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Monday, April 30, 2018

April 1978


(by Jon-Michael Reed)

Erica nudged Brooke out of her job with Tom.  David warned Jeff to stay away from Edna when he learned she went to Jeff for medical advice about her illness.  Donna’s surgery is scheduled for next week.  Myrtle called Linc and swore she saw Kitty alive.  To avoid Ray’s custody threats, Ruth prepared to send Tad away.  Phil stormed out when Chuck and Tara met to discuss little Phil without big Phil’s approval.  Recently widowed Myrtle was considered off her rocker when she phoned to report that Kitty is alive in the form of singer Kelly Cole, whom Myrtle tried to track down.  Ray was found guilty and sentenced to 25 years.  Ellen ordered Danny not to toy with Devon after learning from Mark that Danny is two-timing Devon with Brooke.  Phoebe scared the daylights out of Donna by claiming that even if Donna’s surgery is an eventual success, Donna would have only deformed babies.  Estelle threatened to snitch to Charles that Phoebe’s not an invalid.  Chris accepted Jeff’s engagement ring but wouldn’t wear it.  Phil moved out after learning little Phil has been using the name Charlie with Chuck and Tara’s knowledge.  Ellen and Danny persuaded Devon to accept a date with a Yale-ie.  Tad, Ruth, and Nancy returned.  Edna collapsed (but recovered) at the beauty shop after David warned her to stay away from the hospital.  Phil considered moving into Claudette’s spare room, but he and Tara tentatively reconciled.  Brooke and Erica muscled each other in efforts to win Tom.  Myrtle finally met Kelly, who admitted being born in Pine Valley but didn’t know anyone named Kitty.  Kelly agreed to go there after she was fired from a singing engagement.  Benny interceded when Billy Clyde threatened to give Estelle the works for reading the Bible to an ill Maggie, when she should have been hustling.  Chris told Frank she’ll accept Jeff’s proposal as soon as he returns form a business trip.  David was halted by Dottie’s presence from finishing off Edna.  Phoebe told Charles she has regained feeling in her legs since he has been treating her.

(by Nancy Reichardt)

David freezes while performing an appendectomy after Chris tells him they are through because he slept with Edna. David continues to slowly poison Edna. When Chuck refuses Donna’s request that they move out of town, she forbids him to see Tara. Little Philip wants to be called Charlie. Ray informs Ruth that Tad’s mother is still alive. Edna had her net out for Tom, and so does Brooke. Caroline and Donna want to have children in order to hold their husband. Myrtle Lum calls Linc and says she has seen “Kitty”. Ann’s doctor tells Paul to give up hope for her recovery.

Sentenced to 25 years for raping Ruth, as well as assault, battery and theft, Ray Gardner threatens to get back at the Martins someday. Undergoing surgery to reverse her tubal ligation, Donna fears it will fail. Charles informs Phoebe that Ann will have to be institutionalizes permanently. Ellen confronts Dan about his seeing Brooke while claiming to be true to Devon. Frank is ecstatic when Caroline says she wants to have a baby right away. Phil is furious because Little Phil wants to be called Charlie. Estelle tells Phoebe to leave Donna alone, or she will reveal Phoebe can walk.

Chris accepted Jeff’s engagement ring but decides not to wear it for the time being. Tad is relieved his father Ray Gardner was sentenced to 25 years in prison for raping Ruth. Angry because he feels rejected by Little Phil and suspecting a fling between Tara and Chuck, Phil plans to move into Claudette’s spare bedroom but changes his mind and goes back to Tara. Dan and Ellen urge Devon to attend Yale weekend with her high school boy friend from St. Louis. Phoebe is crushed by the news that Ann will not recover from her emotional collapse.

David, stepping up dosages to poison Edna, accidentally takes a lethal potion himself. Chris is implicated in David’s death. Tara’s upset when an intimate evening with Philip is ruined by an emergency police call. Donna is discharged from the hospital. Nancy confides to Donna that she can’t let Frank know she’s expecting his baby. Myrtle realizes Kitty is dead and tells an enraged Kelly, Kitty’s look-a-like, that she’s not her mother.

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General Hospital

(by Jon-Michael Reed)

Laura pleaded with Mrs. Grant not to tell Lesley about Laura’s affair with David.  Heather was on pins and needles when P.J. contracted an infection and was rushed to emergency.  Katy consulted Howard about her divorce from Lamont.  Alan was jealous when Monica courted David to find out his reason for framing her.  Alan dated Dorrie. Heather consulted Peter professionally.  Gina and Gary returned from their honeymoon.  Lamont pitched another job offer to Gary.  P.J. recovered.  Lamont asked Lee to represent him in a divorce action.  He has proof that Katy was unfaithful with Mark.  Depressed about Diana’s obsession of tending P.J., Peter showed a mild interest in Susan and vice versa.  Monica resolved to put Gail and her past behind her.  Alan gave Monica an engagement ring. Hauser company representatives learned that all the land they need for their complex has been purchased secretly.  Monica suspected David.  Lamont failed to win points by telling Katy that Dorrie spent evenings with Mark.  Katy believed Mark when he insisted it was only loving friendship.  Laura suspected that David is making time with Monica, but he said it was just business.  Gary didn’t receive a staff appointment at the hospital and reconsidered Lamont’s offer.

(by Nancy Reichardt)

David takes Laura to bed. P.J. is seriously ill with pneumonia. Lamont agrees to give Katie a divorce. Bobbie moves in with Jessie. Wanting to make trouble for Mark, Lamont deposits large amounts of cash in Mark’s bank account. Katie moves out of the hospital suite. Lamont’s lawyer realizes Katie is involved with stock manipulation.

Lee refuses to be Lamont’s divorce lawyer. David is saving Laura’s passionate poetry to show it to Lesley. P.J.’s condition improves. Susan plans to reside in Port Charles and is interested in Lee. Bobbie warns Scotty to cool his negative feelings about David. Lesley is plagued by nightmares of the time David tried to attack her. Jeff insists Heather see Peter professionally.

After Monica realizes she and Gail cannot be friends, she agrees to marry Alan. Lee is upset when Gail calls him Greg – her husband’s name – during an embrace. Susan gets a hostess job at the Floating Rib Restaurant near the hospital. Concerned about P.J., Diana moves out of Peter’s bedroom and in with the baby. Although Heather wants to halt sessions with Peter, Jeff insists she continue. David is pumping Laura for information about the Hauser expansion.

Lamont tells Mark this isn’t the first time Katie wanted to leave him for another man. When Lamont threatens to ruin Mark’s career, Katie heads for Boston. Laura’s cool to Rick’s suggestion that he adopt her. Fearing that Gail is lost to him, Lee, a former AA member, returns to drinking and disappears. When Diana is unable to meet Peter’s needs, he seeks solace with Susan at the Floating Rib Restaurant.

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Edge of Night

(by Jon-Michael Reed)

Kevin blew the whistle on the crime commission members, and was fired.  Denise spied on Nicole. Timmy saw her briefly but had visions that she was his dead mother.  April and Draper were married. Raven announced to Geraldine that she’s pregnant.  Geraldine arranged for Raven to go to New York for an abortion after informing Raven she can’t be pregnant by Kevin because he’s sterile.  Denise had a spy take photos of Nicole and Ben, which Denise then sent to Miles.  Chip hit Winter when she accepted a date with Logan.  Kevin was asked to run for a state political office.  Denise was hospitalized while Carol learned of Denise’s murder of Charlie.  Miles and Nancy learned that Denise had been spying on Nicole.  Denise concocted a terminal illness in order to win back Miles. Geraldine and Raven made plans to go to New York for Raven’s abortion.  Logan followed Raven on her New York abortion trip after she tipped him off that it’s his child.  Miles fell for the fake record on Denise’s health supplied by her accomplice father, Gus.  Winter realized Logan and Raven were an item, but that didn’t stop her from dating Logan.

(by Nancy Reichardt)

Logan recovers from stab wounds inflicted by Chip. After calling fellow members of the crime commission dishonest, Kevin is fired and Raven is fuming. Draper and April wed. Raven tells Geraldine she is pregnant. Timmy fears he is losing his mind like his mother did when he sees a ghost.

After Geraldine tells Raven that Kevin is sterile, Raven seeks an abortion in New York. Denise hatches her plan to keep Miles no matter what. Continuing to snoop about the Karr home for evidence about Nicole, Denise frightens Timmy, who thinks he has seen his mother. Geraldine is wary over Tony’s negative feelings about the police. Nancy becomes a crime reporter at the newspaper.

Police indicate Denise is involved in Charlie Richmond’s death. Hoping to keep Miles, Denise – with her father’s help – claims she has a terminal illness. Raven and Geraldine prepare to head for a New York abortion clinic. Raney warns Chip to stay out of Tony Saxon’s business.

Miles plans to leave Monticello to be at the side of his “dying” wife Denise. Denise, fearing that nurse Carol Barclay knows too much, plots to get her fired by making it look as though Carol neglected a patient. Deciding against an abortion, Raven goes to Europe.


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