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May 1977 Young and Restless recaps, BONUS-- entire Scripts !


The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Jill Foster had started working for her former employer, Derek, who seemed to be God's gift to women. He loved all women and tried to show them by the special care he gave them when they came to get their hair done. Although every customer wanted Derek, Jill was gradually working her way up from doing all the dirty work by showing her skill in emergencies. She was very confused then because she was concerned about her young son's need for a father. Brock Reynolds had warned her about becoming infatuated with Derek. Her brother Snapper had made his objections known to Jill about David Mallory's proposal of marriage. She had admitted that her feeling for him came from the fact that she knew that he had the corneas from her dead father's eyes. He proposed out of gratitude and then Jill was stalling because of her uncertainty.

Without warning, Liz Foster suddenly regained the use of her hand. - Stress caused Liz to have a stroke which not only paralyzed her hand, but wiped from her memory the night she pulled the plug on her husband's respirator because he was suffering very much and wanted to die with dignity. Snapper took the blame without admitting guilt or innocence and was dismissed from the hospital because of his defense of euthanasia. - When Snapper heard from Jill that their mother had started recovery he rushed over to ask if her memory had started to come back. She didn’t want to relive it and was just as glad that it hadn't. Snapper asked her to call him at the first sign that her memory was returning and not to ask any questions then.

After Stuart Brooks and Snapper Foster demanded that Ron Becker leave town, he simply moved across town to another hole-in-the-wall. Dr. Hanlin called Chris Foster to ask how he could get in touch with Ron because he was the only stimuli Nancy would react to. Chris sadly told him that Ron had left town. Mr. Johnson had assured Ron that the only way the court would give him custody of Karen, his daughter, again was if he got a good job, found a place to live and Nancy was able to help him raise her. Ron called the state mental hospital for permission to see Nancy and finally Dr. Hanlin agreed after Ron told him that they did have an argument the day she became catatonic, but it was over something so small that he failed to recall it. - Ron admitted to Nancy that he raped Peggy Brooks and claimed it was Nancy's fault. He was going to take Karen from her. - Ron told Nancy how much he needed her, but when she continued to stare at him, he screamed and shook her in fury.

Ron needed money if he was to stay in town and could only think of one place to get it. He composed a letter to his mother asking for help, but hated every word that he put on paper because he felt she let him down, caring more for all the men in her life than for him. He visited Mr. Johnson at Community Legal Services again when the doctor refused to let him see Nancy. Johnson asked what happened and Ron confessed that he got a little angry and shook her. Ron asked help in getting Nancy out since the doctor had said she only responded to him and then he couldn’t see her. Mr. Johnson suggested that she was in the best possible place under the circumstances. His silence when Ron asked what he had to do to get her out only confirmed that since he sent her there he could take her unless the state had decided that she was harmful, but he refused to help.

Becker went to the hospital and demanded that they release Nancy. Dr. Hanlin said it was not as easy as he thought. Ron threatened the police, but was countermanded by a threat of the same. Hanlin said the only way he would let Ron have custody was if Nancy gave her consent. Ron tried talking to her, but she hid behind the doctor. He was sure there was one thing he could tell her to change her mind. She refused to listen until he shouted that he would never come back again. He would take Karen and leave. Nancy put her hand in Ron's and the doctor had no choice, but to caution him that she had to take her medication.

Chris learned Ron was in town and had Nancy. He had threatened Nancy with the loss of her daughter and Chris couldn’t get through to her. Mr. Johnson wouldn’t set up a court date until Ron brought Nancy in to discuss it.

Dr. Snapper Foster was working very hard to set up his clinic in the poorest part of town. Even though he was not officially open, patients started to come. Brock was there when a woman brought in her child with a broken arm, no money or car. Snapper had no supplies to treat such cases. Brock took her to the hospital and dropped in to see Dr. Atwater. Brock told him what Snapper was trying to do and how hard it was. He needed help in setting Snapper up. There were doctors who sympathized with Snapper and they probably had old equipment sitting around that wouldn't be missed. Chris was feeling bad about not being able to help Snapper, but they were so concerned about Karen that Chris was staying home to protect her from Ron. Stuart dropped by and offered to watch Karen while Chris helped at the clinic. While Snapper told her how discouraged he was, Brock arrived with his collection.

Nurse Cynthia Harris was telling her friend how uninteresting the men in her life were when she spied Chris. She learned that Snapper was trying to run his clinic alone and offered to help. She saw this as an opportunity. Brad Eliot visited the clinic and offered his services as a psychiatrist a couple of days a week. He was seeing patients in his home, but felt it was time to get out. Help from the Blind Services had taught him to get around on his own.

Lorie Prentiss had gone out to stand at her mother-in-law's windown, sure that Vanessa had to remove the veil to ready herself for bed. Lorie had to have evidence to back up her clain that Vanessa had her fire-scarred face repaired when she disappeared for a year and just used the threat of it to hold her son, Lance. She failed when Vanessa saw her. Lorie decided to go ahead with her accusation on circumstantial facts. Vanessa removed the veil and Lorie was shocked to see that the scars remain. She apologized and offered to help in getting the surgery done because she knew that Vanessa's heart condition was not serious enough to prevent surgery. She suggested that Lance might be able to persuade her. Vanessa brought up Lorie's book and countered that Lance might never forgive her if he found out how she treated her sister. Lorie said the jealousy she felt for Leslie is in the past. Vanessa made her agree that the past wouldn’t be discussed if she never brought up the subject of plastic surgery again. Vanessa claimed to have seen a prowler and asked the handyman for a gun. She vowed Lorie would pay for what she had done.

Unable to find Lorie, Lance rushed to the hospital to be with Leslie. She told him that Brad had to not find out about her near miscarriage or he would connect this with the fact that he struck something with her suitcase when he was helping her to the taxi. This baby meant so much to him because he wanted to be able to do everything a sighted father could. Lance reached Lorie and even though she heard Leslie's request, she felt Brad should know. She had every intention of telling him until he told her about how important this baby was. Leslie called him just as he was about to call her in Bermuda where he assumed she was giving her last concert series. She told him she would be home as planned and he reminded her of his plan to take her out for dinner and dancing for the first time since he became blind. Leslie had pain that Dr. Williams hoped was false labor. Leslie cooperated by trying to stay calm and felt that all was well when the pain subsided. Suddenly Leslie went into labor that Dr. Williams was unable to stop. Lance and Lorie waited impatiently for word. Dr. Williams told them that the baby was too small and they were unable to save it, but Leslie should be able to go home the following day. Lorie is shocked when Leslie told her that she planned to keep this from Brad as long as possible. Hopefully when he learned of the loss of the baby he wouldn’t associate it with the suitcase.

Brock told his mother that if she continued to keep Joann with her because of her threat of drinking, Joann would sometime feel trapped and resent Kay for keeping her from a life of her own and the love of a man. If Kay wanted to keep Joann's love and respect, she should let her go. Kay questioned Joann about Jack, her ex-husband, and was assured that Joann would keep her promise to stay. Kay said that they seemed to be each other's jailers and she would give Joann the excuse to leave by taking the drink she promised not to. She had to order Joann from the house, saying she, herself, felt trapped. Kay told herself that Brock was wrong about one thing—she couldn't let Joann go and keep her love and respect. Kay felt lost and alone, but Brock said he loved her more than ever.

Brock told Joann that Jack and Peggy's marriage was annulled and she realized what Jack meant when he wrote that he was being punished for what he had done to her. He hadn't really used her the way she thought he had.

Brock helped a young girl, Jody, who arrived in town by bus and then had her money and bus ticket stolen. Since she was underage, he gave her a job as "bus boy" and let her stay in the room over the Allegro.

The stress of hearing from Lorie that Stuart knew she was not his daughter was too much for Jennifer Brooks. Stuart found her unconscious. He assured her that he would always think of Lorie as his daughter. Stuart told Chris, Leslie and Laurie that their mother had a serious heart condition and had to be protected from emotional stress, but not be aware that they knew.

Stuart told Lorie that he loved Jennifer enough to forgive her and hoped she could, also. Lorie realized that she loves her mother and didn’t want her to die. She therefore straightened things out with Jennifer.

Knowing how much the evening meant to Brad, Leslie wouldn't postpone their venture out. She stayed up late to avoid the intimacy that would let Brad know immediately that she was no longer pregnant.

David Mallory told Liz that he thought he was falling in love when he showed her the ring he bought for Jill. Liz said that Jill's marriage to Phillip Chancellor was a dream and she couldn’t always live on it. Jill couldn’t wear David's ring yet.

EPISODE - #1044

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell, Kay Alden & Elizabeth Harrower

TAPE DATE – Friday April 29, 1977

AIR DATE – Monday May 09, 1977

CAST – Brock, Jack, Kay, Joann, Vanessa, Lance, Lorie, Caretaker (U/5)

SETS – Allegro, Chancellor Living Room, Vanessa’s Room – Limbo – Two Way Mirror Wall




BROCK/JACK/JOANN/KAY - Brock visits Jack at The Allegro and they discuss Brock’s matchmaking Jack and Jo. Jack is grateful and tells Brock he intends to fight for Joann. At the Chancellor estate, Kay spies Joann gorging herself on food. (Kay has several audio and visual flashbacks to EP#1019 – April 04, 1977, of Brock telling her she is destroying Joann with her possessive nature. What is Joann to do when Kay is too old? Joann is young, she needs to live her life, she is a prisoner in this house. If Duchess loves her, she will let her go. Duchess refuses to believe this, Brock tells her if she traps her here, they will end up hating each other) Kay then wonders if Joann’s sudden binge eating is because of feeling trapped. Kay decides to have a talk with Joann. It is clear the closeness they once had is tainted and Joann is staying out of loyalty and fear that Mrs. Chancellor will start drinking again. Kay tells Joann it seems as if she is looking for a way out and Kay plans to give her one. Joann thinks she has been drinking, though she hasn’t, Mrs Chancellor asks if she doesn’t stay on her good behavior will Joann leave? Joann makes it clear it was Mrs. Chancellor’s threats that have kept her here. Kay thinks it is obvious Joann feels trapped. She tells Joann she wants her out of the house and out of her life. TONIGHT! With that she pours herself a drink and toasts to Joann’s health. Joann is furious and angrily tells Mrs. Chancellor she will leave and slams the door behind her. Kay says to herself that Brock was wrong, there was no way to have Joann leave and maintain her love and respect, she had to destroy it, or she would never have left. Kay trembles as she is about to take a sip, but instead hurls the glass across the room, smashing it. 

VANESSA/CARETAKER/LANCE/LORIE - Vanessa flashes back to her confrontation with Lorie (EP #1038 Act IV – April 29, 1977, Vanessa reveals her face to Lorie and then goes on a tirade against a shocked Lorie.) Vanessa calls Mr. Isaacs the caretaker and asks him to get her something. He later arrives at the lake house. He doesn’t think what she wants is a good idea for her to have and reluctantly gives her the package she asked for just as Lance arrives home. She swears Mr. Isaacs to secrecy. Lance chats to Vanessa about a Brooks family member in hospital (though doesn’t mention any names) He asks about the book (In My Sister’s Shadow) that Vanessa wanted him to read. She is tempted to give it to him, but notices Lorie has arrived, they stare intently at each other, then Vanessa tells Lance she doesn’t think he would like the book and that she no longer has it anymore, she heads to her room as Lance finally notices Lorie. Lorie tells him Leslie has gone into labour and wanted to be left alone. The doctor hopes they can stop the labour, but if they can’t she will miscarry (though script says abort) They comfort each other, and Lorie says she hopes she never does anything to make Lance regret marrying her. He is puzzled by this and hugs her tightly. Vanessa watches Lorie and Lance through the two-way mirror and has flashes of her unveiled face, and we hear Vanessa tell Mr. Isaacs she saw a prowler on her terrace. As she stares at Lorie she vows she will pay for what she has done. 




EPISODE - #1047

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden

TAPE DATE – Wednesday May 04, 1977

AIR DATE – Thursday May 12, 1977

CAST – Leslie, Lorie, Dr. Williams, Joan, Brock, Jen, Brad, Jack, Man – Thirtyish and missing an arm (U/5)

SETS – Leslie’s Hospital Room & Corridor, Booth at Allegro, Brad and Leslie’s Apartment and Corridor




LESLIE/LORIE/DR.WILLIAM/JEN/BRAD/MAN - Dr. Williams has finished examining Leslie and runs into Lorie. She tells Lorie that the contractions had stopped around midnight and have not returned. Lorie asks if Leslie’s chances are good. Dr. Williams explains that things are still tenuous, and they won’t know for a couple more days. Lorie asks if Leslie has the baby what are the chances it will be okay. Dr. Williams says the chances are slim the baby would survive this premature. They both decide to focus on the positives and Lorie goes in to see Leslie. Leslie is upbeat, Lorie tells her she was worried when she asked to be alone last night. Leslie explains she needed to go through the previous night on her own. Les asks if Lorie has told Vanessa. Lorie tells her she didn’t really see her last night and avoided her this morning. Leslie asks if things are okay, Lorie tells her she feels she and Vanessa have an understanding now. Lorie wants to tell their parents about Leslie being in hospital, but Leslie refuses this. She is determined to get through the next 24 hours and be home with Brad without anyone knowing what has happened, Lorie tells her she will get through this. Though they don’t say it, both women aren’t as confident as they appear. Jen arrives at Brad’s as he is treating a patient. A young man who lost his arm in Vietnam due to a land mine. After the man leaves, Jen tells Brad how impressed she is that he is getting his life together. They discuss Leslie. That she called him recently and her concerts are going well. Jen reminds him she will be home tomorrow night and soon they will have a baby. Brad tells her how much it means to him, especially since Maestro cancelled her other concerts so they could have this time together. He wants to take every precaution to make sure the baby is born healthy and strong. He mentions they have decided on naming the baby Stuart if it is a boy and Leslie if it is a girl. Both gush over the impending birth and Brad tells Jen how Leslie is the only woman he has ever really loved (Lol poor Barbara) Jen thinks everything is perfect for them, but then remembers Brad is blind. She apologizes, but Brad tells her it is okay, he doesn’t dwell on it anymore. Back at the hospital, Lorie tells Leslie she can’t be certain she will be able to leave tomorrow, but Leslie is determined she will get back to Brad on time. Leslie needs to call Brad; he is anxiously awaiting her call at home. Brad is overjoyed to hear from her, though senses something is wrong. Leslie covers and tells him she misses him. He can’t wait for her to return and reminds her they planned a night out of dinner and dancing. Leslie begins to have pain and quickly ends her call to Brad. Tears stream down her face as Lorie panics. Leslie stoically asks Lorie to get Dr. Williams and Lorie rushes out to find her.

BROCK/JOANN/JACK - At The Allegro Brock sees Joann looking for an apartment and they discuss Duchess kicking her out. Brock catches on to what his mother was doing and tells Joann his talks with Duchess may have prompted her actions. Joann tells Brock she could begin to get angry with how he is interfering in her life. Brock realises she is also talking about his matchmaking her with Jack. Jo tells him she and Johnny have little in common anymore. Brock reminds her they were married for six years. Joann doesn’t understand why suddenly Brock wants them back together. He explains that Joann never really let go of Johnny. She tells him she is fine on her own, she doesn’t need someone to look after her. Brock agrees but tells her we all need someone to care and love us. Joann reminds him that Jack is still married to Peggy. Brock tells her the marriage has been annulled. It was never consummated, and he doubts it was ever a real marriage to begin with. Joann is stunned. Alone, Joann hears Brocks words ring through her mind. She thinks about all the nights she thought about Jack and Peg making love. How she almost hated Peg for having something she and Johnny hadn’t shared for years. Now to learn that wasn’t how it was at all. They were living as strangers; it must have been hell. She thinks to the letter he wrote about how he was paying for starving Joann of love, how he understood what she went through. She thinks of the night he came over to Mrs. Chancellor’s. A night she could never understand until now (Joann then flashes back to EP#999 – Mar 07, 1977, when Jack sees her by the fireplace and puts his arms on her waist and they kiss, he tells her she looks like the women he married. They kiss again passionately) Joann thought that moment was Jack having a fling, taking advantage, and using her cruelly. (As Joann flashes again back to EP#999 she wonders if he was reaching out to her, and if he was, should that make a difference to her now?) She is startled out of her trance by Johnny. He asks if he can join her, she agrees.


EPISODE - #1048

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell & Kay Alden

TAPE DATE – Thursday May 05, 1977

AIR DATE – Friday May 13, 1977

CAST – Leslie, Lorie, Dr. Williams, Brad, Ron, Jack, Joann, Lance, Brock, Kay, Fred Johnson, Young Man from Cleaners (U/5)

SETS – Leslie’s Hospital Room, Brad & Leslie’s Apartment, Fred Johnson’s Office at Community Legal Services, Booth at Allegro, Chancellor Living Room, Pay Phone in Limbo (Presumably outside Ron’s Room)




LORIE/LESLIE/DR.WILLIAMS/LANCE/BRAD/CLEANER - Lorie is comforting Leslie as Dr. Williams arrives. Leslie tells her the pain has subsided. Dr. Williams tells her to think of something happy to relax her while she examines her. (Leslie flashes back to EP#1033 Apr 22, 1977, When Brad tells her they are going out for dinner and dancing when she returns from her concerts. Les is so happy, this will be their first time out since his blindness. She then remembers Brad lifting the heavy suitcase and bumping into her) Dr. Williams tells her she is dilating; they need to get her to the delivery room. Lorie and Les know the chances for the baby surviving are slim and embrace as Brad waits at home. He hands his tux to a cleaner and tells him it is important he gets it back by tomorrow night, he has a very special date with his wife. Lorie, alone in Leslie’s room, is relieved when Lance shows up. Lorie fills him in. Lance tells her Brad called and wants to see her. Lorie is concerned he may know something and agrees she has to see him to find out. Lorie wonders if they are doing the right thing by keeping this from him. Lance reminds her it is what Leslie wants. Lance agrees to stay at the hospital while Lorie is gone. Lorie visits Brad. He tells her he had planned to ask her and Lance to join him and Les for their night out the following evening but decided it should be just him and Les. He begins to gush about the impending birth of his baby as Lorie closes her eyes and tries to fight back her tears. He wonders if she thinks he is being foolish, she tells him she doesn’t, he tells her how much this baby means to him, especially after losing his son. Lorie doesn’t want to talk about that, and Brad senses something is wrong, has been wrong the last few times she has visited. Lorie brushes it off and hastily leaves. Brad is puzzled and Lorie stands outside fighting back the tears.

RON/FRED - Ron calls to find his lawyer Fred. He finds out he is in court and tells reception he is on his way to see him. Fred returns to his office to find Ron. Ron is furious because Dr. Hanlin barred him from seeing Nancy. He admits he got a little rough with her the last time he was there. Fred isn’t surprised the Doctor banned him. Ron is certain the place is making her worse and wants her home with him. Fred doesn’t think this is a good idea and after all he is the one that put her in there in the first place. It then dawns on Ron that if he is Nancy’s husband and he put her in there, he can take her out. Fred tells her if he values her mental health at all he will leave her there until she is better. Ron doesn’t believe she is getting better. He asks if he can take her out, but Fred sidesteps the question. Fred’s avoidance and silences tell Ron everything he needs to know. He is convinced now that he can walk into the hospital and take her out and there isn’t a thing they can do to stop him. 

JACK/JOANN/BROCK/KAY - Jack and Joann talk about his annulment. The dreams he had and how it is all gone. Jack wonders how they got here, if they had it to do all over again, would they make the same mistakes. Joann asks him to think hard, is his newfound interest in her because of her weight loss, is it because he is lonely, and she is a standby. He goes to answer, but she puts a finger to his lips and tells him to think on it and be honest with himself. Brock stops by to see Duchess and tells her he knows what she did. He understands how much of a sacrifice it must have been to let go of Joann. Duchess tells him he can’t know; he is young and handsome and people like being with him. She is old and alone, no matter what, she always ends up alone. She tells Brock he lied. She doesn’t have Joann’s love and respect, she had to destroy it, otherwise Joann would never have left. Brock tells her in time Joann will understand the gift she has given her, and one day she will realise just how much Duchess truly loves her. Kay laments Joann’s leaving. She tells Brock if she died tomorrow no one would care. He tells her Joann would, and he would. He knows he doesn’t say it enough, but he truly loves her. Duchess begins to cry as they embrace, Brock tells her when we hold on to something selfishly it will escape our grasp, but when we give freely, the love will return to us a thousand-fold. Duchess is sceptical but is affected by his words. He wipes her tears and kisses her gently on the cheek.




EPISODE - #1051

WRITTEN BY – William J. Bell, Kay Alden & Elizabeth Harrower

TAPE DATE – Tuesday May 10, 1977

AIR DATE – Wednesday May 18, 1977

CAST – Kay, Joann, Liz, David Mallory, Ron, Nancy, Miss Simpson, Dr. Hanlin, Jill, Derek

SETS – Allegro, Foster Living Room, Nancy’s Room at State Mental Hospital, Golden Comb Beauty Shop




KAY/JOANN - Kay meets with Joann at Allegro and convinces her to sit for a cup of tea. Though reluctant, Joann agrees to hear Mrs. Chancellor out. Kay tells her what she feels happened between them. She reminds her of her time with Jill, how she needed companionship and how betrayed she was by Jill. Though she explains Jo never betrayed her, she draws a parallel between her feelings for Jill and Joann. She wanted their youth. She felt trapped by her own frustrations. She explains the love she felt was real, but it was a mother’s love. This lifts a great weight off Joann. It is all so clear now. Joann is almost ready to move back in, but Kay tells her though she wanted to mother her, she isn’t necessarily a good mother. All the negative aspects are still there, the possessiveness and jealousy. Though now they can be friends again. Mrs. Chancellor tells her she will be there whenever Joann needs her (Ed. Note – Bell makes it clear that Kay is being sincere about having a mother’s love for Joann, but only because she has convinced herself of this, I think he still stands by her romantic interest in Joann, at least on paper. I Still think he decided Kay is bisexual)

RON/DR. HANLIN/NANCY/MISS SIMPSON - Ron is at the hospital. Dr. Hanlin wants him to leave, but he refuses to leave until he sees Nancy. He has something to lay out on the line, something he needs to tell her. Hanlin caves and lets him have a supervised visit with Nancy. She is turned away from Ron and he angrily demands she turn and face him. She does. He tells her he wants to take her home. They have a chance to get Karen back and be a family. He reaches out his hand, but she doesn’t respond. He darkly tells her if she doesn’t agree to leave, he will walk out that door and she can forget about seeing Karen again. She will be locked away forever like a caged animal. He holds his hand out again, slowly Nancy reaches out and touches Ron. Later, Hanlin has Ron sign Nancy out and tells him they can no longer be responsible for what happens to her. He gives Ron some medication and tells him it is vital she take it or she will only get worse. Ron is flippant and takes Nancy in his arms and walks out as Hanlin and Miss Simpson look on concerned. 

DAVID/LIZ/JILL/DEREK - David turns up at the Foster home as Liz is cleaning. He asks about Jill, but she is still at work, then he asks for Phillip, but he is having a nap. He wants to see if Jill wants to take him to the zoo. Liz realises how fond of Phillip he is. David is starting to feel like Phillip is a son. He wonders if Jill has thought anymore about his proposal. Liz tells him she has taken his proposal seriously but hasn’t come to a decision yet. David pulls out a ring and hopes it might help her decide. Liz hopes he isn’t trying to push her, but David assures her he isn’t. He admits he thinks about her all the time and is in love with her. At the Golden Comb Derek and Jill clean up and prepare to close shop, Jill watches Derek admiringly. A call comes through, and Derek tells Jill if it is for him, he isn’t here. Jill tells the woman (Sherry) Derek has left and she will leave him a message. She teases him about Sherry wanting to be serviced by Derek. He doesn’t take the bait. Jill is terribly curious about him and his relationships, but knows better than to ask. She probes about his plans for the evening, since he is in such a hurry to get home. He tells her he has no plans and is just tired. She tells him she has dinner plans with her son. Derek thinks that’s sweet. They talk about Derek’s son. Derek isn’t even sure if he is eight or nine. He tells Jill he hasn’t seen him in some time and that he lives with his mother. Derek tells her he will give her a lift home; she asks him to join her and Phillip for dinner, but he politely declines. She asks if he misses his son. He doesn’t so much miss him but is more curious about him. Jill can’t imagine living without Phillip. She tells Derek he might get married again someday and have another child. He tells her he has been down that route and won't make that mistake again. There are too many beautiful ladies, he’d be a fool to tie himself down. Jill is a bit disappointed by this, but then again, she has no designs on Derek. 

May 1977


MAY 1977

New schedule beginning on Monday, May 9th.






11 :30 – 12 :00 am



Love Of Life



12 :00 – 12 :30 pm



The Young And The Restless



12 :30 – 1 :00 pm


Ryan’s Hope

Search For Tomorrow



1 :00 – 1 :30 pm


All My Children




1 :30 – 2 :00 pm


As The World Turns

Days Of Our Lives


2 :00 – 2 :30 pm




2 :30 – 3 :00 pm


One Life To Live

The Guiding Light

The Doctors


3 :00 – 3 :30 pm



Another World


General Hospital


3 :30 – 4 :00 pm




4 :00 – 4 :30 pm


The Edge of Night



All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Waking one night, Paul Martin saw his wife Anne crooning lullabies at the crib in their bedroom, empty since the death of their brain damaged daughter. In the morning Anne refused to see Dr. Polk as she had promised, saying that Paul murdered her baby and wanted to brainwash her. She screamed that Paul probably wanted her dead too, and told him to get out and give her some peace. Later that day she visited the Boutique, the Martin house and Nick Davis' office and her varying moods of euphoria, nostalgia and detachment puzzled everyone who saw her. Paul, hearing from some of the family, asked Anne's father, Dr. Charles Tyler, to check on Anne as he would be tied up in court. That afternoon Charles met his son Linc at Anne's door. Linc had been worried about Anne since Kitty told him of her visit and he got no reply when he telephoned. As the door was locked, Linc went to the side and entered Anne's bedroom window to see her lying unconscious across the bed.

Ruth Martin phoned Paul and asked him to come to the emergency room at the hospital. She told him that Anne was found with a completely empty bottle of barbiturates and that the emergency procedures were completed some time before but Anne was not responding. Finally, as Ruth wearily put her head in her hands at Anne's bedside, Anne opened her eyes. She recognized her "dear father" and then Ruth and Jeff, but when she realized that Paul was looking to her for a sign, she asked : "Who are you?"

Kitty Tyler had been so happy and healthy looking lately that Linc asked Dr. Desmond if there might have been a mistake in his diagnosis, but the doctor couldn’t hold out any hope. Kitty had mentioned wanting to adopt a child and Mrs. Lum, troubled that Linc seemed to be considering the possibility, asked for a conference with Linc and Dr. Desmond. On the day of their appointment, Kitty visited Linc's office and saw a note on his calendar to the effect that he was to see Desmond with Myrtle Lum.

Linc told the doctor that he had told Kitty she could begin adoption proceedings. Desmond acknowledged the fact that the procedure was a long one but advised against Linc's considering anything more than going through the motions. At home Kitty was recalling evasions by Myrtle Lum and Linc that had occurred lately and when Myrtle returned, Kitty acknowledged that she was tired and asked Myrtle to sing to her.

Tara learned in confidence from Chuck that Philip had asked that Chuck marry her if Phil didn't survive. She told her brother Jeff that she was crazy to have ever considered having an abortion and told Philip that she had been neglecting him in her concern for little Philip. She intended to tell the boy about the expected baby and together they would help him adjust. However when Tara told little Philip about the baby, he was unimpressed and insisted it would not be like a real brother or sister since Philip was not his father. - Though Chuck Tyler was little Philip's legal father, married at the time of the boy's birth to Tara, Philip and Tara had agreed not to tell the child that Philip Brent was his natural father because the boy experienced severe asthma attacks when Tara and Chuck were divorced. When Chuck talked to little Philip about the expected baby the boy said he'd rather not go along with Phil and Tara's plans to move, saying they had their own baby and didn't need him and that he wanted to live with Chuck. When she saw Philip at the hospital, Tara told him that little Philip was happy. Philip realized she was lying but decided that he had been pushing the boy too hard and expected to be good friends by the time the baby was born.

Nancy Grant stayed on and prepared a meal for Frank after his release from the hospital and Frank, who had asked Caroline over and was unable to reach her by phone, stalled and allowed Nancy to do laundry and go ahead with the cooking to the anger and embarrassment of both Caroline and Nancy. After Caroline slammed out, Frank talked Nancy into cancelling the cab she planned to take but her departure was only delayed. Despite Nancy's efforts at a reconcilliation, Frank refused to believe that her relationship with Carl Blair was not a physical one. Finally, after almost six years of marriage, they said goodbye at Pine Valley airport, agreeing only that Paul Martin should represent the both of them in the divorce action.

Paul Martin had been advised against trying to see his wife for a time. Anne's father was fearful that any further upset would cause Anne to try to take her own life again. Charles was also worried about her mother seeing Anne as she was childlike and disoriented much of the time and he was wary of the effect they might have on each other. However, when Phoebe went to Anne, she was welcomed, though she was upset that Anne seemed to think she was back at the time of her debut and Paul was her "best beau." When Phoebe told her that Paul was her husband and begged her not to blame him, Anne said she had no husband and contrived to send Phoebe out of the room while she removed and then secreted her mother's wallet. She asked Phoebe to stay with her and feigned sleep. As Phoebe was talking with Charles and Paul in Charles' office, Anne dressed and slipped out of her room. After Phoebe went, Paul insisted upon seeing Anne for a moment even though she might be asleep and discovered that she had left.

Drs. David Thornton and Christina Karras had quarreled about her determination to resign. - Christina made up her mind after being convinced by David that she had an episode where she behaved like a small girl who wanted to be a ballerina. At first David was charmed at what he believed to be a whimsical, talented performance but Christina finally acknowledged that it had happened several times before but that she was not aware of any time lapse. - David reminded her that Dr. Tyler was in a great deal of personal turmoil after his daughter's attempted suicide and Christina agreed that this was not the best time to tender her resignation was is determined that she would do so as soon as possible. David suggested that she was upset at learning that her father had, in effect, bribed a young doctor she had been in love with into dropping her. She said that she and Hadley Caldwell had something beautiful and he betrayed it for a job, but the reason she was so upset was because her father was still trying to ruin her life and she had to pay for what she did.

David talked Christina into going with him to his cabin and finally got her to confide in him what it was that she felt so guilty about. She told him that she froze during an operation when she, a surgical resident, was assisting her father. Afterwards he took her back to the operating room and insisted that she disect a cadaver because he would not allow her to disgrace him by being a coward. He put a scalpel into her hand, and, when she still refused, began shaking her, ordering her to do as he said. Christina recalled stabbing her father and watching him fall against the table, blood staining the front of his surgical gown.

Paul Martin returned to his home to find one of Beth's stuffed toys was missing and saw Phoebe's wallet in the baby's crib. He realized where Anne probably had been gone. He and Charles found Anne at the mausoleum, asleep. When Charles woke her, she shrank from Paul, telling her father that man was trying to hurt her. Charles promised to protect her and led her out, promising a warm bed at the hospital. Anne, very childlike, agreed to go along if her daddy would tuck her in and hear her prayers. The following day, Dr. Polk pointed out that Anne had opportunity to harm herself and didn't, but if she didn’t attempt suicide, she still might need protection because she was so out of touch with reality she could hurt herself accidently. He said Anne needed long term care and recommended that she be admitted to a private mental hospital, Oak Haven. At Charles' urging Paul signed the commitment papers and Anne was removed the following day, heavily sedated, without having seen either Paul or Phoebe.

Christina Karras woke in David's cabin after having slept peacefully for the first time in months. David asked if she still believed, in the light of day, that she killed her father. Christina insisted that she did and was glad after she saw what she'd done, that he was dead. Paul spoke of it as an accident and Christina denied this, saying it might have been a crime of passion but it was a crime, nevertheless. She insisted that Dr. MacPherson probably had covered up when he listed the cause of death as heart failure, in order to protect her father's reputation and the hospital from scandal; and that she was too cowardly and frightened to insist that the truth be told.

Kitty Tyler made an appointment with Dr. Desmond on her own and insisted he tell her what her mother and Linc were keeping from her. When she threatened to go to another doctor to find out the truth about her condition, he was forced to tell her that her disease had no known cure. He told her that the symptoms might return at any time and might include loss of vision or motor impairment. Kitty told the doctor that she'd rather her husband and mother not know that she was then aware of her condition, saying she had a right to handle it as she chose. The doctor agreed.

Mona Kane told Nick Davis that Charles had promised to look up Mark Dalton's birth record in Center City but, with Anne's attempted suicide, he had been unable to do so. She expressed the hope that Erica had learned to respect herself. - Mona Kane was unaware that Nick and her daughter Erica were sometime lovers. Mona tried to get Nick to stop seeing Erica but would not give him any reason other than that Erica got involved too easily and hurt herself and others. - Mona was afraid to tell Mark that he might be Erica's half-brother as she had no proof and Nick had pointed out that if they could prove it they had no way of knowing how the news might effect Mark. 

Erica had left Mark's apartment after his abrupt "tonight's the night" attitude caused her to tell him she was no pushover. Mark insisted he was right the first time; he believed Nick Davis had the inside track. Erica went to the Chateau and she and Nick spent the night together at her house.

Frank Grant told Caroline that Nancy had gone for good and she wouldn’t be back so they could make their plans and live happily ever after. When Ruth referred to the dinner Frank and Nancy attended together at Kate Martin's, Caroline realized that once again, Frank had glossed over an incident having to do with Nancy, giving a false impression about the day Nancy left, if not actually lying. Caroline told him that the fact that he wasn't completely honest showed her that everything was not over between him and Nancy, no matter what he believed to the contrary.

Linc learned from Ruth that Kitty was at the hospital. After talking to Tara, Myrtle realized Kitty's story of visiting Phil at that time wasn’t true; Kitty probably had learned the truth about her illness.

Donna Beck received word she had failed her high school equivalency test and she planned to leave Pine Valley. But Caroline was finally able to convince her she owed it to Chuck to put off her decision until he returned from his trip to Baltimore.

Dan Kennicott had been told by Brooke that she was not ready to be tied down but after talking with Benny Sago, she decided that considering that in a couple of years Dan would be a full fledged architect, she could do a lot worse. When she told Dan she wanted to go on seeing him but not casually, he told her she had come running to him before, trying to make Benny jealous. Brooke told Dan that Benny loved her in his own way: that he was not as macho as he seemed and that she was not as sophisticated as she appeared to be. Dan let her walk away but later told her that he was in love with her and just didn’t want to share her with anyone.

One Life To Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan / Joseph Stuart

Naomi Vernon told her husband Will about finding an article about female contraceptive devices in Samantha's room. He pompously tells her that sex is not a dirty word and Naomi reminds her psychiatrist husband that she is his wife, discussing his daughter, not one of his patients. He suggested that Naomi, herself,  talk quietly with their daughter, saying that times had changed and young people were more aware of their "choices." He went on to say that maybe their own marriage would have gotten off to a better start if Naomi hadn't been a virgin. Furious, Naomi tells him she will simply leave the little talk to him, saying she was sure when Will got finished with his little seminar on sex education, Sam would most likely get the idea she could do what "she damn well pleased, no doubt". Furious, at her husband, Naomi storms out.  Will later apologizes for the "misunderstanding" and Naomi tries to get him to take her seriously, saying she was convinced Sam was lying to them every time she went out. Sam had asked her friend Dolly what she was using and Dolly told her she had a doctor's prescription but immediately suggested that Samantha get someone she was friendly with at Llanview hospital to give her a supply "for both of us."

Marco saw Samantha and asked her once again to his motel room but she said she was not going because she was not ready ... yet. Marco had been making a play for Lana, among others, and when she mentioned it to Karen, she reacted by calling Marco a creep. When Lana said that Marco hadn't been all that creepy with her, Karen insisted that Marco liked to promote a sense of security but was nothing less than a dangerous animal. When Lana lightly said she had been out with her share of them, Karen persevered to warn Lana, "not like this one, I guarantee you."

Peter Janssen walked in on Dorian Lord at Llanfair despite Dorian's instructions to maid Felicia that she was not seeing anyone. Peter said he would talk to her whether she liked it or not: that he and Matt were worried about her and everyone was commenting on Dorian's absence. Dorian said she only wanted to get away from it all for awhile and then asked Peter lightly to bring her up to date. When he asked what she would like to know she rushed out with "Have you seen the Riley baby? Does he look like Joe? How is Joe feeling?" Peter, exasperated, asked her why she didn’t give up on Joe Riley and recommended she take a vacation cruise. She told him she didn't ask for his advice and didn’t want it, then added, "When I decide want something, I never give up until I get it." Peter persisted in telling her she was not behaving in a rational manner. Dorian said that Matt MacAllister told her he was in love with her and added, "What better reason not to see him anymore?"

Peter told Matt MacAllister that Dorian was depressed but he didn’t think it was personal against Matt. Matt told him that he felt sure Dorian would be getting in touch with him as there had been a new development in his situation and he refered obscurely to a "mushroom cloud over Llanfair." The next day Dorian called Matt after seeing a blind item in the opposition newspaper's gossip column, then written by Matt, to the effect that a wealthy local publisher had become a virtual recluse. Matt later told Dorian he wrote the item to make her come out of seclusion because he cared for her. He told her that she was permitting herself unrealistic and naive emotions, that Joe Riley never had loved her and never would, He suggested that Dorian buy up his contract; he would be happy to come back to work for the Banner.

Joe stopped by to invite Dorian to the baby's christening and offered to take her to see Kevin that day. Dorian told Joe she was thinking of starting a magazine to keep busy and asked him if he would help her launch it, saying together they could make it vital. Joe turned her down by telling her if he had any spare time he would spend it with Viki and his son.

Dorian went again to the Riley home with Viki's christening dress and some other keepsakes from Viki's babyhood that Victor had kept. Viki was very touched, but when Dorian, on the day before the christening, proposed to have the celebration at Llanfair, Viki firmly turned her down. After Kevin's christening, Dorian left early and Matt caùe to the library at Llanfair to see her clutching a pillow and rocking in pain. He asked her if she'd ever thought of getting professional help and urged her to try to be objective since she was a doctor. He told her she was torn apart inside and had been in this depression over a month. Dorian insisted that she knew what the matter was with her, Matt answered "That's what they all say, including Cathy Lord" and Dorian might be walking around with a time bomb as Cathy was.

Cathy once again had come to the point of urging Tony to give her a baby, saying that would make things all right and she would feel better. Tony went to Will Vernon for help, telling him that Cathy wanted to resume sexual relationships and he didn’t. Will replied that, after all, they were still married and Tony, exasperated, told Will once again, that he wanted Cathy to get well so he could divorce her. He stated once more for Will, "I do not love her" and added that it was undignified for her to come to him begging. Will told Tony that he had helped Cathy a great deal already and that the best they could hope for was that Cathy begin to see the reality of her situation herself.

Pat and Carla were having an interview in the hospital cafeteria when Cathy stopped by their table and smirked, saying to Pat, "it's never going to happen." She went on to tell a startled Pat that she was never going to succeed in her game of waiting for Cathy to break down again. She left and Carla stopped Pat from following her. When Pat said she has never had anyone look at her with such hatred in her life, Carla told her that was why she stopped her. "What could you possibly have said to her that she would listen to?"

Naomi had had a talk with Jenny about Brad and Jenny had told her that she was not in love with him, adding that they didn’t share the same interests. - Naomi learned that Will and Jenny did share the same interests when she came into a room to hear Will telling Jenny that he bought a record of music played at a concert they had both attended and saying that whenever he heard that music, he would think of the previous night. Jenny replied it was a wonderful concert and she was so glad they could go there, together. –

Lana stormed into Karen's apartment after Karen got back from a restaurant with Marco. - Lana and Karen were shopping when Marco walked into the store. Karen not very subtly hustled him away intercepting and accepting an invitation meant for Lana but not before rising to Marco's bait by charging a very expensive pendant he offered to buy for her. - Karen insisted she did it for Lana's own good because Marco collected women like some people collected stamps. Knowing he had just been hired by Dorian, Lana mischieviously remarked that if he did stick around he might end  up owning Llanfair. When Lana speculated on what Larry was going to say when he saw the necklace, Karen told her she would think of something when the time came. - Unknown to Larry, Karen had steadily been picking up credit cards and then had quite an impressive stack. - However when Larry came home unexpectedly early, Karen panicked and told him that the pendant belonged to Lana who gave it to her impulsively, and probably might ask for it back just as impulsively in a few days, so she was wearing it as much as she could. As she sent Larry off to get Danny, she recalled the kiss Marco gave her - in public -.

Matt suggested to Brad Vernon that he have a party to celebrate the opening and promised to give it coverage in his column. When Matt left, Brad asked Dorian to help him work on it to protect her investment. Dorian said it would entail extra expenses and remarked that Peggy Fillmore's interest in the health club seemed to have waned. Brad told her that Mrs. Fillmore was too demanding. When Dorian persisted in saying she thought Brad wanted the money, he said the price was too high. Dorian offered to introduce him to a friend of hers, an overweight heiress who might be interested enough to provide the expense money for the party. Brad's comment was "From Peggy Fillmore to a chubby heiress?" He told her to save it for somebody else and, noting that Marco had been sent to his home with some flowers for his mother from Dorian, added that it was right up her errand boy's alley.

When Marco delivered flowers for Naomi she was not at home but Samantha was doing her homework. He asked her if she had seen a doctor yet. She told him she didn’t want to be pressured and he said he thought she had some special feelings for him. When Sam murmered that she did, he went on to say he seemed to recall her saying that she was in love with him. He touched her chin in a tender proprietory manner as Naomi came in. When Marco went and Naomi asked why he came in, Sam told her she knew him from around school. Naomi asked "how well?" Samantha whined that she didn't do anything and Naomi finished up saying "because I came home unexpectedly." Samantha rushed out.

Sam went to her father's office just as Will was about to tell Jenny he was in love with her. When she asked the following day what they were talking about when Sam came in, Will said he forgot all about it but would let her know if he remembered. To himself he admitted that he would have gone on to tell Jenny he loved her and she would probably have walked out and he'd never see her again. He asked himself even if Jenny didn't, what good would it do?

After Will brought Samantha back and initiated apologies all around between his daughter and her mother, his daughter came to him saying that she was upset because Naomi had an asthma attack when she had been aliright for months. Will told Samantha that other girl's mothers had quarrels with their daughters and scream right back at them but that Naomi's attacks were psychosomatic and went back to before Sam was born, when Naomi was brought up in a strict home and was "made to feel guilty if her shoes weren't tied." He said her attacks were totally unconsciously motivated in order to get back at the person who was causing her trouble. Samantha followed her father, saying "I guess we can't blame her if she doesn't know what she's doing. Can we?"

Pretending friendship, Dorian used the idea of Kevin being in danger of a second kidnapping to frighten Viki badly. She then "confided" to Pat her "fears" that Viki was losing her emotional stability and referred to Viki's past emotional trouble, annoying Pat who felt this was Viki's personal business. Dorian then used these machinations to press Joe to send his wife and son to the seclusion of the country for the summer "for Viki's own good."

When Naomi insisted to her husband that she knew he was getting involved with another woman, Will retorted he had no idea she had so much venom stored up. He insisted it was not true and her imagination would be the destruction of both of them. Naomi left the room after asking if he really thought she wouldn't know, adding she's familiar with the way he acted when he was trying to deceive her. She struck a nerve when she added the problem with him is that he wanted to be young again and she knew if he ever got his second chance, it would not be with her.

Samantha overheard the argument and told her father Naomi probably really hated both of them. Will replied Naomi behaved as she did with Samantha because Sam was young and independent and didn’t share her values; that her mother was an unhappy woman who had lost respect for herself.

The following morning, Will attacked Brad for accepting his mother's offer of a loan to cover further Health Club expenses, saying Brad conned her into it. Will suggested his son seek psychiatric help. Brad exploded, telling his father that they, the family of a prominent psychiatrist, were the most unhappy people he knew. - Naomi had accused Will of hating Brad ever since Brad stopped her suicide attempt years ago and learned his father had been having an affair. Will countered that Naomi set up that suicide attempt to have just that effect.

General Hospital

Written by: Eileen & Robert Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan

Best friends Terri Arnett and Dr. Lesley Faulkner found their futures with the men they loved jeopardized by the other women in their men's lives. Terri, recovering from brain surgery performed by the man in her life, Dr. Mark Dante, found she was unable to remember the words to songs she had always known. Mark told her that in removing the clot, he might have inadvertently removed some of the memory links, but with time and therapy, the songs would be Terri's again. Mark's wife, Mary Ellen – Mellie -, who had discovered Mark's love for Terri, had arranged the accident that resulted in Terri's needing surgery. To make sure Terri had trouble recalling the 24 hours surrounding the accident, Mellie volunteered to work with Terri. Mellie misinformed Terri about that time, confusing Terri when she began to have memory flashes. Mellie told her it was her own idea to have tea; Terri recalled Mellie's threatening to sue her for alienation of affection unless Terri joined her for tea. Mellie told her she begged her to give Mark up; Terri finally recalled that Mellie said she'd kill Mark before letting Terri have him. Terri threatened to tell Mark about that conversation at tea. Mellie ran from Terri's house after swearing to carry through with her threat to kill Mark.

Lesley was engaged to Dr. Rick Webber. Rick's sister-in-law, Monica, with whom he'd had a torrid affair, had threatened to reveal the affair, thus ruining Rick's career, unless Lesley broke off with Rick. Lesley tried to show Monica that Rick loved her, Lesley, and would blame Monica, not her, for ruining his career. Monica was unable to see Lesley's point. Lesley decided not to break the engagement, feeling she and Rick could practice anywhere, as long as they were together. However, Dr. Pearlman, on leave as head of cardiology, being temporarily replaced by Rick, returned to resign for health reasons. He recommended Rick as his replacement, and chief of staff Steve Hardy concurred. Rick was ecstatic. This job was what he had been working for all his life. His father used to be head of cardiology. Rick wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, and then he had the chance. Monica told Lesley she had until the Board met to make her decision to break off. In great emotional pain, Lesley wrote Rick a letter telling him she would hurt him more by marrying him than by breaking up with him. She returned his ring. Ironically, the letter was delivered to Rick as he was describing to Monica how much the impending appointment meant to him. Rick read the letter and went to see Lesley immediately. He pointed out the ring was a pledge of loyalty and love, that in giving the ring to her, he handed her his life. He couldn’t understand. Monica, meanwhile, told friend and confidante, Dr. Gail Adamson, that she couldn’t follow through with her threat, as she knew what the job meant to Rick. Lesley's daughter Laura felt she was to blame for the breakup. Both Rick and Lesley assured her she was wanted as part of a family. Unable to tell Rick the reason for the break up, and desperately unhappy at being denied this chance for a happy future with the man she loved, Lesley made plans to go to Venice. Rick found out. He pleaded with her to stay and marry him, to no avail.

Unable to tell Rick she didn’t love him, Lesley left for Venice, having arranged for Laura to stay with Adam and Jill Streeter. Gail, in an effort to stop the agony for Lesley and Rick, asked Monica to tell Lesley her threats to disgrace Rick would never be carried through. Aware of the broken engagement, Monica was unable to respond to Jeff's pleas for forgiveness and reconciliation, hoping she could still win Rick. When Rick didn't seem overly disturbed by Lesley's leaving, Monica felt it was his pride, but in reality, Rick hadn't given up on his love for Lesley or hers for him.

Terri confronted Mellie with her full memory of the day of the accident, Mellie's threats to sue for alienation of affection, followed by Mellie's threats to kill Mark rather than let Terri have him. Terri responded that she would tell Mark everything, driving Mellie from the house. At the apartment, Mellie toyed with a letter opener, then called Mark with a fake suicide threat. He arrived and bandaged her slightly damaged wrists, but had her committed to the hospital. Peter persuaded Mark that Mellie might be sicker than they thought, and restricted her visitors to himself, as her psychiatrist, and her nurses. Mellie couldn’t bear the isolation. Terri, unaware of Mellie's fake attempt, went to the hospital to tell Mark of Mellie's threats. He told her about Mellie first, so Terri backed off. She contacted Rick. When he arrived, Terri told him she was breaking all ties with Mark, because unless she did, Mellie would kill him, and she couldn't bear the pain of wondering if Mellie'd succeeded everytime Mark was late coming home to her. Rick was to tell nobody and snuff any vestiges of feeling Mar might have. Terri planned to join Lesley.

Terri told Mark she couldn’t wait any more, that she felt he still loved Mellie. She told him it was over, that she didn’t love him. Broken up, Mark left, somewhat bitter.

Heather Grant, pregnant with Monica's husband Jeff's child, was having trouble with her blood pressure, causing resident Gina Dante to fear toxemia pregnancy. When Heather saw Gina with a woman from whom her mother had stolen stationery to forge a reference for Heather, her blood pressure soared. Heather finally confessed to Gina about the forged references she gave Peter and Diana Taylor in order to get the job as their mother's helper. Gina urged Heather to tell Diana, pointing out Heather had proven herself. Unfortunately, Diana was assigned to Mrs. Bradley and learned the truth before Heather could tell her. The Taylors forgave Heather for this mistake in judgment, but wondered about her story that a married man named Carlton, who lived in another state, was the father of her baby. Heather was sent home to her mother to spend the rest of her pregnancy in a quiet, unthreatening atmosphere.

But the Taylors’ concern about Heather was shoved to the background when their adoption of Mike Mallon was threatened. Mrs. Endecott, their case worker, began asking strange questions about Mike's adjustment to their family, then saying things like "that will help." The Taylors were unaware that some anonymous person - Pat Lambert - had revealed Diana was mixed up in a sensational murder case - Phil Brewer's - and the adoption board had decided the Taylors were unfit to have Mike. Finally, Mrs. Endicott was sent to get Mike. Peter assured the devastated Mike that they loved him and would do everything they could to get him back. Diana went to Mrs. Endicott and pleaded for the reasons behind their taking Mike away. When Mrs. Endicott, under orders, couldn’t tell her, Diana told her they would do whatever they had to to regain Mike. She was overheard by the head of the board, who felt the Taylors had to be involved when Mike disappeared. Without their knowledge, Mike was hiding in a storage room in the basement. Martha was taking him food. Finally, Mike called his friend, Tommy Baldwin. Mike had realized he might get the Taylors in a lot of trouble by hiding there and wanted Tommy to get him enough money to get to an old neighbor in his old home town.

Just after having been warned the Children's Center was after a search warrant to search their house, Diana found Mike in the cellar. He then understood he had to return to the center. Diana promised they would have him permanently by summer.

Jeff had told his sister Terri that Heather was carrying his child. He was afraid to tell Monica, fearful he would lose her. Terri told him he had to tell Monica in order to know whether he really had a marriage and future with Monica. Jeff told Monica who was overwhelmed by the irony of the situation. Before Rick's engagement to Lesley she could have used Heather's pregnancy to end her marriage to Jeff and resume her place with Rick. Then... Monica moved out of their bedroom, telling Jeff she needed time to think. She wondered how they would be able to face the Taylors, knowing the baby they were adopting was Jeff's. Jeff suggested they move away. Monica demured, saying they were both head residents in their departments – she was Rick's head resident - and they couldn't give that up easily.

Tom Baldwin having returned after being imprisoned in Mexico for nine years, found he was still in love with Audrey Hobart. Their son Tommy had been trying to get them together by feigning illness, something he saw in a movie. However, medical tests had shown nothing wrong with him. Tom and Audrey were completely baffled until Martha Taylor told them she overheard Tommy telling Mike his plan. They confronted Tommy, who admitted his crime. In the aftermath, Tom asked Audrey to cancel their divorce, revealing his love for her. As gently as possible, Audrey told Tom that she loved Steve and always would. Tom planned to take a job elsewhere. When his brother Lee, a lawyer, asked about the possible bad effects on Tommy, Tom told him he had no intention of leaving Tommy behind, that he would fight for custody. When Audrey told Tommy she was going to marry Steve, Tommy turned hostile, trying to cut her out of his life. When Tom refused to help, at Steve's request, Steve took the matter into his own hands. Steve told Tommy that one couldn't force people to love each other. Tommy replied that Tom and Audrey loved each other when he was born. Steve admitted that, but pointed out it was a long time ago. Steve reminded him that one thing had not changed—his mother's love for him. Steve asked Tommy to stop punishing Audrey, Tommy apologized to Audrey for hurting her and Steve.

Tom’s plans to leave for a job in Salt Lake City were disturbed a bit when he found Rick wanted him to help train cardiac re volunteers.

Lee Baldwin had resumed his practice in Port Charles, unhappily leaving his wife Caroline in Florida. Caroline refused to join Lee, preferring to stay and look after her son Bobby and his family. Bobby had a rare disease which was presently in remission. Lee's loneliness had been abated somewhat by the friendship of Dr. Gail Adamson. Lee was coming to depend on Gail for help and companionship. Gail suggested to Lee that he persuade Carolyn and the whole family to join him for the summer.  Caroline agreed but Bobby's doctors were concerned that the remission was abating, and so Caroline had cancelled. Gail was falling in love with Lee, but had told Monica that she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize her friendship with both Lee and Caroline.

Jill Streeter, angry at her father, Adam, because he appeared taken by Gina Dante and because he, backed by Gina, refused to buy her a car, got a sample of Adam's  signature and forged it on a withdrawal slip to get $2000 from her trust fund for the car. Her boyfriend Dexter and Laura Faulkner warned she could get in trouble, but Jill wouldn't be deterred.

Adam Streeter told Gina Dante he loved her. When she couldn’t declare similar feelings, he suggested they give each other six months. If at that time, Gina still couldn't say she loved him, they would go separate ways with no hard feelings. Gina agreed.

The Edge Of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

News of Mike Karr's arrest quickly hit the airwaves and Tony Saxon couldn't be happier. Will seeing Mike behind bars made Tony Saxon's revenge complete? Surely it was Tony who created the eyewitness to Mike's alleged folly. Mike was incredulous when he learned that there was a woman who claimed to be an eyewitness to the shooting. The police attempedt to break down Ms. Johnson's story but she stood pat...in fact she stood so pat in her story that it smacked of being a put up job. Adam managed to get Mike released on bail and Nancy was relieved. She admitted to Adam that there was something she hadn't told him... or anyone for that matter. Nancy admitted to having been with Beau Richardson the night he was murdered... before Mike arrived!

Since Ansel Scott had won the Tony Saxon case and received his rather handsome fee, he was prepared to make some major changes in his life. He told Raven that, having a substantial nest egg of his own, he was prepared to do whatever she wished. Did that include divorcing her mother to marry her ? Yes it did ! Raven told her stepdaddy that what she would like him to do ... was to go straight to hell !

Tony Saxon was enjoying, with relish, his apparent triumph over Mike Karr. He called Nancy to offer his condolences and happily hung up when Adam got on the phone. Although in his heart Adam knew Mike was innocent, from the looks of things so far — Mike's chances did not look good. Adam is incredulous after Nancy’s revelation. Nancy explained that once she realized that she had been made the butt of an awful plot ... and that Timmy Faraday's life was not in danger as Beau had suggested, she was furious. She was so furious that just prior to boarding a plane to San Francisco to see Timmy, she paid a visit to the club to confront Beau with all that she knew. Nancy swore that when she left, Beau was alive. Bill Marceau told Nancy that, although he would try to keep her admission out of the newspapers, he had to enter the in-formation into the police records.

Raven's mother, Nadine, paid a visit to her stepson Draper Scott. Nadine was there on a very painful mission : she wanted to know if Draper has reason to believe that Raven and her stepfather - Nadine's husband - had been having an affair. Draper made a concerted effort to avoid answering his stepmother's questions, but his discomfort was all the answer Nadine required. Her worst suspicions had been confirmed.

Nadine went to Geraldine Whitney's home to speak with Raven. As usual, Raven was flippant and evasive … until Nadine pressed her for the truth. It seemed as though Raven had always felt a consenting need to compete with her mother for men. When Raven was a child, she got along very well with her father. When her mother and father got a divorce, Raven blamed her mother for the entire episode. Raven did not realize that the reason she wasn't living with her father was because her father didn't want her! From that day to this, Raven had always gone after her mother's beaus. When Nadine reminded her daughter that this was probably the reason for her behaviour, Raven turned into an hysterical screaming mess.

Tracy Micelli's husband, Danny had been questioned by the police. He had admitted that he and Beau Richardson went to the apartment of Harold Nivens—the man who could have put Tony Saxon behind bars—and that Beau literally scared the man to death. Beau knew that Mr. Nivens had a weak heart and did everything he could to cause Mr. Nivens' heart to fail. Obviously he succeeded. Danny told Luke McAllister and Bill Marceau that if they were going to arrest him, they might as well do it then, but they decided to hold off for the moment.

The grand jury had returned an indictment of first degree murder against Mike Karr. Mike assured Nancy that evrything would soon be cleared up, but she was skittish. Draper Scott had been assigned to prosecute the case, and although he didn’t want to believe in Mike's guilt, as far as he could see, the cards were heavily stacked in the prosecution's favor.

Laurie Dallas seemed to be going off the deep end. Her father's indictment for murder had hit her harder than anyone realized. She went to her parents' house, supposedly to visit Timmy Faraday and welcome him home. What she really did was steal a toy gun Timmy had. She learned Inez lived with a lodger called Mrs. Yost. "Armed" with her newfound weapon, Laurie took herself over to Mrs. Yost's house and demanded to see Inez Johnson. At first Inez mistook her for a lady of the evening seeking work ... until Laurie mentioned her maiden name. With the mention of the name Karr, Laurie took out the gun - Inez thought it was real - and threatened to kill her if she didn't admit that she'd been lying. Inez screamed for Mrs. Yost who convinced Laurie to give up the weapon. When Johnny received a hostile call from Mrs. Yost insisting that he come and collect his wife at once, he didn't know what to make of it. When he arrived at the Yost household, Laurie seemed to be perfectly rational. He was astounded to learn that she had threatened to kill Inez ... and with a toy gun of all things!

Mike's clients had begun to react to the news of his indictment. Mike realized that they were not too keen on being represented by a lawyer who, himself, had been accused of a crime. He planned to ask Adam to take over his cases.

Danny Micelli told Deborah that Steve Guthrie was not the crooked cop she believed him to be. Deborah was relieved to hear this because she really cared for Steve. When her father, Tony Saxon, learned that Danny had encouraged Deborah to resume her friendship with "that cop," he was furious. Danny's wife Tracy was looking worse and worse. She was still unable to get any sleep and because Dr. Neely had confessed his personal attachment for her. She had stopped going to him for psychiatric help. She also had a lot of money problems as Danny had stopped giving her money. As if all that weren't bad enough, Mrs. Yost used to know Tracy some years back and called The New Moon Café to tell Tracy they had to get together some time. As guilty as Tracy felt about her past as a prostitute, she really didn’t want anyone to know that Mrs. Yost used to be her madam.

Because Danny had refused to send Tracy any more money, she had been unable to pay the rent, and predictably, was evicted. She took her belongings and went to her brother's apartment. Johnny gladly welcomed his sister. Johnny's wife, Laurie, seemed hardly aware of Tracy's presence. Johnny was becoming increasingly annoyed and worried about his wife. Ever since she learned of her father's difficulties, she had been drawing dome and closer to the edge of insanity.

Adam explained to Nicole that because he felt he had to come up with the evidence to clear Mike of all the murder charges, Adam's investigation might take him out of town. In fact, Adam told Nicole, he wouldn’t be able to visit her for the next few weekends. Nicole understood that Adam had to be away from her, but knew she would miss him terribly. When Dr. Cavanaugh visited with Nicole, she told him what was causing her depression and he volunteered to be her friend as well as her doctor. A staff nurse happened to venture into Nicole's room and saw that the doctor has placed a friendly hand on Nicole's shoulder. The nurse was upset.

When Draper Scott went with Adam to see Nicole at Dr. Cavanaugh’s clinic, he met the doctor’s sister, April. April seemed to be, for Draper, a refreshing change from Raven. He thought he would attempt to cultivate the friendship.

The same nurse that saw Dr. Cavanaugh place his hand on Nicole's shoulder decided that she could wait no longer to make her move. She visited the Dr. in his room on the pretext of giving him some advice about his sister April. Nurse Carol rather clumsily managed to turn the conversation to sex and made her intentions known ... in no uncertain terms. The doctor responded in no uncertain terms. He told her to get out of his room! Meanwhile, April badmouthed Miles’ wife, Denise, to Nicole. Nicole learned that April was suffering from a heart condition but was reluctant to have surgery.

Johnny was fed up with his wife's attitude. She was not interested in him or their child, or their marriage. If his sister Tracy weren't staying with them, he was not even sure if Laurie would care for the baby! She would soon have to, how-ever, because Tracy had found an apartment and would soon be moving out. Mike and Nancy were so worried about Laurie's emotional stability that they decided to pay her an immediate visit. Laurie was indignant and hostile. She accused her parents of coming to check up on her and accused her husband of spreading rumors questioning her sanity. When Nancy spoke about the obvious signs of neglect the child was showing, Laurie suggested that Nancy take the baby!

Chief of Police Bill Marceau had done some talking to a reporter and then that reporter had a great headline for the next issue of his paper: “CHIEF OF POLICE DENIES MIKE KARR'S GUILT—SAYS ARREST WAS AN ERROR!” With headlines like that, there would be many a ripple in the quiet little town of Monticello.

Raven was then after Kevin Jamison ... and she was pulling out all the stops. She was shy, demure, coy, aggressive, sexually appealing .

Days Of Our Lives

Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Betty Corday & H. Wesley Kenney

Dr. Tom Horton’s stroke was taking a heavy toll on his wife Alice. She was unable to sleep or even rest well, worrying about Tom. She prayed that if God took Tom, He would take her, too. Alice's exhaustion was not unnoticed. Tommy Horton, eldest of the Horton children since Addie died, suggested they send for Marie, his sister, who was in a convent in New York. Alice panicked until Tommy reassured her that it was only to boost Tom's morale, not because he was in danger. Tommy felt it would be good for Alice, too, to have someone around who was as "spiritually turned on" as Alice was. Alice commented that she still had trouble believing Marie was a nun. Alice then expressed concern for Tommy; how would he feel having his sister around again? Tommy assured Alice the past was behind them. - Many years ago, Tommy was wounded in Korea. Plastic surgery, combined with amnesia, forestalled his realization that the woman he loved, and who loved him, when he returned from Salem, was his sister Marie. 

Tom’s speech impairment and paralysis caused him to fear he would be a burden to Alice. She reassured him. But later, when Dr. Mel Bailey offered some sympathy, Alice broke down. Mel told her that Tom was the best candidate for recovery he had ever known. Alice opened up to Mel, telling him she was resentful that Tom lost the chief of staff job to Greg Peters. She felt Tom's disappointment at losing the job contributed to the stroke. Mel agreed Tom should have had the job, then told Alice that Greg tried to resign and agreed to stay on only after he found out about Tom's stroke. Alice told Mel she had done Greg a grave injustice. She apologized to Greg, who accepted with good grace.

Further tests showed Tom's stroke was caused by arteriosclerosis, which had formed a clot that was obstructing the flow of blood to his brain. Dr. Berger recommended heparin and other blood thinners, hoping to help Tom's condition without surgery. However, since the cause of the stroke was arteriosclerosis, future strokes were possible, a fact which ate at Tom. Tom was a bad patient, giving his nurse, Mrs. Casey, much trouble. When she brought a wheelchair to get him up and about, he angrily ordered her from the room. Tom confided to his son Bill, also a physician, that he was worried about his practice. Bill assured him that his patients were being covered by other doctors. Tom felt that was unfair to them and asked Bill to take over his patients. Bill agreed, provided he could clear it with Greg. Bill also had reservations about being qualified since his specialty had been surgery. Tom pointed out that a surgeon had to also know internal medicine as well as the other specialties. - In the process of a mental breakdown, Bill's brother Mickey shot him in the arm. Since then Bill had been unable to do surgery, due to nerve damage in his arm and hand. He had been looking for another area of medicine to get into, but nothing matched surgery for Bill. Bill also blamed Greg for Tom's stroke and was unable to hide his resentment towards Greg's appointment. - Bill told Greg he was taking over his father's practice. Greg replied that Tom's patients were covered. Bill pointed out that this was a direct request from Tom. Greg agreed reluctantly, then had to tell Bill that he had to find a replacement for Tom as department chief since nobody knew how long Tom would be incapacitated. Bill was furious. Amanda Peters interrupted, having come to see her husband. Amanda asked if Bill and Laura would be at the party she was throwing for Greg. Bill said no.

Tom again refused the wheelchair, then told Mrs. Casey to leave it and get out. Alone, Tom started to get into the chair alone, and as he started to fall. Greg arrived. Greg caught him and helped him into the chair. Greg told Tom that he tried to resign, and that he felt responsible for the stroke. Tom replied, “Don't take that guilt!" Tom continued that he felt the Board made a good choice and he knew Greg would do a good job. Tom urged Greg to do things his own way.

Bill picked up Marie at the airport. When they returned to the hospital, they found Tom had had another stroke and this time his speech was entirely gone. Seeing how exhausted her mother was, Marie stepped into the breech. She told Tom of the "Grand Silence" they had to observe at the convent, adding there were ways other than speech through which to communicate. Tom's eyes reflected his gratitude.

Bill’s continuing hostility towards Greg spoiled the honor when Greg offered Bill's wife Laura the position of head of psychiatry. Even though Laura was going to the Peters' party, Bill refused to go. Marie interrupted the ensuing argument. She asked their professional opinions about taking Tom home. She was a qualified nurse and it would take a great burden off Alice. Bill and Laura felt it was a good idea. Laura went to the party. When Amanda and Greg asked after Bill, Laura told them part of the truth — Marie dropped by. Greg told Laura he hoped the awkward situation wouldn’t interfere with her decision. She assured him it wouldn't.

Marie prevailed upon Dr. Berger to allow Tom to convalesce at home.

Bill’s unvoiced objections to her accepting the head of psychiatry position didn’t stand in Laura's way. She accepted the job. Greg admitted he was running out of patience with Bill's hostility.

Trish Clayton had remembered all the ugly details of the night her step-father, Jack Clayton, assaulted her in her apartment - not sexually -, and that she, not her boyfriend Mike, killed Jack, to protect Mike. Mickey, Trish's lawyer, made an appointment to see the assistant DA, Hazeltine. Meanwhile, Mike went to see Trish. He was loving and protective, and was thus hurt when Trish pointed out that his constant solicitude and protectiveness was smothering her. She told him she knew everything then, that their nightmare would be over soon. - Realizing Trish was in deep shock after killing Jack, Mike confessed, pleading self-defense. However, the police uncovered the long history of hostility between Mike and Jack and charged him with first degree murder. Mike was out on bail. Trish subsequently revealed multiple personalities, and had been in treatment with Mike's mother Laura to overcome her problem. –

Trish’s interview with Hazeltine was nerve wracking. Mike then recanted his confession. Mickey went back in alone and Hazeltine told him he was continuing to press charges against Mike. He felt the kids were lying. Mickey accused Hazeltine of pursuing the case in order to grab headlines that would help his campaign for DA. When Mickey told Trish the news she demanded to go under sodium pentathol before police psychiatrists. The session was successful. Afterwards, Trish asked roommate Brooke Hamilton to wait for her. She had another appointment in the hospital.

Trish went to see Dr. Mel Bailey, who confirmed Trish was pregnant. Mel suspected she was 12-14 weeks pregnant, but further tests proved she was 16 weeks pregnant. Trish considered an abortion, but then it was riskier. Mike was puzzled, as was Brooke, when Trish wasn't hysterical with joy when charges were dropped. Finally, Brooke guessed Trish was pregnant. Brooke asked why Trish just didn’t tell Mike since they were planning a future together anyway. Trish asked her to drop it. Trish told Mel she wanted an abortion. Mel said he would support her. He then told her that at this stage of pregnancy they had to induce a miscarriage by a saline infusion of the uterus. Mel told her that in the subsequent expulsion of the fetus would resemble labor. Trish replied, “That would be kinda like having the baby, wouldn't it? ... I'd be killing something that's alive inside of me. I don't want to have this baby, but I don't want the abortion either." Mel reminded her she had to make her decision soon. - Mike and Trish had been living together platonically for some time. One night, they tried to make love, unsuccessfully. Mike moved out and had an affair with Linda Phillips. Trish thus had great doubts about being a woman. David Banning, Mike's cousin, had had a fight with his girlfriend Valerie. He walked Trish home after an ugly scene with a customer at Doug's Place, where Trish sang. The man was outside Trish's door. David took care of him. He and Trish then started talking, and ended up in bed. The baby was a result of the one and only time Trish ever made love. - David asked Trish's help in a problem with Val. She refused. Trish asked her mother, Jeri, to come over. Trish told Jeri she was pregnant. Jeri was horrified, remembering her own problems in raising Trish, who was born out of wedlock. But Jeri assumed the baby's Mike's, and assured Trish he would understand. Jeri thrusted Trish away when Trish revealed Mike wasn't the father. Jeri, realizing what she had done, embraced Trish and assured her they would work it out. Jeri suggested an abortion, fearful the baby would ruin Trish's bright future with Mike. However, Trish opted to carry the child. Mel was relieved, telling Trish she had physical anomalies that might have caused trouble in an abortion.

Brooke asked how Trish was going to tell Mike about the baby. Trish didn’t know, and in her confusion, she told Brooke David was the father.  Ironically, Brooke, who was in love with David, became pregnant by him, but aborted the baby. 

Trish refused to discuss her condition with anyone, and was apparently considering going to a home for unwed mothers. Mike confessed his confusion to Laura. He had been giving Trish room, but she hadn't been responding. Laura affirmed that Trish still needed therapy, but felt Trish might feel ambivalent towards her because she was Mike's mother. Laura called Trish. who burst into tears and hung up.

Jeri reaffirmed her support for Trish. Trish finally told Mike that she was pregnant. He refused to listen to any explanation, demanding to know how Trish could destroy the happy future they had planned. He called her a "slut" and walked out, devastating Trish.

Doug Williams was adamantly against wife Julie's becoming involved with Sharon and Karl Duval. Julie, however, made aware of how desperately Sharon needed friends, was determined to be a friend to Sharon. Karl went to see Sharon's psychiatrist, Marlena Evans. Karl was an international banker whose headquarters were in Spain. His business in the U.S. was over, and he asked Marlena how soon Sharon could return there with him. Marlena felt Sharon needed more therapy. Karl told Sharon he had to return and asked her to go with him. She expressed her desire to remain in Salem, putting Karl in an awkward position. Sharon dropped in on Julie and found her in deep conversation with best friend Amanda. - Amanda wanted to retain Julie's friendship, despite Greg's being appointed chief of staff, instead of Julie's grand-father. Julie told Amanda that she was most angry at the way the Board handled the appointment, conducting the selection like a contest. - Julie introduced the two women. Sharon had bought Julie's portrait of Amanda. Despite an invitation to join them, Sharon left. She told Karl she thought Amanda's beauty was common, a tinge of jealousy in her voice. Sharon had been skipping appointments with Marlena. She invited Julie to go antiquing with her. When they returned, Sharon was reluctant to let Julie leave. She then presented Julie with an antique pendant Julie had admired, but passed up because of its price.

After spending the day antique hunting with Sharon, Julie was anxious to return home to Doug, but Sharon kept finding ways to postpone her leaving. Finally, Julie would be delayed no further, asking only for time to repair her make up. Sharon told Julie she loved her. Julie responded that she considered Sharon her friend, too. Sharon told Julie she didn’t understand, that she was leaving Karl to be with her. Sharon promised to take good care of her. Julie, shocked, ran from her, telling her she was sick, that she – Julie - spent time with Sharon because she felt Sharon needed a friend, but that was as deep as her own feelings went or could go. Julie ran from the house. Karl later returned to find Sharon in the bathroom, her wrists cut. He called an ambulance and Marlena. Sharon missed the arteries but lost a lot of blood. Marlena prevailed on Karl to admit Sharon to the psychiatric ward, pointing out that Sharon was apparently more ill than anyone thought. Reluctantly, Karl agreed. The following day, Sharon demanded her release, saying she didn’t need treatment. When Marlena insisted, Sharon blamed Julie, saying Julie was probably already spreading stories about her, that Julie misunderstood. Marlena hadn't seen Julie. Sharon backtracked a bit, saying she was not like that, anyway, "just ask Karl."

Julie reluctantly told Doug of Sharon's advances. Doug pointed out that he warned Julie not to become involved, to leave Sharon to Marlena and Karl. The following morning, when Julie refused to discuss what happened between them with Karl, or even to visit Sharon, Karl angrily accused her of being a phony friend and slammed out.

Julie’s obvious distress at the mention of Sharon's name, began to confirm Marlena's suspicions that Sharon made advances to Julie and was rejected. Julie refused to discuss it, but everyone knew something was disturbing her.

Neil Curtis, doctor husband of older Phyllis Anderson Curtis, paid a late night visit to step-daughter Mary in her studio, which was on the grounds of the house he and Phyl shared. Having made love to Mary recently, Neil wanted more of the same. Phyl woke up. When she couldn’t find Neil in the house, she went to the studio, arriving before things had gotten much beyond the petting stage. Neil and Mary covered. Despite Neil's pleas not to leave her volunteer job at the clinic because he'd miss her, Mary took a job with her father, Bob Anderson. Bob assigned Mary to Brooke's department. - Brooke was Bob's illegitimate daughter. Both knew this, but neither knew the other knew. Brooke had been doing very well for Bob and hoped to get him to depend on her so that she could then leave him in the lurch, in revenge for what he did to her late mother. - Brooke was hostile to Mary, giving her a hard time. After an attempt to tattle to Bob, he put her in her place, and both girls then presented a cooperative front to him. Neil took Mary to a special place in the country, then persuaded her to arrange to go away for a weekend for him. Mary told Phyl she was going to a class reunion. Neil claimed to be going to a medical convention. Phyl had been embarrassing Mary by telling her she had the look of a woman in love.

Amanda tried to talk Neil out of involvement with Mary.

David Banning and his black fiance Valerie Grant had been encountering negative situations recently. One night two young black men were coming on to Val in a hamburger joint. When Val revealed David was her fiance, the two men became extremely hostile, and it took great effort for her to talk David out of fighting. On another occasion, David and Val went to a posh French restaurant. Themaitre d' refused to seat them, despite having many empty tables. Val had been offered a medical school scholarship from Howard University in Washington, D.C. David had just received a big promotion at Anderson Manufacturing. Thus the two young people had some tough decisions to make. Finally David went to talk to Doug. Doug told him to get off the dime and make some kind of decision. David then told Val they were going to Washington. Meanwhile Julie had been told by Bob how highly he thought of David, that David had a great future with his company. Julie went to relay the compliment and was knocked over by David's announcement that he was quitting and going to Washington. Julie found an opportunity later to express her unhappiness to Val. But, Julie told Val, she was very proud of her winning the scholarship and wanted her to take it. Val asked if Julie thought she and David could make it as a mixed couple. Julie replied that the usual problems of adjustment to married life would be complicated further for David and Val, but Julie believed in love, and she loved Val. Julie would be proud to have Val as her daughter-in-law. Val's mother was not so supportive. When she couldn’t reach Val any other way, she asked if Val could face not having her children accepted by either race. Val didn’t reply, but she and David went to Washington to scout apartments and jobs.

Val and David found an apartment in Washington. They looked forward to starting a new life together there.

Rebecca LeClair and her lover Johnny Collins were having trouble in paradise. When Johnny was unsuccessful in finding work as an artist, and money ran low, Rebecca took a job as a waitress. Johnny chafed at being a babysitter for Rebecca's baby. First she called him away from an important interview to babysit while she went to work. Next, she was late getting home from an extra shift, which made him late to another interview. Finally. Rebecca returned from a night shift to find Dougie crying while Johnny slept amid beer cans. Realizing their love was suffering under this strain, Rebecca decided to return to Salem. Thus, Johnny would have breathing room and time to find a job, and she could oversee her divorce from Robert. Hope Williams, who had been traumatized by Rebecca's leaving with Dougie, told Robert that Rebecca was back. Robert told Hope she had to stop fantasizing. But he looked up and saw Rebecca and Dougie.

Rebecca’s return caused much turmoil in the Williams menage. Doug was openly hostile to Rebecca, anticipating the day she would once again take little Dougie away and hurt Hope. Robert didn’t want to lose his "son" again. Julie felt bound to side with Rebecca, saying she knew what it was like to be separated from the one she loved through mistakes with other people. She understood that Rebecca would ultimately make Robert miserable and could only spend her life with Johnny, the man she loved, even if guilt was the price Rebecca had to pay for her happiness.

Don’s uncontrolled hostility toward Rebecca led her to request her own lawyer. Don agreed, but later Robert told him there would be no other lawyer, as Rebecca didn’t want to take the time.

The Doctors

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Jeff Young

Lawyer Jason Aldrich and client Dr. Matt Powers took the word of Paul Summers' desire to confess over to DA Carlson. That, along with the tape Jason had of Paul's voice, which Rudy Winston could identify, was enough for the DA to drop the case against Matt. - Paul had hated Matt since Matt refused to let a son by his first wife die at birth, even though the boy was obviously brain-damaged. Paul's first wife, unable to face the tragedy of their son, committed suicide, thus adding to Paul's desire for revenge. With Stacy's help, Paul framed Matt for the death of junkie Joan Dancy, whose life was terminated when her respirator was unplugged. Matt was subsequently indicted for Joan's murder. However, Jason Aldrich, Stacy's step-father and Matt's lawyer, had put the pieces together with the help of a recording of Paul's voice and reporter Rudy Winston, who was used by Paul to create a distraction while Stacy pulled the plug. Stacy died in Canada, her last words a plea for Paul to confess. - The Powers' house-hold was intrigued by Matt's happy mood, but following the DA's orders not to tell anyone but Maggie until they had Paul's signature on a confession, Matt told only Maggie, saying everyone would know the following day. Jason, meanwhile, told his brother Steve that the nightmare for Matt was almost over. Steve was glad. Steve's wife, Dr. Ann Larimer Aldrich, overheard Jason tell Steve that he also thought he would get some answers about Steve's first wife Carolee the following day. Anne sneaked out of the house and went to Paul. As she stood over his sleeping form, she was interrupted and thrown out by Paul's staff physician, Dr. Rawlins. Paul signed the confession, but remained mute about Carolee. Jason asked his mother, Mona Croft, to arrange a family dinner so that he could give them all some good news. Mona agreed, and even reluctantly invited singer Nola Dancy, at Jason's request. As everyone gathered, Jason asked Nola's mother, housekeeper Virginia Dancy, to stay. He gave them the good news — Matt had been cleared — and the bad news — Paul Summers, to whom Mona was close, was responsible for Joan Dancy's death. Mona took the news hard, so Jason withheld Stacy's part from her.

The Powers phone didn't stop ringing. Althea Davis, who had temporarily replaced Matt as chief of staff during the mess, dropped by and asked when Matt would take his job back. Surprisingly, Matt told Althea that he wanted to return to Hope as a staff doctor. - Althea agreed to this, promising to keep her eyes open for the appropriate opening. – Matt and Maggie's physical reconcilliation took a little longer, but Matt finally moved out of the guest room, back to their bedroom. Maggie, however, continued to be haunted by her single night of love with architect Kyle Wilson.

Barney Dancy was recovering nicely from a bout of hepatitis. Barney had abandoned his family years ago to follow his dreams. Barney chafed at Virginia's having to work as a domestic, at Nola's relentless search for money as the only happiness, at his estrangement from his oldest son Luke, at daughter Sara's evident loneliness. He told Virginia he was working on a scheme that would and them all in the lap of luxury. Virginia, unable to take any more fancy dreaming from Barney, showed him how his neglect of the family to search for his dreams had hurt everyone. Her children didn’t know how to trust, and some, like dead Joan and philandering Luke, had gone to great lengths to avoid reality as too painful.

Virginia became suspicious when she heard Nola discussing a trip to the Riviera she was planning. Virginia confronted Nola, who confessed she was going with Jason Aldrich. Virginia asked what Nola was thinking of in going off with a married man. Nola turned a deaf ear.

Wealthy widow Eleanor Conrad's college-aged daughter, Wendy, was suspicious of Eleanor's relationship with Luke Dancy, guessing correctly that they were lovers. Wendy confronted Eleanor, and hurt her by pointing out that, in her opinion, Eleanor was no kind of wife to her late father, Scott. Wendy asked how much money Eleanor had given Luke. Eleanor refused to answer and proceeded with plans to let Luke find them an intimate rendezvous apartment. Wendy decided not to return to college, but to stay around "to protect my money." Eleanor didn’t blink an eye when Luke told her he needed another $500 to secure an apartment, even after having given him $750. Sara, also guessing what her brother was up to, warned Luke not to hurt Eleanor.

Penny Davis Dancy, recent bride of Jerry Dancy, found Jerry's schedule of working all day and going to law school at night very hard to bear. She begged Jerry, one night, to skip his class to make up for a previous evening when Jason had him work. Jerry refused, pointing out that after January their schedule would be different. Penny pointed out that if they used her salary and the $5000 her father gave them as a wedding present, he could go to school full time and be done in September. Jerry refused. Jason called and asked him to meet him at the DA's office. Much to Penny's chagrin, Jerry dashed off, saying his professor would understand if he missed class that night. Things came to a head the night of the surprise birthday party Penny had planned for Jerry. Against her mother Althea's advice, Penny had signed a lease and paid three months' rent on a bigger apartment. After making love, Penny allowed Jerry to open his present. He was furious! He reminded her he warned her it would be hard at first, and if she felt she couldn't handle it, they should have put off the wedding. Penny accused him of selfishness, saying she wouldn’t return to the apartment unless it was to move. Jerry tried to cancel going to his mother's but Sara insisted he come. Everyone was shocked when he appeared without Penny.

Carolee Aldrich, unable to forgive Steve for divorcing her and marrying Ann, had told Steve she was on her way back to Madison to ask for a divorce when she became - A year ago, Carolee and Steve were having problems in their marriage. Carolee investigated a job possibility in New York to work things out in her mind. She returned to Madison and found Steve and Ann together - arranged by Ann. - She returned to New York in shock. Subsequently, she was on her way back to Madison but was mugged and became catatonic. Steve, meanwhile, began a search for his wife, but Ann found her first. Posing as a Mrs. Lomax, Ann took papers she'd conned from Paul and told the doctors Carolee was Mary Ellen Smithfield, her sister. Eventually, Ann abandoned Carolee in a hospital where Dr. Brandt, a specialist in catatonia, found her and gradually restored her. Carolee felt Steve didn’t really love her and was determined to start a new life for herself in Madison. Mona wanted Anne to remain her daughter-in-law. She went to Carolee, and, upon confirming Carolee was planning a life without Steve, offered money for Carolee to go elsewhere to start. When Steve and Jason learned of this, they were furious. Mona had been urging Ann to go away for a while, to let Steve learn how much he'd miss her. Ann refused until she learned Jason was searching for Mrs. Lomax, intended to bring Brandt back to Madison. Ann mentioned to Steve that M.J. might have been Mrs. Lomax but he dismissed the idea. When Jason learned Ann refused to go until she learned about Brandt's imminent arrival, he became suspicious. Steve refused to believe Ann could be involved in any way. Meanwhile, Ann had been having dizzy spells and nausea. Jason had suggested to Steve that Ann might be pregnant, but Steve demurred, unaware Ann had disposed of her contraceptives the first night they were married. When Steve told Jason he still wanted and loved Carolee, but felt it was hopeless, Jason urged him to fight his love.

Painfully, Carolee revealed to Maggie that leaving the hospital to go it alone would be very difficult because she had always been part of a family. Steve arrived with yellow roses which Carolee accepted only after he assured her they were from the children. She refused to admit to any chance of a future with him and refused any help from him. Steve asked if she had always been this stubborn. They kissed. Carolee responded briefly, then backed off, saying there was no hope. Steve warned her he would fight, then went to Jason and told him he was going to ask Ann for a divorce.

Penny called Jerry from Kennedy airport. She told him she was on her way to Japan to stay with her father until she could figure things out. He asked her to compromise. Penny responded that she loved him too much to compromise, that she loved him for his beliefs. She admitted she might be too immature for the kind of commitment she had to give to share his life.

Jason and Nola firmed up plans for their trip to Cap d'Antibes. Without warning, Jason’s wife Doreen, beautiful and stylish, arrived, having finally heard about Stace's death. Jason took her to task for her neglect, but Doreen refused the guilt. She made it clear she didn’t consider their relationship ended, and she intended to try to win him over again.

Wendy Conrad told Sara she would sue to have Eleanor declared incompetent unless Eleanor broke off with Luke. Sara tried to warn Eleanor, but Eleanor wouldn’t listen and dismissed Sara as her assistant on the hospital fund drive.

Steve took the children to visit Carolee in Wyndam Falls. Emma prevailed on him to stay for dinner and Steve made arrangement to return alone to talk. Carolee was distracted that day, saying she was not the kind to be a home recker. Emma then told her of Steve's determination to raise the children alone, until she encouraged him to find someone to share his with. Emma commented that she didn’t think Steve could have fallen head-over-heels in the time he courted and married Ann.

Jason was unable to find the moment tell Nola his wife was in town. Nola expressed her anger at her mother’s interference. Jason reminded Nola that they had always been honest, and their relationship was never headed for the altar, and those were his terms for its continuation. Nola agreed.

Both Steve and Jason told Mona to stay out of their lives. Mona places a call to Ann.

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter

Springfield’s highly publicized trial in which Rita was acquitted of Malcolm Granger's murder had ended, but its effect had scarred the lives of many. - Before she was indicted, Rita came to Springfield to leave behind her life in Texas. She was a nurse at Cedars Hospital where she met and fell in love with Dr. Ed Bauer. A former friend, Roger Thorpe had also come to Springfield for a better life. He married Cedars’ RN, Peggy Fletcher. Consequently, Rita and Roger's paths crossed, but they both agreed to keep their association unknown. The key to Rita's innocence was the fact that at the time of Malcolm’s father's death, Rita and Roger were in a motel room together. Knowing this information would hurt both Ed and Peggy deeply, as Roger told Rita he fathered Holly Bauer's daughter Christina when she was married to Ed, Rita chose to withhold the evidence that could free her. Fighting his conscience, Roger finally came forward and testified. The result was Rita's freedom. –

Holly Bauer’s mother, Barbara Thorpe, had never forgiven Roger, her step-son, for his part in ending Holly's marriage to Ed. It had taken her many painful months to overcome her bitterness. She finally accepted Roger for her husband Adam's sake. The facts exposed by the trial had reignited Barbara's hostilities toward Roger. As Cedars' administrator, Adam had fought for Rita's reinstatement and believed in her innocence from the beginning. He planned to call Rita and offer her nursing job back to her, but before he did, Barbara halted his call ranting about people's reactions, Ed's resentment, and how Roger was still wrecking people's lives. Adam could listen to no more of Barbara's prejudices against his son, he stormed out.

Already distraught because Peggy had left him because of the deceptions he kept from her, Roger had to face a confrontation with Barbara when he came to visit his father. Barbara called his explanations excuses; wherever he went, people got hurt. It would be a lot nicer to live without the pain he had managed to bring them. She barred Roger from entering her home again. Learning of this, Adam couldn’t forgive Barbara. Adam had seen Roger grow and change and would not desert his son. Despite Holly's attempt to make her mother understand Adam's feelings for Roger were as strong as hers for Holly, Barbara would not yield. She continued her campaign against Roger, accusing him of invading Christina's life when he was visiting Holly to discuss his concern over Adam and Barbara's crumbling marriage. Holly was furious with her mother's attitude yet felt compassion when Barbara remarked that life had no guarantees and things changed, If her marriage to Adam was weighed by her choice to accept or not accept Roger, then Adam's temporary move from home was justified — Barbara couldn’t and would not accept!

Adam was contemplating that a permanent separation was the only solution for himself and Barbara. Her attitude about his son was conducive to living apart. Adam had listened to Roger tell him that although Ed was Christina's known father, just the knowledge that she was his - Roger's - baby, helped him cope: and Adam had listened to Barbara complain that Roger talked to Holly as an excuse to see Christina. He conveyed that she had to let Holly and Roger live their own lives. Rita felt guilty about the separation but Adam detered her guilt, explaining the source of their problems was not Rita's involvement with Roger. The separation, whether permanent or worked out, was the best way all around to handle his marriage at the time. Roger wouldn’t be responsible for the breakup of his father's marriage, and offered to leave town if it would help. Barbara retorted the one thing that would help was for Roger to stay out of Christina and Holly's lives. He failed to see what that had to do with Barbara's marriage to Adam. He accused Barbara of using her marriage to turn Adam against him, and of forcing Adam to choose between his wife and his son. At the hospital Ed assured Barbara he was not going to let the trial episode ruin his life and hoped she wouldn’t let it ruin hers.

Ed Bauer was trying to absorb the shock he had suffered from the trial and the mounting lies Rita had told him. His brother Mike defended Rita and questioned Ed's remoteness since Roger's testimony. Ed gave him no answers. Mike sensed there was something he didn’t know about and he wanted to understand why Ed had been incognito since the trial. He knew Rita hadn't changed; Ed retorted HE had changed. Mike knew the hurt Rita had to feel because of Ed's rejection. Ed didn't mention the hurt that burned within him when he viewed Rita and Roger talking together in the hospital corridors.

Turning over a new leaf, Ed had decided to spend more leisure time with Christina, Ed being the only father she knew. He planned a picnic with Holly. Barbara was hopeful about the date, mentioning remarriage to Holly. Holly gave her mother a negative response, explaining she was young and impulsive the first time she married Ed. At the picnic Ed and Holly discussed Christina's future, Ed wanting to be part of it. Holly assured him he would, no matter what happened, as long as he wanted to be.

Rita was taking her life one step at a time then. She accepted Adam's request and returned to Cedars. She hoped she could regain the trust and respect of her friends and coworkers but expected some friction. Although Rita's initial arrival was welcomed by all, later, in the staff room, she entered as a fellow nurse made the brash comment it should've been Rita who left town, not Peggy. - Peggy took an indefinite leave of absence from the hospital and left Springfield with her son so she could think about the crisis in her marriage and how to handle it. - Adam consoled Rita and was proud of her strength and stamina, a lesson he felt people could learn from her. Ed called her into his office to discuss a patient case. She again apologized for the hurt and humiliation she had caused him, and regretted Peggy's departure because of her. Ed regretted Peggys actions also, but assured Rita there were other reasons that she left, - Ed did not know Roger told Rita about Christina's conception. - Ed was obviously emotionally affected by Rita's presence but tried very hard to conceal his feelings.

Roger phoned Peggy at her aunt’s home out of town. She gave him no hope of a reconciliation and was indefinite about when she would return to Springfield. Roger wanted to visit and talk to her: she emphatically refused to see him, she was just not ready and was "coping” without him.

Dr. Sara McIntyre had agreed to go to Miami and represent Cedars at a Researct Conference. She hesitated when Dr. Justir Marler requested she go in his place, because she still mourned for her husband Joe, a recen victim of a fatal heart attack. Sara's close frienc Bert Bauer urged her to go, counselling Sara that there would never be another Joe, but maybe there would be someone else. The change from her hectic pace at Cedars was good for Sara. While engrossed in medical conversation will fellow conventioners, Sara was stunned at Justin's sudden appearance. He whisked her from the crowd and they enjoyed a romantic evening of dining, wining, and a dip in the ocean. The evening ended with a kiss, Sara responded. Later she was disappointed in herself for giving in to her emotions. Justin returned, sensing her regret. He acknowledged Sara's need to relax and stated she shouldn't make a big deal of their evening together. The trip was a new beginning for Sara. When he left, Sara sighed "Oh Joe," but had a new air of contentment about herself.

Justin’ex-wife, Jackie had settled into Springfield with her father Dr. Emmet Scott. She was busily engaging herself in the art of man-hunting. Mike Bauer was her target. She lured him to dinner under the pretense of business. To keep his interests going, Jackie involved Mike in the lease of a store to sell personal gifts. The profits she would donate to the research department by Cedars. She might have twin motives for this; to keep in touch with Mike and, by doing so, to spark some jealousy from Justin who was the head of research. As her lawyer, Mike presented the "store project" to Justin. Justin accepted wholeheartedly with no thought to Jackie except appreciation for her generosity. Unknown to Jackie, her rival was Ann Jeffers, Mike's secretary. Whenever Jackie showed her dazzling self at the office, Ann stood by smoldering.

Operation “Get Mike Bauer" was succeeding. He invited Jackie out for an elegant evening of dining and dancing. The evening was sealed by a kiss. It was Mike's first since he was widowed a year ago. The following day, Mike defended Jackie to Ann. Ann was skeptical about Jackie's motives for the gift shop, Mike commended her generosity for the project. He had drawn Justin and Jackie together at his office for a business meeting regarding the gift shot. Unknowingly, Mike had left his dictaphone recorder on, then left Jackie and Justin alone while he tended to another client's phone call. Jackie was gloating that she had met Justin's challenge, having become involved with Mike adding it was wonderful. They exchanged bitter memories with Justin stating Jackie hadn't "been the same since that weekend in New York." She said he didn't feel the pain, he say he did. Justin withdrew his "bet" with Jackie, the bet that it would be impossible for her to land Mike. Jackie wouldn’t withdraw - she explained for the unknown benefit of the tape recorder, because she was winning. While typing from the dictaphone, Ann discovered Jackie and Justin's revealing conversation. She fought a losing battle with her conscience and listened to the entire tape.

Ben McFarren had been commissioner by Emmett to do a portrait of Jackie. During the sittings he used conversations to relax Jackie. When he probed about why she had no children Ben hit a sore spot with Jackie, she abruptly changed the subject.

Ben had been friendly to Evie Stapleton who worked as housekeeper for Jackie. Evie admired Jackie's self-confidence. Ben prefered Evie who was a refreshing change. They talked easily together and were becoming good friends. Ben, however, still loved Hope Bauer, to whom he was engaged six months ago. He visited Hope, trying to reestablish their relationship. Hope wouldn't date Ben unless he could re-solve the mystery that caused her to break their engagement. Ben began to talk but clammed up. Hope urged him to go on, she still loved him and wanted to trust him, but couldn’t marry him unless he would be completely honest with her. - Ben's brother came to Springfield shortly after the engagement. He borrowed Ben's car and robbed a liquor store. When Ben found out from police investigating his own whereabouts at the time of the robbery, Ben protected his brother. He borrowed money from his and Hope's joint bank account to repay the stolen money and arranged for his brother to leave town. He proclaimed his own innocence yet gave no explanations. Hope could not enter into marriage without the truth. - In a conversation with Evie, Ben confided he had stupidly asked Hope to see him again. He was then at the realization they had no future together, "better late than never." Evie was sincerely impressed by Ben's artistic talent and raved about it to her sister. Rita sensed Evie's admiration for Ben was far more than just his talent.