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Saturday, December 9, 2017

All My Children 1973

Nick Davis was shocked when Kitty Shea became pregnant. If he really wasn't sterile, as he'd believed, he'd given up Ann and their marriage for nothing. By now, Ann was married to Paul Martin. When Nick heard about Ann's pregnancy and miscarriage, he ran to her. Realizing he'd been a fool, he confessed his love and the real reason he'd pressured her to divorce him.
Ann was angry at Nick for his lack of trust in her. But she loved him. And when they began seeing each other behind Paul's back, Ann knew she couldn't stay married to Paul any longer. Kitty saw she was losing Nick and she became desperate. She told Ann that she was carrying Nick's baby. Ann went to Nick and insisted that he had to marry Kitty. It was the only right thing to do, especially for their baby.

With Ann leaving him no choice, Nick married Kitty. Shortly after the wedding, Kitty lost the baby, and Nick would have ended their sham of a marriage immediately if not for Kitty's deep depression. Nick stood by her while he watched Ann, the woman he loved, try to make a go of her own marriage to Paul.

Erica became pregnant and headed for an abortion clinic -- without ever telling her husband Jeff. Throughout his troubled marriage with Erica, Mary Kennicott stood by Jeff, silently supporting him. Jeff learned of Erica's deception and forgave her.

Pine Valley rejoiced to learn that Phil Brent was coming home! Tara was rocked by Phillip's return "from the dead." She was Chuck's wife, and as far as the world knew, Chuck was Little Phillip's father -- and a good one. Tara truly loved Chuck. But Phillip was her first love, and in her heart, she knew he was the love of her life. Chuck, delighted as he was over Phil's miraculous return from the dead, was scared. He loved Tara and their son. He prayed that Phil's return didn't destroy his happy home! Feeling great guilt, Ruth decided not to tell her son that he was Little Phillip's father.

As Kitty's mental health improved, she agreed to a divorce. Nick immediately turned to Ann, he loved her so. But Ann, who had grown to love her husband Paul, didn't know what to do. She loved them both. When Ann agreed to meet Nick in New York City, Nick was certain that he was her choice. But Ann chose Paul, and Nick was crushed. Driving Ann back to Pine Valley in a blinding snowstorm Nick was quiet, sullen, thinking more about Ann than the icy road. The car crashed. Ann was critically injured. Upon her recovery, Ann disappeared from Pine Valley.
The more Erica saw of Jason Maxwell in New York City, the less interested she was in being married to Jeff. After months of arguing with Erica over both Jason and her career, Jeff had stopped caring. He had grown even closer to Mary while the two of them doctored and nursed a little boy who had been hospitalized after his parents had abandoned him. Ten-year-old Tad Gardner charmed everyone at Pine Valley Hospital, and no one could believe that his father had pushed him out the car and driven off. As Tad cried out for his mother and his little sister, Jenny, Mary and Jeff took him into their hearts.

Erica asked Jeff for a divorce and became more involved with Jason. Erica's fellow model, Margo Flax, tried to warn her that Jason Maxwell was only toying with her. But Erica knew better and pursued him eagerly. And just to make it even more interesting, she led Jason to believe that her husband Jeff was very jealous of him.

Jason traveled to Pine Valley to set the whole thing straight. From his room at the Valley Inn, he phoned Jeff to come over. Since he'd already agreed to give Erica a divorce, Jeff wondered why in the world Jason Maxwell wanted to see him. He arrived at Jason's door and knocked, no answer. Testing the doorknob, Jeff found the door unlocked. He walked in, there was Jason Maxwell...dead. Jeff was arrested for murder.

For 1974, click here:

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