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Friday, May 31, 2019

May 1979

by Nancy Reichardt:


All My Children

by Jon-Michael Reed

Frank learned from Caroline’s letter that he is Carl’s father.  Tara was skeptical of Phil’s Washington job offer.  Brooke gave Dan the cold shoulder and zeroed in on Mark.  Erica suddenly didn’t approve of Brooke’s intentions toward Mark.  Ellen told Mark it’s definitely over between them after she held a wedding reception for Devon and Wally.  Myrtle ordered Eddie and Lettie Jean to steer clear of Kelly who grew closer to Linc after visiting Kitty’s grave. Eddie badgered Kelly about getting to close to Linc, which set Phoebe’s interfering head spinning.  Langley was discouraged that Edna’s bank account isn’t as large as he’d hoped.  Phil, Tara, and Charlie (little Phil) made plans to move to Washington.  Erica campaigned against Brooke snaring Mark, although Tom ordered her to keep her nose out of it.  Frank promised a sleeping Nancy that he, she, and their son would soon be a family.  Ellen assured Wally that she’d help support his family.  Ruth and Joe talked about having another child. Tom fought with Erica when he learned she had tipped off Dan about Brooke and Mark.  Dan disappeared.  Kelly fell for Phoebe’s line that Kelly is not in Linc’s league, and she agreed to a weekend with Eddie.  Billy Clyde was released from jail and set out to win back Estelle.  Eddie convinced Langley that Phoebe’s bank account is healthier than Edna’s. Myrtle threatened Eddie not to get Kelly hooked on pills again.  Erica reminisced about Nick and his possible return.  Dan surfaced and Brooke confessed about Mark.  Ruth had a hard time telling Joe she’s pregnant, but he was ecstatic.  Before agreeing to undergo an emergency hernia operation, Billy Clyde made Estelle promise never to leave him.  Mark chewed out Erica, then told Brooke he had just used her and could never love her.  Carolyn left town and Frank.  Tom ordered Erica out of the restaurant, and she went behind his back to secure an agency bid for him to be a commercial spokesman, since she had arranged for herself to be part of the package.  Langley pumped Edna for information about Phoebe.  Benny and Betsy got better acquainted.  Everyone bid farewell to Phil and Tara, who moved to Washington.  Betsy’s roommate, Sybil Thorne, set her cap for Dr. Cliff Warner.  Chuck learned that Donna’s baby will be stillborn after she complained that it wasn’t kicking.  Erica and Tom reconciled after she promised to attend a marriage encounter group.  But she traded with Tom to do the commercial she’d already set up behind his back.  Wealthy Palmer Cortlandt and his daughter Nina arrived.  Langley gave Edna the cold shoulder and enticed Phoebe about checking into her genealogy.  Russ catered to a recovering Nancy, who learned that Frank and Caroline have called it quits.  Dan got juiced and tried to beat up Mark, who told Brooke to take a flying leap.

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One Life to Live 

by Jon-Michael Reed

Pat learned about Adam’s epilepsy, and he wants to call it quits with her.  Edwina warned Herb that Dorian is using him as a pawn, after he was voted onto the hospital board.  Danny was cool to Karen, who found a receptionist job.  Tina cried to Mario when Greg announced he was leaving town after Talbot was sentenced to life in prison.  A still-paralyzed Jack told Carla to get out of his life and return to Ed.  Adam couldn’t figure out who switched his medication for aspirin.  Samantha doubted her wedding plans.  Samantha ran out during her wedding ceremony to Tony, went to Dick’s, discovered his “shrine” to Pat, got konked on the head, and was later reported missing.  Karen got canned.  Brad didn’t approve of the “friendly” time Jenny spent with Peter.  Tina told Mario that he reminds her of Marco.  Edwina publicized Adam’s epilepsy, and Dorian was mucho sympatico.  Faith moved her belongings to Llanview.  Pat noticed that some of her possessions are missing, while Dick sublet a secret loft to hide Samantha.  Carla tore up Ed’s divorce papers and insisted she’ll end their marriage when she’s decided.  Samantha’s bloodied wedding dress was found.  Ina and Mario convinced Karen not to return to the streets.  Mario blackmailed the lecherous louse to give Karen severance pay.  Herb asked Ed to run for lieutenant governor to aid Herb’s governorship campaign.  Adam admitted that he has to cater to Dorian’s whims since she controls the money.  Hints were dropped that Faith isn’t perfectly healthy when Ivan insisted she not do volunteer work at the free clinic.  Dick’s “collection” was complete when Pat followed him to his secret loft, where he held her and Samantha captive.  Larry realized why Danny thinks Faith is Meredith reincarnated.  Ivan ordered Faith not to get involved with Larry or Danny.  Jenny showed signs of pregnancy problems.  Dick recaptured Pat after she made a futile escape.  Ed, Vinnie, and Paul tracked down the location of Dick’s loft, then rescued Pat and Samantha after Dick was shot.  Tina worried about Greg, who’s turned to drugs now that his father’s in jail and his mother ran off.  Mario warned Greg that if he wants to self-destruct, Mario won’t allow him to take Tina along with him.  Brad was so preoccupied with Sam’s predicament that Karen had to inform him that Jenny is having pregnancy complications.  Carla lectured Jack when he refused to use a wheelchair.  Ivan laid into Faith for meeting Larry and Danny.  Tina encouraged Karen not to give up hope about finding a job.

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General Hospital  

by  Jon-Michael Reed

Tracy swiped the sign out sheets from the hospital which proved to Alan that Rick and Monica had been together.  Alan walked out on Monica and later dated Susan.  Mitch approved of Tracy’s actions.  Les continued tending Spence’s boy, Matt, and Spence cast longing looks at her.  Anne wants to adopt Jeremy but so do Jeff and Heather.  Peter arranged further tests for Diana when she flipped after hearing a threatening call that Heather conned Larry Joe into taping.  Laura figured that Scotty has changed his mind about the impending marriage.  Bobbie worried that Luke’s involved with syndicate dealings. Rick accused Lesley of seeing too much of Spence and his sons.  Monica took a powder but Alan let everyone think she’s on vacation.  Thanks to Bobbie’s maneuverings, Laura thought Scotty had gotten back together with Bobbie and gave him back his engagement ring.  Rick lost a patient during surgery and Alan tried to discredit Rick to the board. Alan refused to believe Monica’s story about Rick.  Monica threatened to drag the Quartermaine name into the mud if Alan continued to persecute Rick at the hospital.  Susan rubbed it in that Mitch only sticks to Tracy for her money and political influence.  Tracy doesn’t care as long as she has her man on a leash.  Heather wants to adopt Jeremy because of his inheritance, but she plans to send him away once she drives Diana to the nuthouse and wins custody of P.J.  Bobbie refused Roy’s sexual advances, but he stole Laura’s engagement ring from Scotty so that Bobbie can wear it in front of Laura.  Alan decided to reconcile with Monica just as she and Rick finally spend a night together after she saved Rick from further depression.  Laura was hospitalized after a car crash.  She had found Bobbie with Scotty, but was unaware that Bobbie had slipped him a mickey. Lesley flew into Rick’s arms over Laura’s condition, but he and Monica remembered their vow to get together soon.  Bryan realized that Claudia had encouraged Laura to play cool while she and Scotty were split.  Luke laid into Bobbie about Scotty and warned that she shouldn’t toy with Roy, who is really stuck on her.  Gary was miffed that Gina wouldn’t go to New York on a book publicity trip because of her research.

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Edge of Night

by Jon-Michael Reed

Cliff presented as evidence a video tape that showed a back view of a girl unmistakably Winter approaching Wade’s body moments after he was shot.  Winter denied being the woman.  Elliot remodeled his new club with the help of Margo’s lackey, Antoine.  Deborah speculated that the robbery at Margo’s apartment was an inside job.  Upon examining closely the prosecutor’s tape, Mike spotted the fact that the girl was wearing a different color coat collar than witnesses had testified as seeing.  During his summation, Draper pointed out that the  incriminating tape had been “chroma-keyed” by Tank to make it appear Winter was the murderer.  Elliot told Antoine and Margo that he was going to run the club, like it or not.  It was disclosed to the audience that Winter was indeed Wade’s murderer and Tank had doctored the tape to fool the jury.  Tank tried to force Winter to leave town, but during a shootout with Deb and Steve, Winter pushed Tank to his death to keep her secret.  Everyone thinks Tank was Wade’s murderer.  Margo paid off a real estate agent to give April and Draper a “discount” house.  Calvin remembered that Elliot’s bartender, Mickey Dials, is the brother of a juvenile he once arrested.  Logan and Raven were married.  Winter went after Nicole, who accidentally discovered that Tank’s altered tape was dated the night of Wade’s murder.  Winter insisted to Nicole that it was misdated.  April and Elliot learned that Margo had secretly paid off the broker for April and Draper’s proposed new house.  Cliff looked forward to handing the Paige Madison case while Logan honeymooned. Winter failed to knock off Nicole with sleeping pills so she began sending her poison pen letters.  Margo introduced Owen Madison and his daughter Paige to Draper as potential clients.  Deborah nixed Steve’s marriage proposal because of her career.  Deborah turned Joey over to Mickey after Joey was arrested for rowdy behavior.  Calvin lamented that he can’t get to first base with Starr.

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