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General Hospital Dec 1976, Jan and February 1977


General Hospital December 1976, Jan and February 1977


Written by: Eileen & Robert Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Dr. Jeff Webber kept his date with hospital aide Heather Grant, following the wedding of Steve Hardy and Audrey Hobart. However, having just had a nasty scene with his wife Monica, in which he refused to give her a divorce, Jeff was unable to live up to Heather's expectations for the evening, which was to culminate in more lovemaking. Jeff apologized the following day, suggesting he and Heather cool it because he still loved Monica, even though she had moved out and had asked for the divorce. Jeff told Heather that he would be there to pick up the pieces when Monica realized his brother Rick didn't love her any more. That day, Monica told Jeff that, if he didn’t agree to a civilized divorce, she would name his girlfriend as co-respondent. Jeff told Heather they would have to stop seeing each other. Monica questioned Jeff's friends and family about who the girl could be. Nobody knew. - Rick and Monica were involved while Rick was interning and she was in med school. Monica, insecure and unstable, made such a roller-coaster ride of their relationship that Rick went to Africa to work to get away. While there, he was captured by insurgent forces and held prisoner for nine months. He was reported killed, so Monica married his brother Jeff. Rick's return fanned her never-quite-quenched love for him, and Monica had been plotting and manipulating her way out of her marriage to Jeff. After moving out, Monica persuaded Rick a divorce was imminent, and he gave her a key to his apartment, where they then met. Jeff was unaware of their love affair. –


Heather, aware of Monica and Rick's affair, found a way to expose them. Seeing an ad for a night doorman for Rick's apartment building, she called her ex-husband Larry Joe. - Heather had been poor all her life. She forged credentials to obtain a mother's helper position with Peter and Diana Taylor, in order to be closer to the life she craved. Learning of Jeff's rocky marriage, Heather conned her way into his affections by being a willing bed-partner. She had told her mother that she intended to get pregnant, feeling Jeff would give up Monica to have his own baby. - Heather told Larry Joe that Jeff used her and tossed her aside, so then she wanted to hurt him back by exposing his wife's affair with his brother. Larry Joe agreed to take the job when Heather promised to give their marriage another try.


Meanwhile, Dr. Lesley Faulkner, long a colleague and friend of Rick's, and then in love with him, had discovered the affair. She found Monica in Rick's apartment with his robe on early in the morning. Terri Arnett, aware of Lesley's love for her brother Rick, pressed Lesley about why she had backed off. Finally, Lesley told Terri about the affair, stating her relationship with Rick had naturally been very cool lately. Ironically, the night Lesley and Rick agreed to let by-gones be by-gones was the night the whole situation began to lead to tragedy.


As Lesley and Rick went to the aid of a patient, while Monica waited in Rick's apartment, Terri confronted Monica. Terri agreed to persuade Jeff to accept a no-fault divorce, if Monica stayed away from Rick, starting immediately. Monica replied that she would stop seeing Rick after Jeff agreed. Larry Joe reported to Heather that Rick and Monica were togeher. Heather directed Larry Joe to call Jeff and tell him he would find his wife in 18C of the Towers. Jeff couldn't get off duty, so he waited. Monica and Rick were awakened by the doorbell shortly after mid-night. They ignored it. Jeff decided to wait out-side all night. He observed Monica leaving, excited because Rick had chosen her to assist in heart surgery, on his and Lesley's emergency patient. Jeff confronted Rick. Rick replied that Jeff didn’t deserve Monica, considering how he had roughed her up recently. - During an argument, Jeff had grabbed Monica's arms to hold her to talk to her. She wrenched away, hence the bruises and her claims of physical abuse. - Jeff finally got through to Rick that they had both been manipulated by Monica. Jeff told Rick that he had always admired him and would never have believed that Rick could betray him. Jeff knocked Rick down. He recalled a childhood incident in which Rick saved his life, then said he wished Rick had let him drown. Jeff went on, that despite all Monica had done to betray his love, he still loved her. He left the apartment.


Neurosurgeon Mark Dante was upset when Jeff missed surgery. He quickly had another surgeon fill in, then went to see Rick, a friend from Africa, to inquire about Jeff. Rick confided the confrontation to Mark. Rick was afraid Jeff might try suicide. They began to search, to no avail. Before surgery that morning, Monica gloated to Lesley about her affair with Rick. Monica was thus unpleasantly surprised when Rick treated her sharply, abruptly when he arrived. Later Monica asked Rick about his behavior. Rick told her about the confrontation and his fears. Monica glossed over them, saying Jeff was probably just off somewhere getting drunk.


Chief of Staff Steve Hardy, noting the substitution on the surgical roster, called Mark about it. Mark was as evasive as possible. Steve then talked to Terri. She knew nothing, so he talked to Rick, who told him about the morning's events. Terri, alarmed by Steve's visit, went to see Mark, who finally told her.


Ironically, Monica was right about Jeff. He was on a binge with alcohol and drugs. He ended up at a familiar bar, just before closing. The bartender refused to let him leave, fearful he would get in trouble himself. He fixed up a bed for Jeff behind the bar. While the bartender was gone, Jeff stole his gun. He counted the bullets —"three for Monica, three for Rick." The following morning, the bartender was alarmed when Jeff didn’t seem to be coming out of it, unaware Jeff was still popping pills. The bartender knew Jeff was a doctor and finally wheedled Mark's name out of him. He called Mark. Jeff, hallucinating, saw Rick and Monica in bed in the room with him. "They" taunted him. Mark arrived. Jeff talked to "Rick" and "Monica," pointing the gun at them. As Mark called to him, the gun went off. Mark and the bartender broke in and find Jeff on the floor, a bullet in his head. Mark rushed him to the hospital.


That morning, distraught to know how her stage-managing worked out, Heather fainted in front of Dr. Adam Streeter, who put her through a check-up. She was pregnant. Later, Larry Joe dropped by with a gift and she told him to buzz-off. Heather rushed to Jeff's side as soon as she learned of his condition. Steve noted her concern, and guessed she was Jeff's enigmatic girlfriend.


X-rays showed the bullet lodged in a precarious spot in Jeff's brain. If it should shift at all, it would mean sure death for Jeff. Monica went to see Rick. He told her that considering what Jeff did, they couldn’t go on. Such a termination hadn't occurred to her. Rick viewed Jeff's situation as "God's personal punishment to me." Monica passed it off as just alcohol and pills, saying it wasn't their fault. Rick, however, took the responsibility. He told Monica he didn’t want her, and turned a deaf ear to her "reasoning."


Monica wouldn’t believe it was all over with Rick "just because Jeff shot himself." She talked to the bartender and found Jeff was threatening to kill Rick and her. She took the information to Rick, who refused to believe her, especially since Lesley told him Monica revealed her presence in his apartment deliberately. Monica tried to blame Jeff's condition on Lesley because Les told Terri about Rick and her. Lesley was talked out of any responsibility by Rick. Lesley found it hard to believe that Monica's concern was in absolving herself of responsibility for Jeff's condition rather than for Jeff's recovery. Following an angiogram, Mark found he had to operate if Jeff was to have any chance of surviving.


Terri told Steve her mother left a letter she was to open with Steve, if Jeff's life should be in danger. She found it was time.


Mark Dante’s wife, Mary Ellen – Mellie - had been confined to sanitariums since losing their baby and suffering a hysterectomy following a car accident Mark caused two years ago. However, since coming to Port Charles several months ago, Mellie had been making progress. In fact, Peter Taylor felt Mellie was ready for brief outside visits. Mark and Terri, meanwhile, had fallen in love. But unable to risk a setback that would doom Mellie forever, they were holding their love in check until such time as Mellie was well enough that Mark could divorce her. Mellie had intuited Terri's threat to her marriage. Mellie questioned her father about Mark's women while she had been confined. Ben Lowell told Mellie that whether or who Mark was involved with was not germain to her recovery. Mellie backed off, settling for weekends for the time being. Mellie next manipulated Mark by telling him she had made plans to spend the holidays with Ben in Boston. Mark promised they would be with Ben, but not in Boston. Mellie used her disappointment to con Mark into having their first weekend include an evening at Terri's supper club. Mark was still mistrustful of Mellie, though.


Mark had Mary Ellen come to the apartment over Christmas with her nurse. He insisted on the nurse because of Jeff's condition, and only had dinner with Mary Ellen. To make up, he arranged for Mellie to go to Boston to visit her father — nurse in tow.


Finding out that Terri picked out her homecoming gift from Mark, Mary Ellen canceled her trip to Boston, telling one of her doctors that she wanted to be near to help Mark through this crisis with Jeff.


Tom Baldwin arrived in Port Charles the day after his wife Audrey and Steve Hardy left on their Hawaiian honeymoon. - Years ago, Tom kidnapped his and Audrey's son and took him to Mexico, along with Florence Andrews, little Tommy's nurse. Tom was subsequently framed for murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. He had Florence buy a phony death certificate, then take Tommy back, never wanting his son to know of his predicament. Florence didn't take Tommy back, letting her hatred of Audrey convince her she could be a better mother. Only a serious illness on Tommy's part led to his being found by Audrey. - Tom tracked Tommy down at the Taylors'. Diana allowed him to see Tommy as "Dr. Thomas," a friend of Tommy's father. The Taylors, of course, called Steve and Audrey, who returned immediately.


Diana and Peter invited Mike, an 8-year old orphan, to spend the holidays. Mike, bounced around among foster homes, used hostility as a defense mechanism, but melted a bit as the Taylors "roll with the punches."


Tommy told Mike about Steve's becoming his new father. Mike, wise beyond years, burst Tommy's balloon by pointing out that if Steve's clothes weren't at the apartment, he wasn't really living there. Diana told Mike later that they were going to keep him.


Unable to pull Tommy out of his depression any other way, Audrey asked Tom for permission to tell Tommy what was going on. Tom refused.

Intern Jeff Webber was unconscious with a bullet in his brain resulting from his playing with a gun while high on alcohol and pills. Neurosurgeon Mark Dante informed Jeff's wife Monica and Jeff's siblings, Rick Webber and Terri Arnett, that the bullet was no problem, but a fragment lodged near the brain stem could kill Jeff, if it shifted. As a clot began to form around the fragment, Jeff’s life was seriously threatened. Mark requested Monica's permission for surgery — in case. She refused. - Monica feared Jeff would die on the table and never told Rick, her lover, that Jeff had planned to kill them, not himself, thus frustrating her plans for a future with Rick. - She demanded a consultation with Mark's predecessor, Otto Marriner, with whom Mark was on bad terms. As Monica hoped, Marriner opposed surgery, calling Mark impetuous and knife-happy. Steve Hardy, chief of staff, backed Mark. Monica still refused permission.

Terri Arnett, assessing her brother's mortal danger, requested Steve accompany her to open a letter Helene Webber, her mother, left with her for Steve before Helene died. - Helene and husband Lars were separated. Helene and Steve, once high school sweethearts, became close. Before Helene received her final divorce papers, Steve was shipped off to Korea and subsequently captured. After his escape and return he found Helene and Lars reconciled, and they had Jeff. - Steve's letter from Helene revealed he was Jeff’s father; however, she asked Steve not to tell Jeff, and thus destroy his image of his parents. Steve immediately signed surgical permission papers, saying simply that, as chief of staff, he would take the responsibility.

Mark was forced to operate — with Rick assisting! - The discovery of Rick and Monica's affair led to Jeff's binge and subsequent tragedy. Rick had broken with Monica, taking responsibility for his brother's condition. - Assisting Mark was Rick's way of doing penance. The surgery was touch and go, and they almost lost Jeff. Jeff survived, although he remained unconscious longer than expected.

Heather Grant, pregnant by Jeff, had finally told her employer, Diana Taylor, of her condition. Adam Streeter, head of OB/Gyn tried hard to persuade Heather to tell her lover of her condition. Heather, assuring him she would, said she couldn’t at the moment because he was out of town on a family emergency. Psychiatrist Peter Taylor felt Heather should return to her mother, saying Heather might not be able to look after Martha properly. Diana disagreed.

Heather tried to see Jeff, but Mark had posted a "no visitors" sign. Jeff finally roused. He told Mark he was having hallucinations, seeing Rick and Monica in bed. It was they he wanted to shoot, not himself. Mark was very concerned about Jeffs depression, so he sent Terri and Rick in to see him, hoping they would improve his mood. Jeff was nice to Terri, but he refused to acknowledge Rick's presence, finally stating, "I have no brother." Mark continued to bar Monica from the room. She was determined to gain access to gain Jeffs forgiveness so Rick would then forgive her.

Monica went to Rick's apartment to plead for a reconciliation. Rick let her in, reluctantly. Monica insisted that she postponed telling Jeff about them to protect Jeff from the pain of discovering their affair. Rick responded that her love was really "obsession," asking, "What kind of love destroys humanity?" Monica asked how Rick could reject her when he wanted to marry her as soon as she was free. Rick reminded her that she wasn't free — and hadn't been free! Rick observed that he, on the other hand, could never be free of his guilt. He hoped Jeff would divorce Monica and get her out of his system. Reiterating that they were through, Rick sent Monica away, refusing her request for a goodbye kiss. They met Dr. Lesley Faulkner at the door. Rick ushered Lesley in as he showed Monica out. Lesley sympathized with Rick about his assisting in surgery. He invited her to stay and talk.

Knowing Heather had been trying to see Jeff, and realizing he needed cheering following Terri and Rick's visit, Mark allowed Heather a brief visit. Just as Heather was about to tell him her "wonderful news," Monica barged in. Heather left. Jeff demanded Monica leave the room, becoming increasingly agitated. Mark arrived and threw Monica out. Following another rejection from Rick, Monica told him, "Jeff did kill us!"

Mark’s wife, Mary Ellen – Mellie - was in Lake Cliff sanitarium, recovering from a severe depression. Sensing there was more between Mark and Terri than friendship, Mellie was deter-mined to re-establish connubial relations with Mark. In fact, Mellie was "progressing" so well, she was allowed to spend Christmas with Mark at their apartment in town, accompanied by her nurse. While shopping, though, Mellie discovered the music box Mark gave her to welcome her home was actually chosen and purchased by Terri. Mellie said nothing. Following Jeff’s surgery, Mark went to visit. Mellie was completely solicitous, even asking about the surgery. Mark observed she had never done that before. He was pleased by her continuing recovery and suggested, provided her doctors agree, he would like to take her home soon. Delighted, Mellie assured Mark she could wait 'til he was ready, as she wanted everything to be perfect. He thought he was ready. As he left, Mellie kissed him passionately, befuddling him. - Mark intended to divorce Mellie and marry Terri, as soon as Mellie could stand on her own two feet. –

Mellie discussed brakes and the Cliff Road with Lenny, the sanitarium driver, hinting she'd like a chauffeur-mechanic when sh was released. Lenny assured her she'd have no worries with him. As he left, Mellie opened the music box and heard the sound of brakes screeching and a crash. She smiled. Having noted a sense of resentment towards Terri in Monica, Mellie tried to pursue the line with her, to no avail.

Gina Dante, Mark’s younger sister, had joined the staff of General Hospital. She was going to be Dr. Adam Streeter’s assistant. Gina was a straightforward, hot-tempered Italian. She was very perceptive and got Mellie’s number a long time ago. She was not happy that Mark was still married to her.

Diana and Peter Taylor invited Mike, an orphan they were interested in adopting, to spend the holidays. Their love for Mike grew, and Diana told him they'd like to keep him. After the holidays, Mike had to return to the Center. Heather called Diana home from work. Mike ran away from school and was at the house. Diana reaffirmed her love for Mike, but told him he had to stay at the Center until all the legalities were completed. While she was called to the phone, Mike disappeared. Diana decided to take the car and search the neighborhood. Accidentally, Diana backed over Mike, who was hiding in the garage!

After many anxious hours, Mike regained consciousness. He forgave Diana. The day Mike was to be released from the hospital, the Taylors met with Mrs. Endecott to restate their desire to adopt Mike. She told Peter it was up to Mike. As the four of them discussed it, Mike decided he wanted the loving home the Taylors could provide. Mrs. Endecott agreed to the placement. Everyone was delighted, but Peter's smile stiffened when Mrs. Endecott mentioned a routine investigation of them.

Dr. Lesley Faulkner, pregnant following a rape by her evil husband Cam the night he died in a car accident, had been having trouble with her blood pressure. It elevated when she was under stress. Lesley received a call from Mac McLaughlin, Cam's ex-right hand man, requesting she come to Detroit, if she'd like news about Laura Vining. - Lesley had an il-legitimate daughter at 18. An unscrupulous nurse switched Lesley's baby for a stillborn baby born to Barbara Vining. Lesley found Laura, but when Les neglected Cam for Laura, he went to great lengths, with Mac's help, to prove Laura didn't belong to Lesley. Cam then gave the Vinings money to disappear. - Rick, as Lesley's doctor, forbade her to go, until he realized not going would have a detrimental effect on her. Mac's price was a letter Cam left with his lawyer. Lawyer Lindquist, fearful of Mac's using Les, refused to relinquish the letter. Rick, informed of the situation, negotiated a compromise. He would accompany Les and the letter to Detroit. Les hugged him, saying she didn't know what she'd do without him. Rick replied, "You won't have to — from now on."

Lee Baldwin had returned to Port Charles – without his wife Caroline. Lee told his brother Tom that he and Caroline were having problems. She seemed to care more about her son Bobby than she did about it. They bouth thought it best that they separated for a while. She would be remaining in Florida with her son son and his wife Samantha. Called back by Tom to handle the legalities of dissolving Tom's marriage to Audrey Hobart, Lee sensed something in Tom's continuous praise of Audrey and his avowed solicitude in not telling Audrey he was alive. - Tom felt Audrey would not have divorced him and gone on with her life, so he felt it best to let her believe he was dead. Although he knew of Steve and Audrey's wedding plans from Florence Andrews, who had to testify about the phony death certificate she bought, Tom didn't stop it for fear of not being released from prison in Mexico. - Lee had lunch with Audrey and warned her not to let her gratitude to Tom for his recent cooperation go so far that Tom, in his present vulnerability, could misinterpret it as something else.

Rick and Lesley went to Detroit without the letter. Mac told Lesley that Laura was really hers, explaining how Cam paid people to convince her otherwise. His price for Laura's whereabouts was the letter, which Lesley promised to get somehow.

Steve told Monica that General Hospital was not big enough for both Jeff and her. Since her presence seemed to be having a detrimental effect on Jeff, Steve told Monica he would not renew her contract; in fact, he would give her the recommendation she deserved only if she applied to a hospital outside Port Charles. Devastated, Monica asked Dr. Gail Adamson, from St. Louis to visit. Gail was the woman who headed the foundling home in which Monica was reared. Monica then suggested to Steve that since Jeff still loved her, she was willing to try to make their marriage work and forget all about Rick. Monica told Gail she'd stick with Jeff long enough to get him well, then resume her pursuit of Rick. She felt she had to stay in the picture somehow so that Rick wouldn’t turn to someone else, like Lesley. Gail tried to no avail to persuade Monica that her thinking was faulty.

A father-son hockey game at school, in which only real fathers were allowed to play, sent Tommy to Steve, begging to be adopted that afternoon. Audrey explained the situation to Tom, asking that the three of them tell Tommy the truth. Tom demured, saying it was none of Steve's business; that he and Audrey would tell Tommy. Tommy was delighted to have a father to play hockey with. He began to turn all his attention to Tom. Audrey told Steve what happened and insisted Tom was as devious as ever. Steve said that Tommy's happiness was all tha was im-portant.

Mellie invited Terri to tea. She then asked Lenny to tamper with the brakes of Terri's car, offering her emerald ring as payment. When Terri arrived, Mellie boasted of all the lovely things Mark used to shower her with. Uncomfortable, Terri asked for the tea. Mark arrived as Terri was on the verge of tears. He told Mellie he was taking her home the following day. She was delighted. Mark explained that he drove out with Terri because his car was being fixed. Mellie sent them ahead to tea, and tried to locate Lenny.

Mellie found Lenny had already fixed the brakes on Terri's car, She ordered him to repair them again, explaining Mark came with Terri. Lenny agreed, then made it clear she had a chauffeur whether she wanted one or not.

Dr. Adam Streeter was very impressed with Gina Dante – both as a doctor and as a woman! He asked her out for dinner. Gina was Adam’s first serious involvement since his wife died five years ago. Adam might be overwhelmed by Gina’s presence, but a certain member of his family – mainly his 17 year-old daughter Jill – would like nothing better than for Gina to leave town! Jill considered herself daddy’s woman and she didn’t like anybody messing about in her territory. She emphasiez this point by the cold way she treated Gina every time she had the misfortune to run into her. Gina sensed the depth of Jill’s jealousy, but Adam seemed to think it was just a phase.

Jeff agreed to see Rick. Rick apologized and asked how he could make it up to Jeff. Jeff had nothing to say to him.

Dr. Monica Webber was furious at not being able to gain access to husband Jeff's hospital room. - Jeff accidentally shot himself while high on pills and liquor after discovering Monica and his brother Rick were having an affair. Neurosurgeon Mark Dante performed surgery to remove the bullet and a fragment. Jeff was not recovering well, appearing to have lost his will to live. - When chief of staff Steve Hardy told Monica that she couldn’t see Jeff because he didn’t want to see her, she went to Mark, hoping to circumvent Steve. When Mark also refused permission, she lashed out at him, saying he was just trying to punish her. Mark replied that he never faulted her love for Rick. He just hated her selfishness and disregard for Jeff. Monica tried again by accusing him of bungling surgery. Monica again dragged Dr. Otto Marriner in, hoping to get to Jeff through a phony consultation. - Monica hoped that if she could gain Jeff's forgiveness Rick would take her back, despite his statements to the contrary.- Mark refused to let Marriner in. Steve backed Mark, telling Marriner that the hindrance to Jeff's recovery was Monica. When Steve told Jeff he was not renewing Monica's contract, Jeff simply replied that it was Steve's hospital.

Monica sneaked into Jeff's room. She told him she and Rick broke up because she couldn't continue knowing what she had done to him. She wanted him to take her back. - Once he was on his feet, she would resume her pursuit of Rick. - He forgave her. She asked him to take her back as his wife, and to ask Mark to let her in.

Marriner, still bitter about Steve's replacing him with Mark after he resigned because Steve chose Mark's surgery over his more conservative treatment for a bone fragmint that was paralyzing Steve, arranged lunch with hospital administrator Arnold Thurston. Thurston was unhappy with Steve to begin with because Steve was not his choice for chief of staff. Marriner told Thurston that Mark was an ex-con.

Mark fought Jeff’s request that Monica be allowed to visit, but Jeff persuaded him by admitting he was also skeptical of Monica's motives, but he felt he had things to discuss with her. Jeff agreed to take Monica back — on his terms. He refused to let her kiss him. Monica told Dr. Gail Adamson that it might be harder than she thought. Jeff's recovery improved. Steve agreed to renew Monica's contract.

Heather Grant was deliberately pregnant with Jeff's baby. She finally told Jeff, who first suggested an abortion. Heather refused, saying that he and Monica were split up, he could marry her. Jeff told her that he and Monica were going to make another try at their marriage; that Heather forgot one thing — he loved his wife.

Meanwhile, Peter and Diana Taylor, for whom Heather worked, had been trying to persuade Heather to move back home with her mother. Heather almost convinced them that her mother was too Victorian to accept her condition. - Heather hadn't told anyone except her mother who the father of her baby was. - When her mother inadvertently told Peter she would take Heather in under any circumstances, Heather had to do a lot of fast talking to shut that door again. Heather had another plan in mind. Since Jeff wouldn’t marry her, she was going to work on Diana to "buy" her baby. - Peter and Diana had tried to adopt an infant, since Diana was unable to have more children. When they were unsuccessful, they decided to adopt an older boy, Mike, who also lived with them at the moment. - Noting there were problems with Mike — fighting with little Martha, some communication problems, unexplainable hostile behavior — Heather started to work on Diana, saying an infant's behavior was so much easier to shape. Jeff offered financial support, but Heather refused to discuss it.

Finding Heather at home with Jeff, Monica began to wonder if Heather was the mysterious girlfriend Jeff referred to before his accident. Jeff had been less than romantic, citing his recuperation, and had insisted Monica sleep in another room. Monica mused that if Heather was the girlfriend, then her dues were paid, and she wouldn’t have to continue to live with him. Gail Adamson tried to talk her out of the idea, to no avail.

Gail had known Monica since Monica was in the foundling home. She guided Monica into medicine. When her world came apart with Rick's dumping her, Monica summoned Gail. Gail ran into old friend Lee Baldwin, who was estranged from his wife Caroline. Gail and Lee had been seeing a lot of each other. When Lee learned Gail was unhappy as an administrator and wanted to get back to social medicine, he presented Steve with the idea of such a department. Steve hired Gail. Gail had since asked Lee to represent her in a suit against the Russian government for royalties owed on the sale of her late husband's book. Gail married one of her patients who had only a year to live. They spent eleven ecstatically happy months touring the world before he died. The book was their love story. Proceeds were to go for research. 

Lee found himself in an awkward position between his brother Tom Baldwin and Audrey Baldwin Hobart. -Nine years ago, during a bitter era in their marriage, Tom took Audrey's and his son, Tommy away to Mexico: There he was framed for murder and sentenced to life. To protect his family, Tom let them believe he was dead. The day Audrey and Steve were married, Tom returned, having been pardoned. 

Dr. Lesley Faulkner finally learned her daughter Laura's whereabouts from Mac McLaughlin. Mac told her Cam arranged for the Vinings to move to Haverland, Canada. -Fifteen years ago, Les gave birth to an illegitimate daughter. The baby was switched at birth for Barbara Vining's stillborn child. The truth finally came out, but Les's late husband, Cam, couldn't stand to share Les with anyone, so he paid off a lot of people to convince Les Laura wasn't hers, and sent the Vinings to Canada. - With Rick along for support, Les went to Canada to find her little girl.

Barbara Vining, meanwhile, had been having trouble with Laura, who was deeply hurt at the sudden shuffle in her life and lack of contact from Les. Laura had run away to a commune. Realizing Laura would do it again, with or without permission, Barbara let her go. Les was horrified when she learned of it. Barbara explained that Laura was confused, that she – Barbara - tore up letters Laura wrote to Les because they were afraid of Cam, even after his death, because Cam said he had left letters to be published about Barbara's past.

Lesley visited Laura at the commune and found her hostile, unwilling to believe Les's explanations or love. Buck, the leader of the commune, took Laura to see Les, hoping to drive Les off. Laura almost weakened, but Buck tooted the car horn. Rick went to see Laura and reached her by telling her that Les needed her because she was pregnant and because she loved her. Laura weakened further. Les visited her again and told her she had to leave the following day. Les wanted Laura with her, but the decision had to be Laura's. Buck pressured Laura to stay. Apple, Buck's girl, urged him to let Laura go so that it would be like it used to be between them.

Mark Dante went to Lake Cliff to bring his wife Mary Ellen – Mellie - home. Terri Arnett, with whom he shared a real love, went to the apartment to get some last minute things in order. Gina, Mark's sister, who disliked Mellie and approved of what she had observed between Mark and Terri, warned Terri that Mellie was the type who wanted everything, and once she got it she didn’t let go. Mellie had guessed at the love between Mark and Terri - no affair, as they were waiting for Mellie to be able to stand alone -. Then home, Mellie mused that she was no longer afraid of Terri. She seduced Mark that night. After Mark went to work, Gina visited, and Mellie arranged a big night out at Terri's Place. Gina warned Mark Mellie might suspect about Terri and him. He brushed it off, so Gina warned Terri, who swore she was prepared. However, Mellie was all over Mark at dinner, then requested Terri sing "For All We Know," Mark and Terri's song, because it was Mark's and her song. Terri finished the song and rushed to the powder room, where Mellie found her and flaunted her "honeymoon" with Mark. Gina interrupted and offered to bring the whole thing to a head. Terri refused. She later told Mark she couldn’t see him anymore because it was too painful.

Mark decided to tell Mellie, feeling she could take it. Before he could start, she rushed to her room and slammed the door. She later emerged and asked him to forgive her for "slipping back." Mark arranged a session with Peter. Mellie glibbly denied any problems. Peter told Mark that Mellie wasn't completely well yet, that she was manic when around people, but probably hit bottom when alone. Mark went to see Terri, who reiterated her pledge not to see him. He accused her of not loving him enough.

Gina was a resident in OB-Gyn under Adam Streeter. Adam liked Gina, finding her expert and efficient and caring. Adam's 16-year old daughter Jill saw Gina as a threat to her relationship with her father. - Adam's wife died about 5 years ago. Jill had been the woman in his life since then, and she was unwilling to give up her place. - Gina began to notice signs of Jill's drinking. She tried to talk to Jill, who refused to admit she drank. Gina found herself in a bind: Adam and Jill had a special relationship, which she didn’t want to destroy, especially if she was wrong, but what if Jill was a teenage alcoholic and she didn’t warn Adam. Mark felt she should just tell Adam.

Jeff and Monica made love, not successfully. Monica agreed to have his children, but told Gail she had no intention of going off the pill.

Audrey sent Tommy to his room when Tom arrived to sign some papers. Tommy was reluctant until Tom told him to go. When Tom left, Tommy again brought up Tom and Audrey living together. Audrey said no, that she loved Steve. Tommy sneaked off to Tom, telling Tom he wanted to live with him because Audrey had Steve and he – Tom – didn’t have anyone. Audrey lit into Tom when he returned Tommy. After another instance, when Tom took Tommy out to lunch without telling Audrey, she told him again that he was interfering with her control of Tommy. Tom pointed out that she seemed determined to misinterpret every gesture he made with Tommy. It hit home.

Apple told Lesley that Buck used the girls at the commune sexually, and that Laura was next. Leaving a message for Rick. Les went to the farm with Apple. She and Buck had a confrontation. He wanted her to leave. Laura told Les she was happy there, that she didn't want to leave with her, prompted nicely any time she hesitated in her speech. Les reaffirmed her intention to stay there until Laura left with her. Buck sent Laura to talk to her again, to no avail. Buck then tried to throw her out bodily, throwing her to the floor in the process. Laura came to her aid, trying to pull Buck away. Rick arrived and knocked Buck out. A local OB prescribed rest. Laura returned to the hotel with Les, and, with Rick's guidance, even made up with Barbara. Rick proposed to Les. In attempting to make sure the question wasn’t purely impulsive, Les angered Rick, who insisted his feelings are genuine, then stomped out.

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