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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The 10-mile Walk around the Upper West Side

QuestionWhere exactly is Ryan's Bar?

Answer:  Located in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan at  701 W. 168th Street. This is the corner of Fort Washington and 168th. This location is not near The Upper West Side. It's above Harlem, above Yankee Stadium. Washington Heights/Hudson Heights is a not-too-terrible neighborhood (not the best). But definitely ----not the Upper West Side. Why locate Ryan's Bar in such a sketchy (in the 70s and somewhat today) neighborhood? Washington/Hudson Heights is where all the Hospitals are, and Ryan's Bar is constantly being referred to as right across the street from Riverside Hospital  aka Columbia U/NY Presbytarian Medical Center. 

Anyway.......back to the Upper West Side, where (in 1979) it was safe to take an all-night stroll (not today---in any area of Manhattan)

Adam and Nancy, The Fabulous Sept 4 Episode

So, according to Adam Cohen, it's 3 miles from Grant's Tomb (The exact place he fell in love with Nancy) all the way to Greenbergs Deli:

Nancy and Adam walked a full 10-mile circle, she says (he says it was an oval) ---around Central Park.

At the Central Park Reservoir, she agreed to go to the Concert with him.

The actual concert is in the Sept 7 Episode.


The Discussion about the 10-mile walk is in the September 4th episode:



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