Nov 1978

"Phoebe agrees to attend Erica's dinner party if she invites Charles, Chuck and Tara. Tara told Chuck they can’t see each other, but Erica planned a party and invited them as well as Charles and Phoebe, but not Donna and Mona. Erica was in the dog house with Tom when he realized she invited everyone who hates one another to dinner. The plan fell through, but Erica spied Tara and Chuck cuddling. Erica lets Ruth know she saw Chuck's car at Tara's. When Phil accuses Erica of pushing Chuck and Tara together at a dinner, Tom thinks he may be right and accuses Erica of being devious."
*Trudy Ritter was the reporter from Tempo Magazine
"Erica dropped hints to Phoebe about Charlie’s paternity."
Early Dec 1978
"Erica, knowing a national magazine is sending photographers to cover her party, begs Phoebe to come. Phoebe says she will only if Erica tells the truth about Charlie's parentage, so Erica lets her have it: Chuck isn't Charlie's real father."
A Tale of Two Dinner Parties (which occurred at the same time)
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