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Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving 2018

a P P y    T  h A n  K  s  G  i  V  i  N  g
A Very "General Hospital" Thanksgiving, plus specials etc


Go directly to the Thanksgiving DAY Full Episodes.
1978--1981 GH Thanksgiving DAY Full Episodes

Updated: Knots Landing Season 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 MARATHON

Daytime70s  is proud to present------- 7 full hours of:
a l l
    m y
       c h i l d r e n
Click here:
Special Presentation

Read the Backstory transcripts
click here:
All My Children 1981 Refresher

T h A n K s G i V i N g -- EVE

Soap Opera Cooking:   Dr. Sarah McIntyre and Justin Marler make apple pie !!!!

L A S T ------ T H A N K S G I V I N G 

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