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Monday, May 18, 2015

May 1980

Ryan's Hope

Jack bugged Joe's office for information on Tizo's drug dealing. Barry came on to Dee and invited her to Boston. Rae and Seneca disapproved of Kim dating Michael, since he works for Tizo. Barry lined up Otto Preminger, Van Johnson and Betsy Palmer for Dee's restaurant opening. Siobhan was suspicious of Joe’s every move. Joe and Tizo got violent about Joe’s desire to get out of the mob.

Dee threatened to sue after drunken Faith prescribed the wrong medication for an ailing Little John. Kim continued to use Michael to make Seneca jealous. Frank and Jill argued over Jill’s work priorities. Dee introduced Rae to everyone as Roger's lover at the successful opening of the Crystal Palace. Jack shot Tizo in an argument.

Jack was wounded before he broke Tizo's neck. Siobhan refused to run off with Joe, who split after swearing he wasn't involved in Mary's murder. Siobhan retaliated that his drug business was the cause. Barry convinced Dee not to sue Faith. Frank talked Faith out of resigning since little John is mending. Joe was reported murdered. Kim lied to Michael that Seneca had led her down the garden path.

Jill was swept away by the attentions of Barry's singing client, Ken George Jones. Frank convinced Faith to seek AA help. Kim entertained Michael while Rae was away. Dee was afraid the Ryans would learn about her business deal with Tizo but he had deeded the Crystal Palace in her name. Jack and Siobhan were placed in protective custody.

All My Children

Ellen warned Devon to drop her affair with Sean before Wally found out. Ann was hurt that Ellen wouldn't be her friend. Palmer became concerned when Nina had vision problems. Phoebe blabbed to Benny that she'd seen Edna kissing Hank. Her movie career down the tubes, Erica returned to Pine Valley to find Brooke in Tom's embrace. Anne offered to stay in the background while Paul campaigns for public office. Kelly was refused a job at the Chateau. Russ boasted to Nancy that he is succeeding in taking Carl’s affections away from Frank.

Daisy accepted an invitation to attend Brooke’s engagement party for Nina after learning Palmer would be out of town. Erica tried to convince Tom to hire her as his restaurant hostess. Langley agreed to sign Phoebe's premarital agreement after learning he'd get a sizable inheritance should she die. Benny walked out on Edna who insisted she loved him. Betsy took Frank home from the hospital and arranged for Nancy to bring Carol to visit Frank. Sean made a date with Sybil while Devon reluctantly left on a belated honeymoon with Wally. Tom assured Brooke he wouldn't reconcile with Erica.

Devon had pregnancy symptoms and told Sean he's the father. Estelle hit the skids in Center City and has a viral infection. Edna failed to woo Benny back. Ann finally suspected that Paul was intimate with Ellen while Ann was institutionalized. Monique told Nina she can't meet Palmer since he'd once kicked her and her former husband out because of a business mess. Tom told Erica she could have her old job but he's continuing with divorce action. Donna and Chuck moved into their new home. Tom blew up at Sean for using Devon to get a job at Harlan's bank. Daisy cried when Cliff thanked her for filling a void in Nina's life.

Edna called Hank to her side after Benny rushed to hold Estelle's hand in the hospital. Charlie was jealous that Tad is goo-goo eyed over Suzanne. Erica tried every trick in the book to win back Tom. Myrtle remembered that Langley is a con-man who once tried to steal her purse in her carnival days. Nancy was upset that Betsy visits Frank in Carl's presence. Monique (Daisy) skipped out on Nina's party when she was almost spotted by Phoebe. Chuck and Donna consider adoption. Benny had forgiven Edna's first transgression with Hank, but he mooned over Estelle and called Chuck to doctor her.

One Life to Live

Tom stole Viki's purse and keys, searched her office, took a small photo of Tina and later was spotted by Tina as he lurked about Viki's house. Becky put off telling Richard that she was pregnant, fearing he'd nix her Nashville gig. Asa was upset to learn that Mimi has been seeing Will professionally and rushed to tell Will that his relationship with Sam is purely business. Bo tried to buy Bruce’s airline company to impress Pat. Mario warned Peter that Katrina would probably take Mary away from Jenny if she knew the truth. Dorian offered Melinda’s doctor a large ‘donation” to testify that Melinda is mentally incompetent.

Mario unsuccessfully tried to keep Peter from learning that Katrina had returned from her vacation. Tom stole Tina's diary and a letter from her mother after letting himself in Viki’s house. Tina noticed the missing items. Asa and Bo laid aside their feuding in an attempt to get to know each other better. Mario tried to get Pat to start seeing Bo again. Mick caught Tina and her boyfriend, Hal swimming at the health club late at night. Will sent to get Brad who was beat up before he was released from prison.
Brad was hospitalized with injuries suffered in the prison shower before he was released. Asa joined Samantha's vigil over Brad, who's on the mend. Jenny couldn't force herself to help Brad by admitting love. Tom returned Tina's diary, but not before she accused Becky of stealing it. Viki nixed further dates with her lawyer, Doug, then got a call from Tom saying he has news concerning Tina's past. Dorian didn't get custody of Melinda, who's not well enough to go through a divorce. Karen taunted Peter that he'd ruin many lives if he told Jenny the truth about Mary. Mick fumed at Samantha's dependence on Will and Brad.

Tom told Viki that he is Ted Clayton, Tina's father. Tina got Mick to her bed, but he wants no more to do with her. Pat visited Bo's Texas ranch. Karen and Ed grew closer after she was released from the hospital. Dorian learned about Ted, while Richard had Ed check out Ted's past. Johnny admitted he's hung up on Becky but won't go further since she's pregnant. Peter spotted Jenny praying for Brad, who survived another medical emergency. Tina turned her seductive attentions toward Johnny. Karen and Pat decided to put aside their past differences.

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