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Monday, August 31, 2020

August 1979

All My Children 

Erica resumes her disco plans behind Tom’s back and hooks Wally into the plot. Phoebe puts the scare into Ruth, indicating a woman her age can’t expect to produce a healthy child. Ellen refuses to listen to Paul’s talk about divorcing Anne. Palmer accuses Brooke of being a bad influence on Nina, who continues to see Cliff despite Palmer’s objections. Claudette is in the dumps because she can’t find a job with either Eddie or Erica, but decides Linc might be her meal ticket. Kelly realizes she loves Linc, despite Phoebe’s taunts that she’s not good enough for him. For some dark, unknown reasons, Palmer knuckles under to Myra’s demands that he cancel the trip with Nina. Donna makes a fool of herself while trying to act the social lady. Erica convinces Phoebe to invest in her disco plans. Phoebe and Mark warn Brooke about “accidental” pregnancies. Eddie vows revenge when Linc and Kelly reconcile. Linc loans Claudette money but says there are no romantic strings attached. Phoebe falls for Langley’s “I love you” line. Estelle prays for Benny’s happiness when he marries Edna. Benny drops assault charges against Billy Clyde. Palmer puts the bug in Nina’s ear that Cliff is just after her money. Paul arranges a New York trip with Ellen. Linc is in the dark that Kelly’s still popping pills and secretly trying to enroll in a detoxification program, although temptation gets the better of her. Langley finally hits pay dirt with Phoebe by taking her to bed. Paul follows Ellen to New York. She melts into his arms while Mark smolders and gets bored with Brooke’s marital and pregnancy intentions. Sybil lays a seduction attempt for Cliff but he resists. Sybil doesn’t give Cliff Nina’s messages. Tom must have surgery on his bum knee and Erica lies to him to get money for her disco plans. Linc and Eddie come to fighting blows over Kelly. As Benny and Estelle wed, Estelle offers a prayer for their happiness. Benny, while saying his vows, pictures Estelle in Edna’s place. Wally and his architect friend Jerry begin renovation on the Goal Post and Erica’s disco. Visiting Anne in the sanitarium, Charles has some hope for her recovery. In the sanitarium, Anne begins talking about Paul as he talks to Ellen about divorcing Anne. Eddie tries to paw Claudette after she begged for a hostess job. Claudette and Myrtle are trying to uncover Eddie’s shady deals. Sybil pulls a friendship act on Nina while Palmer hires a detective to dig up dirt on Cliff. Ruth has an amniocentesis test, and Tom is prepared for knee surgery. Edna fails to talk Kelly into joining a drug-care unit. Kelly turns to Billy for more pills. Donna learns Langley and Phoebe’s bedroom rendezvous and wrangles an invitation to Phoebe’s refurnished-house party by threatening to blow the whistle on Phoebe and Langley. Mark kicks Brooke out of his pad. Spotting money, Eddie goes after Brooke. Langley gets bug-eyed after watching Phoebe stash her jewels in a wall safe and he memorizes the combination. Kate agrees that Anne probably won’t ever be released.  

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One Life To Live

Samantha and Mick get chummy. Dorian and Ivan convince the board to ask for Larry’s resignation because of Karen. Larry insists they’ll have to fire him. Jack pops the marriage question to a yea-saying Carla. Mario saves Katrina from taking pills after her former john, board member Dennis, chides her about her pregnancy. Faith refuses to join Ivan and Dorian’s victory celebration, then Dorian suggests Ivan might not be suitable as Larry’s successor if he can’t keep his own wife in line. Pat finds a bandaged patient in San Carlos. Karen insists she’s divorcing Larry to save his reputation. Edwinda goes to bat for Karen and Larry. Dorian’s old flame, Matt McAllister returns with Pat’s sister Maggie on his arm in order to make Dorian jealous. A bandaged Paul won’t admit his identity to Pat. She visits her mother and tells her she’s getting an annulment from Adam. Brick, the thug who pulled the hospital drug heist that wounded Jack, blackmails Brad for help in hiding him from an undercover detective, ex-con Chip Warren. Ed works with Chip after Edwina goads him that the drug robbery hasn’t been solved. Brad fears that his involvement will be revealed. But he continues to make bug-eyes at Karen, who tells him to lie off. Dorian locks Larry out of his hospital office. Pat’s mother, Helena, confesses to Pat that Maggie always favored her father and hasn’t heard from her in years. Larry and Viki concoct a plan to divert Dorian’s plans to oust Larry. Matt needles Dorian about coming on strong to Mick while Dorian questions Matt’s interest in frumpy Maggie. Chip gets wise that Brad was involved in the drug heist and is shielding Brick. Tony plans to sell the club and move. Adam works his charms on Maggie to convince Pat not to seek an annulment. Maggie admits to Matt that she’s always jealous of Pat, and Matt notes that Maggie is a sleeping cobra. Brad asks Lou Cardozza’s help to get Brick off his back. Viki and Larry burst Dorian and Ivan’s bubble by convincing the board to hire Will as chief-of-staff. Carla is not certain she wants to remain a secretary to the chief of staff. Brad is off the hook after Ed shot Brick dead before Brick could reveal that Brad gave him the hospital drug cabinet key. Chip returns to Baltimore. Herb offers Gretel a job, while he dallies with Edwina’s affections. Maggie moves into Pat’s house and gets dolled up with Pat’s clothes and jewelry for a dinner date with Adam. Jenny moans that Brad is neglecting her. He pants after Karen’s body. Tina resolves to be a good girl for Joe and Viki.

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General Hospital

Heather is sent to the Pine Circle Sanitarium. Monica hedges telling Rick about her pregnancy because he’s upset about Mr. Krekorian’s claims that he allowed his wife to die during childbirth. It happened the night Monica and Rick had their fling, and Tracy investigates the events of that night. Spence is released from the hospital and bids farewell to Lesley and Rick. Jeff orders Howard to cancel the adoption plans for Jeremy and he blames Annie for Heather’s downfall. Laura learns her adoptive sister Amy Vining is planning a visit. Alice Grant, Heather’s mother, keeps quiet about the P.J. / Steven Lars situation. Mitch pops the marriage question to a willing Tracy. Bobbie and Luke’s aunt, Ruby Anderson, who was once a madam in Jacksonville where Bobbie worked, arrives on the scene. Rick learns through Lesley via loud-mouth Tracy that Monica is pregnant. Monica denies that it is Rick’s child but Tracy is bent on proving his paternity with a blood test. Jeff goes on a drunken spree and slugs it out with Roy who accuses Jeff of making eyes at Bobbie. Jeff later becomes nice toward Anne after giving her a rough time regarding the Heather mess. Bobbie urges Jessie to find a hospital job for Ruby.  Mr. Krekorian’s child died and he files a malpractice suit against Rick. Anne is adopting Jeremy.  Krekorian names Rick and Monica in his malpractice suit just as the cardiac unit is dedicated. Monica confides to Lee about her night with Rick when Krekorian’s wife died.  Monica claims to Rick she was on pill the night she made love with Rick. Alan wants to settle the case out-of-court. Scotty spots Lee’s notes and goes into a funk about infidelity which Laura thinks referred to her and Scotty. Laura receives word that Amy is in trouble and on her way to visit. Dorrie is in the dumps after realizing Howard is still moons over Gina. Joe and Jeff become roommates. Mitch warns his staff that Tracy doesn’t know that he has used her money for shady dealings, but Tracy demands financial statements. Edward is in intensive care after another attack brought on by Tracy. Returning from London, Steve is overjoyed at Jeff’s acceptance that he is his father. Monica takes a tumble down the stairs after arguing with Alan who found out that she lied about her where she was after she left the Hospital the night of the surgery. Rick has to decide whether to save Monica or her baby. Amy takes a shine to living in the lap of luxury at Lesley’s house. Roy’s cousin Ted is arrested by Mitch as a mobster. Ted is found dead in his jail cell although it may have been a planned hit, not a suicide. Bobbie fears Luke and Roy also will get hung. Jeff offers to testify that Anne will make a good mother for Jeremy. Anne later shuns Joe’s kisses. Susan taunts Mitch about knowing that he and Ted were once business associates. Laura searches for a part-time job to help Scott’s bill headaches.

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