’s father is good news (Jeff disagrees)
Laura & family wait to hear the Judge’s decision (Rick has brought Proctor in to see the Judge)

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