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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 1978

by Nancy Reichardt


All My Children

by Jon-Michael Reed

David learned of Chris’ engagement to Jeff, was suspended from surgery, and popped lethal pills in Edna’s wine.  After Dottie unwittingly switched glasses, David drank the dose himself and died in Chris’ arms.  Billy insisted he was serious when he proposed marriage to Estelle, who grew closer to Benny.  Kelly agreed to stay while Linc and Myrtle searched for her parental records after they figured she had to be Kitty’s twin sister.  Mark drowned his sorrows in booze after learning Paul made strides with Ellen.  Benny admitted his love for Estelle to Donna, who was released from the hospital.  Brooke failed to snatch Tom away from Erica, while Danny crammed for exams.  Chris was implicated in David’s death when drugs were found missing from the hospital, even though he had made a deathbed confession to her.  Edna accused Chris of David’s murder, and Lt. Tolliver arrested Chris.  Phoebe discovered Brooke and Dan in the pool house and ordered Brooke to pack.  But Brooke blackmailed Phoebe into allowing her to stay, or she’d blow the whistle to Charles that Phoebe’s not paralyzed.  Erica demurred taking a guiding tour of Tom’s bedroom. Kelly nixed Eddie’s phone offer to return to Chicago in favor of staying with Myrtle and Linc. Chuck fantasized that Tara loves him.  Devon returned from her Yale date more in love with Dan than ever. Linc pressured Claudette into giving Kelly a singing job.  Kelly’s manager, Eddie, arrived and searched for her.  Ellen assured Mark that Paul is only a friend, while Phoebe accused Paul of abandoning Ann in favor of Ellen.  Danny broke up with Brooke because she interferes with his studies.  Erica arranged for one room for a steamy weekend with Tom.  Jeff found medical evidence that would clear Chris in David’s death. Nancy hasn’t yet given birth.  Jeff learned from Dottie about David’s switched glasses and found the digitalis that would clear Chris.  Phoebe offered to steer Claudette to Linc if Claudette fires Kelly.  Ellen nixed Mark’s marriage proposal.  Billy Clyde promises that Estelle could leave his prostitution stable if she agreed to marry him.  Edna moved into Chuck and Donna’s apartment building.  Phil was peeved that Little Phil idolized Chuck, which drew Tara and Chuck together.

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General Hospital 

by Jon-Michael Reed

Susan took advantage of Peter’s loneliness when Diana refused to stop catering to P.J.  Laura used Daren to cover her tracks with David.  Katy went to Boston after Lamont threatened to ruin Mark’s career.  Lee hit the bottle because of Gail’s rebuffs and took a powder.  Heather and Jeff planned a weekend and Steve kept his objections quiet. Katy decided to return to Lamont to save Mark’s career, and the Corbins made plans to leave town.  Rick was suspicious when he and Lesley learned that Laura lied about dating Darren and was seeing other boys.  Dan Rooney courted Jessie.  Lee buried himself in a bottle, and everyone fretted about his condition.  David was panicked, thinking his backers will do him in if the land deal doesn’t go through.  Kate ordered David to settle with the Hauser men.  Monica spotted David closing the deal and squealed to Rick.  Peter stepped in when Susan’s former paramour, Dr. Lyle Abbott, arrived and made a pass at her.  Katy failed to respond to Lamont’s advances.  Then he was rushed back to the hospital after symptoms of his condition recurred.  Heather turned down Jeff’s marriage proposal.  Jessie had another dizzy spell.  David arranged to show Laura’s love letters to Rick.  David’s schemes were uncovered.  Laura went bananas and struck David when he told her he’d been lying all along.  Then, Lesley found David’s body and took the rap, claiming it was self-defense because he had tried to rape her.  Heather gave in and married Jeff.  Scotty tried to convince Lee to attend AA meetings.  Mark asked for a leave of absence to go to Boston.  Lesley was released on her own recognizance.  The police found Lesley’s confession to David’s murder inconsistent with the physical evidence.  Laura can’t remember the murder details and Les ordered her to forget she was even there.  To relieve Lamont’s state of relapse, Katy assured him she’d remain his wife.  Scotty convinced Gail to lend a helping hand to alcoholic Lee.  Mark discovered that Dan had made the secret deposits to Mark’s account.

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Edge of Night

by Jon-Michael Reed

Raven panicked and wanted to leave for Europe when she learned it’s too late for an abortion. Geraldine insisted she come clean to Kevin.  Denise convinced Miles to spend his last days with her.  He resigned from David’s clinic as did Tree because David is marrying an old girlfriend.  Raney was jealous that Deborah, who was graduated, accepted a date for the policeman’s ball with Steve. Mike decided to return to the crime commission.  Kevin learned by accident that Raven is pregnant and he moved out.  Denise framed Carol and had her fired after disconnecting oxygen from a patient and blaming it on Carol.  Miles hired Tree as Denise’s nurse.  Logan courted Winter.  Raney put the bug in Chip’s ear that the Saxon Organization needs to get Mike off its back.  April learned that she is pregnant, then was devastated when Raven claimed that she also is carrying a child fathered by Draper.  Ben kept Nicole company while Miles returned to Denise.  Logan offered to marry Raven if she would divorce Kevin, but she declined.  Kevin went on a drunken binge.  A masked man threw acid and blinded Mike.  Carol succumbed to Denise’s lies and quit her job.  Steve offered to be assigned to the same beat as Deborah.  Miles promised Denise he wouldn’t see Nicole.  Raven and Kevin reconciled to save his political career.  Tony was suspected of being behind Mike’s blinding.  Deborah insisted on proving his innocence and didn’t want to be assigned to Steve.  April had pregnancy problems, but kept mum about Raven’s story about Draper.  Tree suspected that Denise isn’t critically ill.

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General Hospital

Edge of Night

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