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May 1977 Young and Restless recaps, BONUS-- entire Scripts !


The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Jill Foster had started working for her former employer, Derek, who seemed to be God's gift to women. He loved all women and tried to show them by the special care he gave them when they came to get their hair done. Although every customer wanted Derek, Jill was gradually working her way up from doing all the dirty work by showing her skill in emergencies. She was very confused then because she was concerned about her young son's need for a father. Brock Reynolds had warned her about becoming infatuated with Derek. Her brother Snapper had made his objections known to Jill about David Mallory's proposal of marriage. She had admitted that her feeling for him came from the fact that she knew that he had the corneas from her dead father's eyes. He proposed out of gratitude and then Jill was stalling because of her uncertainty.

Without warning, Liz Foster suddenly regained the use of her hand. - Stress caused Liz to have a stroke which not only paralyzed her hand, but wiped from her memory the night she pulled the plug on her husband's respirator because he was suffering very much and wanted to die with dignity. Snapper took the blame without admitting guilt or innocence and was dismissed from the hospital because of his defense of euthanasia. - When Snapper heard from Jill that their mother had started recovery he rushed over to ask if her memory had started to come back. She didn’t want to relive it and was just as glad that it hadn't. Snapper asked her to call him at the first sign that her memory was returning and not to ask any questions then.

After Stuart Brooks and Snapper Foster demanded that Ron Becker leave town, he simply moved across town to another hole-in-the-wall. Dr. Hanlin called Chris Foster to ask how he could get in touch with Ron because he was the only stimuli Nancy would react to. Chris sadly told him that Ron had left town. Mr. Johnson had assured Ron that the only way the court would give him custody of Karen, his daughter, again was if he got a good job, found a place to live and Nancy was able to help him raise her. Ron called the state mental hospital for permission to see Nancy and finally Dr. Hanlin agreed after Ron told him that they did have an argument the day she became catatonic, but it was over something so small that he failed to recall it. - Ron admitted to Nancy that he raped Peggy Brooks and claimed it was Nancy's fault. He was going to take Karen from her. - Ron told Nancy how much he needed her, but when she continued to stare at him, he screamed and shook her in fury.

Ron needed money if he was to stay in town and could only think of one place to get it. He composed a letter to his mother asking for help, but hated every word that he put on paper because he felt she let him down, caring more for all the men in her life than for him. He visited Mr. Johnson at Community Legal Services again when the doctor refused to let him see Nancy. Johnson asked what happened and Ron confessed that he got a little angry and shook her. Ron asked help in getting Nancy out since the doctor had said she only responded to him and then he couldn’t see her. Mr. Johnson suggested that she was in the best possible place under the circumstances. His silence when Ron asked what he had to do to get her out only confirmed that since he sent her there he could take her unless the state had decided that she was harmful, but he refused to help.

Becker went to the hospital and demanded that they release Nancy. Dr. Hanlin said it was not as easy as he thought. Ron threatened the police, but was countermanded by a threat of the same. Hanlin said the only way he would let Ron have custody was if Nancy gave her consent. Ron tried talking to her, but she hid behind the doctor. He was sure there was one thing he could tell her to change her mind. She refused to listen until he shouted that he would never come back again. He would take Karen and leave. Nancy put her hand in Ron's and the doctor had no choice, but to caution him that she had to take her medication.

Chris learned Ron was in town and had Nancy. He had threatened Nancy with the loss of her daughter and Chris couldn’t get through to her. Mr. Johnson wouldn’t set up a court date until Ron brought Nancy in to discuss it.

Dr. Snapper Foster was working very hard to set up his clinic in the poorest part of town. Even though he was not officially open, patients started to come. Brock was there when a woman brought in her child with a broken arm, no money or car. Snapper had no supplies to treat such cases. Brock took her to the hospital and dropped in to see Dr. Atwater. Brock told him what Snapper was trying to do and how hard it was. He needed help in setting Snapper up. There were doctors who sympathized with Snapper and they probably had old equipment sitting around that wouldn't be missed. Chris was feeling bad about not being able to help Snapper, but they were so concerned about Karen that Chris was staying home to protect her from Ron. Stuart dropped by and offered to watch Karen while Chris helped at the clinic. While Snapper told her how discouraged he was, Brock arrived with his collection.

Nurse Cynthia Harris was telling her friend how uninteresting the men in her life were when she spied Chris. She learned that Snapper was trying to run his clinic alone and offered to help. She saw this as an opportunity. Brad Eliot visited the clinic and offered his services as a psychiatrist a couple of days a week. He was seeing patients in his home, but felt it was time to get out. Help from the Blind Services had taught him to get around on his own.

Lorie Prentiss had gone out to stand at her mother-in-law's windown, sure that Vanessa had to remove the veil to ready herself for bed. Lorie had to have evidence to back up her clain that Vanessa had her fire-scarred face repaired when she disappeared for a year and just used the threat of it to hold her son, Lance. She failed when Vanessa saw her. Lorie decided to go ahead with her accusation on circumstantial facts. Vanessa removed the veil and Lorie was shocked to see that the scars remain. She apologized and offered to help in getting the surgery done because she knew that Vanessa's heart condition was not serious enough to prevent surgery. She suggested that Lance might be able to persuade her. Vanessa brought up Lorie's book and countered that Lance might never forgive her if he found out how she treated her sister. Lorie said the jealousy she felt for Leslie is in the past. Vanessa made her agree that the past wouldn’t be discussed if she never brought up the subject of plastic surgery again. Vanessa claimed to have seen a prowler and asked the handyman for a gun. She vowed Lorie would pay for what she had done.

Unable to find Lorie, Lance rushed to the hospital to be with Leslie. She told him that Brad had to not find out about her near miscarriage or he would connect this with the fact that he struck something with her suitcase when he was helping her to the taxi. This baby meant so much to him because he wanted to be able to do everything a sighted father could. Lance reached Lorie and even though she heard Leslie's request, she felt Brad should know. She had every intention of telling him until he told her about how important this baby was. Leslie called him just as he was about to call her in Bermuda where he assumed she was giving her last concert series. She told him she would be home as planned and he reminded her of his plan to take her out for dinner and dancing for the first time since he became blind. Leslie had pain that Dr. Williams hoped was false labor. Leslie cooperated by trying to stay calm and felt that all was well when the pain subsided. Suddenly Leslie went into labor that Dr. Williams was unable to stop. Lance and Lorie waited impatiently for word. Dr. Williams told them that the baby was too small and they were unable to save it, but Leslie should be able to go home the following day. Lorie is shocked when Leslie told her that she planned to keep this from Brad as long as possible. Hopefully when he learned of the loss of the baby he wouldn’t associate it with the suitcase.

Brock told his mother that if she continued to keep Joann with her because of her threat of drinking, Joann would sometime feel trapped and resent Kay for keeping her from a life of her own and the love of a man. If Kay wanted to keep Joann's love and respect, she should let her go. Kay questioned Joann about Jack, her ex-husband, and was assured that Joann would keep her promise to stay. Kay said that they seemed to be each other's jailers and she would give Joann the excuse to leave by taking the drink she promised not to. She had to order Joann from the house, saying she, herself, felt trapped. Kay told herself that Brock was wrong about one thing—she couldn't let Joann go and keep her love and respect. Kay felt lost and alone, but Brock said he loved her more than ever.

Brock told Joann that Jack and Peggy's marriage was annulled and she realized what Jack meant when he wrote that he was being punished for what he had done to her. He hadn't really used her the way she thought he had.

Brock helped a young girl, Jody, who arrived in town by bus and then had her money and bus ticket stolen. Since she was underage, he gave her a job as "bus boy" and let her stay in the room over the Allegro.

The stress of hearing from Lorie that Stuart knew she was not his daughter was too much for Jennifer Brooks. Stuart found her unconscious. He assured her that he would always think of Lorie as his daughter. Stuart told Chris, Leslie and Laurie that their mother had a serious heart condition and had to be protected from emotional stress, but not be aware that they knew.

Stuart told Lorie that he loved Jennifer enough to forgive her and hoped she could, also. Lorie realized that she loves her mother and didn’t want her to die. She therefore straightened things out with Jennifer.

Knowing how much the evening meant to Brad, Leslie wouldn't postpone their venture out. She stayed up late to avoid the intimacy that would let Brad know immediately that she was no longer pregnant.

David Mallory told Liz that he thought he was falling in love when he showed her the ring he bought for Jill. Liz said that Jill's marriage to Phillip Chancellor was a dream and she couldn’t always live on it. Jill couldn’t wear David's ring yet.

EPISODE - #1044

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell, Kay Alden & Elizabeth Harrower

TAPE DATE – Friday April 29, 1977

AIR DATE – Monday May 09, 1977

CAST – Brock, Jack, Kay, Joann, Vanessa, Lance, Lorie, Caretaker (U/5)

SETS – Allegro, Chancellor Living Room, Vanessa’s Room – Limbo – Two Way Mirror Wall




BROCK/JACK/JOANN/KAY - Brock visits Jack at The Allegro and they discuss Brock’s matchmaking Jack and Jo. Jack is grateful and tells Brock he intends to fight for Joann. At the Chancellor estate, Kay spies Joann gorging herself on food. (Kay has several audio and visual flashbacks to EP#1019 – April 04, 1977, of Brock telling her she is destroying Joann with her possessive nature. What is Joann to do when Kay is too old? Joann is young, she needs to live her life, she is a prisoner in this house. If Duchess loves her, she will let her go. Duchess refuses to believe this, Brock tells her if she traps her here, they will end up hating each other) Kay then wonders if Joann’s sudden binge eating is because of feeling trapped. Kay decides to have a talk with Joann. It is clear the closeness they once had is tainted and Joann is staying out of loyalty and fear that Mrs. Chancellor will start drinking again. Kay tells Joann it seems as if she is looking for a way out and Kay plans to give her one. Joann thinks she has been drinking, though she hasn’t, Mrs Chancellor asks if she doesn’t stay on her good behavior will Joann leave? Joann makes it clear it was Mrs. Chancellor’s threats that have kept her here. Kay thinks it is obvious Joann feels trapped. She tells Joann she wants her out of the house and out of her life. TONIGHT! With that she pours herself a drink and toasts to Joann’s health. Joann is furious and angrily tells Mrs. Chancellor she will leave and slams the door behind her. Kay says to herself that Brock was wrong, there was no way to have Joann leave and maintain her love and respect, she had to destroy it, or she would never have left. Kay trembles as she is about to take a sip, but instead hurls the glass across the room, smashing it. 

VANESSA/CARETAKER/LANCE/LORIE - Vanessa flashes back to her confrontation with Lorie (EP #1038 Act IV – April 29, 1977, Vanessa reveals her face to Lorie and then goes on a tirade against a shocked Lorie.) Vanessa calls Mr. Isaacs the caretaker and asks him to get her something. He later arrives at the lake house. He doesn’t think what she wants is a good idea for her to have and reluctantly gives her the package she asked for just as Lance arrives home. She swears Mr. Isaacs to secrecy. Lance chats to Vanessa about a Brooks family member in hospital (though doesn’t mention any names) He asks about the book (In My Sister’s Shadow) that Vanessa wanted him to read. She is tempted to give it to him, but notices Lorie has arrived, they stare intently at each other, then Vanessa tells Lance she doesn’t think he would like the book and that she no longer has it anymore, she heads to her room as Lance finally notices Lorie. Lorie tells him Leslie has gone into labour and wanted to be left alone. The doctor hopes they can stop the labour, but if they can’t she will miscarry (though script says abort) They comfort each other, and Lorie says she hopes she never does anything to make Lance regret marrying her. He is puzzled by this and hugs her tightly. Vanessa watches Lorie and Lance through the two-way mirror and has flashes of her unveiled face, and we hear Vanessa tell Mr. Isaacs she saw a prowler on her terrace. As she stares at Lorie she vows she will pay for what she has done. 




EPISODE - #1047

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden

TAPE DATE – Wednesday May 04, 1977

AIR DATE – Thursday May 12, 1977

CAST – Leslie, Lorie, Dr. Williams, Joan, Brock, Jen, Brad, Jack, Man – Thirtyish and missing an arm (U/5)

SETS – Leslie’s Hospital Room & Corridor, Booth at Allegro, Brad and Leslie’s Apartment and Corridor




LESLIE/LORIE/DR.WILLIAM/JEN/BRAD/MAN - Dr. Williams has finished examining Leslie and runs into Lorie. She tells Lorie that the contractions had stopped around midnight and have not returned. Lorie asks if Leslie’s chances are good. Dr. Williams explains that things are still tenuous, and they won’t know for a couple more days. Lorie asks if Leslie has the baby what are the chances it will be okay. Dr. Williams says the chances are slim the baby would survive this premature. They both decide to focus on the positives and Lorie goes in to see Leslie. Leslie is upbeat, Lorie tells her she was worried when she asked to be alone last night. Leslie explains she needed to go through the previous night on her own. Les asks if Lorie has told Vanessa. Lorie tells her she didn’t really see her last night and avoided her this morning. Leslie asks if things are okay, Lorie tells her she feels she and Vanessa have an understanding now. Lorie wants to tell their parents about Leslie being in hospital, but Leslie refuses this. She is determined to get through the next 24 hours and be home with Brad without anyone knowing what has happened, Lorie tells her she will get through this. Though they don’t say it, both women aren’t as confident as they appear. Jen arrives at Brad’s as he is treating a patient. A young man who lost his arm in Vietnam due to a land mine. After the man leaves, Jen tells Brad how impressed she is that he is getting his life together. They discuss Leslie. That she called him recently and her concerts are going well. Jen reminds him she will be home tomorrow night and soon they will have a baby. Brad tells her how much it means to him, especially since Maestro cancelled her other concerts so they could have this time together. He wants to take every precaution to make sure the baby is born healthy and strong. He mentions they have decided on naming the baby Stuart if it is a boy and Leslie if it is a girl. Both gush over the impending birth and Brad tells Jen how Leslie is the only woman he has ever really loved (Lol poor Barbara) Jen thinks everything is perfect for them, but then remembers Brad is blind. She apologizes, but Brad tells her it is okay, he doesn’t dwell on it anymore. Back at the hospital, Lorie tells Leslie she can’t be certain she will be able to leave tomorrow, but Leslie is determined she will get back to Brad on time. Leslie needs to call Brad; he is anxiously awaiting her call at home. Brad is overjoyed to hear from her, though senses something is wrong. Leslie covers and tells him she misses him. He can’t wait for her to return and reminds her they planned a night out of dinner and dancing. Leslie begins to have pain and quickly ends her call to Brad. Tears stream down her face as Lorie panics. Leslie stoically asks Lorie to get Dr. Williams and Lorie rushes out to find her.

BROCK/JOANN/JACK - At The Allegro Brock sees Joann looking for an apartment and they discuss Duchess kicking her out. Brock catches on to what his mother was doing and tells Joann his talks with Duchess may have prompted her actions. Joann tells Brock she could begin to get angry with how he is interfering in her life. Brock realises she is also talking about his matchmaking her with Jack. Jo tells him she and Johnny have little in common anymore. Brock reminds her they were married for six years. Joann doesn’t understand why suddenly Brock wants them back together. He explains that Joann never really let go of Johnny. She tells him she is fine on her own, she doesn’t need someone to look after her. Brock agrees but tells her we all need someone to care and love us. Joann reminds him that Jack is still married to Peggy. Brock tells her the marriage has been annulled. It was never consummated, and he doubts it was ever a real marriage to begin with. Joann is stunned. Alone, Joann hears Brocks words ring through her mind. She thinks about all the nights she thought about Jack and Peg making love. How she almost hated Peg for having something she and Johnny hadn’t shared for years. Now to learn that wasn’t how it was at all. They were living as strangers; it must have been hell. She thinks to the letter he wrote about how he was paying for starving Joann of love, how he understood what she went through. She thinks of the night he came over to Mrs. Chancellor’s. A night she could never understand until now (Joann then flashes back to EP#999 – Mar 07, 1977, when Jack sees her by the fireplace and puts his arms on her waist and they kiss, he tells her she looks like the women he married. They kiss again passionately) Joann thought that moment was Jack having a fling, taking advantage, and using her cruelly. (As Joann flashes again back to EP#999 she wonders if he was reaching out to her, and if he was, should that make a difference to her now?) She is startled out of her trance by Johnny. He asks if he can join her, she agrees.


EPISODE - #1048

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden

TAPE DATE – Thursday May 05, 1977

AIR DATE – Friday May 13, 1977

CAST – Leslie, Lorie, Dr. Williams, Brad, Ron, Jack, Joann, Lance, Brock, Kay, Fred Johnson, Young Man from Cleaners (U/5)

SETS – Leslie’s Hospital Room, Brad & Leslie’s Apartment, Fred Johnson’s Office at Community Legal Services, Booth at Allegro, Chancellor Living Room, Pay Phone in Limbo (Presumably outside Ron’s Room)




LORIE/LESLIE/DR.WILLIAMS/LANCE/BRAD/CLEANER - Lorie is comforting Leslie as Dr. Williams arrives. Leslie tells her the pain has subsided. Dr. Williams tells her to think of something happy to relax her while she examines her. (Leslie flashes back to EP#1033 Apr 22, 1977, When Brad tells her they are going out for dinner and dancing when she returns from her concerts. Les is so happy, this will be their first time out since his blindness. She then remembers Brad lifting the heavy suitcase and bumping into her) Dr. Williams tells her she is dilating; they need to get her to the delivery room. Lorie and Les know the chances for the baby surviving are slim and embrace as Brad waits at home. He hands his tux to a cleaner and tells him it is important he gets it back by tomorrow night, he has a very special date with his wife. Lorie, alone in Leslie’s room, is relieved when Lance shows up. Lorie fills him in. Lance tells her Brad called and wants to see her. Lorie is concerned he may know something and agrees she has to see him to find out. Lorie wonders if they are doing the right thing by keeping this from him. Lance reminds her it is what Leslie wants. Lance agrees to stay at the hospital while Lorie is gone. Lorie visits Brad. He tells her he had planned to ask her and Lance to join him and Les for their night out the following evening but decided it should be just him and Les. He begins to gush about the impending birth of his baby as Lorie closes her eyes and tries to fight back her tears. He wonders if she thinks he is being foolish, she tells him she doesn’t, he tells her how much this baby means to him, especially after losing his son. Lorie doesn’t want to talk about that, and Brad senses something is wrong, has been wrong the last few times she has visited. Lorie brushes it off and hastily leaves. Brad is puzzled and Lorie stands outside fighting back the tears.

RON/FRED - Ron calls to find his lawyer Fred. He finds out he is in court and tells reception he is on his way to see him. Fred returns to his office to find Ron. Ron is furious because Dr. Hanlin barred him from seeing Nancy. He admits he got a little rough with her the last time he was there. Fred isn’t surprised the Doctor banned him. Ron is certain the place is making her worse and wants her home with him. Fred doesn’t think this is a good idea and after all he is the one that put her in there in the first place. It then dawns on Ron that if he is Nancy’s husband and he put her in there, he can take her out. Fred tells her if he values her mental health at all he will leave her there until she is better. Ron doesn’t believe she is getting better. He asks if he can take her out, but Fred sidesteps the question. Fred’s avoidance and silences tell Ron everything he needs to know. He is convinced now that he can walk into the hospital and take her out and there isn’t a thing they can do to stop him. 

JACK/JOANN/BROCK/KAY - Jack and Joann talk about his annulment. The dreams he had and how it is all gone. Jack wonders how they got here, if they had it to do all over again, would they make the same mistakes. Joann asks him to think hard, is his newfound interest in her because of her weight loss, is it because he is lonely, and she is a standby. He goes to answer, but she puts a finger to his lips and tells him to think on it and be honest with himself. Brock stops by to see Duchess and tells her he knows what she did. He understands how much of a sacrifice it must have been to let go of Joann. Duchess tells him he can’t know; he is young and handsome and people like being with him. She is old and alone, no matter what, she always ends up alone. She tells Brock he lied. She doesn’t have Joann’s love and respect, she had to destroy it, otherwise Joann would never have left. Brock tells her in time Joann will understand the gift she has given her, and one day she will realise just how much Duchess truly loves her. Kay laments Joann’s leaving. She tells Brock if she died tomorrow no one would care. He tells her Joann would, and he would. He knows he doesn’t say it enough, but he truly loves her. Duchess begins to cry as they embrace, Brock tells her when we hold on to something selfishly it will escape our grasp, but when we give freely, the love will return to us a thousand-fold. Duchess is sceptical but is affected by his words. He wipes her tears and kisses her gently on the cheek.




EPISODE - #1051

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell, Kay Alden & Elizabeth Harrower

TAPE DATE – Tuesday May 10, 1977

AIR DATE – Wednesday May 18, 1977

CAST – Kay, Joann, Liz, David Mallory, Ron, Nancy, Miss Simpson, Dr. Hanlin, Jill, Derek

SETS – Allegro, Foster Living Room, Nancy’s Room at State Mental Hospital, Golden Comb Beauty Shop




KAY/JOANN - Kay meets with Joann at Allegro and convinces her to sit for a cup of tea. Though reluctant, Joann agrees to hear Mrs. Chancellor out. Kay tells her what she feels happened between them. She reminds her of her time with Jill, how she needed companionship and how betrayed she was by Jill. Though she explains Jo never betrayed her, she draws a parallel between her feelings for Jill and Joann. She wanted their youth. She felt trapped by her own frustrations. She explains the love she felt was real, but it was a mother’s love. This lifts a great weight off Joann. It is all so clear now. Joann is almost ready to move back in, but Kay tells her though she wanted to mother her, she isn’t necessarily a good mother. All the negative aspects are still there, the possessiveness and jealousy. Though now they can be friends again. Mrs. Chancellor tells her she will be there whenever Joann needs her (Ed. Note – Bell makes it clear that Kay is being sincere about having a mother’s love for Joann, but only because she has convinced herself of this, I think he still stands by her romantic interest in Joann, at least on paper. I Still think he decided Kay is bisexual)

RON/DR. HANLIN/NANCY/MISS SIMPSON - Ron is at the hospital. Dr. Hanlin wants him to leave, but he refuses to leave until he sees Nancy. He has something to lay out on the line, something he needs to tell her. Hanlin caves and lets him have a supervised visit with Nancy. She is turned away from Ron and he angrily demands she turn and face him. She does. He tells her he wants to take her home. They have a chance to get Karen back and be a family. He reaches out his hand, but she doesn’t respond. He darkly tells her if she doesn’t agree to leave, he will walk out that door and she can forget about seeing Karen again. She will be locked away forever like a caged animal. He holds his hand out again, slowly Nancy reaches out and touches Ron. Later, Hanlin has Ron sign Nancy out and tells him they can no longer be responsible for what happens to her. He gives Ron some medication and tells him it is vital she take it or she will only get worse. Ron is flippant and takes Nancy in his arms and walks out as Hanlin and Miss Simpson look on concerned. 

DAVID/LIZ/JILL/DEREK - David turns up at the Foster home as Liz is cleaning. He asks about Jill, but she is still at work, then he asks for Phillip, but he is having a nap. He wants to see if Jill wants to take him to the zoo. Liz realises how fond of Phillip he is. David is starting to feel like Phillip is a son. He wonders if Jill has thought anymore about his proposal. Liz tells him she has taken his proposal seriously but hasn’t come to a decision yet. David pulls out a ring and hopes it might help her decide. Liz hopes he isn’t trying to push her, but David assures her he isn’t. He admits he thinks about her all the time and is in love with her. At the Golden Comb Derek and Jill clean up and prepare to close shop, Jill watches Derek admiringly. A call comes through, and Derek tells Jill if it is for him, he isn’t here. Jill tells the woman (Sherry) Derek has left and she will leave him a message. She teases him about Sherry wanting to be serviced by Derek. He doesn’t take the bait. Jill is terribly curious about him and his relationships, but knows better than to ask. She probes about his plans for the evening, since he is in such a hurry to get home. He tells her he has no plans and is just tired. She tells him she has dinner plans with her son. Derek thinks that’s sweet. They talk about Derek’s son. Derek isn’t even sure if he is eight or nine. He tells Jill he hasn’t seen him in some time and that he lives with his mother. Derek tells her he will give her a lift home; she asks him to join her and Phillip for dinner, but he politely declines. She asks if he misses his son. He doesn’t so much miss him but is more curious about him. Jill can’t imagine living without Phillip. She tells Derek he might get married again someday and have another child. He tells her he has been down that route and won't make that mistake again. There are too many beautiful ladies, he’d be a fool to tie himself down. Jill is a bit disappointed by this, but then again, she has no designs on Derek. 

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