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Thursday, August 31, 2017

August 1976

Ryan's Hope

Dee ran away with Little John to get Frank and the Ryans to forgive her. Roger had it out with Bob and Frank. Mary and Jack's honeymoon ended when Mary found out about the family trouble; Jack was peeved. Jill and Seneca grew closer as their weekend together continued. Seneca and Jill spent the night together. Delia threatened to jump from a 10th story ledge. Pat rescued her. She's under psychiatric observation. Martha McGee threatened to publish the story. Jack squelched it. Frank's adamant about divorcing Dee. Dee tried to convince Frank that she's through with Roger. Seneca admitted his longing for Jill. Frank turned to Jill, but she turned him out for the sake of his political career. Johnny and Maeve decided to take care of Dee and little John. Jill told Seneca that she'd always love Frank. Seneca said he wouldn't let her go. Frank's campaign manager uncovered Dee's scandal. Dee insisted she'd never divorce Frank willingly, then secretly met Roger. Roger supplied reporter Martha with slander about Frank. Mary refused to help Dee. Maeve pleaded with Frank to stick with Dee for the baby's sake; he turned to Jill.

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All My Children

Chuck recuperated from his beating. Tara found out, blamed herself, and returned home. Linc admitted to Kitty he thought Mama Carpenter was a fake. Joe interrupted a chat between David and Ruth, then accused Ruth of using his office as a lovers'meeting place. Anne led Linc to Kate, who knew Mrs. Carpenter twenty years ago. Ty beat Donna when he discovered her phoning Chuck. Frank agreed to return to Center City with Chuck. Ruth told Tad she still loves Joe. Ty forced Estelle to tell Chuck that Donna moved to New York. Phil accused Tara of returning home for Chuck's sake. Mrs. Carpenter hired eccentric Nigel Fargate to post as her physician, Dr. Jones. Erica made a grand play for Chuck; but he's wise to her. Nick got hot and heavy with Erica, then brushed her off. Linc sent airplane tickets to Mrs, Carpenter, her bogus doctor, and Kitty. Anne grew despondent about her failing health. Nancy's jealous of Caroline and furious with Frank. Ruth agreed to marry David, but asked to keep the engagement secret. Kitty made her choice: Mama rather than Linc. Donna ran away from Ty and arrived at Phoebe's. Anne's illness was diagnosed as psychosomatic. Brooke turned from Benny to Danny.

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One Life to Live

Cathy turned the tables on Pat by accusing her of trying to get Tony back. Dorian deliberately let it slip that Joe has a hereditary heart condition. He lashed out at Viki for not telling him then agreed to forgive her for the baby's sake. Karen's making eyes at Larry, who argued with Dorian about giving the job to Peter. Wife Naomi and son Brad joined Will Vernon in Llanview . Brad immediately took a liking to Jenny. Karen made a play for Larry. Cathy went nuts when she learned Jim had kept the truth about Megan from her. Karen consoled Larry about Peter getting the job. Malt was assigned to work with Pat. Cathy broke down in Joe's arms. Dorian walked in on them and went straight to Tony with the news. Vinnie rushed Viki to the hospital where they learned the baby's life is in danger. Cathy admitted that would be just dandy. Jenny became Naomi's private nurse, and Karen is waitressing at Tony's Place. Carla pleaded with Cathy to forgive Jim. Viki was sent home and Dorian gifted the Riley's with a new housekeeper. Larry and Karen celebrated; he's going into private practice. Cathy told Tony she was pregnant. She broke off sessions with Will and lied about it to Tony.

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General Hospital 

Audrey discovered Steve unconscious, at the bottom of a stairway. Mr. Waverly's story convinced Lesley. She accused Cam of treating her as a possession. Peter and Diana's reunion ended when he and Lesley were called on an emergency. Diana plotted with Cam. Monica grew jealous of Rick and Jeff's reconciliation. Steve told Audrey they had no future since he is paralyzed. Terri was attacked by a rapist but was saved by Rick. Peter had it out with Cam. New girl Heather Grant is taking care of Diana's child. Cam forced himself on Lesley. Lesley found a cancelled §25,000 check made out to Barbara Vining and confronted Cam. He abducted her to their mountain cabin but on the way the car crashed; Cam's dead. Dr. Mark Dante arrived to treat Steve. Terri's would-be rapist, Dr. Pierson, plotted to discredit the Webbers. Dante convinced Steve to go under the knife. Monica was livid to find Rick consoling Lesley. Terri grew closer to Dante and learned about his mentally ill wife. Peter was against Diana's plan to have Heather move in. Audrey fretted that Steve's operation wasn't successful; he can't move his toes. Steve offered Mark the chief of neurosurgery position, but Mark confessed he has a manslaughter charge in his past. Diana confessed to Peter her part in Cam's plot. Rick scolded Monica about her attempts to manipulate Lesley.

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Edge of Night

Brandy admitted the button Nancy found in Nicole's room was hers but she was 50 miles away at the time of Nicole's "accident." Geraldine offered to set Clay up in business, then was shattered to learn from Adam that Clay is a phony doctor. Clearing a mystery: Tiffany was wearing Nicole's raincoat that day she was "mistakenly" murdered. Nicole took truth serum, but 40 days are still unexplained. Clay showed up during the session, but Adam kicked him out. Adam's theory about Tiffany's death was accepted by Marceau and Brandy is in the clear. Brandy found Raven and Draper in a clinch. Adam hired a bodyguard for Nicole. Quentin discovered Clay ransacking his office; Clay murdered him! The police found no clues. Kevin was helping Marceau expose hood Anthony Saxon when he was kidnapped by the hood's henchmen. Bodyguard Steve saved Nicole but was knocked unconscious by Van. Kevin was released by Saxon. NeeIy got Phoebe to stop feeling sorry for herself. Brandy secluded herself and refused to work. Abby and Johnny identified Van. Adam confronted him and was shot; he's on the critical list. Clay played on Geraldine's sympathy. Nancy's in a funk over her job. Saxon acquired Mike's investigation report

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