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Saturday, December 9, 2017

All My Children 1970

They were meant to be together...... 

They longed to be together! But in All My Children's first major love story, a labyrinth of complications threatened to keep teenage sweethearts, Phillip Brent and Tara Martin far apart. 

Among the many obstacles were Phil's best friend Chuck Tyler, who had a crush on Tara, and saucy Erica Kane, who had her eye on Phil.

Phil's mother, Ruth Brent, was a nurse at Pine Valley Hospital. Her husband, Ted was a used car salesman who struggled to make enough money to support his family. He resented her close friendship with her colleague, widower Dr. Joe Martin and he didn't like Ruth's younger sister Amy Tyler or her endless involvement in Phil's life. And he didn't like Amy's rich lawyer husband, Lincoln who made Ted feel inferior. Ted was unhappy, short-tempered, and always complaining. As he began to drink, Ruth's love and patience with him were wearing thin.

Phillip had always been close to his Aunt Amy, who didn't want him or her husband Linc to know that he was the center of her life. Amy loved Lincoln Tyler, but not even he, she felt, could understand or forgive her need to be close to her nephew.

Charles and Phoebe Tyler had three children. Oldest son Charles Tyler II, having died in an automobile accident with his wife many years earlier, had left them a grandson to raise. Their son Lincoln had become a fine attorney, and Phoebe had hopes he would run for office one day . . . if Amy's politics didn't get in the way. Their daughter Ann was in New York City pursuing a career in the fashion industry. And Chuck, who wanted to become a doctor someday, had become more son than grandson to them. 

Erica's mother, Mona Kane, divorced her philandering film-director husband Eric after he ran out on her when their daughter Erica was a little girl. Although she was vain and self-centered, Erica was popular. Especially with the boys! For the most part, she dated Chuck Tyler. But the only person she really wanted was Phil Brent! And she'd do anything to get close to him.

Tara saw what Erica was doing and griped about her to her father Joe and Grandma Kate. Tara's brother Jeff had seen Erica at the hospital cafeteria after she'd been to her mother's office and liked what he saw!

 But Tara didn't like or trust Erica, and she warned Jeff to wise up to her.

Former Pine Valley resident Nick Davis returned to open a dance studio. Looking for some quick cash, Nick flattered Phoebe Tyler, who cooed over every compliment. While Nick waltzed Phoebe, he renewed his friendship with Mona and met Erica and her friends. He especially liked Phil Brent. Nick's friendship with Phillip upset his Aunt Amy, who quickly alerted her sister Ruth that Nick was back in town. Neither had ever expected to see him again.

Nick, who had been Amy's first love, left her alone and pregnant with a child he didn't even know he fathered! After giving birth to Nick's son, Phil, Amy gave the child to her sister Ruth to raise -- with the promise that Phil was never to know that his aunt Amy was really his mother. Both agreed that Nick must never know that Phillip was his son!

Phil faced peril on the night when a gas leak in the Brent basement nearly knocked him out. When Nick Davis drove up to return a notebook, he saw lights on in the house but no one answered the bell. Finding the door unlocked, he entered and smelled gas! In a panic, he ran through the house until he found a groggy Phil collapsed on the floor.

In the hospital, Amy revealed to Nick and Linc that she was Phil's real mother. Nick wanted to tell Phil the truth, but Amy convinced him not to breathe a word. However, Phil learned the truth about his adoption from Erica, who had overheard the secret and blabbed it to Phil. Distraught and upset over the revelation, Amy left town and never returned to Pine Valley.
Phil confronted his parents over the lie they'd all lived with for 18 years, Ruth was devastated and Ted went on a drinking rampage. He headed out to confront Nick - but never made it. On the way to Nick's, Ted died in a car crash.

Wanting to sort out his life, Phil broke his engagement to Tara, and left Pine Valley to lose himself in New York City. And lose himself he did, when an accident caused him to suffer amnesia. Chuck, feeling the loss of his best friend Phil almost as much as Tara, did his best to pick up her spirits. The crush on her which he had long tried to suppress began to grow into something more.

Ruth Brent grew closer to her friend and colleague, Joe Martin. Joe and his mother Kate rejoiced when Joe's brother Paul who had been presumed missing in Vietnam, turned up alive and returned to Pine Valley.

Ann Tyler moved back home to open The Boutique, a fashion shop, and fell in love with Nick Davis. In New York, Nick found Phil and learned he had amnesia, he convinced him to return to Pine Valley. Perhaps in familiar surroundings, his memory would return. Tara was crushed that he couldn't know her. And even if he couldn't remember her, Phil wasn't too thrilled to see this girl who, everyone said, was his girlfriend dating this guy Chuck who was supposed to be his best friend.

Erica also entered PVU, not that she had the slightest interest in studying anything, she already knew everything she needed to know. To get what she wanted, all she had to do was smile. And she kept flashing that dazzling smile at Jeff Martin.

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