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Sunday, July 23, 2023

Summer Reruns

From Season 2 (Amazon Episode 10)  "Black Market Baby"

From Season 2  (Amazon Episode 9)  "Bypass"

From Season 2 (Amazon Episode 14)  "Survival"

Watch Dallas Season 2

Monday, July 10, 2023

Jennifer O'Neil


Personal life[edit]

O'Neill's marriages
Dean Rossiter (1965–1971, divorced, 1 child)
Joseph Koster (1972–1974, divorced)
Nick De Noia (1975–1976, divorced)
Jeff Barry (1978–1979, divorced)
John Lederer (1979–1983, divorced, 1 child)
Richard Alan Brown (1986–1989, divorced, 1 child)
Neil L. Bonin (1992–1993, annulled)
Richard Alan Brown (1993–1996, divorced)
Mervin Sidney Louque Jr. (1996–present)

O'Neill has been married nine times to eight husbands (she married, divorced, and remarried her sixth husband Richard Alan Brown).[13] She has three children from three husbands.[32] After the birth of her first child, Aimee, O'Neill experienced undiagnosed postpartum depression, and committed herself to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, which included electroshock therapy.[8]

She was briefly married to Emmy-award winning television producer and choreographer Nick De Noia from 1975 to 1976. De Noia, who also served as O'Neill's manager at the time of their marriage, was a closeted homosexual.[33] In 1987, de Noia was murdered by one of his former associates.[34] O'Neill told journalists that she was "very upset" by the news of his death.[35]

O'Neill's fifth husband, John Lederer, sexually abused her first daughter, Aimee.[6][8] O'Neill initially disbelieved the accusation after Lederer passed several lie detector tests, and the abuse allegation strained her relationship with her daughter.[8] Reflecting on the abuse in 2019, O'Neill said: "My daughter and I are very close today, but we were in court for a year and I didn’t know who to believe. He passed lie detector tests, so it tore my relationship with her apart. He remarried and did the same thing to his next teenage stepchild. He was just a masterful liar. When I understood how much she needed me to recognize that she was telling the truth, and she recognized that I didn’t have a clue. She was integral in helping bring him to justice. She was so brave, she put a wire on and got him to admit what he’d done."[8]

On October 23, 1982, O'Neill suffered a gunshot wound in her home on McClain Street in Bedford, New York. Police officers who interviewed O'Neill determined that she had accidentally shot herself in the abdomen with a .38 caliber revolver at her 30-acre, 25-room French-style estate[23] while trying to determine if the weapon was loaded.[36][37] Her husband at the time, John Lederer, was not in the house when the handgun was discharged, but two other people were in the house. Detective Sgt. Thomas Rothwell was quoted as having said that O'Neill "didn't know much about guns."[38] Reflecting on the incident, O'Neill said:

It was an accident... I hate guns. I believe we all have the right to bear them, but they scare me. I went up to our bedroom and my son was having dinner with the nanny. I noticed that the safe kept in the closet was wide open. When I looked closer, there was [my husband’s] gun lying in a bowl of bullets. I was so furious because my son could have easily reached it. I picked up what turned out to be a 38-caliber and it went off. It shot through my hip and stomach... But again, God saved my life. I could have been completely paralyzed.[15]

In 1988, O'Neill became a born-again Christian.[6] Commenting on her faith, she said: "I don't want to preach to anybody; I only want to say what happened to me.'[6] In her 1999 autobiography Surviving Myself, O'Neill describes many of her life experiences, including her marriages, career, and her move to her Tennessee farm in the late 1990s. She has said that she wrote the autobiography (her first book) "... at the prompting of her children."


Bare Essence 1983

Young and Restless Full Episodes 1973-94

Whats new

Full Episode, June 1, 1984  Just posted 12/21/2024

July 31, 1984 Just posted 12/21/2024

FULL EPiSODE: November 3, 1986

January 21, 1987 and March 1987

Brad wakes up,  locked in a cage

FULL EPiSODE: November 15, 1988

"Brad in a Cage"Three 1989 Episodes




March 26, 1973  

March 27th begins at 22:18  🠉

August 22, 1975

March 3, 1978


New Find --  (Lorie Alert)  

January 10, 1983  YouTube

New Find

Wedding (Full Episode)  <Lorie>

July 24, 1984

July 30, 1984

July 31, 1984

June 11, 1985

November 6, 1985  (just 15 minutes)

New Find

December 5, 1986

January 21, 1987 and March 1987just posted 12/11/2024

June 22, 1987

June 24, 1987

Sept 17, 1987 Part 1

Sept 17, 1987 Part 2

Sept 17, 1987 Part 3

Sept 17, 1987 Part 4

Nikki confesses to Victor, late Sept 1987

September 30, 1987

October 13, 1987

November 9, 1987

November 10, 1987

November 25, 1987

December 10, 1987

Dec 11, 1987

Dec 14, 1987

January 13, 1988  

February 9, 1988  

Mid-February 1988  Just posted 9/6/2024

July 13, 1988

July 14, 1988

December 23, 1988

January 29, 1989

March 23, 1989    

April 26, 1989

New Find

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

July Videos


☽     ☽     ☽    ☽     ☽    ☽  ☽   ☽   ☽

4am   Peyton Place 1 to 100     101 to 174  

4:30am   Early Morning Journey to the Beach House

5am    180 to 280     281 to 398        381 to 480   

6am       Peyton Place 481 to 512 

 🌅     🌅    🌅     🌅    🌅   🌅   🌅   🌅   🌅   🌅

7am         Ryan's Hope, May/June 1977     REViSED Ryan's Hope, July 1977

                                                    Ryan's Hope August 1977

8am     Ryan's Hope, June 1978      Ryan's Hope, July 1978    Ryan's Hope, August 1978

9am      Ryan's Hope, June 1979      Ryan's Hope, July 1979     Ryan's Hope, August 1979 

10am      Ryan's Hope,May 1980  Ryan's Hope,June 1980  Ryan's Hope,July 1980 

                                      Ryan's Hope, August 1980

11am      Ryan's Hope, May 1981  Ryan's Hope, June 1981    Ryan's Hope, July 1981   Ryan's Hope, Aug 1981

12noon   All My Children (Aug 1981, nine FULL EPISODES) 

                          ALL (Full Episodes) M y  (1983) C H i L d R e N



 As The World Turns

ONE  july 1977   LiFE     Aug 1977  TO  June 1978   July 1978  LiVE Aug 1978

One Life To Live (Aug 1981 Video Full Episodes)



2pm   REViSED General Hospital, June and July 1978    

                    General Hospital, July 1979        General Hospital, Aug 1979      

 General Hospital, July 1980    General Hospital August 1980


Guiding Light

5pm        The Bold and The Beautiful Season 2

 6pm          General Hospital Summer 1981                         

                          General Hospital Summer 1982

7:30 pm                       Recess---Free Time

☽     ☽       ☽     ☽    ☽     ☽    ☽  ☽     ☽       ☽     



Dallas                                                                                     Falcon Crest

11:30pm               🠋


Behind the Screen:

11:30pm  to  4am         The Bold and the Beautiful Season 3


                                  Rare: The bacKground Music from Season 2

Bob and David discuss Annie and Beau's marital problems. Mary scolds Ralph about his behavior with Joyce.

Nancy wants Chris to retire. Mary and Bob get to know each other better, and Kevin has some shocking news for Sandy.

Crickets in the moonlight, potato fields of Long Island, it's Beach House Time....



                                      "The Way We Were"  (Original Soundtrack Version) 


L e  m  o  n  a  d  e 


But first, read: 1968 and 1969++++ One Life To Live Transcripts

July 7, 1975:    Ryan's Hope & All My Children Super Special

N        A             O         M         i

REViSED 🠋 exact  scenes 🠋
More  Naomi  (June 1977 in-depth Transcripts)

C   l   i   c   k
One Life to Live, July 1978 (Karen)