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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Fall Promos



                                                                                   1:36    🠙

ABC Television "Still The One" hot air balloon logo used for their 1979-80 fall season promotional campaign. They first used the slogan, taken from a 1976 Orleans hit single, in 1977-78, bringing it back with new lyrics and images of ABC stars riding in hot air balloons in the summer of 1979, to boast of their continued standing as America's number one TV network.


R y a n 's     H o p e

a l l    m y    c h i l d r e n

O  n  e          L    i    f    e           T   o        L   i   v   e  

G e n  e  r a l
H o s p i t a l

T h e   E d g e    o f   N i g h t

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